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Everything posted by yeahnil

  1. - Negative reviews - Chargebacks/refunds - telling other people about it so they steer clear of WF Basically not giving them money.
  2. Namely that if you're not playing gods devs chosen pet frames, that seem to be untouchable in terms of nerfs (you guys know who you are), you're basically unable to solo or not be a burden to the team on higher difficulty RNG content like regular and elite deep dives. That is exactly the reason why people have such a strong reaction to Dante being nerfed. He was capable to get right into endgame, when provided with the right investment, without requiring a bandaid fix like an augment or a weapon like torid to carry him. All the people whining about him being completely OP conveniently left out that in order to do those nice highlight reels with millions of damage you need to heavily prime the enemies with status apart from 3-3, have 3-2-4 active for pageflight and then still cast 3-3-4 to do the actual damage. By that time other frames would have cleared the neighbouring two rooms. He was good but not broken. But a very loud minority kept repeating whatever BS some random youtuber was yepping for views. Dante was straight up fun and a great change of pace for the people tired of using the same frames like Revenant, Mirage or Octavia to do endgame activities and farming. The fact that DE does neither see nor understands this, shows how much up their own behind they are and how only their favorite pet frames are allowed to be remotely viable or OP. Because funny enough, their supposed 'pillars' don't apply to the frames with the highest usage stats.
  3. LoS is absolute mindnumbing to use. You can now have enemies stand a few feet behind you and take no damage because Tragedy is basically just a buggy cone determined by your FOV settings. The 3 Raycasts are also a joke when playing in tilesets like the entrati labs where you have a thousand little pieces of geometry blocking the environment constantly. His 'nuking' capabilities also heavily rely on priming with pageflight, hitting both tragedies and in case of higher level steel path runs, priming the enemy with extra status. Only then he can 'nuke'. On my mirage I simply press 3 and then 4 and have all enemies on screen disappear within a few seconds. I also get the benefit of it staying around for close to 30 seconds and keep obliterating, whilst using minimal energy compared to Dante's 3-6 casts at minimum.
  4. Funny enough they weren't ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Single threads outlining the issues were deleted. Large threads which we're 99% 'get rid of LoS' were locked. Most recent one by Danielle I believe. But I honestly can't tell what has been deleted and what hasn't. I certainly miss a few posts like a few other users.
  5. Many threads with tons of replies were "consolidated" or rather deleted. Basically cleaning house. Shortly followed by YouTuber partners saying that Dante is OP and occasional praise threads in the forums.
  6. Which won't happen. The year of being lauded went to their head. Just look how they're handling this. They'll reap what they've sown sooner or later. Question is if they'll learn their lesson before it's too late or not.
  7. Did a netracell run with him yesterday. Roughly 20% of the enemies in my direct vision got actually hit. There's simply too much stuff in the tilesets blocking the bandaid fix of 3 raycasts checking for a hit. Having to waste 3-6 extra casts just to get off a single nuke and still barely hit a third of the enemies right in front of you is just painful. Meanwhile I see a mirage casting prism, leaving the room and everything being dead. There's also the fact that dark verse hits way more enemies than tragedy can. So you basically prime 60-80% what you see, but tragedy barely kills even half of that. The last issue is that even if enemies stand right up behind you, they take no damage because of line of sight. Yes it still hits like a truck but as an AOE it's borderline useless.
  8. I am one of those. I haven't posted at all since I registered registered years ago. But spending plat, forma and reactors on Dante, even going so far as to buy a tennocon ticket because I enjoyed the 'new' DE, I felt massively cheated when they bait and switched 5 days later. Especially since Reb explicitly stated in the most recent dev shorts, that they will be looking at it first instead of hammering it down after just a week. She straight up lied to people's faces. That and all the blatant gaslighting of the community was too much honestly. I regret spending a single dime on the game and already told all my friends I tried getting back to the game to stay clear. F that noise.
  9. Greed is a hell of a drug. The amount of people using RMT or VPNs is nowhere near high enough to realistically impact their revenue or justify such a move. They simply want to increase their profit. Given the recent bait and switch with Dante, and the way they dealt with that backlash definitely fits the bill.
  10. I think that was in my thread that got deleted. 😂
  11. Already working. A lot of people thanking them for the LoS 'fix'. Most haven't even tried it or know about the new bugs to it.
  12. This pretty much sums it up to be honest.
  13. My forum account has been locked for the better part of the day since I've been posting about the issue these past 3 days. Also got several threads deleted like many others. I still can't log in on my desktop. Funny enough I'm constantly getting logged out, whenever I try to access the forums, despite being able to log in just fine on the main site. I guess it's just a coincidence. Wonder about all those threads disappearing though ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  14. The past few days were eye opening. I came back to the game a few months ago and was surprised how great everything had become, especially in regards to feedback and communication. In 3 days DE has shown nothing but ignorance and gaslighting. Deeply regret wasting time and money on the game.
  15. The 'hotfix' broke it even further. Now changing FOV and anything obstructed by Dante himself blocks the ability. JUST REVERT THE GODDAMN CHANGES
  16. Your hot fix broke it even further. Well done. https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1392165-congrats-los-eleven-buggier-than-before-we-told-you-to-revert-it-pablo/
  17. A reddit user already recorded the new issue: The post: Warframe character model blocks LoS: https://clips.twitch.tv/HomelyAggressiveWormPJSalt-XA21cwDUsYU4yVcd FoV changes break LoS: https://clips.twitch.tv/FineHilariousPorcupineTwitchRPG-n6J-Qnm9mlmk2rVt I reckon this suits your standards, now?
  18. Eximus changes that made all CC frames even more obsolete Inconsistent argument about 1 button nuker frames when Sary, Equinox, Gauss and others are free to do so Forced overguard on teammates being the actual issue with dante. Yeah I don't see any of those being addressed. But sure buddy.
  19. Not really. Nothing the people have been telling you has been addressed. Horrible bait and switch tactics. EDIT: His LoS is even more broken than before now. Anything obscured by Dante himself isn't hit. Changing the FOV also breaks it. Well done.
  20. This @[DE]Pablo There's 100 pages of this across multiple threads. If you don't then nerf ALL nuking frames to LOS
  21. My dude we don't want LOS, don't you understand? If you're so adamant about your 'vision' add LOS to: Saryn Gauss And basically any other AOE nuking frame. But you wouldn't dare do that, would you?
  22. Well I came back after a 4 year break when they released the whispers update and was so pleasantly surprised how much had changed. All the W's all the good QOL changes. Even bothered to buy plat and a tennocon ticket because things were so nice. I deeply regret that now. I just happened to experience a short streak of non-BS I reckon.
  23. The video in question for reference: Looks like the CEO took it less lightly than you guys did and instinctively said the correct thing, before getting told off lol
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