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Everything posted by SneakyErvin

  1. Yup, agreed! And if they wanna somehow limit how much crit interacts with it they could simply do the following. All hits trigger the arcane for double strikes, but the extra strike can never deal more than a yellow crit. So you would end up with yellow+yellow, oj+yellow, red+yellow, red2+yellow and so on depending on the crit of your weapon. But why though? You could instead just use influence and deal heavy viral AoE constantly by combining base damage+augment+pfs+cold mod, then slap an electric mod on it for the buff uptime. Which also gives you a chance at spreading toxin through slams along with viral. I mean, we are looking at near 26 meters of devastation instead of 6.
  2. I do know about companies and I've also checked up what form of company Tencent is (did this years ago when I played PoE), what their intent and approach is aswell as what form of company form Leyou ended up being in relation to DE in the past and Tencent currently. This has nothing to do with chinese psychology either, since it is all based in business formation and global laws of commerce etc. In addition to that Tencent is only "chinese" on paper, and have been so for several years by now. They are currently not even close to having majority shares in mainland china for instance. A quarter of the shares currently sit with a south african company. With shares directly tied to china sitting at roughly 8%. Then the rest of the shares are spread across the globe, with Norwegian and American shareholders in the top. So maybe time to take the tinfoil hat off?
  3. No, since questioning and adding input on what one sees as needed for things to work is still important. You clearly just seem to want people of a different opinion to shut up. Those are poor examples though. We have activity to go by regarding conclave, we dont have numbers on people wanting harder content being a minority. The reason it should matter here is because it has been done before several times and there is data for low participation to go by. All those other things are brand new releases, if they turn successful or not is another story. In the case of WF? Both. And saying they dont rework popular things often is uhm quite strange when we've gotten new additions and twists to already very popular modes i.e defense, survival and disruption. Which are all what would be considered reworks or improvement of current systems according to Pablo's own words on their philosophy. Instead of changing a current mode, they add a "new" one with the changes they wanted to add. Inaros is another example, a popular frame that still needed to get work done to it. Then ontop of that Steel Path got added to aswell while also an already popular activity, this by getting access to fissures and full bounty tables. BR with 8 people interesting to explore? Like... do you even... oh my... I'm honestly not sure how to react to that comment. Living under uhm a rock? It isnt about having fits, it is about having years of PvP experience across a multitude of games and systems, and seeing when some ideas are just bad and hopeless for the game at hand. While also seeing what makes all those other games successful. Or in the case of WF seeing when the appeal is lukewarm at best through several attempts already. Like I said, if this was a completely new mode and the first attempt I would be all over it. But this would... again... be the... fifth #*!%ing attempt. Not even our PvE modes have gotten that much attention, not even close to it. At some point you simply need to cut your losses. No I dont. Servers arent costly, there are many options they could use and they could stagger them to test. Meaning they can start out low and see how the activity pans out, then add more or simply pull the plug on the servers if they see little traffic. You'd think the previous tries at PvP and improvements should be enough "small amounts" already. That isnt what I'm saying. I'm saying conclave has extremely low activity. Nowhere have I said people here hate PvP. And it wouldnt be something like a "headband" going missing if they instead do something for conclave, since the two arent interchangable, since it would be those that develop playable content and systems that would work on PvP improvement instead of PvP. The "headband" would just mean the "headband" ended up as a PvP reward instead of a PvE reward if a shift for those artists happen. And there is the problem "might". How many tries do you think they should spend on PvP? 4 arent enough for you? One would thnk that after those attempts people should realize that the interest isnt very high. So are we then talking about a 5th massive undertaking to change fundamentals and add a completely different mode that "might" attract those not interested in the current? Or should they just waste resources on the minor changes mentioned that would really only impact those current active in the mode and not enough to attract new players at any larger rate (since the mode would still be exactly the same)? Why couldnt they instead spend the time and resources on improving sabotage, hijack, spy, capture, rescue, defection and other modes? That people will be guaranteed to run since it is part of the core gameplay loop. That goes both ways, which is what I pointed out, since neither him nor me know what the code looks like, no matter his degree or not. It is well known that engines work vastly different, we dont know the case of Evolution. You can just glare at Bungie regarding such things, where they constantly complain about their own engine and how difficult it makes development and that the players demand too much etc. And again, you put words in my mouth regarding conclave. It is pretty bloody clear that conclave needs improvements, no one has said otherwise. What I'm saying is it worth giving conclave improvements or not? The activity is low, several attempts have already been made, so taking another pass isnt really viable considering the history and data available regarding PvP as a whole in WF throughout the years. Like I said to Publik, if this was a new mode with no history and data I'd support them giving PvP a chance, but it isnt a new mode, it has history and data, it has several attempts of improvements in the trunk etc. The wrong part is that they've already tried several times, more times than most PvE modes when you look at it. And again, it wont be about headbands and capes. You talk like the avarage gamer, thinking everyone within a company can do everything. Which isnt how it works. We would see reductions in content releases for PvE, releases that are already released with quite wide gaps as is, not a reduction in cosmetic S#&$. But clearly you dont think 4 improvement attempts across 11 years is enough. Which makes me wonder why you arent out there advocating improvements to several PvE modes that have gotten no improvements at all over 11 years more or less.
  4. Of course they can lol, no one says otherwise. What is pointed out that we just dont know how easy it would be for them, how much code needs to be previewed etc. All of which takes time. And something you wouldnt know unless you actually see it for yourself. No it isnt unimportant, since it leaves the question in a vaccuum. Hence why the survey was overall horrible. It reminds me of the officer that gets added to Easy Company in Band of Brother, the dude that is barely there, asking unplanned questions and then just wanders of in the middle of an answer. I also dont see how the ears have anything to do with this, since they are a new thing done simply because they wanted to. They likely also went on data regarding the holiday cosmetic when they decided to make these new ears with the brand new tech. No, popular things can also use improvements since eventually they might get outdated and old. Like survival getting new itterations along with disruption and other modes that are already popular. I'm not sure why you think something is "very popular" since it gets brought up by a random bloke off and on. Do you also claim WF BR is very popular? Since that S#&$ also gets brought up as often as CvsG PvP ever since PUBG and Fortnite popularized BR. Not to forget that the people bringing up CvsG PvP tend to want BF-Frame and not some 4vs4 infantry content only on small maps. The half a million unique players over those years isnt really alot. Since it comes down to roughly 350 people per day. We also dont really know how much those people play it, or just jump in to check out what conclave is in WF. It could have also been inflated due to the most recent holiday event. I'm also not sure why you seem to ignore that PvP in WF has already been given several tries in order to make it more popular. If this was just a second try or something I likely wouldnt object, but it would for crying out loud be the 5 attempt in 11 years! That would be nearly a new attempt every 2 years. I guess third times the charm doesnt apply here? Which is my point regarding reworks to PvP aswell. They've already thrown money on the fire for nothing several times over for the mode. Parts of which have also been completely removed from the game and cant even be utilized anymore. And all small potential changes would end up on that fire sine it wouldnt really be enough to change the mode to something better and more "mainstream". Which is why CvsG has been asked for, to move away from the twitchy frame gameplay of conclave.
  5. They could possible change how unowned weapons are presented. I can imagine a new player being a bit at unease since you need to hit the purchase button before getting to the page that shows you if you can buy the BP for credits or if it is obtainable as drops or from the dojo. @(PSN)Sentielprovides a good solution imo.
  6. I suggest you read up on what Tencent is, how a holding company works and what it actually means for a developer like WF the way they were "bought". You are imagining a before and after, since just like before with Leyou, DE still retains creative rights themselves. And since Leyou is wholly owned it is more about what DE can do and benefit from on the chinese market itself as a foreign company through Hong Kong based Leyou. And if you read up on Tencet you'd know that nothing will actually change, since Tencent is a holding company with their fingers in massive amounts of already successful cookie jars. No one involved in the holding company itself has any real insight regarding what is bad and good for DE/WF. They bought Leyou in order to profit passively on the already successful companies and IPs that followed with it, not because they had an idea about changing something. They are too smart too start changing something already successful they have no knowledge about in the first place. So right now Tencent is practically a bank for DE incase they need the extra funding. All very likely lined up in a contract that tells them what is expected from all parties involved. Something that probably dates back to them being bought by Leyou, which was also a holding company with the same intent and ideas regarding why they obtained DE.
  7. Possible but questionable. The main appeal of viral+slash now is because the health you need to remove is so low on targets. But with the changes to DR, removing only half of the armor would in practive benefit you as much as a single viral stack. Also dont forget that we have so many options to gain viral elsewhere. Currently the main reason to not consider corrosive is due to the scaling of armor, since the reduction in high level content still leaves mobs with thousands of armor so still sit with 90% DR. After the changes the same stacks of corrosive will reduce a target from 90% DR down to 60-ish, while current reducing a target with say 97% DR down to 90%. And that is if we go by the scaling of current armor, but they also said it would be normalized scaling, so we will likely reduce those enemies to lower than 60%-ish with 10 corrosive stacks. We got numbers on it. It will have normalized scaling for better impact from corrosive and the cap will be based around 90% and 2700 armor. I mean, they can set it higher than 2700 rating, but it wouldnt really matter since they plan to scale it anyways to not go beyond 90% and be impactful when removed partially and in segments by things like corrosive. The vision? To make it more accessible and less bloated compared to the current system. I'm also not sure where you manage to find any changes done tied to real life cash sales either. Their cash interest comes in the shape of cosmetics and access packs. And they rework stuff far more often than to allign with such sales, or at completely different points in time *cough*hydroid*cough*inaros*cough*.
  8. But you dont, since you do not sit with the DE code for their different systems in your own hands. Then you would also know different engines use different codes in different ways. Did you get your degree in using the Evolution Engine? My bad, forgot about those questions in specific. So, that means they should maybe reconsider trials aswell incase they can figure out what made them such a mess in the first place. However, since the question didnt really have any opposites, or questions about other systems it is quite hard to tell what people would prefer in comparison to something else. Again, as mentioned several times before elsewhere, their survey was set up as an utter dog turd. Also, 6 step questions instead of 5? Would that mean 3+4 should be added up as the middle, or 3 go towards 2 and 4 towards 5? Again, dog turd levels. No, not when we look at the population it would cater to. I would have no problem with PvP rework requests if the mode actually had a healthy population. But it practically doesnt even have what could be considered a population. Something likely is since they havent done it. Because they could simply deem it not worth it overall given how unpopular PvP is and has been across their different attempts. I would welcome them to add official servers for a while to actually test the waters regarding the interest for conclave in general as it is. The player hosted servers really do not have a chance to support the mode unless it is so unpopular that supporting 400 people out of millions is enough. And if it is that unpopular there is no reason to rework it. It is likely less popular than that, since I'm fairly sure those servers are most often not filled, or even close to it.
  9. With the upcoming changes to scaling that will very likely change. Since health will increase and armor will become far more managable, so going with corrosive+cold on primary weapons might very well be a solid option, since you no longer really worry about hitting health directly with slash, because armor will be far more forgiving. Which will result in stripping armor granting you a high damage increase quickly aswell for your direct damage to deal better with the health of the target. Remember that viral wasnt the be-all-end-all stat together with slash until corrosive was changed and no longer able to full strip. That was because 90% armor reduction practically did nothing. However, with the upcoming scaling changes the innate 80% armor reduction of corrosive will be enough to reduce enemies to 540 armor. And with the addition of increased shields on Corpus, corrosive will be more universal by the looks of it, since viral still wont do anything to shields, while corrosive will significantly reduce the armor of armored Corpus units all the same. And iirc Corpus health wont increase in addition to their shields. Plus, while viral will likely be the most beneficial versus infested since they are only health, chances are they'll die quickly no matter what anyway to a corrosive+cold weapon. The one thing I'm considering most is if corrosive+cold will match corrosive+heat. It very likely will since the cold based primary arcane is far better since we already gain base damage from gundition overload. So for me, even on weapons like Burston with innate heat on the radial attack I'll probably go corrosive+cold for the increased critical damage from the arcane along with the increased crit damage from cold itself.
  10. I would too if we werent able to reach orange crits as easily as we do, and if influence didnt exsists which practically lets us hit multiple enemies several times over without any limit on our crit stat.
  11. I mean, you get uhm 8 attempts at them per week, 5 from EDA with increasing chance and 3 from Cells. How many of those arcanes can you possibly need in the end? Plus they are both for the most part utter and total trash. I'm still trying to wrap my head around how those two arcanes got the lego status instead of exposure and influence. Someone making decisions at DE was dead drunk the day the rarity of the arcanes were distributed.
  12. No you didnt get scammed. The screen shot you provide refers to the very last reward if we ignore the vosfor step with maxed research. That step can roll nothing but either a Tau Forged Shard or a Lego Arcane. While all other non-vosfor reward steps can roll Lego Arcane, Shard, Tau Shard or Adapter. So we got a far better deal than showed in that screenshot, since a guaranteed arcane at the last step as the only reward would be rended completely pointless quite quickly. Now we can keep doing EDA for a chance at a Tau Shard at that reward step even if we already have all the arcanes. IMO they should remove the arcane from that step and only reward a Tau Shard.
  13. The ball-and-chain isnt innaccurate and fictional in itself, the one-handed ball-and-chain is. The two-handed version however is very much real and something that was used and is found as far back as in texts about pre-christian northern and eastern europe. Both where the "link" has been made of chains aswell as straps, with either singular or multiple that hold 1 or more spheres in various ways. Then during the 1500s there are drawn depictions of actual weapon racks of the time the incorporate both the military and peasant "flail" among the wide array of weapons used in the north by foot soldiers and knights. Here we have two seperate names for them based on which tool they are similar to. Stridsgissel = Inspired by the tool/instrument gissel, a tool of punishment with one or several whips and barbed heads. Used aswell by the nutjob christians (more nuts than the avarage of the time) called flagellants for self torture. Most accurate translation would likely be Battlescourge or Battleflogger. I'm partial to Battleflogger since it sounds hilarious compared to Battlescourge. It is twohanded and a military weapon. Stridsslaga = Inspired by the agricultural tool. Translation would likely be most accurate as Battlethresher. Looks and works like the agricultural thresher. Most often used by lower soldiers, such as former peasants. Very effective as an anti-cavalry tool. Then we have the 1-handed ball-and-chain flail, which is simply just very innacurate and a romanticized idea of the "Battlescourge". Often also confused with the Morningstar, which in reality is a regular mace with a spiked head in comparison to the flanged mace. Both aimed to wreck plate armor. Here we just generally refer to them as helmet crushers.
  14. Not really the same at all since we actually know how one thing tends to pan out due to personal experience, but we dont know at all what the code looks like for DE or how the two different parts of the game (conclave vs the rest) are interconnected and interchangable. Of course that is fine and no one has implied it needs to cater to every single player. But you have to consider the actual numbers of how many it would be guaranteed to impact, with PvP practically adding up to near zero. This is also not comparable to the MC, since that is a new system for new core PvE content, which is also ment to see activity from everyone. Also, please stop making up numbers here, like the 83% regarding raids. You are very likely confusing that with people simply wanting multiplayer content and not specifically raids, since the two are not synonymous. And again, that is fine, but there needs to be some form of numbers to go by in order to say "lets spend resources on these guys". Since the time and resources it takes to make something for a single player is the same as making it for several. With PvP you are looking at what? 0.1-1% or something out of the active playerbase that would be catered to with a rework. If even that when servers to hold a maximum of 400 people at once is enough. Still an effort that takes time and resources away from something else. No it really isnt silly, since it is quite the standard in order for PvP to succeed and the one thing they havent actually tried yet. It would be a natural first (5th) step to see if there is any chance at all for PvP to gain traction. Since you know what? DE could very well host servers to test the waters and see if it would increase the activity, if it wouldnt, then they could just cancle the hosting. They wouldnt need their own physical servers for this, so it would only be a short term cost that could turn into a long term investment if it is fruitful. Then the game mode is in the spot it should be really. A place to goof around for those few that want to. I'm also not saying it should be a CS-killer or any other killer. It just needs to actually have a playerbase within the total of the game. My standards are also not unreasonable, since it is all about reliable stable connections and easy accessibility for the players. My standards might have been high at some point at the late part or end of the 90's.
  15. Not at all. That was simply about what one should expect, that doesnt mean that if someone asks about something specific one cant listen and go along with it. Just slowing down for the sake of slowing down is one thing, slowing down to let someone do a specific objective they need (if they ask) wouldnt be strange. You are just upset at me for your specific playstyle not being the norm, which is what I pointed out, that you are the minority yet act as if everyone else should follow you. No one has said that. You are again disengenous and while also seeing yourself as the center. Look at it this way. I bring what I always bring, that doesnt stop me from slowing down if someone ask for a specific need. You however, bringing the bare minimum, cannot "up your game" if others ask you to, since you dont have those items with you. So you practically twist and pervert what is actually being said. If I were like you say I wouldnt stop to kill Angels in EDA if someone dies, I'd just bulldoze the objective and head for EZ. But I dont do that, I make sure to see to it that everyone is up before we extract so everyone gets their rewards for the work we put in as a group. I'd also not take a detour to help someone kill a gruzzler or whisper when I have zero interest in what they drop. Yet I do.
  16. It's still part of different systems and we dont know how much can be re-used in a simple transition. So it might not be cheap or simple at all. It is still true... It doesnt matter if DE currently works on several things, it would still be one of those several things that gets held back in order for the resources and time to be put on PvP. Since currenly one of those several things is not PvP. And the same thing is in reality true for Railjack and Duviri since those resources and the time could be placed elsewhere. So the people that dont like those two activities are correct in that sense. This really applies to everything in the game when it comes to what we like or not within the playable content. That doesnt matter, since it doesnt mean they are interchangable. We dont know how much work needs to go into it. The mechanics between the systems are not the same. So tweaking of the bots would also be required. They arent. You refuse to see how few people each server supports and how many would be needed by running on that system. 8 people per server is practically nothing. Even with 1000 player driven servers you'd only be able to support 8000 players at any given point of the day across the whole world. Which would be far less per actual region. Hence why DE should have their own servers that can maintain and support several matches at once. Which would also bring stability in the sense that we'd know if the game is up the servers are up and if there are server issues we'd get that info and also be able to report it like it is now in the rest of the game with simple connection issues. We wouldnt be at the mercy or players that might just shut down the server at any time in order to update something on the PC that they are using as the server. We'd also not be prone to power outages or ISPs acting up etc. As I said earlier, you apparently have no standards.
  17. Yep. Shoulder mounted launchers in general would be cool. Tenet Envoy would have been a prime opportunity to add it. Yeah I was hoping when Styanax was coming that he'd also have a spear+shield. With the fishing spears we really have the right size for such things aswell. Overhead jab combo, waist height stabbing combo, some twirly more slash based swipe combo, some shield bash+jab/stab combo if we'd get a spear with shield. And if they add halbards we could get a more brutal version of combos compared to those we have on polearms. Sideways slashing combined with frontal stabbing etc.
  18. Yeah and what you prefer here doesnt matter. AFK even here literally means automation to the point where you can step away from the keyboard. This only applies/applied to a few frames and Xaku is clearly not one, since they will die if left just standing and "hiding". Wukong was the prime example since there were no real risks just spawning the clone and letting it kill as you practically did something else not at the PC. It really doesnt, since they require constant input to do anything. Same here, it doesnt matter since in order to do anything you are required constant input of some sort, be it relying on weapons or your nuking, otherwise you get nowhere. Wukong could just spawn the clone and then stand there and have it kill. We dont have anything else that would be afk farming, since everything else needs input. The one exception could be Octavia since her roller roams, but it can also end up failing with mobs spawning in the wrong places. Except I just pointed out the opposite. So are you now claiming that someone you absolutely dont know, and have never played with is lying? Which is good, but some others do and sometimes ask people if there is a possibility they can finish it. And why you think it is something I would do is odd, since that was never implied. I simply said I'm OK with others asking, if it is a sensible request given the mission type. Also seriously fun that you first say I wont let anything slow down my speed, then you go and say I'm probably also the guy doing riven challenges in public. Those two do not add up, since it would effectively slow me down unlocking riven challenges in public and it would slow down the mission aswell. So which person am I in your mind? Since I cant possibly be both at the same time. Could simply also be that I'm neither, and just OK with requests and never actually bring rivens to unlock in public. My approach?
  19. Glaxion because Sobek wont allow you to crack bad Mr. Freeze one liners infront of the screen as you skate through the maps in cool fashion with an icy attitude, a cold shoulder approach towards the enemies as you chill them to the bone and make them shiver down their spine as they scream for the sweet release of death and not the sweet taste of ice cream.
  20. Flail Flail+Shield 1h Battle Axe 1h Hammer Halbard (polearm sorta fills the role but not really) Spear (polearm also kinda fills that role but not really) Spear+Shield Shortsword (swords kinda fills the role but not really) Minigun Railgun or Railcannon Gauss Rifle or Gauss Cannon (we might already have some guns that work that way) Plasma Gun, although we have some weapons that could be considered it. I'm thinking more of a high hitting heavy attack that also leaves a damage over time effect on the target that deals AoE damage aswell and is left on the corpse if the target dies. Cyclone Missile Launcher, for those not into 40k, shoulder mounted salvo rocket launcher, with one salvo pack on each shoulder. Face guard and fire extinguisher sold seperately*
  21. I hate Wisp overall in groups, so any strength is imo too much. I dont build my builds to cater to the eventual appearance of a wild Wisp in my groups, so I already have the attack speed and fire rate I want. I dont need the health and regen, since the surivival stats are already covered in my build. And the turd shaped as a cherry ontop that is shock mote is something I dont want at all. Solo I mostly aim my strength around improving Breach Surge. I rarely use speed or shock mote since I dislike cycling and also fused reservoirs because it forces shock mote on me. I'd use haste mote incase fused reservoirs allowed for customization. But also, with the weapons I use, attack speed tends to be tied to my rivens, so not really something I'm willing to replace either with haste mote, and I dont want more attack speed than what is modded on my weapons.
  22. You are kinda just proving my point that 1-man nuking has never been unintended or against DEs idea of the game. Since even if they add scaling to cater to groups, it would still fall flat. Which isnt the case for Xaku. But it was for Wukong. My whole point was how you can see Xaku as even close to AFK. Like seriously lol? What out of any of that results in close to AFK? Just that you actively use your weapon and constantly move are very strong indications it is not close to AFK. Unless you now also claim buff frames are close to AFK since they barely use their skills and only run around and hold E and cast the occasional debuff? Clearly then my Dante is an AFK frame aswell, since I currently play him as a weapon/melee platform that rebuffs once each 70-ish seconds or so and then only use DV like you use styanax armor strip. Since obviously using only a single skill over and over is close to AFK. Logic + you = 👍
  23. In order to give it an actual fighting chance if a rework is to happen. Otherwise people will give up trying as they either face long queues or are forced to peer-to-peer. It is also a case of "what havent we tested yet?", where servers would be the answer. Like I said, conclave or well PvP as a whole have already gotten several chances, all of which have failed. Something big needs to change in order to give it yet another try. Seems like you just argue to argue, since no one can be that dense or one-track minded. There are varying degrees of "small", it is one thing to design something for a smaller part, but a completely different thing to design something for a fraction of the community that is so small it is barely noticable. So there is no "Pick one". "Cheap", "already implemented" etc. are simply assumptions. Since they'd still need to actively code it into conclave and make it work with those seperate systems. Meaning that yet again we come back to the point where the time of coders for other things would be reduced in order to implement these changes to conclave for such a miniscule near non-exsistant part of the community. And content releases and improvements for the PvE core part of the game are already slow enough as it is. All of them. And because they'll halt PvE development at the same time. Many of the things that exsist elsewhere would not be as easy as to just "copy/paste", since conclave is a seperate system, so changes would need to be done as it is implemented, meaning the code would need to be looked through and changed to fit conclave specifically even if the foundation for the changes are there. The "ifs" doesnt matter. It is about the current, about what they know, about what can actually give it a chance in order to justify even considering reworking it in a fashion that would actually also attract people. Current too few people are active in the mode to justify any form of rework and it has failed several time over already aswell. And without the standard of easily available stable dedicated servers there is little chance attracting anyone interested in serious PvP. As to the bolded part. Stop using "marks" as if someone said what you imply, since "marks" mean you actually quote someone word by word. No one has said or implied what you "quote" there, aside from you now, asking yourself 3 questions. Plus if I were DE I wouldnt want to do some bandaid fixes to PvP and risk ending up looking like an amateur in "media" now that the eyes are very much on the company and the game with practically every major update. And if I was in "media" and they'd do some bandaid PvP fixes without an intent to allow it to grow I'd be like "but...why!?".
  24. That just shows you dont know me at all. I dont really care about the end of mission results screen at all, I care about what happens in the mission. If the mission moves along as it should I wont open my mouth, if someone effectively disrupts it by not playing the objective (holding data keys, fishing etc.) or doing it flat out wrong (killing outside cell circle etc.) I'll likely say someting. In the case of OW fishing I tend to just head to the bounty and start it then let it fail and go to extract, then those others can keep fishing if that is what they want. And if you ask me to stop killing I'll do so if you have a good reason. If it just comes down to how you wanna play then no, since my time is mine and not yours. Same deal if you ask to get a chance to complete a full absurd riven challenge, like 100 finnisher kills while doing defense or something else that can have time reduced by killing. But if you'd ask in a survival I'd just go chill and leave enough for you to chain kill with finishers. Where do you even get that idea from? If they didnt want a single person to nuke everything then they'd scale enemy health based on group size so people would need the damage equal to several players to kill things, they wouldnt keep it at the same value as solo play. Even heavier targets like Demos and Acolytes lack proper scaling. Talk about destroying the meaning of a phrase/acronym. How the heck do you consider Xaku afk? The only thing Xaku has is passive damage output through a buff, but it is still a frame requiring very active play in order to not get overwhelmed, drained or killed. Wukong was the outlier since the clone allowed for near afk gameplay by having no duration, no ammo concerns etc. Meaning you could effectively just find a spot and then move 5m every minute while doing other stuff as the clone killed. That was long long before OG was ever a thing. And it wasnt really effective either for Banshee. It fell off quite fast on the star chart, and that was with a Banshee using decent amounts of strength. She (her augment) got changed not because of her damage and efficiency, but because she was one of the first real AFK frames. Since her "damage" potential for that content was still there with the reworked augment, but it actually required interaction with the game. Mostly though, both often resulted in bouncy-castle scenarios more often than not due to dealing way to little damage and just halting enemies in their tracks over and over and over.
  25. Yeah true. Publik's idea would be best I think. A total pool more or less that can be used for every config. So if you want every single shard combination you'd need to add 5 of each shard to the total shard pool of the frame. But that would likely be a very edge case occurnace. It would work well with the fact we'd also have free removal at that point, so swapping shards between frames on the fly would also be an option.
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