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Posts posted by (PSN)chris1pat8twins

  1. Only change I may accept is her third day form being able to stack additively with other equinoxes. Basically if she had 80% power strange buff, 4 equinoxes equals 320%. So their third may not go above 80% but they can still combine and be applied to their forth ability to do more damage. Or other non-equinox warframes. It would require a bit of teamwork for the full potential of that change to work. Otherwise it would no different. Considering I don’t see an equinox often at all and the few times I do, her power strength is really weak. Like her third only gives me like 20% tops and at a short range. 

     The rolling would cause too many problems since people roll as a method of traveling quickly. Maybe a back handspring but then again I do them some times in order to avoid bullets or if I miss a turn. UNLESS, it didn’t cancel my abilities but simply changed them into the other. Cause then I can just back handspring back to the form I want and continue where I left off. Limbo simply dashes into a rift that help keep him alive. You’re talking about equinox constantly changing forms AND abilities. Limbo’s is way more simple and less of an annoyance. Would be cool if her first made her go into her fused form and she can use the affects of both forms with less power strength. Like 50%. 

    But that’s just my opinion.

  2. Just now, (PS4)d_HopeCraft_b said:

    Most likely if Excal Prime came to come back it would be via Prime Access, so to keep it fair for the Founders. 

    I would figure that. Just providing some alternatives to how I could see it happening. Or how it could’ve/should’ve been. I use to think that maybe the derelict Vault was the key(no pun intended) to getting Excalibur Prime. All those starter prime weapons but no starter Prime warframe. So I got curious and looked it up but unfortunately found out that he is locked away in some 6 year old derelict prison. Completely forgotten by the orokin and unknown to the Tenno. 

    But yeah my first guess is him being a Prime Access exclusive(not Founder exclusive) for anybody that want him. 

    Also sorry about the warframe puns. I tend to make warframe jokes when talking about warframe. 

  3. 10 minutes ago, (PS4)d_HopeCraft_b said:

    No, the mistake was giving something exclusive early into the game, the problem isn't the Primes who fallow but the fact that DE didn't think that MAYBE, the game would still be up after 6 years and that people would be annoyed to know of the existence of a frame that they never got the chance to have because they didn't know about the game then.

    If DE treated every Prime like Excal then this game would have died off, since people want access to stuff, not pay for a a new frame every time DE releases it.

    Excal Prime is and will always be the problem, because DE could have easily made the exact same pack whiteout the promise of exclusivity and it would still save the game back then, it was a huge mistake by DEs part imo, but they were desperate so I cant blame their bad decisions back then.


    I think its time for DE to step up a bit wen it comes to their relationship whit founders.

    Exactly, some founders have already shown that they would not care if Excal Prime was reintroduced in exchange for him getting some better stats compared to Umbra, and I dont see wrong in this.

    Excal Prime has been forgotten whit the introduction of Umbra, DE literally killed their Poster Boy by making the mistake of making it exclusive in the first place, not only that, they managed to create a small % of self entitled founders who think their status stands above other because they "saved the game" wen it reality the game would have still died off if people didn't kept wasting their money on WF.

    DE should just stand up and make a pull to all founders (The ones STILL playing the game) and see what their opinion on the meter is, because lets be honest, DE would probably lose a few founders, but sure as hell would get a more money then ever before if they chose to reintroduce Excal Prime as a 2nd opportunity prime access. (Specially since PS4, XBOX and SWITCH did not have the ability to have this pack so people would be all over it)


    Many Founders have left this game, and many more will, its hard to keep a player who has seen the development of the game for 6 years in the game, many things changed, many Founders dont think this is what they spent their money on, many simply wanted to support DE and didn't do it for the exclusivity or the rank (some see it as just a bonus), and many did it only for the items.

    Founders are something the game, honestly, doesn't rely on anymore, a ticking time bomb that is bound to blow one day or the other, its a system that FAILED, big time, and I am 100% sure DE knows that.

    The Solutions to all this controversy and the "Umbra VS Prime" deal would be for DE to wake up and ask the current Founders who play the game what they think should be done, if Excal Prime should stay 6 years into the past, forgotten and used by no one, or if the Founders dont care, should it come to the public once more.

    I am sure most of the Founders who still play the game would not care at all.

    Sorry for the wall of text XD

    There are a lot of new changes made to this game since I first discovered it too late. And I tell some players how lucky they are when they complain about the small things. But I can honestly say that if I was a Founder, I wouldn’t care. I’m not the selfish entitled type. Never have been. Never will be. So I’m pretty there are lots of Founders who don’t care if Excalibur Prime came back into the fold.

    They could even make some complex mission in the Derelict that sort of involves him since the Derelict is known as the lost, neglected, basically forgotten city. Where you’ll find a statue of Excalibur Prime in the vault. Like maybe newer mods and stuff exclusive to those who bring Excalibur Prime into the old forgotten orokin city known as Derelict. Be like some, “History is repeating itself. The warriors of the past shall rise again. To defeat this threat once again”. 

    If DE chose to make him permanent like the rest, Derelict could be the unique, unvaulted method of obtaining him. It would probably require lots of vault runs to obtain one piece of him and his weapons. But I would spend all day and Knight farming for him. He could be the perfect starter Prime warframe similar to the starter prime weapons that never go into the Prime Vault. 

    But that is another story. 

  4. Well in the codex and such it shows whether you maxed it out and all that. Be nice if the market would show signs like crafted, owned, LV 0 - Maxed. Does get annoying when you don’t know exactly everything. Too many hopping back and forth from your arsenal to your foundry to your codex and then your market because you(as any human being) don’t have the greatest memory. Especially of weak/weaker weapons. They should give warning too such as limbo can only be obtained once. After that you have to buy or replay the quest with another player. Some players sell things too soon before knowing how the ranking system works. 

    • Like 1
  5. 1 minute ago, SordidDreams said:

    Sure, if and when Excal Prime gets released to non-founders as part of the regular Prime Access rotation.

    Bet if DE made a Prime Access for Excalibur for one week on all platforms, they would make millions. Founders may have started this game but many of them admitted that they stopped playing shortly after and it was the non-founders that kept this game alive. Many returning founders believe they are entitled to all the new things without having to put in work. 😂 

    What all these players did was made the game start a little earlier. If they hadn’t done it, somebody else would’ve taken their place. Nobody told them to spend so much money on a video game. Does that mean Call of Duty World at War players should get every Black Ops game for free without buying? No. Should all COD players get free dlc because they bought the game first? No. So why should Foudners be treated better than everybody else? 

    Wish Founders would stop talking/complaining about the past. 

  6. I could see DE giving Excalibur Prime a more dragon Knight shaped appearance. Like, longer bladed like edges on his arms, legs, and back. And give his torso shape close to that of Umbra and Stalker. Maybe make him a little more armored looking to give a sort of Knight vibe. 

    But the whole scarf and accessories is Umbra exclusive and should stay that way. Just like how you can’t add a Prime skin to a regular warframe nor should you be able to add umbra’s UNIQUE skin to a Prime. And vice versa.

    Umbra is not just some slightly upgraded variant. He is a very different warframe from both Excaliburs. His passive is different and his second ability is different. He is basically a second branch from the regular Excalibur. And those two branches should stay separate. Never cross. Similar to how you can’t put Rhino’s helmet on Excalibur’s body. 

    And yeah I’ve seen some very selfish, egotistical, emotionally sensitive, attention seeking, entitled Founders demanding that Umbra be removed because they no longer feel special anymore. Talk about a lame and selfish excuse to rob new players of the joy and excitement of having a newer more powerful Excalibur. 

    I hated not having a Prime for Excalibur. My set of warframes felt so... incomplete since Excalibur had an upgraded version that I couldn’t get. And I do like Excalibur. But then E. Umbra came out and now I no longer think about E. Prime unless somebody says something about him. 

    When I explained that crossing the two would sort of take away their uniqueness, I was called jealous. Sorry to burst the Founder Prime Bubble but, jealousy doesn’t exist in me. And hate when people use that term to hide the fact that they are insecure and full of themselves. If anything those Founders are the jealous ones that the new players have an Excalibur that they can now enjoy without thinking about the Prime. 

    Founders need to just accept reality and face Octavia’s music. 

    • Like 2
  7. I’d guess somewhere between 7:30 to 9:30 hours from now. Basically 11 am to 1 pm in Central America time. It’s hard to to say since updates and prime releases are never at the exact same time. I think the latest I’ve seen an update was at 2pm Central America time. But only once. So basically be up and ready in about 7 and a half hours. Farm for void traces or something to pass the time until it officially comes out. All I know is I’m excited. Been tempted to polarize my regular equinox but a part of me kept saying “just wait for the Prime. Equinox should be the next Prime in 3 1/2 months.”

    Just hope DE doesn’t nerf her too like they did ember. Sure equinox doesn’t follow the endless damaging rule that ember does but that doesn’t stop noobs from complaining. Dudes whines at a buddy of mine because his 206% rhino roared Equinox was killing everything. No teamwork from these noobs. It is always all about them. Ember is now useless in the plains and higher level missions because you have to get really close to damage enemies and she is too squishy for that. Hope equinox doesn’t get treated the same. 

  8. But people need to come up with ideas for something other than a killframe. I’ve been trying to come up with ideas for a survivalist, support, etc.. revenant and Garuda are both killframes. Gara and Khora are both defense frames. Baruuk is a bit of a survivalist.

    I made a shape shifter concept where it has no gender due to it being a shapeshifter. That it even forgot its own identity because of that. Maybe it was designed to be the perfect assassin but the orokin thought it was too perfect, and dangerous. So they tried to have it killed but it escaped. Wondering aimlessly trying to figure out what is right and wrong. Trying to figure out its identity. Until the Tenno showed it the way. But the idea was purely based on its ability to shape shift and adapt to any environment. Such as turning enemies into a copy of itself to throw them off. Shapeshifting to look like an enemy of any faction in order to not draw suspension as long as you don’t go jumping around and shooting. Being able to cause panic to where the enemies either mow themselves down or end up in a standoff depending on your power strength, due to them not knowing who is the imposter. But when turning an enemy into a copy itself then killing them, would end or cancel the last ability. The third ability is the only ability where it copies teammates or enemy stats. Like increase in Armor(Grineer), shields(corpus), or health(infested). But it can also copy the stats of the teammates such as duration, range, and power strength. People may think it is OP but really it is not. It doesn’t gain some ginormous buff from it. And it leaves it reliant on teammates for such a buff which requires communication. 

    But the point is I made a more survivalist concept of a shape shifter while everybody else tried to make a killframe concept. Like killframe is all they cared about. And every time I see somebody criticizing a warframe, it is because it doesn’t kill enough for them. And others complain that high rank players “kill too much” on lower difficulties. 

    Just something for you to think about. 

  9. First off the passive is too much. 25% tops.

    I made a concept a while back but the trolls told me to “just equip a sniper”. That same thing could be said about chroma and ignis, wukong and tipedo, valkyr with venka, etc.. Lots of ignorance. 

    But my idea was that his passive made him somewhat invisible while standing perfectly still or wall latching. After all, snipers are usually hard to spot.

    First ability I was picturing more of a bullet weapon buff where he adds like extra critical chance to his weapons. 

    Second ability, I was picturing him being able to hack consoles from a distance. To allow him to remain far and concealed. Your clone idea made me imagine him shooting a device near or on a console that allows him to hack it where he is at. And part of his ability could allow him to see where consoles are. But he could launch a device that allows him to see around corners and such. 

    Third ability I was picturing something where he jams their communication and prevents them from be able to activate alarms from consoles within his radius. Could even be a method of completing spy missions. When ever the ability is activated they will become stun from the frequency in their ears. Then they will try to call out until you attack them. But they won’t be able to locate you very well. Basically you will be invisible on their radar. 

    The last ability I had the same idea of a sniper but I was picturing it having like 200 of all 3 physical stats. Roughly. So that it can be a weapon for any faction. I was also picturing it having one of the highest punch through and it has an automatic silencer. 

    Other ideas could be where while aiming you can see the weak spots and if you shoot close to them the bullets would home in on the weak spots. 

    I could see him having specialized rounds that can inflict whatever damage on the enemies while aiming. Kind of like the synthesis scanner, when you aim you can see their weaknesses and the damage becomes that type of physical weakness regardless what kind of weapon you are using. 

    Basically he is an expert at assassinating any target. A Fatal Shot pretty much. 

  10. 13 minutes ago, Xzorn said:


    Meh, unless they change the rate of gain for Umbra Forma I won't even use it for months. Maybe even a year.

    I did the math on it a lil while back. New Prime Access every 3 months. Avg 1.2 Umbra Forma in that 3 months or 5 over an entire year.

    Avg of 1.5 Umbra forma per frame that can make use of them. Only counting Primes and not counting backlog on Primes or weapons. You will pretty much never be able to Umbra all Primes. Let alone a new frame that comes out.

    We're supposed to pick favorites or something but I've played Warframe too long to be foolish enough to pick absolute favorites. It will take months and months to be able to use said Umbra forma because fully ranking them will destroy builds for multiple frames that are using Rank 9/10.

    I certainly hope DE intends to either increase the gain rate or have Umbra Forma be an account item that can be added and removes. ie Arcane Distiller style because it will be pretty awful otherwise. Esp for poor bastards who take a break from the game.

    Definitely a better alternative is needed. Most of my frames are designed for teamwork such as my rhino can increases all damage by 206%. Higher with more growing power or if the other players use power donation. I won’t be able to format my rhino without messing up my build. Sure he would be tougher, a lot tougher, but I would need to build a whole new separate rhino just for an extra iron skin. 

    My nidus on the other hand would benefit greatly with all 3 umbras. I’ll be able to multiply your power strength by nearly 2.3x. If every player had growing power and there was third augmented equinox and Nidus was fissured, I would be able to triple you power strength. But I’m gonna wait for his prime/derelict to come out. 

    Nezha would benefit a lot too since his third is boosted by armor and power strength. 

    But most warframes aren’t meant to be “tanky”. Every one of them has a unique purpose but only a few would greatly benefit from the current umbra mods. I’m sure DE plans to release more mods, but until then I don’t have a warframe I plan to use the formas on. If polarized right, you’ll just need like 2 slots. 

  11. 6 minutes ago, Horyzon said:

    But I do like complaining. I like debating. And I happen to like Warframe. And I also like giving suggestions on how to improve things I like, but I think could be better.

    I apparently misinterpreted that "behind his controller" comment you made. My mistake then.

    "F you, got mine" is an expression. It refers to an attitude of "I got what I needed or wanted, and I don't care if others did or did not." It is not a reference to your use of profanity.

    If you interpreted my comments as "give stuff away for free," then I don't think you read them very well at all.

    @Lodeion Hi, welcome. Unfortunately you are quite late to the party, and you're only repeating what has already been said by others and already replied to by me and others. Thanks for stopping by.

    PS: According to Steam I've put like 600 hours in this game, in like a couple months.. If that's "hyper-casual" (did you really just say that unironically?).. then God help the human race for we are doomed. You obviously didn't read a damn thing written in this thread, and your "OMG the casuls!" response is frankly just memeworthy. 

    Well I can understand the “play with a friend or clan” type not being liked. I didn’t have any friends when I first started playing and “friends” require you to be on their time. Now maybe the Profit Taker could be a separated one that can be done for more Wolf Credits or something. But what I was saying is that even if players can’t complete that ☝🏻 specific challenge, they will be okay as long as they complete the others. But I do agree that some challenges are unfair to new players. But I also agree that more experienced high leveled players should be rewarded for their time and effort put into the game. There is a guy I know that I’m trying to speed up his level and such because he lost his other account. So I’m trying to basically carry him across the solar system to help him catch back up and get to level 30 on nightwave before it is too late. Would be nice if DE made it where players could be carried to the Profit taker. They can always weaken the shield and boost me up and other players to take out the legs and destroy it. I wouldn’t mind helping players like them out. But DE also shouldn’t just focus on all the new players and just forget about their old ones who put time and money into this game. As far as I know, DE made sure that every player currently playing has a chance to reach level 30 as long as they complete their challanges that they can complete. Those desperate to catch up after being so late will just have to farm for Fugitives. 

    • Like 1
  12. yeah well first time revenant came out there were trolls making defense missions take longer to complete cause he kept enthralling them. Especially the Noxes that require head shots to kill quickly. Even when I asked them to stop they kept going. So I can see why DE doesn’t do what y’all are wanting them to. 

  13. 24 minutes ago, Xzorn said:

    Both the Gilded and Forma Challenges bothered me simply because I've tried every single combination of Kitgun. Spent 80 Forma doing it. Kept 6 different types. Zaws are easier to min/max least till melee 3.0 comes then maybe some changes are needed I have 5 for now but both Challenges just made me waste Rep, Resources and Forma. I min/max hard. All the primaries I use have 8 Polarized slots to fit maximum build combinations. All of them. Most Secondaries have 7 polarized slots.

    I literally just made a dummy Kitgun and deleted it.

    I don't see a problem taking up slots though. Just delete it like I did. Don't forget Nightwave also gave free slots also.

    It's just kinda dumb and wasteful if anything.

    Won’t think it is wasteful when you have an umbra forma in the end. Trust me I did the same but I don’t really care since I don’t do much else on this game anyways. 

  14. 4 minutes ago, Horyzon said:

    "New players will never get Excalibur Prime. But do we complain.."


    "or quit?" 

    ..no. But it is bull___. Somewhat understandable BS. But BS.

    I already addressed the whole 67% completion thing.. the problem here as Nezu touched on, is that they keep adding objectives that can't be completed by some people regardless of how hard they may want to or tried. So then it doesn't become "oh do 67% of these as your time or sanity allows"--which again I think is reasonable. And it instead becomes "boi you better hope you can even try to complete 67% of these, and you better praise your lucky stars if you can and get everything done that you can even try!"

    And yeah the addendum of "but hey good news! You can always grind those random clowns that sometimes spawn. That's a good way to spend your life.".. Yeah that doesn't really fix the issue imo.

    Dude you seem to be hard set on that "F you, got mine." mentality. Everything you write tends to boil down to "Well I found a way to get it done. Even if it involves people playing other people's accounts, which might be against TOS. So you better find a way, too!" 


    🏻I didn’t say I play on someone else’s account.

    🏻I didn’t say anything close to “F you”.

    what I was getting at is that I have missed many opportunities but I don’t go on the forums and complain to/criticize DE about it. You are sounding like one of those spoiled/entitled kids who act like DE should just give them the rewards with little to no work put into it. Like you would not hesitate to use cheat codes to play the game if DE allowed. All I’m saying is that y’all play the game and complete the challenges that y’all can, then y’all will get to level 30. Only a brand new player who just got on may not have a chance. But then again, brand new players tend to play the crap of games on the first few weeks or month so they would most likely stack on Fugitive standing either way. Only players that would be affected by this are the lazy ones. The ones that barely get on to get their logins. At first I thought you were mostly overreacting. But now I’m starting to believe you’re one of those “give me what I demand” types.

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  15. 4 minutes ago, NezuHimeSama said:

    I'm mostly okay with this, but not sure how I feel about the kuva, void fissures, ect. I think making them a bit less common for those rotations would probably be fine, but if they're just like any other area, it's kinda boring, like the Void currently is.

    I'd rather they have something more unique to reward players for playing there. Maybe have some random rotating void key sets added to the zone drops, like resources, or some special containers/lockers containing void keys more often. Same with Void.

    Be nice if gauranteed rare(like Axi R2) relics are rewarded when opening a vault and getting the mod. It requires constructing lots of keys to do and a bit of an annoyance. Rare as in they have a very low drop chance in every mission. There is still a low chance of getting the rare relic you want but at least it is more gauranteed than in these other missions. That would be nice. 

  16. Can y’all make the Wolf have a set time limit. Basically after like 5 minutes, he will not show up? Cause I was sitting at the extraction. Waited for a good 2 minutes for the slower players to arrive. The mission lasted for 7 minutes. But then when the players finally jumped on the extraction. The Wolf finally showed and I missed my first chance. I’ve had many assassins show up at the wrong or late time. But this really ticked me off. Kind of like how Corrupted Vor is gauranteed to spawn after 8 minutes with mission officially starts, maybe the Wolf has a time limit where if he doesn’t show up within it, then he never will for the rest of that mission. So people like me, aren’t getting frustrated about missing a rare opportunity. The stalker hunted me 4 times already while this Kavat in Wolf Armor hasn’t showed up once until the moment mentioned above. 

    Either that or make this dude less of a Kavat and more of a Wolf. 

  17. 2 minutes ago, NezuHimeSama said:

    Umbra Forma is not cosmetic.

    Not everyone is a highschool student with a terrible attendance record. Not everyone wants to work an online job.

    Good thing I’m a planner. One guy I play with sometimes requires me to be the brains even behind his controller while he lives like 200 miles away from me. But at least he was there for the profit taker challenge. 

  18. From what I heard, DE plans to have this going for 10 weeks. And all those nightwaves equals to like 4 levels. So 8 weeks for players who complete every single one and then gets off the game. 9-10 for those who can’t complete 1 or 2 elite missions. And even shorter for all those who hunt down fugitives. So as long as the players play, they have nothing to worry about. New players will never get Excalibur Prime. But do we complain or quit? No. Instead we got rewarded with Umbra and now we have a warframe equal to a prime. But that was t enough for some players and we now have umbra mods but you got to earn them. All I’m seeing is “give me everything for free” from so many spoiled/entitled players. There were many events I missed out on. Many things I didn’t get to do because I was late in getting the game. And now a part of me feels like all the crap I had to deal with to get where I am was sent down the toilet when DE made it easier for new players. But that is how a game evolves. And I don’t go around using that to demand DE make everything easier for me or give me free stuff for the lost or missed out opportunities. Same goes with this event here. There’s a guy who is 2 levels ahead of me and that is because he farmed Fugitives. So while I may reach level 30, 4 weeks from now, he’ll be 30 in 3 weeks from now. Y’all got to be patient.

  19. Maybe when Derelict Nidus(Prime) comes out, the derelict could be expanded. Like designed to be a sort of lost orokin city. Basically a new open world map. That or it crashes into Eris and becomes a part of an infested open world. Having bigger and uglier looking infested bosses and minions. Either way it would be nice for Derelict to become more popular but not by forcing players to farm for specific resources only dropped from derelict. 

  20. Well there is also a forma 3 times challenge. You could just sell one of the gilded items with the least amount of polarized slots and build a copy. At least that is what I would do in that situation. I’m also a bit of a planner so I don’t think there is a single challenge DE can throw at me that I cannot complete. Unless it was something like “defeat a hydrolyst or profit-taker solo”. Doubt DE would go that far. If so that would be worth like 20,000 standing at least. But anyways. There is a guy I play with and he has over 20,000 more standing than me just from finding Fugitives. I don’t try to spend too much time on this game. And I’ve done the calculations. In 7 total weeks, I’ll be able to reach level 30. They guy I know at his current rate will be at 30 by the 6th or even possibly 5th week. And I’ve heard that DE plans to have this going for like 10 weeks and the challenge set-up is gauranteed like 3 levels per week without fugitives. 

    Basically from what I’m seeing is “give me everything for free”. There’s no point in DE continuing any more “challenges” or “elites” if they are expected to make them so easy that a baby can do them. Too many post from spoiled/entitled kids. I hate any mission or event that keeps me on the game longer than I intend. Or new events that requires like a week to complete. Such as Solaris standing even at MR26 it takes about a week for me to rank up to the max and be able to get the pieces I needed to build baruuk. Then I had to wait 3 days and half to be able to have completely built. But I just dealt with it and now I have baruuk and I can do pretty much anything new that comes my way. 

    Wish I had known about warframe from the start so I could’ve had Excalibur Prime. So my OCD basically went crazy for a while knowing that I won’t have a compete set of primes for every warframe. But then Umbra came out and now I don’t think about it much anymore. And yet there are players(founders) that wish umbra didn’t exist. One literally said that it is because they don’t feel special anymore having a warframe that nobody else will have. So now nobody cares, or least not as many, about Founders exclusives. 

    If DE made it possible for me to get Excalibur Prime but it required me spending actual money, would I get it? Yes. But am I gonna dwell on something I can’t get? No. 

    Maybe y’all can talk about something that affects most if not every player? Such as challenges that are too RNG based. Otherwise y’all are just creating arguments and controversial debates. Criticizing DE or players that try to reassure you that you’ll still be able to reach 30 is not gonna solve anything. 

  21. Be nice if the Kavat In Wolf Armor would spawn more often. Yes I’ve heard that as the weeks go by, the spawn chance increases but I’ve been playing lots of regular missions, fissured and non-fissured and I’ve only seen him once. It is kind of annoying. Be nice if the fugitives contributed to his spawn chance. Like to avenge them or something. Kind of hard to enjoy an event where I grind and farm pretty much for nothing. At least add a wolf beacon. Maybe it could be some sort fugitive call for help and the wolf realizes after spawning that it is a trap. Could be worth Wolf credits. Like 100 for all I care. 

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