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Everything posted by Gaxxian

  1. I think that its because you need to wait until the ability touches the ground and activates before you are able to cast another one. Since the ability has travel time (and isnt very fast) when you are flying and far away from the ground, this delay is very noticeable and annoying.
  2. I agree with everything :) Also, about this topic: They could also add Corpus Snipers, so between all the scattering shots, there are some with great precision that makes you want to go to kill them or remain on the move.
  3. Yep, only case scenario is when you were using Serration but not any Fire Rate mods/buffs (or, as the previous post said, you are using Hemorrhage/Internal Bleeding and you don't want to end having too much Fire Rate), so that Serration its an easy swap. But, between the fact that this type of build is not so widely used (in general, we all put some Fire Rate) and the fact that ONLY works with Semi-auto (idk the reason why they made them like that), there are just too few instances that you could effectively use them, and more than not, they are a trap to people that didnt dive deep into the building process. Its sad, because i always cheer new build opportunities. But... well...
  4. Yep, they nerfed her preventively, so it already comes in a bad state, so they doesn't need to nerf her further now. God tier thinking here.
  5. Man, now i want that added into the game to be able to sell Sarynant pure breeds.
  6. Some of the new arcanes are bad af. Idk how they designed them in first place tbh
  7. You are undervaluing a lot what Fire rate can do, imho. As they are, they are a DPS trap, they dont have nearly enough +damage% for compensate not using any mod with +Fire Rate (literal, ANY +Fire Rate mod will give you more DPS). Remember that your typical weapon Arcane will give you +360% damage, and there are diminishing returns. Those mods are giving you arount +80% than the regular serration or whatever version it is for the weapon. Counting the diminishing returns... that means what? Around +15%? Its trash.
  8. Its like the birthing minigame that doesnt really need any input, since you can just wait without pressing and the cutscene continues as nothing bad happened.
  9. Sometimes this happens to me, but i can shot again after a few seconds. It seems related with everything that would cause you to stun in normal situation, but while you are on Merulina, it freezes you to not being able to do nothing for longer than a regular stun. Maybe sometimes this effect gets perma-stuck? Idk D:
  10. I have several issues with those new eximus: - Too visually annoying, i cannot see S#&$ if 2 of those rays are close to me. - Moves way too fast, like you need to bullet jump several times to avoid one. - Too much duration for such an annoying attack. - Those rays are just too high, pointing to the ball at the top is a chore... thats if you can, since in a lot of maps the ball gets hidden inside the ceiling. - They do too much dmg, if you are stuck in a 1s animation, you are dead already. - The eximus itself isnt obvious enough and if you have several of them, you don't know which one is the one using the rays.
  11. At least the change to apply status could be tied to Str if they dont want to just add a 100% status chance.
  12. Great question :) Sadly I have no answer.... because Saryn? Idk. Now those shards are trash too.
  13. Yet even the usual viral slash has a higher TTK than before xD I didnt changed a single build... why i should? Enemies are just papermade.
  14. In fact, on the contrary, now even players that didnt wanted to grind so many arcanes in first place will be forced to grind more for longer to reach what they wanted in first place. Isnt just doing nothing to prevent burnout for the more active players, but its also adding burnout to the more casual players.
  15. Thats not the problem. The problem is that DE lied once again. They said that they wanted to prevent burnout, so they added a cap, yet they also increased to stupid levels the amount of grind to reach that cap, so at the end you would need the same amount of time to have less rewards. Thats not preventing nothing except players being able to trade for plat. Its another cashgrab movement, as they lately are doing nonstop.
  16. I also love how they treated the "you can buy everything directly from the Dojo" problem. So now i feel like an idiot for not going sooner to my dojo to skip the grind xD
  17. I suppose that the trophies will appear when the Operation ends. Expect a big golden womb xD
  18. Technically your child was inside Jade at that moment and we even have a syncronizing (with Jade) minigame. So...
  19. Sometimes (that word is key) the dmg goes to over 5k in less than a second. Sometimes i can go to sleep with Inaros while the green light is hitting him, and others the green light kills my Inaros in 1 second.
  20. Even without being a Wisp main i asure you that i will make sure to contribute in whatever i can to increase the number of warframes in the world. For... the science... or the life... or something.
  21. Im not trying to pretend otherwise, since thats exactly what we are talking about, yet you still not grasping how a fetish works for a person that, you know, it has that fetish. Somebody with preggo fetish doesn't need that the pregnant lady does anything out of her way to do anything that you, person without the fetish, would consider extreme or sexy. Just her being there, touching and showing her preggo bump from time to time is enough for somebody with that fetish to have "feelings". Look at 2B from NieR Automata for example. She is in a nearly eternal war against machines yet she is dressed in a gothic-like apparel and with high heels (even in the desert). It has any sense? No. Its a fetish from the author (and confirmed by himself). You are just fighting and moving like normal in the world, 2B doesn't do NOTHING by herself to incite you. Yet thats the fetish from the author. Take it or leave it. At least, 2B has more meat under her appearance that makes her a great character. Jade not. You literally incarnate Jave within her body to make the pushes, so, living the process, yet you don't see anything weird. Ok.
  22. You don't understand what a fetish is. Same here -__- Because our characters are the ones doing the "push". Thats why we have the minigame to syncronize with Jade.
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