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Posts posted by main_antagonist

  1. 36 minutes ago, (PS4)UltraKardas said:

    Ember Buff thread.... Interesting. 


    I approve :D


    (Only if Wildfire also increases the damage of WoF too though or burns through ancient healers/disruptors :p)

    I think it would because you're able to burn more targets at once like the old days your DPS is much higher if you can go above 5 enemies with the passive but it has it's risks haha. For example in the time it takes to cast Accelerant or Fire Blast that would be considered as time being immobile so if for example ...

    You have your stacks maxed on Wildfire and then cast Accelerant before Fire Blast to multiply it's damage right? For some reason a Cryo barrel cold procs you, a scorpion hooks you or an ancient, perhaps a rocket from a bombard knocks you over yeah? Those 5 seconds are crucial because in the time it takes you to get back up after being knocked down you've already wasted perhaps 2 seconds from the casting animations earlier and you'd lose all your stacks so it's a bit of risk and reward :D 

    Running around with Wildfire on maximum capacity and then casting accelerant should only shave off a second so as long as people pace their castings for her other abilities they should be able to maintain their stacks even after being knocked down. To avoid being knocked down you've gotta put on knockdown resist mods which might make you more squishy or perhaps less damage or efficiency I think the damage gain balances out with the potential builds people would come up with. I wouldn't mind sacrificing a damage mod off my build to add more sprint speed so I can gain more Wildfire stacks that's probably how I'd play her if this was implemented :)

  2. 8 hours ago, RunningTree3 said:

    Supposedly, Ripline can bring a select enemy mob into melee range.

    Unfortunately, it pulls with the power of twenty freight trains, leaving mobs in the outback. (Often same issue with Pull for close mobs)

    One would imagine it better functioning the way a Grineer Scorpion (or MK Scorpion) or Ancient uses theirs, bringing them in for a Ground or standard Finisher.


  3. World On Fire didn't have a cap in the past it would burn all enemies in range but now it has a cap of burning 5 enemies at a time.

    I've heard some people say using the Firequake Augment removes the cap but I can't find anything to confirm that I think they're simply confused to be honest.

    Back to the point I still see a lot of Embers doing exactly the same thing she was nerfed for just standing around going AFK with World On Fire turned on and in my opinion I'm pretty certain that's why she got nerfed to only being able to burn 5 enemies at a time. Because in the past people could AFK like that and do MUCH more damage because there wasn't a cap on what you could kill.

    So I got thinking about Ember pre-nerf and I think I've come up with a good compromise for DE and players who are active and not AFK'ing. Instead of sending multiple report tickets for people who AFK the incentive would be implemented for players who are mobile as a passive mechanic. This doesn't hurt players who enjoy the pace of the game which would make World On Fire function similar to how it did in the past before the nerf to deter people from AFK'ing with this ability turned on. The compromise is to give World On Fire a buff that rewards you for being active! The nerf hurts players who were active with Ember and it seems unjust that we should be punished for something that other people were doing as an exploit.

    World On Fire passive - 'Wildfire'  (Not to be confused with her warframe passive this passive is a new mechanic for WOF)

    Ember has a cap of 5 targets when she is walking or stationary, When sprinting a HUD indicator shows how many targets your 'Wildfire' passive enables you to burn at once the mechanic for this is as follows below.

    Since the cap starts at 5 when you activate Wold On Fire the HUD icon shows up starting at 5, after five seconds your cap is increased to 6 and after six seconds the cap becomes 7 which goes on all the way up to 10. After getting 10 stacks of 'Wildfire' you get an infinity symbol which removes the cap.

    To gain 'Wildfire' stacks you have to be running around and if you stop moving for 5 seconds all stacks are lost, this balances it out from becoming too overpowered while rewarding active players by giving them incentive to be mobile returning ember to her former glory before there was a cap placed on this ability.

    The inspiration for this is a bushfire near me right now and it got me thinking about the old Ember and how fire moves so quickly which gave me the concept to reward active players :)

    @[DE]Steve @[DE]Rebecca @[DE]Megan @[DE]Danielle

    Hope everyone who reads this understands this is my concept and I would love to see it implemented since I feel it was unjust to have embers ability capped because it was being exploited in the past. I've put a lot of thought into this passive and if you disagree that's your own opinion keep the criticism constructive so that DE can see it and pass ideas around how to improve my concept if they decide to do so after reading this. Have a good day everyone! 

    Here's a rough mockup with the World On Fire icon with a x7 multiplier on it to give people a rough idea how it might look if implemented, ignore that I'm almost out of energy as I took the screenshot for the mockup HUD indicator haha.

  4. 16 hours ago, main_antagonist said:

    I'm hoping for some more in game options for HUD such as;

    ●  Being able to turn off HUD Waypoint Markers, (The markers would still show on the minimap ... they just get in the way of your view, I'm aware you can turn off your HUD but that stops me being able to count how much health I have, energy reserves, ammo etc. This is just to disable Waypoint markers)

    You seem to be ignoring when I said "Being able to turn off HUD Waypoint Markers, (The markers would still show on the minimap ..." @Weidro

    9 hours ago, Weidro said:


    u guys do realize that the minimap is part of the HUD ?
    and turning waypoint markers off in the HUD would disable them even on the minimap


  5. 6 hours ago, --Laughing-Soul-- said:

    you know i was about to argue that you were wrong, that banshee isn't the cheeze all frame.... then i remembered i built an RQ banshee for raids and sortie defense/intercept that can sit at max RQ stacks for 30 seconds AND  stagger all enemies within 97 meters around her during that time, basically rendering them harmless even though it doesnt kill them.

    so ill throw my own idea into the pool, even though its silly as heck and would lead to some very amusing shenanigans

    new 4th ability: amplifier

    reduce the range to 10 meters and hard cap it at 20 meters.

    channeled ability. while active constantly drains energy to amplify any loud noises into sonic shockwaves. shockwave strength is dependant on the loudness of the sound. eg. footsteps and soft landings would do low damage in a small area (almost point blank). light weapon gun fire (pistols, rifles) and heavy landings would do low damage in a slightly larger area and stagger (few meter range), heavy weapon gun fire (shotguns, snipers, launchers) would do more damage in a larger area and knock down. and explosions would not only ragdoll but also fling enemies through the air (like mags pull).

    can you imagine a heavy gunner using trying radial blast only to knock it self down and launch all the allies around it self away?

    Having this as a toggled channel ability while being able to move would be awesome IMO, it would be similar to Embers World On Fire but would trigger based on gunshots etc. I think that's hella cool :D

  6. 1 hour ago, Weidro said:
    • being able to turn them off/on in the menu
      fine if you want to but i think this will add a lot of confusion since if you want to leave the mission you kinda need the waypoint for the extraction room
      and opening the menu just to switch them on again to leave the mission is kinda annoying

    It's never been an issue for me I use my minimap for all my waypoints I don't care about them on my HUD just a personal preference, the new update just added more clutter for me honestly.


    1 hour ago, Weidro said:
    • transparency slider is actually a good idea but not only for waypoints instead for all HUD elements

    I think so too :)


    1 hour ago, Weidro said:
    • view distance is sooo difficult since if you are playing on e.g. europa there are a lot of really long tunnels that add up quickly when it comes to distance so if you start the mission you have no clue which direction to walk even worse if its makers just within the room

    apart from the transparency slider this whole concept doesn't seem to much thought-through
    definitely needs more work before anyone would consider to implement this

    Again I'd get the general gist of where I'm going from my minimap if I came to a fork in the road that would eventually prompt the waypoint to show up since I'd be closer being at the end of that room/tile.

    As for the idea not being thought-through that's harsh to say since you're not considering things from the perspective of a player who relies on the minimap markers instead of HUD waypoints. We have different playstyles the update made things easier for you, for me it made things a lot more chaotic on my screen with clutter pointing in every direction when I'd like to focus on combat and relying on my map for navigation.

  7. 4 hours ago, --Laughing-Soul-- said:

    you know i was about to argue that you were wrong, that banshee isn't the cheeze all frame.... then i remembered i built an RQ banshee for raids and sortie defense/intercept that can sit at max RQ stacks for 30 seconds AND  stagger all enemies within 97 meters around her during that time, basically rendering them harmless even though it doesnt kill them.

    so ill throw my own idea into the pool, even though its silly as heck and would lead to some very amusing shenanigans

    new 4th ability: amplifier

    reduce the range to 10 meters and hard cap it at 20 meters.

    channeled ability. while active constantly drains energy to amplify any loud noises into sonic shockwaves. shockwave strength is dependant on the loudness of the sound. eg. footsteps and soft landings would do low damage in a small area (almost point blank). light weapon gun fire (pistols, rifles) and heavy landings would do low damage in a slightly larger area and stagger (few meter range), heavy weapon gun fire (shotguns, snipers, launchers) would do more damage in a larger area and knock down. and explosions would not only ragdoll but also fling enemies through the air (like mags pull).

    can you imagine a heavy gunner using trying radial blast only to knock it self down and launch all the allies around it self away?


  8. I'm hoping for some more in game options for HUD such as;

    ●  Being able to turn off HUD Waypoint Markers, (The markers would still show on the minimap ... they just get in the way of your view, I'm aware you can turn off your HUD but that stops me being able to count how much health I have, energy reserves, ammo etc. This is just to disable Waypoint markers)

    ●  HUD Waypoint Marker transparency slider, therefore I can see enemies without it being so distracting,

    ●  Waypoint View Distance - This would allow you to change your settings to allow less visual clutter for example; 

    Doing a spy mission you don't see A, B, C constantly on your HUD form any position on the map ... You get the waypoint marker showing up on your HUD depending on the View Distance you have set in metres. 200m, 100m, 50m something like that just to reduce the amount of visual clutter. (An alternative would be to toggle an option that only shows Waypoint Markers for items and objectives in the present room/tile you are standing in.)


  9. 9 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

    Fixed Equinox changing forms when Focus is activated.

    There is a similar problem to this for Loki, it disables his invisibility prematurely! On high level missions it leads to one hit K.O

    I haven't tested this with other focus schools but it happens when I use Zenurik.


    9 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

    Fixed deactivated underground Turrets in the Grineer Fortress being affected by abilities (Nyx’ Mind Control, etc) a

    Melee Auto Targeting in your game options causes you to attack these turrets when they are below ground, some people don't see this as a problem but if there are enemies standing nearby you'd want to attack the mobs ... not a undeployed turret.


    Thanks for all the other fixes!

  10. 5 hours ago, felipe3402 said:

    And think the Mini-Cataclysm's created by the Rift Surge is made for a simple reason, Them your stasis thing get's on the cap, You cannot enter on the rift plane again with the roll. So, With that, I Think the way is "Trying" to stay on the Mini-Cataclysm while your Stasis power is recovering. (That's what I Understanded on the Devstream)

    I understand that but a lot of people don't like the idea of having them around, if they were tweaked in the way I'm suggesting maybe people might learn to love them if it had more utility :D

  11. 22 hours ago, Khlamydia said:

    Hey DE,

    I know your hard at work making Limbo all shiny and new and changing his kit and thats wonderful. We really do appreciate it as a community. But, as the Devstream announced Limbo is about to be spawning multiple cataclysms all over the place and also AOE using rift powers now. In the interest of players seeing a Limbo on their public team and not rage-quitting the instant they spot him because they don't want to deal with the frustration.... I'd like to put in a request for a new Limbo augment while your working on it.


    What if the Main/Big Cataclysm worked the same as it does now - you can't shoot in and you can't shoot out you can only attack on the plane you are currently on.

    And the Small/mini Cataclysm lets allies and yourself shoot enemies inside the rift but they can't shoot out.

    This way the Big Cataclysm works for defence and control for a specific area, the small ones that spread are CC so the enemies can't attack us but are vulnerable :D

    Think about it like this ...

    Big Cataclysm = Another plane/dimension entirely

    Mini Cataclysm = Half the enemies body mass is in the rift so they can take damage, their weapon is entirely within the rift therefore they can't shoot us or melee us.

    (Half of the mass that makes up the body of your enemies is placed in the rift so they can still take a portion of damage ... in theory this would deal damage equal to half of what you dish out, even if it's only half of any damage dealt the CC would be amazing without inconveniencing the squad.)

    EDIT: Another way of thinking how this works, the mini cataclysm works like a cover bubble, the enemies can't shoot out we can shoot in.

    Even if they can walk in and out of the mini bubbles we can use them to break their line of sight and intercept their projectiles to stop their shots hitting us. 

    When the enemy is inside the mini cataclysm it would be as if you inverted/reversed a frost snow globe they can't shoot out but we can shoot in.

    If the enemy is outside the mini cataclysm their shots are sent into the rift unable to pass through and hurt us but our shots can penetrate through without hassle #spaceninjamagic

    I like the idea of having these little bubbles around the place and strafing around them using it as cover, running into one if I see a bombard rocket approaching me, knowing that if enemies enter the tiny bubble with me they still can't do damage to me like they can in the larger cataclysm because they could function differently 2 different types of rifts which I explained earlier.

    Yet another way of thinking about how this idea works would be if you had a magnetize bubble from mag that didn't pull enemies in, doesn't snare enemies, doesn't amplify your damage but acts like a volt shield that you can shoot through by the enemy can't. 

    I hope that explains the concept I'm trying to get across the mini cataclysm could be a really good thing if done in a way that benefits gun fights.

  12. 8 hours ago, DarkOvion said:

    Yeah, I'll go watch a 1-2 hour video because you can't be bothered to.

    Go to the Limbo bit, and watch from there.

    But hey - you keep making angry noises and long responses based on false data because you can't be bothered to do your own research - way to validate your data man.

    Just link me to where it says it exactly? I don't see anybody else claiming this in the feedback topic, only you ... but you can't link me to it? I'm trying to see things from your point of view but I can't find it just show me where it's at where DE says "it causes server issues" and I'll agree with you.

    @[DE]Rebecca @[DE]Steve @[DE]Megan @[DE]Danielle Can somebody vouch for DarkOvion's claim that the new limbo is going to burden the servers? Sounds unconfirmed to me.

  13. 12 hours ago, main_antagonist said:


    12 hours ago, DarkOvion said:

    The limit isn't for peoples computers, it's the load on THEIR servers.

    1 hour ago, main_antagonist said:

    I'm pretty sure that's wrong, when you're in a squad there is a host who acts as the server that's why when the host leaves you get a migration.

    28 minutes ago, DarkOvion said:

    Go watch the video.

    Why would I need to watch a video about something I can just screenshot to explain it to you like this? Within my total usage being 19% cpu, 50% memory it's clear that warframe is using these computer resources the most not the network.

    50% of my memory/RAM isn't even being used by warframe I've got other programs open while playing the game. 12gigs of ram and it says warframe is using 1.5gig.

    If you were right that the game runs from the network and that having a Limbo use stasis for projectiles is going to be a burden for their servers then my network usage would be very high.

    Multiplayer PVP has dedicated servers, Multiplayer PVE uses a host from the squad peer to peer networking so as long as the game can run it client side it wouldn't have much of an impact if any on the network usage hope this helps you understand how the game works :) 

    (PVE = players vs everything)

    (PVP = Player vs player)]

    An explanation about networking for games can be found here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Game_server

  14. 8 hours ago, General_Durandal said:

    I'll just assume you only read the "it's dumb" comments, (that give no reason to why)

    and non of the, "it's bad because" comments. (that explain why it's bad and how they could fix it)

    You assume wrong.

    Before you said that you also replied to me here after I explained a concept that could fix it :) I guess you forgot we've spoken on this topic before.


  15. Reading complaints about the stasis slowing down/freezing projectiles ... like ... really guys? Why be negative about it, just don't use that ability?

    At least complain and say it should be implemented as an augment if you don't like the concept, instead of hating on something we haven't even got access to yet ...

    Who knows you might actually enjoy it?

  16. 7 hours ago, General_Durandal said:

    Time stop is bad because getting locked out of your powers just because there was too much going on is to big of a penalty.

    One mirage comes along and you'll never be able to use your powers.

    If it worked like Bastille, where when it gets to it's max, any excess enemies and projectiles are unaffected, that would be great.

    Yeah I thought about that too I suggested a workaround a post above yours :D

    7 hours ago, main_antagonist said:

    Here's a workaround idea ...For bad PC's and The cap on Limbo's stasis.

    (The goal behind this idea is to remove the cap on Limbo and benefit players who haven't got the best gaming rigs that would suffer massive fps drops)

    Excessive projectiles making you hit a cap should be scrapped because being reprimanded for that isn't fun, to stop computers using up too much of their resources the best way to go about this would be to only allow you to freeze your own projectiles and those of your enemies!. Allies within your rift can shoot as normal. You aren't controlling their shots just you and the enemies within the rift.


    Early game low level enemies die in the rift because your allies can run in and snake free kills from you if they wanted ... Later when the enemies have scaled up that won't be the case at all, it'll be great crowd control and you'll be able to set up consecutive headshots for bonus damage and make every shot count since the enemies will have such large health pools at this point.


    Bad pc's don't have to worry only limbo and enemies projectiles get frozen,

    You can shoot freely within the rift if you are playing with a limbo on your squad and the shots will connect with your target normally,

    Limbo has his stasis cap removed and can have more fun setting up bullet, knife, explosive traps etc for when time speeds up again.

    Everyone is happy the end.


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