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Everything posted by Gaxxian

  1. If initial dmg isn't the problem, then why are they talking about a big AoE dmg? Without that base dmg Tragedy cannot kill anything that doesn't have a good DoT on it first, so there is no AoE dmg to talk about.
  2. They never say anything directly, since DE are being very opaque as usual, but let me show this image: Do you think that the dmg that you see in this img could be worrisome? This is a 439% Str build vs Steel Path corrupted units (a variety of them). Thats the result of Tragedy into them (without Dark Verse, ofc, just Tragedy in itself). The base damage from Tragedy does next to nothing in anything higher than low levels. So, if DE is worried about a big dmg AoE, cannot be due to what you see into that image. The logic conclusion is that DE is trying to "balance" Tragedy, just for low level maps, where a 30k Slash AoE wave actually can kill everything. My proposal? Remove that base dmg.
  3. This ☝️ When even DE says that we will not like the range nerf... thats a dangerous path xD Losing dmg means nothing at high levels and brings that balance that DE also wants in lower levels, so they could remove LoS without further damaging Dante.
  4. Thats the idea. But people keep spamming about range nerf lke they were born yesterday and think that DE will just cut a few meters from base range... FFS, they said that we wouldnt have any problems with the first "tweaks" that they did, and look how we are. Now they are saying that a nerf on range "will not make us happy". Just imagine which nerf they are thinking on doing.... probably less range than Dark Verse. Those suggestions will result in an even worse Dante than now, you will see.
  5. Because its good at low levels. Thats why the removing that base dmg from Tragedy is the best compromise. We have our high level gameplay, DE have they low level "balance". Everybody ends fine. People should stop suggesting miopic compromises like nerfing range. Its DE FFS, they will halve it and call it a day. Do you really think that DE will nerf it for just a few meters??? I mean, the first time they said that we would be cool with the "tweaks", and now they are saying that we will not like if they touch the range. Just imagine. Asking for a reduced range as a compromise its like asking for Dante to be removed from the game without asking for it....
  6. This guy here understands what we need to get rid, so DE doesn't have any excuse to keep LoS: And here I explained why that dmg is irrelevant at high level play. So... its time to ask DE to get rid of that dmg and LoS, at the same time.
  8. Ok, some numbers for context. I have my 439% Strenght Dante ready for some number crunch with Tragedy. This is the dmg when I look at the ability: This means that each enemy (not primed) will receive that damage. At low levels, that damage is capable to kill anything but I will test it against SteelPath level 195 corrupted grinners. Let's see how that BIG NUMBER goes there: Results: - Corrupted Butcher: 14843 - Corrupted Lancer: 321 - Corrupted Bombard: 131 - Corrupted Heavy Gunner: 295 - Corrupted Warden: 288 So, it's "good" to kill Corrupted Butchers. Do we really need that damage in high level play? I mean, if this was the problem that made DE to add LoS in first place (not like we know, because they are insultingly silent and opaque towards the community), then between reducing range or remove that Dmg, i prefer to remove that meager damage than to cripple the ability reducing the range (thus, making it bad to clear several groups... like LoS again, but in another shape). Ofc, the best thing would be to just revert all changes. But if thats not possible, then -Dmg is preferable over anything else (LoS and range included).
  9. Thanks! :) Yes, Dante can complete that content without issues, but it just feels... off... and its very noticeable if you played the frame before and after the changes... Thats why i tried with those proposals, to preserve that characteristic gameplay that he had before the nerfs, while tackling the issues that arised at low levels (since i think that those are the reason for the LoS...).
  10. Mesmer Sking should be nerfed into a 90% dmg reduction. Tops.
  11. I've proposed several changes for Dante with the idea of bringing him back to his former power, but at the same time, reduce his potence in low leveles, increase the sinergy within his own abilities and improve the teamwork and the support that he adds into the team:
  12. You know who kills faster than Tragedy for less energy? Mirage + Plasmor. At this point, Noctua is far best dps than the 3.3.4
  13. Thats why they rushed it so much, to avoid more players actually trying Dante before the nerfs.
  14. We must make sure of it. The mods are also deleting comments and threads too. No concesions, full revert.
  15. They could, but they are resorting to their mechanic to let the a full weekend of silence make the players bored and go to another topic. People will praise them at the next hotfix as they already did yesterday
  16. Seemingly because 4 persons didn't were able to use their new shinny Rage/Adrenaline with Inaros or the new augment for Chroma due to having Dante's casting OG into them. Funnily enough, they could nerf OG given by Dante to 1%, and still being disruptive for those 4 persons, since the problem is the interaction, not the actual OG quantity. There are at least 4 persons that cannot manage energy economy without Rage/Adrenaline, so nerfing Dante was completely necessary. Because there is no other warframe that avoid them using those mods... like Revenant, Frost or Styanax. Seemingly those 4 persons are the completely totality of Warframe Community. The rest are just for filling the gap and we can be happily ignored.
  17. Because we don't want nor need midpoints for a nerf that shouldn't happened in first place (at least so soon, before all the dust settles and we are able to see Dante's real dominance). So 0% compromises, 100% rollback with those nerfs.
  18. Oh! Then next week when you address OG interaction with Rage, you will revert ALL the nerfs to Dante since they will be completely unnecesary, right?
  19. This misterious uberchad was capable to max our overshields for the team while maintaining +52k overguard at all times for the team, regenerating all the team energy at +14/s and removing all the armor from heavy enemies... We MUST NERF that warframe as soon as possible! :O Oh w8... its me with a bad build! D:
  20. People should learn that THIS IS NOT THE PROBLEM. Its NOT about Dante giving OG, but about OG itself!!! They need to find a way to make it work with those few frames that benefit from not having OG. This would be another disgusting nerf and would remove the support from a "support" frame. Do you remember that he is support?
  21. Dont give them any thanks, they dont deserve. They are just saving face while ignoring the community at the same time that they are showing how little they would need to make those fixes if they truly cared.
  22. Maybe it didn't reach the feedback, but we don't care about your "balance", we want a full rollback on Dante's changes and that you tackle a way to be able to use Rage with OG
  23. 3 ESO rounds (5m 1s), 1161 kills. Completely dominating with afk gameplay. Please, NERF. My reccomendation would be to add LoS, halve damage and having to press 3 buttons using 100 energy.
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