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Everything posted by Gaxxian

  1. I think that you apply 0% ^^! I've seen targets like that, being damaged as normal while that white bright remain xD Yep. Light Verse is complete trash by itself :(
  2. Tbf, Arcane Energize is pretty convenient. You just slap it, and you are on. Other options need to remove other things... Arcane Exhilirate means that you cannot use another primary arcane, and that can be bad. While energy nexus is 5 times worst than the expected output from Energize (a maxed Energize it has an equivalent of 10 energy/s, way better whan Nexus or Exhilirate) while you are using one mod slot, so not every build can add Energy Nexus. Companion orbs also require either another Mod for Equilibrium, or Shards. And subsumes means that you need to not use another one :P So, yeah, Arcane Energize mean that you can slap it in any build without having to plan in advance. Thats good in my book. It also affects to close allies, so it works as a team buff. That being said, the price its totally overblown. Its just too much. But i'd say that what makes it so expensive isn't just how good is it, but how hard to farm it is ^^!
  3. B-but they must redesign the game to cater those new mobile users.
  4. How are going the LoS changes? Everything ok? What about Dante? Still no answer? Any?
  5. To be fair, even stats seen in launch can be changed a week later. Remember how they "changed" Dante after release. So, i would take anything we see with a grain of salt.
  6. Before i saw the video, i knew that it was a Protea xD Yep, thats Protea. And yes, people seem to wanting to troll with energy colors. Idk why DE lets them and doesnt reduce the brightness.
  7. I'm not sure that they just "don't listen", because they seem very eager to make fun of us at every chance they have in the last few devstreams. I'd say that they just don't care and act like little kids with an excess of hubris.
  8. Well, yes, but thats a normal thing in Warframe xD
  9. (And i can asure you, that i wasn't killing nothing before the abilities unlocked, because i had horrible weapons, so the kills must be squad based for sure)
  10. I had several similar bugs in my run too. And using Sevagoth, sometimes the shadow never unlocked the abilities. It was weird af
  11. Right now? RNG and giving annoyances instead of challenges.
  12. Not to be "that guy", but thats the trademark of being frustrated, instead of having fun, with the new gamemode. Btw, this week is much easier. Unless the RNG cursed you, you should be capable of doing it without any problems.
  13. No, its just bugged af xD Classic DE momento
  14. Lol, imagine saying that Zephyr isnt good xD Also, any frame is technically capable to go to lvl cap, you just need the skill and the right build. Isn't that what RNG-lovers want? To adapt? Its your chance. And, in worst case, then the gamemode wouldnt be for you, so you can just not play it. Isnt like you need the rewards anyway, you still have netracells.
  15. Tbh, they should change it so Onos would be on the left arm like... always. Because rn it covers your screen when you try to aim ^^!
  16. I'm one that hates will burning passiong being unable to use what i want. And i usually want unpopular but funny things on their own, giving a S#&$ about if what im using is BIS that year. If thats handicapping myself, then yeah, i play WF handicapped. I don't have any issues beating EDA each week, but i want the rewards and i grit my teeth each week while i do it. I would prefer to use my Yareli and my Onos, or similar S#&$s. Tyvm. BUT, if somebody prefers to use BIS (like you seem compelled to use if DE doesn't stop you), all the power for them in my book.
  17. Talk for you. If you only play with BIS, it seems like a YOU problem.
  18. Same as they take 2 years to fix any minor thing that could fix in 15min. Lazyness lack of priorities and working all over the place with no rythm.
  19. The selection pool isn't the things that you own, its worse, since the pool is EVERYTHING in-game. Even things that you don't own. And iirc, there isn't a safeguard so you can at least have one of each thing either.
  20. And unless the RNG gives you complete trash, isn't challenging either. Just boring/frustrating at best. And when you get RNG trash, isn't challenging either, just miserable.
  21. Nop. Using a example: When (lets say) around 95% their EHP comes from Armor. If you remove Armor, then you just need to clean that 5% remaining EHP. If they change it so around 50% their EHP comes from Armor. Then, removing that Armor means that you still need to clear a 50% EHP left. This will be, effectively, a Corrositve nerf too.
  22. There is plenty of those, i've never had any problem finding a full squad to do archons at the weekend. But ok, surely you are correct.
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