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Posts posted by main_antagonist

  1. Here's a workaround idea ...For bad PC's and The cap on Limbo's stasis.

    (The goal behind this idea is to remove the cap on Limbo and benefit players who haven't got the best gaming rigs that would suffer massive fps drops)

    Excessive projectiles making you hit a cap should be scrapped because being reprimanded for that isn't fun, to stop computers using up too much of their resources the best way to go about this would be to only allow you to freeze your own projectiles and those of your enemies!. Allies within your rift can shoot as normal. You aren't controlling their shots just you and the enemies within the rift.


    Early game low level enemies die in the rift because your allies can run in and snake free kills from you if they wanted ... Later when the enemies have scaled up that won't be the case at all, it'll be great crowd control and you'll be able to set up consecutive headshots for bonus damage and make every shot count since the enemies will have such large health pools at this point.


    Bad pc's don't have to worry only limbo and enemies projectiles get frozen,

    You can shoot freely within the rift if you are playing with a limbo on your squad and the shots will connect with your target normally,

    Limbo has his stasis cap removed and can have more fun setting up bullet, knife, explosive traps etc for when time speeds up again.

    Everyone is happy the end.

  2. Za Warudo!! :devil:

    But to get to the point, a few people have said it already but I'm repeating it in case others haven't spotted those comments in this topic.

    Some are worried about the AOE Banish because they prefer to single out enemies and isolate them with banish. Given the fact that you can freeze time it really doesn't matter that much if you've Banished a few at a time since you can STOP TIME. Stopping time is way stronger than isolating a single enemy. 

    However I do play Limbo myself and I can see the appeal of a single target Banish so perhaps DE will implement a quick button press for single target banish and a hold press to cast it as an AOE, either way I'm not concerned about no longer being able to Banish one target because the time stopping ability fixes that problem and it much better in my opinion.

  3. 13 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:


    • You can now apply Default Warframe skins on Prime Warframes!
    • There is now a ‘Toggle Prime Details’ toggle for TennoGen skins once applied to a Prime Warframe. This allows you to choose between the Prime Warframe mesh or the Default Warframe mesh!

    No options for Excalibur prime :c

  4. 24 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:
    • Energy will now be refunded when the target dies between cast and effect on the following Warframe abilities:
      • Atlas' Landslide
      • Inaros' Devour
      • Mag's Magnetize
      • Nidus' Parasitic Link (Mutation stacks, not energy)
      • Nyx's Mind Control
      • Saryn's Spores
      • Titania's Lantern
      • Trinity's Well of Life


  5. I really feel like her first ability is more of a passive it reminds me of volts passive but charged up from damage instead of moving around, it needs a major buff because it has nearly no late game potential. The damage gained without punchthrough is not worth the energy cost imo.

    On 06/02/2017 at 8:26 AM, DoctorWild said:

    More power creep? For now i would say no, but I think that this ability isn't realy appealing. What about something like special ammos in left4dead?

    The ability overcharge the magazine of pistol/rifle of an extra 25%, which are empowered, easier to use and work wonderfully with augument (sincerely, is it realy usefull to have 100% status on a single bullet?).

    I agree 100% for a single shot is not that good. which gives me an idea that I'll add to the original post about making every shot 100% status until it reaches full charge.

    @[DE]Rebecca, @[DE]Megan, @[DE]Steve

  6. If these weak spot growths are an infested only thing until something similar can be developed for the other factions perhaps only have it appear on the eximus ancients?

    As it is I'm often forced to bring one weapon with radiation to disable the passive damage reduction from the healers, because some players don't seem to take healers as much of a threat especially when it gets to the point that the enemies are scaled very high. They rush in don't understand why they aren't able to kill anything anymore and the healers soak up all the damage. 

    If this these invulnerability/damage reduction growths were implemented on the Ancient Infested units exclusively people might learn to make them priority targets and learn the mechanics of each of the passive buffs all 3 variants of the ancients provide, Disruptors reduce ability duration and energy drain per hit which isn't so bad because people can still bull rush enemies and chop or shoot them up, Toxic ancients give everything extra toxic damage per hit which is manageable as long as you have some sort of life steal etc.

    The main problem yet again is the Ancient healers ... The fact they can grant damage reduction to other Ancient variants makes them the biggest threat, time and time again I see people rush into or get swarmed by an infested mob and they aren't able to kill the mob they thought they could take on they get punished for it very quickly! Hopefully if it was Ancients only that get these growths people new players and veterans would prioritize them and treat them as an enemy unit to be respected and dealt with quickly. In turn this would get players in the habit of destroying the healers first after they got familiar with the damage reduction growths appearing only on ancient variants.

    In my opinion the Ancient healer is the scariest infested unit to deal with when you are swamped trying to find it knowing that you can't kill anything around you finish it off. The others ancient variants are fodder to me.

  7. EDIT: Another idea is to grant all shots 100% status chance until the ability reaches full charge.


    Ballistic Battery - Maximized Power Strength increases damage percentage to 244.3%, max damage per instance to 488.6 and maximum stored damage to 5584.

    This ability falls off very quickly late game ... I was thinking of turning the stored damage into a percentage instead of raw damage.

    When against enemies who have very high levels 5584 damage might not even come close to 25% of their health ...

    Minimized Power Strength build would give you a flat 25% of their health taken away and a Maximized Power Strength build would give you 85% of their health taken away.

    Giving this ability punch through would greatly improve the ability in my opinion. Read below for a slightly more detailed explanation. 


    This change would scale upwards as the enemies are stronger, depending on min and max strength builds stats for each are below;

    Maximized Power Strength: Would deal damage equal to 80% of the enemies health when fully charged, the ability would gain punch through so every target hit in a line would lose 80% of their maximum health.

    Minimized Power Strength: Would deal damage equal to 25% of the enemies health when fully charged, the ability would gain punch through so every target hit in a line would lose 25% of their maximum health.


    Shatter Shield could also be made to synergize with Ballistic Battery, this way damage taken while Shatter Shield is active would also contribute to charging Ballistic Battery which would give Mesa players 2 ways of charging their shots leading to more frequent use of this ability!

  8. 9 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

    I think this is something we'll see change soon thanks to the detailed feedback! Folks at DE today made it a point to say we're cool to go ahead with looking at some of the worst offenders here (Titania's 3, Mag's 2). Ash's Bladestorm rework works the way desired here: refunds energy if target eliminated by other means. We'll keep you posted!

    Sweet jesus is it my birthday? :D

  9. During the last Devstream from memory I think Steve noted they want to add more challenging enemies to missions and that the Acolytes were a great challenge for players and there was potential to bring them back. 

    This got me thinking about other enemies that are already implemented into the game but not specifically PVE, more so arena modes ... Rathuum and The Index! @[DE]Steve @[DE]Rebecca

    Executioners on Rescue missions for Grineer - The Lotus tells us that they are gassing the hostage perhaps that could still be a thing but we could have Executioners spawn to fight us while we try to break the hostage out! This would be an alternative method of farming the mod drops from these enemies while also making Rescue missions more challenging and it fits the theme.

    Brokers for Spy missions to protect their 'investments'. - This could be assets such as stock shares or property deeds they own ... Failing a Vault would prompt the spawn of a Broker to protect their investments! Other such examples of why this works is valuables that would be placed in the vault for temporary storage before the buyer receives such an item that was listed for sale. Obviously what we have been stealing is intelligence etc (digital information) Perhaps this would expand upon this more simply as the information for where such items were stored and we are stealing passwords and coordinates.


    Rescue spawns Executioners for Grineer

    Spy spawns Brokers for Corpus


  10. 14 hours ago, Hieracon said:

    What about Trinity? Trinity is a support oriented frame. While she can tank to some degree with Link, restoring health and energy is all shes good for where as Nidus has multiple areas he exceeds in. Its not that i dont think Energy Vampire is an issue but thats another matter for another thread that you are welcome to make.

    Nidus has a healing AOE so therefore he can be listed as a support, on top of that he also has his link which buffs allies and gives them damage ... Nidus is a Hybrid frame, Tank, Damage, Support. Complaining about his energy returns is the same as complaining about nerfing the energy returns on trinity, nidus gets less energy back and then he can't buff his allies. All that does is hurt the squadmates and encourage selfish gameplay where they don't link to allies or heal near allies.

  11. 14 minutes ago, Twilight053 said:

    For additional button, I meant pressing 3 to switch stance. Considering Mirages can switch by simply moving to brighter/darker area, it seems to be counter-intuitive considering how the game demands a fast-paced action.

    For the "areas" debate, no single tileset contains a 99% bright/dark as a whole (except for Simulacrum, but that's a different animal), sure the places might not be strategic for few parts (Asteroid Defense) but for the most parts Mirages should have no problem seeking out a place to stay in the dark and or light places.

    For the 0.5s argument, remember that Mirages are turrets during casting. It is more dangerous to spend a 0.5s staying still than 0.5s maneuvering (remember that Eclipse Mirages would stay relatively close to dark/bright place). Even if they could let bullet jump momentum carry them, that's no different than getting their way into a safe spot.

    No comment on the knockdown argument, since it does happen to all the frames in the game.

    Mirage players running around spamming Simulor won't survive in endgame without proper Eclipse, I would know because I've tried. Proper Mirages would mini-manage between attacking enemies, being conscious of their surrounding, and keeping up both their HoM and Eclipse.

    Regarding reviving players in bright places, Hall of Mirrors.

    Show some screenshots then about how 'balanced' the lighting is because I just did a kuva flood and stood in shadows multiple times without it triggering the shadow buff.

    "no problem seeking out a place to stay in the dark and or light places."    see above ^

    "It is more dangerous to spend a 0.5s staying still than 0.5s maneuvering"    False, if you still have remaining time on your shadow buff as I've explained in my previous post you would still have the damage reduction in effect allowing you to replenish the buff within the last 5 or 10 seconds before the buff expires. Max duration .. heck even a moderate duration build would have more than enough time to find a shadow to replenish the buff dismissing the whole 0.5s debate again.

    "Mirage players running around spamming Simulor won't survive in endgame without proper Eclipse"    Exactly this is to change how the buff works so people realise she has more potential than a glass cannon with deceiving lighting dependant buffs that aren't 100% reliable.

    "Regarding reviving players in bright places, Hall of Mirrors."  ... melee enemies, explosives, AOE damage in general from scorch or napalm, sapping osprey etc.

    I'm starting to feel like you just don't like the idea of change the people that like the concept in this topic outnumber those who don't but that's not your argument your point seems to be about this 0.5s business if you're misunderstanding the concept I don't know how else to explain it but I'm trying my best here.

    ---Detailed example below---

    I'll try to reword it again, so you have the buff active and you've chosen shadow in this example ... you are free to walk around with that buff for entire duration of the ability until you choose to change it or it expires. I'm going to get some stats from the wiki now, -("Maximized Power Duration increases duration to 56.4 seconds.")  So that gives you an easy 50 seconds to run around doing whatever you please if you wanted to play it safe use those last 6.4 seconds in comparison to your concerns about 0.5s to go find shade again and rebuff for the shadow buff.

    If 6.4 isn't enough time to find shadows you'd have familiarized yourself with the tile at this point to min max your timing to give yourself more of an overlap say 10seconds or 20seconds if you were an entire tile away still giving you more than enough time to find a shadow ... after running around the mission upon loading in and looking for a shadow + the 56.4 seconds with buff active you ran around on top of that time you'd already know where to go without fail. 

    "It is more dangerous to spend a 0.5s staying still than 0.5s maneuvering" In my second video where the game modifier wasn't reduced ability duration which I noted in my OP you can see that I am able to stand still for the entire duration of the ability and the moment it wears off I die ... so that gives me 56.4 seconds of standing still but you are insisting that isn't possible when I already have it on video? The only threats are the moment I toe out of line into the light, the ability would expire without me overlapping my casts to remove the pause between the buffs, or a nullifier or scambus.

    Now I will agree with you that on a mission with Scambus units it is definitely safer to move around in comparison to minimal mobility, simply because they can debuff you from range but that is the only exception I can think of in the game right now.

    I hope this clarifies things :)

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