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Posts posted by KingTaro

  1. Even if you're not into melee, the Naramon is still amazing.


    Since the melee doesn't matter to you, pick up Tekko, the melee weapon with the highest crit chance (at 30%).

    Equip the True steel mod to increase the crit chance to 48%.

    Max Shadow Step and Deadly Intent.


    Now, you'll be able to go invisible for 10 sec each time you just tap the enemy one or two times.

    Note that the invisibility doesn't get cancelled out by nullifiers or other power cancelling enemies, not to mention you don't need any energy to go invisible.

  2. I had no idea they made excavations this easy up until now.


    Due to massive lag overload (and by massive I mean 5 sec for doors to open and 10 sec to pick up the chargers) we lost several excavations. To my surprise, the mission didn't end in a fail after more than 3 excavations got destroyed. Never knew this got changed.


    The host was dying a lot, so I kind of pitied him and wanted to help him get through it.

    Still, don't think I'll stay in such a laggy mission ever again.

  3. The actual look of the Kubrows during the missions is too random.

    A pure white Kubrow can be black in one mission, brown in the other, dark blue on snow tiles, etc...


    I think DE should reduce how much impact the environment has on the Kubrow fur. It's a bit on the extreme at the moment.

  4. All factions are interesting, so it's not like I hate one.

    However, I do have favorites and at the moment, it's: 


    1. Corpus

    2. Infested

    3. Grineer

    4. Corrupted

    5. Sentients - so far I like them, but not enough content to put them above the others.


    Due to the armor, Grineer and some Corrupted units become simple bullet sponges after lvl 80.

    Corpus (and Infested), on the other hand, have more going on for them. There is certain synergy that makes them interesting.

  5. Well good this thing is finally fixed an exploit to enemy spawning.


    Please don't make me laugh the only players who don't like this change are the ones who exploit the enemy spawns for exp, and focus points, other than that I don't understand how enemy not despawning behind is a bad thing? killing enemies isn't even that hard in the star chart to begin with if you had at least decent gear 

    The issue is that you run back and forth without any action going on.

    Turning missions into a marathon simulator is not how I'd have approached it.

  6. they aren't spawning behind you, they just aren't despawning behind you.

    I can confirm that they do indeed spawn behind.

    As I was going back to kill that one enemy, the moment I killed him, I saw another just pop up around 5 meters from me, within my field of view.


    Also, I'm running with Enemy Sense + Animal Instinct (48m enemy radar). And as someone who plays with his eyes 70-80% of the time on the radar, I see them spawn out of nowhere all the time.

  7. Most of the stances that were released with Melee 2.0 update need an overhaul.


    Even the "top" stances were lackluster.

    Crimson Dervish simply had a damage multiplier and nothing more.

    With Staff and Polearms, you were (and still are) better off using

    , instead of the combo's.
    In my opinion, Brutal Tide was the only successful stance back then.


    A lot of them were just "flashy" moves without much thought put into them (or only theoretical thought put into them).

    It was to be expected knowing how many melee categories there were. Not to mention with Melee 2.0 just being released, it may have been difficult to guess what would and wouldn't work.


    But notice that some of the new, popular stances (eg: Tempo Royale) have that touch from Brutal Tide.

    Very mobile (allowing you to dodge most of the incoming damage) and devastating multi-hits.

  8. When I read the title, I was expecting the content to include: "There's a heavy unit approaching"


    Anyway, here are some of the options that you may want to turn off, since they can drop the FPS by quite a bit on some machines:


    - Anti-aliasing

    - Motion Blur

    - Ambient Occlusion

    - Depth of Field

  9. I'm approaching 500k kills with Orthos Prime (might be over already).

    So wouldn't mind having a badges / sigils for weapon categories as well.


    Categories could be Frame, Companion, Primary, Secondary, Melee.

    Or even subcategories, such as Snipers, Shotguns, Rifles, Explosives, Heavy Melees, Daggers, Single Sword, etc...

  10. I speed run Ludi (Ceres) with Loki and Orthos Prime (both have Greater lenses).

    Usually around 5 min for 15k. Used to clear the mission in 2-3 min, but with the recent hotfix, the spawn got all messed up and sometimes, you have to run back all the way to the starting point to kill that one guy. (hope they fix it soon)




    This was before today's hotfix.

    From what I read in the patch notes, it seems like it will be a little bit easier now to maintain the stealth multiplier.

  11. You can only maintain the stealth exp multiplier if you kill the enemies, close to each other, in one swoop.

    At the moment, I find this to be easily achievable with long ranged melee weapons, such as Orthos Prime, Atterax,...


    Perhaps explosive weapons could achieve the same result, as long as you use the Hush mods or Loki's Augment for invisibility.


    Another strategy that may work (haven't tested it yet) is to use Ash together with a frame that can nuke everyone in a split second (maybe Excal with enough power strength for his 3rd). Since Ash has an augment to smokescreen his allies.



    Anyway, I don't think this would be an easy task for a Bow or any other single target weapons.

  12. In general, I really enjoy sorties. It's the most enjoyable activity for me in Warframe, at the moment.


    My favorite so far were survival missions. (Especially Corpus).

    And least favorite would probably be defense missions. Never been a fan of staying at one spot.

  13. sorry, I don't see anything. what was changed?

    From what I understand, the enemies now get alerted if they see you killing their allies.

    This means that it's a lot more difficult to maintain the 500% stealth exp multiplier.


    But I didn't notice any drastic drop in Focus gain, to be honest. (as shown above).



    As a test, I did another run (there were less enemies this time).



  14. A tip I can give you involves the new content, so I'll put it under the spoiler.

    Go for the Naramon Focus if you're into melee playstyle.

    Invisibility on top of Iron Skin is pretty crazy.


    As for the build:

    Steel Charge as Aura

    Vitality + Steel Fiber: you'll need this to prevent one-shot when facing lvl 100+ enemies.

    Fleeting Expertise (at rank 4) and Streamline (at rank 4) for max efficiency, allowing you to spam stomp if needed.

    Stretch: makes a huge difference for Stomp.

    Primed Continuity (or Continuity + Constitution) to compensate for Fleeting Expertise, so you can still have at least 30 sec of Roar.

    Intensify: extra boost for all skills

    Enemy Sense: my choice for the Exilus slot. (for a melee playstyle, this makes a huge difference once you learn to play looking at the radar almost exclusively, because unlike with weapons, you don't need to aim, you just need to swing in the direction of the red dots).


    I've a bit of a strange playstyle (fast-slides), but here is how it generally goes:

    Orthos Prime fast-slide VS 20 Manics [LVL 100]


    At +365% range, you should be able to hit an ancient farther than I've demonstrated above.

    Tested it and it does hit farther:





    But not as far as Orthos Prime, from what I noticed. (look at the Ancient at the right)




    Primal Fury being an ultimate and all, I was expecting some drastic range differences.




    To clarify, I'm using maxed Primed Reach in both gifs.

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