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Posts posted by (PSN)chris1pat8twins

  1. 2 hours ago, X_Bo said:

    yeah some sort of attack would be cool but i don't think it should be limited to one type of weapon. 

    another augment for it could be something involving wall running and mobility like how the frames automatically deal with rails and what not just making gauss parkour in his own style while using rush. it could make him run straight up walls and wall run while mach rushing really increasing higher levels of movement play but possibly supplying a lower cost to mach rush at the same time.

    I’m not talking about just some attack. Don’t know about you so I can’t judge but I know that there are 2 types of running. There’s running with a bit of speed in your step and then there’s running with power.

    Soccer and a wide receiver in football would be a decent example of the former. Both require running but with short rapid foot steps. Which can allow you to stop almost instantly and take sharp turns. 

    While football itself would be a pure example of the latter. When you typically try to tackle someone you run with a lot more power in your steps. One is to clearly catch up to the man with the ball. The second is to tackle with guy being unable to resist. 

    I have ran both ways. Trying to dodge people in both football and even basketball I learned how to run. Really quick and be able to dodge/stop. On guy called me the Road Runner one time. While I’ve also ran with a lot of power in my steps, giving it all I got. Mainly cause I’m football I’ve had to deal with guys much larger than me and they would play very rough. So I ran with everything I had trying to put all my power into my legs and a little into my upper body so that I can run anybody over. 

    The point I’m making is that when you run with a lot of momentum, your ability to make turns are greatly reduced. While running with more rapid and even shorter steps can allow you to turn more sharply but you may not win a race against a bull. There’s running a long track and then there’s an obstacle course.

    Volt speed is meant to increase movement period and allow for faster parkour. While Mach Rush is design to build up momentum and knock everything out your way. So the 2 abilities are not the same at all.

    So the reason I said dual melees, is cause while running at your upmost speed/momentum, it is hard to swing. Which is most guys just raise their arms up and close line others. So with dual melees, Gauss could just raise his arms and hit all enemies with a single motionless swing from BOTH sides of himself. While a single blade can only hit one side. So basically a 50% chance of hitting enemies. 

    All that running up walls and such defeats the purpose that is a power running ability. IT IS NOT VOLT SPEED. So you literally can NOT run up walls. The momentum would not allow it and Gauss is not the Flash. Or Sonic The Hedgehog. 

    Now maybe if Mach Rush was perform while in the air and you’re near a wall, I could see Gauss being able to RUSH across the walls. I’ve done that many times in real life. Running across the walls was my only way to turn due to all the momentum. So maybe if Gauss ran into a wall in a certain angle I could see that allowing him to run up and across the walls. 

    But as of right now, most people are wanting Gauss to be a superior volt. When I’m more focused on him being a DIFFERENT kind of SPEED BASED frame while volt is electricity. 

    Running at such a high momentum makes it very difficult to jump too. Which is why there is ZERO complaints from me. I’ve only played with him for 30 minutes and I’ve already mastered how to run with him and destroy a lot of enemies. Took out a thumper in the Plains super quick. No pun intended. 

    Plus running into walls makes him a more little fun to use. I’ll always use Volt when dealing with a lot of obstacles. But Gauss is the man for the Plains. 👍🏻

  2. I know, I know, he just came out, at least to consoles, so obviously augment mods aren’t coming to him any time soon. But one thing I would like if I could do more with Mach Rush. Trying to use his other abilities in sync with his first is pretty hard to do. But none the less I enjoy running around.

    The only idea/s I have for Mach Rush is the ability to wield dual melees that deal damage to all enemies that Gauss runs into at Mach speed. It would be like he is hit them one time each with the melees and if you learn to stop and go you can perform quick slashes. 

    An alternative would be like creating miniature explosive on each enemy hit. 

    Another would be the longer Gauss rushes before hitting a wall, the wider the radius and more damaging the explosive becomes. Maybe that could be added to his Mach Rush whenever  Redline is active? 🤷🏻‍♂️

    But being able to equip some sort of dual melee to perform quick attacks when Mach Rushing enemies would be an awesome addition to me. I would gladly trade a mod slot for this addition. 

    But that’s just my opinion. 

    • Like 1
  3. 48 minutes ago, Tsukinoki said:

    Unless it bugs out phorrid should spawn as soon as you get your camera pointed to its spawn location.  Its entirely possible to run around that tile without spawning him if you just don't turn your camera the right way.  It can sometimes be picky as to what counts as pointing at its spawn location though.

    That said I haven't noticed anything different with Phorrid spawns lately and I've been running them quite a bit recently.  There are occasionally times when I have to swing my camera around a few extra times to get it to trigger but those are the minority of the runs, and is usually fixed by swinging my camera around.

    Well next time I’ll spend like tornado like Inaros. Cause I’ve been staring in the direction of the spawn multiple times. I would run all the way from one side to the other and then back. Doing the exact same thing multiple times before it finally spawns. Which then I’m left facing the opposite direction from the phorid for some reason. But I keeping looking in the direction of the spawn from many angles trying to maintain my site in order to shoot him quickly before he could do anything. Sometimes he spawned while I’m facing away from him. So I don’t know what’s going on. 🤷🏻‍♂️

    7 minutes ago, CxLL said:

    From a few runs recently, it looks like its waiting for all players from the squad to reach the area prior to spawning. Were you in a squad or alone?

    I was alone every single time. When I’m in a squad he appeared immediately, but when I’m by myself, he doesn’t. Makes me hate doing solo but then in a public game I have to wait for newbies to stop farming. Which is why I even made this post in the first place. 

  4. Okay, now I don’t know if this is happening to anybody else but for the last few weeks Phorid has been taking a while to spawn. Usually it spawns immediately the moment I enter the area. But the last couple dozen times I’ve fought phorid, he didn’t spawn for almost 3 minutes. One time it took 5. Usually phorid is a quick mission with a powered up rhino. Some people may not care but I like being able to calculate and plan ahead so that I’m not on warframe all day and night. Can’t do that if the missions don’t know when to end or begin. 

    So I’d like to know why has Phorid been hesitant to come out recently? Don’t know if it is a bug or if DE purposely made that happen to prevent players from rushing through the mission. 

  5. 3 hours ago, Teridax68 said:

    I'd wager that over half of all players who quit Warframe quit within the first fifteen minutes of the game. The tutorial overloads players with information and choices they have no chance of understanding, while giving poor information on how to actually make use of the game's combat and parkour systems. I remember being overwhelmed by the tutorial, and only discovering dozens of hours later what modding and the bullet jump were. I suspect DE's also detected a lot of early leavers, which is why they're planning on overhauling the new player experience.

    When I first started playing I was pressing every button till I new what each did and since I was trying to slide for speed and jump, I discovered bullet jumping. But I didn’t know what modding was other than hacking/cheating a game. So I ended up fighting Kela Da Thayme with a naked frame and weapons. Still manage to survive longer than MR 15+ while I was just reaching MR 8. 

    Then I learned where the other frames drop so I started farming for them. Nyx Prime was my first Prime. I had to delete my rhino just to make room for ember. Till I learned about the start booster pack which gave me 100 platinum and used 140 total to buy 7 slots for warframes. Most people blow their platinum, including money, to buy a frame that they could’ve easily farmed for.

    I told one dude to “NEVER spend your platinum on a warframe”, cause warframe slots are way more important and it takes the fun of actually farming for the frames away which makes the game more boring when there is nothing to gain. But the dude still bought his regular rhino and felt stupid when I told him that the easiest boss drops rhino. And he quit the game after that.

    Only reason I’m still playing even though there is currently nothing left for me to do, cause I’m somebody that likes to see things through to the end. Right now I’m just patiently waiting in suspense for Gauss and Atlas Prime to finally come out to consoles. Some people just quit right off the bat. 

    DE does need to create a tutorial that actually teaches players how to play. They have MR tests that somewhat helps but they don’t explain much at all. I had to teach multiple players how to play and I still have players flooding my chat with requests for my builds. 

    Some people quit cause they are either impatient or confused. I simply liked being able to move around and not be grounded like most other games so I gave this game multiple chances to keep me playing. Others are just impatient and refuse to learn about the game. They expect to just jump right on in with the entire frame collection in their arsenal. And when they see that they can’t just grab any frame they want right off the bat, they quit. 

    Does not mean everybody is like that. But the few people I’ve encountered were exactly like that. 🤷🏻‍♂️ 

  6. 4 hours ago, UnremarkableUsername said:

    This warframe relies on a host to survive.

    I am not sure exactly what its stats would be or what it would look like, but I imagine it being scarcely larger thean the operator, and quite squishy.

    Until someone comes up with a better name, I'm calling it Sucker.  The abilities need names too.


    Passive: while attached to a host, you are invulnerable, and your shields stack with the host's shields.  But, if the host dies, you must find a new one.

    You can still use your weapons while attached to a host.

    First ability:

    targeting enemy: ripline onto them and latch on.  The enemy is now your host.  For the first few seconds, they have a small chance to shake you off.  (Bosses will shake you off immediately.)  Their friends won't notice you.

    targeting ally: ripline onto them and latch on.  They are now your host, but can shake you off at any time by rolling.

    targeting a surface: ripline onto it.  You can sit there as long as you want, waiting for a suitable host to pass by.  Enemies won't notice you.

    If already attached to a host,

    Second ability:

    attached to enemy: suck their health to replenish yours.  Hold to suck, release to stop.

    attached to ally: choose from several buffs to give them (e.g. speed, damage output, armor, ability strength).  Tap to cycle between options, hold to cast buff.

    Third ability:

    attached to enemy: convert them into an ally and gain control of them.  (If you later detach from them, they revert to being an enemy.)

    attached to ally: cast one of their abilities using your energy instead of theirs.  Tap to cycle options, hold to cast.  (to avoid annoying your teammates, can't deploy exalted weapons, and can't do movement-based abilities such as slash dash)

    Fourth ability:

    attached to enemy: detach from them.  Over the next few seconds, the enemy bloats and experiences several debuffs before exploding into several larvae, killing it.  These will seek new hosts.  If they attach to an enemy they will choose either ability 3, and die when the host is killed, or ability 4 and die immediately.  If they attach to an ally, they will use ability 4 and die immediately.

    attached to ally: detach from them.  For the next several seconds they are invulnerable and get buffs to speed, fire rate, accuracy, and damage.  When the buffs end, they will have full health, shields, and energy.


    Thoughts on this?

    Well the names tend to reflect the character themselves. Sometimes they are based on actual names like Nezha, or like elements like frost/ember/saryn. Other times they are from other languages like Khorra, which means maiden. With slight changes in the spelling.

    So all you gotta do is simply look up the word Parasite in other languages to get a better idea of a name. Like Kiseichū from Japan. Most languages for Parasite are almost the same. Only few sound different. Hirudo is Latin for leech. A lot of names are in/from Latin.

  7. 7 hours ago, keikogi said:

    As far as we know all the original version of each warframe was sentient, the problem is they were really angry.


    We are not really sure about the mass-produced ones.

    About the boss fight, idk why it doesnot feel right a magma powered ship, but a magma powered walking fortress that feels right. Also, you are right about never using arching outside of blinking towards the objective so here is my new boss fight. This version is an event like the exploiter. This boss fight only happens during an event where Vayhek promises he will finally crush the ostrons. I was thiking of somethin along these lines

      Reveal hidden contents






    First phase- disable anti air defenses, the fortress has massive powerful anti-air defenses any archwing in 1500 meters radius will be shot down. Approach form the ground cutting a path trough the grineer ranks while dodging the occasional barrage. When you get close enough you have to shootdown a few defenses batteries and cling into the legs to destroy a few things.

    Second phase- air superiority -  after destroying the anti-air batteries the player will can down their arching. The player must destroy the air superiority fighters defending the fortress. Upon killing all the escorts the player will finally be able to land on the top of the fortress. At the top of the fortress the player will drop an acid bomb on a weak spot of the armor. Vayhek will laugh and state even the weakened armor can take anything the tenno can throw at it. Drop a aiming becon at the spot and leave.

    Third phase- rail jack – get an away from the fortress and call your railjack. Use the rail jack to engage the grineer ship commanding the siege operation from orbit. Go to the bridge of the ship and use it control of its boarding cannon ( the cannon we use to invade corpus ship when we side with the grineer on invasions ) aim it towards the weak spot on the fortress. Get into the cannon and fire it. The shell will break into the walking fortress.

    Forth phase- way to the heart, fight elite grineer soldiers on the way to the heart.

    Fifth phase- open the heart and something happens.



    The version of this fight that is always available only has phases 1,2 and 5(in phase tow the tenno just brute forces and opens the hatch and the machine is so smaller  so you get in the heart chamber immediately ).

    Kind of got me picturing a rare new grineer that is way more robotic and brutal compared to most others. Basically he is larger and bulkier than even a Nox and wields the Korrudo. His job is to protect the heart/core. Only brute force direct abilities can affect him. Like a Rhino charge can knock him down a little while a stomp will just shake him a bit. Most the stomp could do is interrupt his brutal assault.

    If players run from him he will do a charge and knock you down or he would leap in your direction and perform a wide radius ground slam. Maybe armor is too tough to shoot, so the only way is to use a melee and jam it through, so he basically has a damage reduction against primaries and secondaries. To make the fight more interesting and not just a run and shoot. Already know the perfect team that would make this dude look like a joke. 

    Maybe parries could prevent knockdowns from his assault while channeled parries would reduce the damage and stun his hands after a few swings which give players a chance to swing back. Make the fight more about skill and not how tanky you are. Kind of got too many of those as is.

    For the frame, I could see where after reducing the hulk buster looking grineer health down a great deal, maybe even knock him into the generator, the new frame would burst out and finish him off before turning his attention towards the Tenno. Could hear Ordis saying something like “ummm operator, this looks... REALLY BAD... not very good”. Then the frame forges the hammer and starts charging at you.

    Idk, just something to think about.

  8. 31 minutes ago, keikogi said:

    Glad you liked it. Feel free tobuse and alter my ideas. I just added spice to your ideas. I'm also a bit of a maniac when it comes to rolling mutiple functionalities on 1 skill. So I had a bit of exta room to add some new ideas of my own. 


    Have you considered a giant thumper (bigger than the profit taker ) powered by a magma heartheart as the boss fight. Thumpers have a drill at the bottom so they work as drilling equipament. Deafiting this boss has 3 stages. 


    Find a way to break the thumper armor and to create an opening to get inside.

    2. Way to the heart 

    Fight a bunch of eleite grineer on your way to the magma heart.

    3. Magma heart

    Sabotage the magma heart opening it. Upon open it berserking Perses will come out. You have to fight the same way we did with umbra. Tranfer into Perses. When the player takes control of perses he nees to go back to the magma heart. The tenno will channel his power into perses helping him overload the machine. You get parser prebuilt but to fight the giant thumper the first time you will face the proper crafiting gates.

    Man, we are on a role. That would be a cool quest. Especially if it introduces this new enemy as a daylight boss in the plains. Been thinking of ways the arch wing would have a better use in the plains than just flying around for impatient people. Like part of an event is to fly and destroy machines in the air that are destroying life in Plains. And we fly into a mother ship then the mission becomes a sabotage.  

    Yours sound like it would be a pain but a fun challenge. I could see Perses shooting the Tenno out in order to absorb and shut down the heart or else it would explode and sacrifices himself. Leaving us only the blueprint of him while the Thumper Domas or newer enemies drop the parts. That’s if they decided to make this frame have a mind of his own too. So far there’s umbra and Revenant that show clear signs of intelligence. Although your warframe breaks the War sword while the Tenno was helpless.

    The Plains needs some love. Sentients at night and random ghoul and rarer plague star events just aren’t enough in my opinion. While Fortuna has 2 big complicated bosses that take time to destroy. Especially with Gauss coming to consoles soon, I would love to have a reason to Mach Rush around the Plains.

  9. 2 hours ago, (PS4)IIFrost_GhostII said:

    Your drawing is beautiful! As for what material id find a way to do both or just do rock.

    My opinions on abilities:

    Simple and fun passive, im cool with it

    Fun but its way too identical to ember for me. We'll only get one volcanic warframe if it where ever to be made, which is why things like this bother me. Incase youre wondering, i was certainly expecting there to be simularities but this is too simular. 

    This alternative idea you had i think should replace your 1st ability.

    Its visually different, could deal more damage, and can proc other things instead of blast and fire. Volcanos usually have obsidian or igneous rock which i would imagine could proc puncture, impact, and even slash.

    Pretty cool, i like it

    Id probably also make it to where he cant jump and it locks him to only using his melee weapon. Add base impact damage to melee attacks that will affect mods. So say the ability adds 100 base impact, maxed primed pressure point will add its 165% of that 100 base damage to your melee weapon.

    I like this ability so much as it makes me imagine a slow, unkillabe, deadly monster stomping towards you!!! Its like those movies where this some big bad guy walking towards their victim and the victim trys to run away!!! Horrifying!  

    Which of our toys (warframes) acts like that? None unless you count nyx's augment i guess 🤔 but hers adds no damage, is less useful in higher level missions, and is slower. In my honest opinion, thats how augments should be. Weaker compared to other warframes normal abilities that are simular to the augment

    Cool! Dashing abilities are getting old to me though but ill take this. 

    Maybe if you aim upward while using this ability, the smoke will fall to the ground and spread out in a circle around you. Cause i would hate using the ability for the smoke, but the only way to get ground coverage is to dash around the room. Id prefer to just do it once 

    Now this i was expecting to be extremely simular to embers 4th ability.

    I kind of wonder if the best way to make it feel different from ember, while still being cool and powerful, is to make the eruptions spit out a constant explosion of lava since ember deals her damage in bursts


    Basically, you cast the ability on an area, which will open up a big hole in the ground. Lava will be jetting upwarad into the air, scorching enemies hit. The more enemies caught in the ability, the hotter it will be. Duration based ultimate ability

    Im 100% down for a lava warframe! This ones abilities however i feel needs a bit more creative effort. Ive made a few suggestions, i could give quite a few more if you'd like


    If you saw the other guy’s comment, he listed some alternative abilities and even play style. And I’m all for suggestions. A legit frame idea can’t become reality until after a legit discussion is made and decided about how this frame would function. When I comment on other people’s posts, I try to help by adding my own thoughts, opinions, or suggestions on what kind of abilities they could have that would make them more unique. 

    Warframes like Hildryn, Nidus, etc. that don’t follow the basic functions or mechanic like other frames are something I’m still getting used to. Baruuk is also different when it comes to his forth. So there are many ways a frame could be designed styles that they could have. 

    Due to ember and many brute force frames, trying to think of abilities that aren’t too similar for a volcanic frame is difficult. So I’m all for other people’s suggestions. So far the other guy’s suggestions sound pretty cool. And I’m still open for any other ideas other people come up with.

    In the end it is up to DE to decide how this frame would work if they decide to make this kind of frame. But the more ideas people throw up, the more options they are given and less time required for DE to figure it out. 

    So keep commenting suggestions. The more the merrier. 

  10. 3 hours ago, keikogi said:

    Did had the time to give a proper names and longer explanations but I had promised I would reply today so here it comes.


    Passive - works like nidus , hitting enemies with yours skills build up stacks. This passive can gather up to 100 stacks. Enemies on a 0.1+ stacks/10 meters radius have a 50% chance to receive a fire proc. At a 100 stacks Perses can cast his ultimate.


    1. Steam trower/ Steam rush Channeled skill


    Casting on the ground


    Expels high temperature water and vapor from the vents on his hands doing damage to all enemies caught. Enemies caught by this vapor will suffer severe burns and lose sight.


    Casting mid air


    Expels a massive amount of vapor and water from the vents on his back, handles like a boosting arching. Hitting a wall or the ground will emit a shockwave knocking down all enemies nearby.


    2. Granite shield


    Same as your 2.


    3. Seismic Steps


    Each step will emit a small earthquake. Enemies far away will lose balance (receive an impact proc) , enemies close by will by knocked down.


    4. Awaken

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    Perses starts erupting boosting all his skills, loses stack until he goes back to zero. During this state his passive always has maximum range.


      Reveal hidden contents


    Boosted skill bonuses


    1. steam thrower


    Small rocks are spelled at the time as the vapor. The rocks count as a low accuracy machine gun. Think of launching a bunch of low accuracy projectile dealing a lot of damage.


    1. Steam Rush


    Increased dash speed, also upon impact fill the area with magma.


     2. Granite shield


    Remove the movement penalty, doubles the passive range.


    3. Seismic Step


    Each 5 seconds a tremor will spawn a volcano.


    4. Eruption


     Channeled skill 20 energy per second


    Perses turns into a volcano, the volcano is invulnerable. The Volcano will constantly drip lava and periodically cause tremors. The player can use the mouse right click to target an area. The volcano will launch burning debris targeting that area (debris use the same mods as the steam thrower)





    Well. Those make him a pretty tricky frame to use. Kind of picturing him demolishing hordes of enemies. Not to mention this build uses all the abilities I mentioned but in a more fun/skillful way than just pressing x then forget. Man, I want to take this frame out for a spin, literally, and demolish mostly infested enemies. 

    Kind of picturing his quest involving grineer drilling into the ground all around the planet that causes inactive volcanoes to become active and destroying life. Due to the super soaker event, I’m kind of picturing Tenno being required to put out the flames, seal the fractures, and destroy the big drills that keep causing the problems. Once accomplished, we go deep into the ground to where Vay Hek basically mentions some sort of power source he plans to use to make his machines more powerful. Could lead to grineer operating hulkish vehicles. Or maybe Vay Hek intended for this power source to power some sort of Fomorian Core. Either way the Tenno encounter this frame but he is completely erupted and starts swinging at us with his hammer. Kind of forcing us to “destroy” him which drops his blue print. His parts could drop from the new type of enemies we encounter.  

    Definitely a different way of playing compared to most other frames. 

  11. 2 hours ago, keikogi said:

    Since you are open to suggestions here is a pitch

    What if he is unnactive volcano most of the time and in that state his skills are based on rocks , geisers and tremors. If some condition is met , he can become an active volcano changing the effect of all skills.

    That sounds like a very creative way to make him. Instead of just a plain press a button and forget. Kind of like how Hildryn uses shields and nidus stacks mutation for his third and forth.

    I could also see him taking damage that causes certain effects to occur too. Like when you set off a bomb in a volcano. If he takes a certain amount of damage he basically erupts. Maybe the lava design on his body appears during that phase. And if he burns out his energy he reverts back to being “inactive”.  

    But making him a little more tricky to use would make him more interesting. The last few frames didn’t follow the same basic mechanic as the other frames. 

    As long as we keep having these types of discussions then it helps DE figure ideas for the future. I’m currently thinking of a new infested enemy right now that would give this type of frame a fun challenge.

  12. 59 minutes ago, keikogi said:



    Had a close look at the kit, it is perfectly serviceable it makes sense, but I feel like it likes a bit of spice. The firs skill is decent cc. The second skill is iron skin but restricts mobility. The third is a dash. The fourth is AOE cc. It reminds me of the old days with simpler kits. I like the passive. The only actual problem the kit has is all shieldlees frame have some form of health regen.


    Kind of forgot about the shields. But these abilities and the alternatives are just some ideas. I’m all for other options. As of right now, it would be impossible to make a frame without someone finding some sort of similarity to another frame. It’s why I created 2 alternatives so far and I’m still thinking of other abilities that would make him more unique without completely changing who he is. My goal is to make him be capable of high damage at close range and far range depending on how you mod him. 

    My posts are usually more like discussions on what could be a decent new frame and asking others what ideas do they have for them. The abilities I throw up are just ideas to start with. Which is why I mentioned there may still be improvements needed to be made to make him more unique. 

  13. 8 hours ago, Avienas said:

    This honestly is not fixing the issue with heavy armor enemies, its just enabling further that people should only use CP. Plus auras like CP work on a multiplicative value, The first one takes off 30% of the armor but then the next one takes off 30% of the remaining 70% armor (21%, leaving 49%) with it basically following that pattern, pretty much why people stack coaction drift when they want to run a full armor removal aura team.

    You might want to do a little more research or tests with CP cause aura mods stack ADDITIVELY. Meaning that 3 CP stacks to 90%. Each player with coaction drift adds a total of 13.5%. Making it 103.5 armor reduction. Meaning ZERO armor. 4 players with just CP makes 120%. Which means ZERO armor.

    I know cause I’ve done it multiple times and still do it during certain missions with only a 3 man squad. Enemies health is always in the red if either one is done perfectly. Just like 4 Growing Power adds up to 100% additional power strength. 

    Armored Enhanced sortie enemies may be different. I can even recast mag’s third on them multiple times versus the usual only one time effect.

    Now there are cases where the full growing power of the squad doesn’t affect me for some reason. It is random and not very common. Maybe sometimes that happens with CP as well. But point is Corrosive Projection stacks additively with each other. 

  14. If they did add a prime streamline it would be at 55%. I know because of multiple other mods that were at 30% and gained 25% when primed. Fleeting expertise would still be a useful mod to pair up with prime streamline if you equip Blindrage. 

    We need corrupted Arch-wing mods. Maybe add a scavenging type derelict archwing mission that you can find a floating vault room that you can land in, open the door, then get the mods. Maybe after exploring, you get chased by something similar to the infested Jordas Golem and you have to run to the extraction. 

    Maybe a prime Aura Mod that is not too OP. Like a Prime Corrosive Projection that reduces enemy armor by 55%. Since not all players use such a mod and not enough to deal with the heavy armor type enemies. Would allow a 2 player squad to be able to completely strip grineer of their armor. Or at least help a solo player a lot more. Maybe an Amalgam Steel Charge that is like 55% melee damage and like 25% attack speed. 

    But that is all my opinion. 

  15. Yeah I’ve been thinking of new infested enemies for a while. One guy made a post about an infested open world map. I did too at one point and added my few ideas to the latest post. But it would be cool to see more infested enemies. But as of right now even these new guys are boring. The Thrasher should be able to grab you and sling you around. Like throw you or something. If ancients can simply pull you then they should make enemies that can throw you. Being pulled and knocked down gets old. 

    Part of a new infested frame concept, I’ve been thinking of possibly newer enemies even bosses other than phorid and Lephantis. Maybe a new infested assassin that hunts you if you complete enough infested invasions. Could drop a unique infested weapon like the G3 or ZH from the other factions. 

    Imagine if Alad V made a mutalist Zanuka or amalgam zanuka. Maybe both for different factions. I was picturing infested enemies like a swarm of flying maggots like what the brood mother drops that slowly eats away at your health unless you role or attack enough times to shake them off. Basically an infested version of being caught on fire. Would be nice if a Juggernaut Behemoth would hunt you if you kill a regular one 3-5 times. 

    Not to mention warframe is getting boring with just damage, pulling, and knockbacks. They need to add more stuff that could be done. There was a time where slide kicks from martial arts type weapons made enemies go flying and when I used it on an ancient it grabbed me at the last second and I was pulled flying across the map. And there was a time when a Nidus used larva to pull enemies together an a scorpion grab me the last second and I went spinning in circles around the larva before the ability wore off and I was slung into a wall. 

    Having enemies that can do more than just pull, damage, or knock back players would make the game a little more fun in my opinion. More to avoid. More of a challenge. And if DE could add a better blocking function with melees that could allow us to parry melee attacks, then one on one fights against enemies like the stalker would be more fun. 

    As of now the only option is to run and shoot. That gets old. And being pulled or knocked down over and over just makes it annoying. Even remade a Volcanic Frame Concept that brings a new weapon idea that could do more than just swing left and right, and slam. But all those combos mean nothing if the enemies aren’t affected and can just knock you down. 

    Infested are like the only enemies that make melees more useful and fun to use but all that pulling and instant death from toxic breath ancients just makes that less fun. 

    We need enemies that uses melees more and can block attacks. Maybe not Channeled Melees. So that way players are more obligated to use a melee to its fullest potential. Seeing that Zealot Baptizer with two bladed arms made the fight more interesting after I one shot the other Zealots.

    Wish there were more action I guess is what I’m saying. And part of the idea for the Volcanic Frame is bringing a new way of fighting. F4wWrkS_d.jpg?maxwidth=640&shape=thumb&f

    And he could take on multiple types of infested enemies with his abilities. Kind of the goal I had when I thought of him. To be able to fight at far range and close range in a very destructive manner.

    Sorry for going off topic a bit. Just want more action and going one on one with that new Zealot using melees was kind of fun. 

  16. Would be nice if you were rewarded a very unique weapon after reaching to a certain MR. to sort of reward players for their time and effort spent into the game and the weapon could be a sort of reflection of that by being a pretty decent weapon and not a “trash” weapon. Like a secondary at MR8, a primary at MR16, and a melee at MR24. Based off of the lowest level and highest level of rivens. Maybe they would get a unique ability if polarized a certain number of times so players wouldn’t be so quick to throw them away. If DE were to implement this into the game then players MR24+ would get all 3 in their inbox. Or maybe we could just redo the mastery test and it just gives us it since completing the test is how you get it. Either way, would be nice if we got more out of MR.   

  17. Made a post way back about this type of frame. Except now I have a drawing of him. Decided to name him Perses for now, based on the Greek Titan of Destruction. 


    Took a while to draw. Couldn’t decide if he look better with a rough rocky looking appearance or a shiny metal looking appearance. Be helpful if some people could offer a few suggestions to it.

    Stats: Not exactly an expert on stats but here goes.

    Health: 400

    Shields: 300

    Armor: 300

    Speed: 0.8

    Energy: 250


    Passive - enemies that make direct contact to Perses become inflicted with fire 🔥 status. When he bullet jumps his heels erupts and launches him further and faster. 

    1st - launches a molten ball that explodes on impact dealing blast damage to those within the blast radius. Leaves a pool on the surface if it hits the ground that burns enemies who step on it.

    2nd - creates a thick harden Obsidian armor that reduces his speed by 25% but prevents him from taking damage and being knocked over. If destroyed or recast he will explode and deal blast damage and impact to enemies within the radius. Has a cool down of at least 5 seconds to prevent spam. Increased impact damage from melees while active. 

    3rd - uses the vents on his back to propel him forward at high speeds, knocking down all enemies in his path. Difficult to turn while using the ability. Best to use in long hallways or wide open areas. Leaves a trail of smoke that reduces enemy accuracy that are caught in it. Range increases the spread of smoke.

    4th - places his hands on the ground and causes eruption within the radius that deals blast damage to all enemies near each eruption. Range mods determine not only how far the radius of the ability itself but it also increases the range of the eruptions. Casting speeds increases how often the eruptions occur. 

    Alternative abilities: 

    Being able to fire a ball in the air that explodes and sends meteors that rain down the area. Dealing blast damage to any that are hit. 

    Perses becomes ignited and gains faster charge attack speed for melees and adds 50% of blast damage to all weapons in his arsenal. Couple with his his second ability and personal weapon, could inflict a lot of melee damage. 

    Personal Weapons:

    Perses wields a hammer that has 2 axe blades on one side of it. Charge attacks with this weapon does additional damage and blast/impact effect that knocks enemies flying. Has an alternative “fire mode” where he flips the weapon to where he swings the bladed part and deals slash damage and heat. A unique combo and stance mod that allows him to use both sides of the melee. One combo where he throws the melee but only like 5 meters where it spins the bladed part really fast and if perform another swing after he catches it, he’ll do a ground slam with the hammer side that has a blast damage effect. Charge swings during that moment increases the radius of the slam.

    There’s still more to be done I’m sure. To make it more balance. More unique. Just hope others think it is as good as I do. I may update the pic at a later date once I decide what he will look better as. Like I always say, “can’t stand the heat, stay out of the volcano”. Actually I just made that up. Lol

    But seriously, tell me what y’all think and be constructive. And civil. Sorry for any grammar mistakes. And feel completely free to give other suggestions. Either to the abilities, stats, or even appearance. Thanks 🙏

  18. For like the 100th time. If DE did decide to add a VOTE kick function into the game, then they could make it only become available or highlighted when the person has been AFK for 3 minutes. 1 minute already causes players to not gain affinity or rewards like at the fifth wave of a defense or the 5th minute of a survival. 

    If y’all are gonna keep posting about such a function, then y’all need to think of ways to avoid abuse. If a player is AFK for 3 minutes or more, then they have no business being in the mission to begin with. No excuses. 

    For Bounties, DE would have to do a lot more to detect a LEECHER. Which could lead to complications for newbies. Which they shouldn’t be playing in a public game on a high level bounty that they aren’t anywhere close to being able to handle.

    Then the hypocrisy I find very common is that “what if I had to...” just stop right there. I’m gonna say the same thing that every troll says to every player that complains about AFKers. PLAY SOLO or GO TO RECRUIT. Cause the Vote Kick option, is an option that DE should only implement in PUBLIC missions. Why should everybody else be forced to play the boring solo or spend hours trying to recruit all because of a few AFKers? The AFKers should be the ones playing solo or going to recruit and asking to be carried. 

    For those of you who don’t have a problem carrying AFKers, good for you. But some of us don’t like being used. Especially when that person’s presence in the squad makes the mission take longer to complete when we are trying to farm. If y’all don’t think AFKers have that munch of an impact, then either you don’t play that often in every type of mission or you don’t play in public games often. 

    People want to stand around and do nothing, play solo. People want to complete missions very slowly, play solo. But people who want to play in a squad and complete missions quickly while having fun, then they should be allowed to play public games without any interference or trolls. Recruit is meant for a very specific purpose. Like capturing Eidolons or cracking specific relics. 

    In the end it is up to DE to decide. And I know for a fact that if a 3 minute AFK timer activates a vote kick option in public games that leads to players being kicked, most of us aren’t going to care. Some of us may laugh at those who complain on the forums trying to justify their reasons for going AFK. And most will say the same thing that is being said to players like OP, “play solo or recruit”. 

  19. I could see melees being linked to it similar to things like Slash Dash or Landslide. Where the mods equipped to the melee determines how much more damaging the shield is. Plus this could be a shield that doesn’t require a blade. I could see it being throwable like an electric glaive that stuns enemies that it hits which leaves them open for the shield bash y’all mentioned. Duration that not only allows the shield to stay up longer but could allow it to make the stun or paralyze from the throws to last longer. 

    Would be cool if it acted like a lightning rod or conduit for his last ability to be channeling into it to fire a big lighting bolt straight forward into a line of enemies. Maybe the first ability while hold it becomes more like a short range electric beam similar to chroma’s first ability. So you could charge and zap everybody in the way.

    Kind of going overboard here but it would be cool if the first frames had a slight upgrade to add more style or flare into their skill set. A little more creativity so they aren’t used for overly simplified strategies. Like running at high speed or zap the entire map, or just throw up a bunch of shields more specifically against Eidolons. 

    Plus can we all try not to compare every single new frame to an old one? That is getting old which also prevents new ideas from being posted. Volt is not a speed based frame. Otherwise Valkyr is a rip off of Volt too. Every frame is going to be similar to another or used in a similar way. So about we focus on how to make Volt better and more unique if his 1 ability is all that is important. 

  20. Well for starters, frame fighter needs to be improved due to issues where I’m being hit while the other guy is on the ground. Like we are hitting each other at the same time but our screens show us standing while the other is down. Makes it hard to be fair, block, etc., and hard to enjoy.

    But I wish it was more like a free roam like the Dojo except withe rules and style as the FF. Then make all abilities usable after building up energy. To make them fair, only one ability can be used. But in order to use more powerful ones, require building up more energy. Which resets no matter which one gets used.

    Ability Bar: -1-2-3-4

    Basically the number highlights which abilities are able to be active. If only -1, the only first can be active. If at -1-2-3, then either first, second, or third ability can be active. But even if your bar is at 4, if you use the first, then it would drain all energy. But the lower abilities would be stronger. So let’s say the Slash Dash hits them once, if activated at 4, it will hit them 4 times. Or maybe 4x damage. 

    The reason is to prevent spamming abilities over and over. But some abilities might need a slight alter, maybe like an augment, to be usable. Like how Vex Armor augment can cause the armor to do damage to those who hit chroma. Maybe atlas becomes the Rumbler instead of summoning one.

    Of course if DE would rather make them more like being able to repeatedly use abilities then the damage could be reduced. Maybe 4th abilities would be ultimates that require a charge to use. And to make them fair, zero mods and weapons. Just fists, with the exception of exalted. That would require making them all more balanced. For a Versus/Co-op mode instead of the grindy horde killing farming style we currently have.

    I have a method for each of them but that is way too much to text. Basically miasma from Saryn would have to be more focused on one player or shorter range where only if players are close to her, will they have half their health gone. Exalted weapons would have an equal time period. Maybe of 10 seconds. 

    Maybe only First and Second abilities can be used every... 5 seconds, while 3rd and 4th require charging to use. Since they are usually the most powerful. Especially if this game mode was balance specifically for 4 vs 4. Basically 2 full squads face off. Still could be 1v1, 2v2, 3v3, or Free For All. Maybe add an endless mission similar to zombies. 

    Already seeing Excalibur and Wukong colliding sword against staff. Then Baruuk steps in and goes all Fist of The North Star. 

    But definitely something that would be a nice addition to the game for those who don’t have anything else. But in order to unlock each character, requires maxing out the regular frames in the regular current game first. To make players more tempted to actually play the game and farm for & build the frames. Primes only add a different skin. Deluxe skins could be chosen if you have them. 

    Would be a lot. Maybe an entirely new game that is sync with the current warframe. 

    Darn it. Now you got me picturing a whole new game of warframe. Street Frame Fighter of The North Galaxy. Lmao 😂 😂😂

  21. 22 hours ago, Klokwerkaos said:

    this is a fair but bad criticism.

    if you don't want a grinding slog you can pay, or, you can not do F2P games.  

    if  you don't  pay with money, you pay with time, and that's the trade off.  if you want reasonable reward structures get a solo play experience from the 90s that doesn't  connect to the internet before they invented microtransactions, because now even single player games are infested with that  crap... but the one  place grind has a reasonable place to  exist is in  free to play games, which warframe is.  

    additionally, no matter what, people will always be hunting for how to be most efficient  and win the hardest, best and fastest, not just in warframe but in any game, so decreasing grind would leave people  with  less pressure, but  they would still use the meta to clear stuff at a fast rate.  plus de would be giving away a free game  without much incentive for people to support it.

    like, you're right, the grind sucks, but it's there  by very intentional design, and in a way, it's completely  justified.

    don't get me wrong, i totally gripe  about crap drop  rates,  especially  when i can't buy  something  with  plat, but... even if i'm  not buying with plat, at least it's giving me something to do.


    I wasn’t trying to criticize anyone. Just saying that since this game requires a lot of grinding and farming, people are going to naturally find builds that can destroy multiple enemies at once. Warframes like Excalibur are meant for taking out tough guys one at a time. While Saryn is meant to take out the weaker hordes. People can exaggerate on how quickly she can take them out all they want. But I’ve NEVER came across a Saryn that can wipe out level 60+ without being buffed by my Rhino. 

    It is not our fault that this game requires killing everything we encounter without relent. Many other games do too and people complain about those as well. Most people complaining are newbies that don’t know anything about the game or else they will be complaining that there is too much grinding. 

    Most of us learn to play the game. Level up in the game. Obtain newer and better gear. And figure out the best builds to get the job done as quickly as possible in order to farm for what we need to build the things we need/want within a few days instead of months. 

    If DE hadn’t made this game to be so grindy then maybe I could see these newbies’ points. But what they are demanding is for DE to hold the rest of us back because they are either ignorant or slow. And it wouldn’t be long before these same people are on here complaining that it takes too long to farm for everything.

    I have 2,000 orokin cells. Now to a newbie that appears to be a lot. But to someone who has farmed every day or at least played this game a few hours everyday, it is not. 2,000 over the last 2 years!!! It took me 2 years of just farming and grinding for me to be holding this many. Which just shows how rare these things are. And prime gear require 10-15 each time. I use to spend hours farming specifically for these cells to build all the primes I finally managed to obtain everyday. I would be lucky to get 40 orokin cells in one day without the use of a booster. 

    So frames that wiped out the map made it a lot easier for me. Now I have all these frames and these newbies want to take it all away from not only us but from themselves too? 

    If DE ever gets it in their head to nerf the frames, then they better nerf the enemies and buff the drop rates. And otherwise a lot of old and new players are gonna quit this game cause not everybody has the time to spend weeks farming for resources to build just one new item. Especially the newer ones that come with newer resources to farm for. 

    Point is, people really need to think before they speak about a change to the entire mechanic of the game. 

  22. 1 hour ago, 000l000 said:

    Tbh i wouldn't even consider WF as a coop game, at least not without friends or family. Afk/Hosting/lack of coop incentive are making this game quite awful to play along with PUGs.

    I do enjoy it a lot while playing with wife or friends but i would definitely stop playing it if i was solo only or relying upon one of the worst online hosting mechanics ever. WF suits well 2019 gamers spirit though, most people don't care much about coop nowadays, most of them are quite individualistic or simply don't care about others at all. It may explain why a 4 players game is still working fine - without solo or with much more players, this game couldn't work.

    The only way to deal with toxicity (hence lazy leechers since they're part of the global scheme) isn't to hunt them, it never works. The only solution is to make the game impervious to toxic players. More fun, less braindead farm and mandatory coop gameplay - Lots of WF players are playing the game solo, even if playing along with 3 other players. Tbh finding "trolls" isn't rocket science, they're quite often playing the same kind of popular games.

    The only thing DE can do is to make their game less attractive to such players. And it won't ever happen.

    I have a Nidus build that allows me to double(or triple in fissures) another player’s power strength. So far I’ve never encountered another one. Multiple Chroma’s and Rhino users’ heads nearly exploded when they saw how much I buffer their power strength. But that is because most players don’t care about teamwork. Not the way I do. I made my Rhino build with a 206% Roar. Which triples all damage including ones from abilities. Some people asked me for my build. Most jumped on the Saryn or Equinox receiving my buff. 

    Then missions like fissures to farm for primes is smarter to play public to gain more or better options when the relics are cracked. So obviously most players are gonna want to play public. 

    Fissures are where I encounter these players the most which is why I get irritated. Bounties in Fortuna get harder this longer the more players in the squad. I join in a public game expecting other players to actually play the bounty. Not sit back and watch. The suggestions I make only “forces” these lazy players to move towards the bounty stages. If they choose to go slow then they can’t be mad if they get no rewards.

    Those who don’t work, don’t eat. Which is gonna be sad for Grendel. 

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