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Everything posted by SneakyErvin

  1. The time is imply wasted on watching a whole video to get the specific points when it would take 30 seconds to read a recap in the thread that wants to discuss it. That is the main point and why I dislike videos just dumped in a thread. I have no issue with people making threads about a video discussing something, but please bring up bullet points if you do since not everyone is interested to watch a full video to catch the specific points in question. Or atleast make links to the specific time stamps you wanna discuss. But CC already does alot, it just doesnt do anything versus a few special units. Just as how certain damage skills wont do something about those same special units. There is a time and place for everything and so far CC is in a strong spot aslong as people dont expect it to be a be-all-end-all thing. I mean, the one lacking CC frame is really Limbo, because he is designed around on relying on his rift while Eximus ignore it along with his CC. Which more says that Lamebo should get a rework that improves him and makes him more friendly around allies aswell. So heh win-win in that case. For me one shots arent threatening, they end up being dull since there is no real room for engaging gameplay, mistakes or other similar things. And it ends up with only one defensive approach being viable the further you wanna push. This has always been an issue, hence why enemy damage has been reworked in different ways, but it still ends up at the bullet-hell outcome. Even one of the changes to reduce enemy damage kinda resulted in a double edged sword, since while their accuracy got reduced it also led to more RNG as you try to avoid bullets. Since the thing that initially would hit you, the thing you actively tried to avoid, might have actually missed that spot and instead gone in the direction you just moved, ending up hitting you. DE should probably cap enemy damage at some point and make levels scale their eHP only, since the more an enemy can take, the more uptime on damage towards you it has, resulting in eHP scaling effectively also scaling potential damage output of an enemy. This together with a rebalance of how much damage we can output could lead to more engaging gameplay options for future development. It would also allow players more options for defense since they'd know how much output an enemy would have at most. Something that levels could add to enemies would be more types of attacks, more active eximus units the higher the map level gets and so on. And instead of adding straight up damage the enemies could recieve a chance to spawn with elements on their weapons and the chance to inflict statuses. Making this different overtime and harder as we progress, since we might suddenly run into toxin damage or magnetic etc. Well yeah, but it also kinda removes the whole point, since CC is practically guaranteed passively at that point. I'm more talking about using specific CC skills to open up an enemy to something, so you actually need to consider using the skill and so on at the right moment. I mean I cant think of a weapon I use currently that doesnt instantly inflict some form of CC the moment I start dealing damage. For Loki it's more that there isnt much to do with him except turn him into another dps frame, because he already has access to strong defense in his invisibility and crazy CC with disarm. The thing they can avoid though is making him a nuke, which is more what Pablo implied the only step was. Though turning him into a dps frame wouldnt be bad and I wouldnt mind it aslong as it isnt just another AoE dps frame. He would for instance be a great candidate for another melee frame, since in the lore of the god Loki he is a master swordsman as skilled as Heimdal. So it would be possible to give him some form of thematic ability in that sense, either a melee buff or some melee type ability instead of switch teleport that could get merged with Decoy. This would also pair well with his stealth without really changing his identity or current strengths. Dont forget you can just flail in the general direction of a warden with your melee to kill it, if you run one with proper reach. Some weapon and stance combos get a bit wonky but most of them work to achieve it. I would enjoy more, but I'd prefer ground based units since I find the Warden too easy too pick off due to it floating above everyone. An enemy hidden among enemies with say shoulder/chest weakspots to kill would add more since you'd need to find it in the crowd. But I also think it's something they should consider for future content or a seperate version of current content similar to steel path, so people get eased into such things and wont have them forced on what they currently enjoy. Since it is mostly the future content we need more engagement in that can counter our insane power. The old is the old and we should be allowed to faceroll it since we've already spent hundreds aswell as thousands of hours doing it over and over and over and then over a bit more.
  2. No that specific view is dilusional as you can see in what I also describe. Since nothing is actually removed from them because they are unaware of whom is actually using such toggles, toggles that already exist aswell. It isnt even a subjective thing, it is objective and really a fact. They can make up an idea in their head that person X has it toggled, or not, but they will never actually know. So what they base their desire on are simply mind ghosts, since people already avoid their fashion in several ways without them knowing when it occurs. They could even ask someone "Do you have X cosmetic toggle off" and if that person lied and said no while having it off, the person in need of some form of confirmation would end up not knowing the truth eitherway. So it doesnt impact them, since they'd never end up knowing. Because we see people walking around in similar outfits. And at which point are we discussing "rabbit hats"? I hope you are aware that the helmet you showed is inspired by actual functioning samurai helmets of the past? I mean, again we run into a situation where every little detail needs to be spelled out so you grasp it. It practically never fails. That bunny headpiece I'd welcome. Would fit perfectly on an alternate savage setup rocking dual ichors and the skin/pelt syandana. I'm not sure what is so hard to understand with the dislike for the specific bunny ears we have/will get. They arent a bunny hat, they arent a helm with pieces shaped like ears, they are just two bunny ears, fluffy bunny ears, things you expect to see on children or furries or in Fortnite. As I would just hate a "viking helmet" with a plastic look in WF, but love to see a "real" one or a WF perverted on. Hildryn would for instance look completely out of place with actual bone horns on her prime, but the dragon(ship)-esque horns fit perfectly.
  3. First thing you dont seem to realize is that different teams work on different things. That ports are made while bugs are still there doesnt mean the bugs arent getting worked on as the port is worked on aswell. And swapping people from one team to another would not magically solve or even help soving whatever it is they are working on. Since again different teams work on different things based on their field of expertise. Second thing, reporting things to support, especially bugs and demanding compensation for lost loot etc. slows down their process for actually important issues. Report it in the bug section and live with the lost loot. Some of the issues you list in your OP are also of little priority, and some arent even bugs, like Duviri Defense starting "at random". Defense is intended to start after a certain time if you do not head to the objective. It is like that everywhere. Not to mention that some of the things are issues on your end. Like loot images and text not showing for you, which is likely a result of an unoptimized cache for the game, poor connection at the time or alot of trash cache files tied to the game on your computer in general. Which is also likely a result to your soft lock issues, unless you experience those soley in multiplayer, at which point lowering your ping limit or changing matchmaker region might help. Then your Arc Coil bug is an issue tied to Sim, just like many other things in Sim bugging out specifically there. Again not really a pressing matter. Your Netracell issue sounds like a client/host issue, or you are playing Nezha. And DE does communicate enough. They even tend to change bug report titles with a (known) to let people know that the bug has been reproduced on their end. I dont need an in depths explaination. And if you want bugs to be seen and solved sooner instead of later, making detailed reports on the subforum is the best way, since it has the highest chance of getting seen directly by someone working on it, which leads to them asking for DMs through support with direct instruction on what to provide and how to provide it so it ends up with them directly and skips the normal line. It just isnt realistic since the hardware and software configurations of the community are too vast for them to catch and fix all the bugs even if soley focused on that. Which in return would also halt production in several other departments, meaning that they'd have to let certain people go that now end up with stockpiled and finished work as development for new content gets halted at the end of the line. Then we dont know how many can be moved from what they do either to focus on bug fixing, so you might have even more people left with nothing to do, since they need parts of what the now transfered people usually do in order to get anything done at their end. And even if DE could hire more for the bug fixing team, it would also result in a need for physical space aswell as picking up more hardware for them to work on etc. You are also not helping by complaining here on the general forum. Helping would be you posting detailed bug reports in the appropriate bug forums. If you have a bug, that bug may be specific to your setup, meaning that it doesnt help anyone if you just mention the general overarching issue of the bug, since it might not be possible to reproduce on the setup DE uses. What hardware and software do you use? Which frame and settings were used when you ran into the bug etc. All of those things matter.
  4. What do you base the A rate on? Like you have Voruna and Khora as A females, but you for some reason exclude Atlas as an A male at the same time? And Baruuk. Plus where is Frost, Styanax and Hydroid? Frames that are overlooked due to their past states which really gives no fair view on where they are at now in the game. Then we have frames like Lavos, that is a massive power house, but he isnt played by many since he has a cooldown system that isnt everyones cup of tea.
  5. I wont watch the video. I still dont know why people lazy post and dump a video without bringing up the highlights they wanna discuss from the video. No I wont watch a video I'm not interested in watching so the creator gets an extra view. Especially not when there arent even time stamp links to the key points the poster of the thread wants to bring up. CC is already way too powerful, there is no way to buff something that effectively already shuts down a whole map of enemies in most cases. What they need to do is add incentives to use other DPS than AoE, that isnt solved by adding more power to CC. Both AoE damage and CC needs content made that counters them. I assume that the video brings up Eximus as a reason to CC being dead. Which is really just a horrible misconception, since if there is 1 eximus among 20 enemies, 19 enemies are still open for CC as you waste the Eximus incase you need to rely on CC to get the killing done. Even brief CC like Piercing Roar and Nourish pulses are golden still, since they remove alot of incoming fire while also opening up for finishers etc. Vortex effects are also still very popular good. Loki doesnt need any particular changes. He is already a strong frame, people just need to realize that certain frames are better suited for specific things compared to others. Loki is for instance a very solid defense and melee frames. You cant get CC much stronger than a 50m disarm that doesnt interrupt game flow. He also has access to stealth, and the one lacking thing in his kit is getting improved with the upcoming patch today. And with those things along with the recent buffs through arcanes that melee recieved, he is in a very solid spot as a defender/stealth frame able to do practically any content well. But how would that work? Not all frames have access to CC that would suffice to CC in order to then remove OG. And how would shutting something down make it harder to kill? You'd just be back at no-brain CC and taking your merry time killing things when they cant do anything in return. What the game needs are more threatening targets that you cannot CC or kill with AoE. Giving you situations where you might be better of CCing the trash as you focus the main target or similar. We need lots of different types of threatening targets that push us to use different and specific methods as the mission progresses. CC immune, skill immune, AoE immune, weakpoints, damage type immunites, unmitigatable CC (ignores PSF etc) and whatever else they can come up with. The only thing they should avoid are things that some frames just cant handle, like a need to CC something before killing it or requiring abilities to kill something, since not every frame has access to those things as baseline.
  6. That is still the case though since those people are dilusional. And it isnt comparable with changing something that actual impact the gameplay for everyone at all times no matter if solo, grouped or in a premade etc. Here, a few examples. Adding a toggle to cosmetics will not change anything for anyone in a negative way. Reason is because that player that needs validation and attention for his "zomg I look fabulous!" fix wont know if anyone has the filters on or off, no more than he knows if I'm currently on bio break or have different graphical settings than him if he tries to flash his fashion currently. Nor does he know if I happen to have the camera poiting in a completely different direction either. There are even some toggles already that effect his visual choices at the moment that arent even tied to graphic setting as such, like weapon elemental VFX and legacy color. So should DE also phase out low end hardware and platforms aswell as those toggles so this guy wont have PTSD over not everyone seeing his fashion as he envisioned it? Second thing with a visual toggle is that it can be flipped on and off at will. So if that fabulous fellow really wanna show someone everything he can do so by having the other player simply flipping the switch. Now if we look at "disruptive" weapons and frames due to them dealing more damage and leaving you behind due to your personal choices, well those changes would be permanent and gamewide, effectiving everyone in the game. Not only that, it would effect everyone in the game no matter if they play solo, groups or in pre-mades. There is no way to avoid such a change. So what you claim with it being comparable to a toggle isnt true, it is comparable with actually removing the cosmetics from the game because they are "disruptive". But hmm, no one is asking to have the cosmetics removed. As to compromise. There is already that option in the game for weapons you find disruptive, since you have both solo and pre-mades to work with to avoid these things and playing the way you want. A way that isnt exactly inline with the game design in most cases. Which wouldnt be applicable if you change the weapons, since I cant go solo or with a pre-made to experience how those items work now. That isnt compromise, that is one side having their way in every way, which in this case would be your way, since there would be no way to experience our way beyond that point. So it is rich of you to claim you want compromise when you already have options in the game for that regarding weapons/frames you find disruptive. Compromise in this case would be asking for some form of toggle for the matchmaker, so you can automatch with likeminded people while avoid us, the bad people that ruin your game. That way both sides would be happy and able to do their prefered thing. That part is covered in my very first post. I'm fine with it being a celebratory thing already. And I think you missed the main part with the helmet you posted earlier, it is also designed for combat, a pair of ears arent. That is one of the issues with them. Give us the samurai helm in your image and I'd wear bunny ears aswell! You also seem a bit one-track minded regarding the norg. I simply said it could be seen as cultural homage. The thing fits the people it comes from. That doesnt mean I would wear it but it wouldnt be odd if someone did. The ears on the otherhand are simply childish items. I mean, if you love to wear them 24/7 irl so be it, but they are still childish items all the same. Same as the plastic helmet I mentioned, that is effectively a celebratory item for modern times, same as a red and white santa hat. Modern cultural items that no sane person wears 24/7.
  7. There is a name for that. It's called a Mummy. Curse of the pharaos and all that if you awaken one from their tomb. Though yes, the two share alot. weather manipulation, eating or drinking bodyparts/fluids, turning into mist/sand, minion control in the shape of thralls, control over insects and beasts etc. Well heh, Inaros will be uhm kinda the Vasca Warframe. He will be the crazy cat guy and he will drain life. Though I cant recall if his minions look like vascas or not. Anyways. Give me a B! B! Give me an A! A! Give me a S! S! Give me a T! T! What does it spell! BAST!
  8. Being able to finish exterminate isnt exactly a benchmark for a weapon, since you practically have all the time in the world to do it. Would be interesting to see how it holds up in practically any other mode that requires killing. Will it even deal enough damage to a SP capture target before it manage to escape? How will it handle defense when a acolyte spawns that you need to focus on for a good while in order to kill it? Assassination, disruption, survival or any mode that practically swarms the player? So Acrid can uhm clear exterminate, which leads us to consider it can also finish rescue and most sabotage aswell as spy and hijack since they dont really require killing.
  9. This, exactly this is what I'd want to see. There is an ephemera in the game that I would absolutely love to use, since it looks awesome on Frost... however that ephemera also comes with what can be best described as a "cartoon" cloud haning above the frame. It totally killed the ephemera for me, and everytime I see it I get that feeling of a horrible out of place animation. I wish I could turn that off aswell so I dont have to see others wearing it. It would also all be beneficial to remove issues that people have with extremely bright energy colors and so on for the most part. Which is a win win not only for taste, but for medical reasons aswell, heck even for simple physical reasons even if someone doesnt have a specific condition.
  10. So you ignore the part I bolded for you from your very own quote. And at the same time you speak of context? They are abominations of the old war, that is what Hunhow says straight up. That implies they exsisted back then, made with tech available in Sol at the time. Yes scavenged tech very likely, meaning the base for it exsisted here. Tauforged are potentially refined versions made by the sentient. But thousands of years have also passed and Albrecht has been a busy person. Not only that but according to the logs he also has agents for various thing, one being monitoring the tenno of the story. So him having things stockpiled isnt a shocker. Also remember that Chipper doesnt scavenge any place that has any real connection to Archons, so him finding those shards is also highly unlikely. There is nothing that connects Archon creation to the places that he scavenges. When we face Archons on the planets they are stationed there. So unless Chipper is Chuck Norris of Fortuna, round house kicking Archons into oblivion, him getting his hands on shards seems very far fetched aswell. On the otherhand, Albrecht has been all over, inside and outside the void, and he has people working for him and he has a grand plan for the Tenno aswell. So, considering the far superior resources, even if shards are 100% sentient, Albrecht finding them are far more likely than Chipper doing so. As to the last part. Yes it is possible, but we have to remember that it can also just be Albrecht partially posses by Wally that has caused it, or if Wally is a seperate entity it can be caused by him alone. And the frames are made to combat that threat while others are looking for the chosen tenno to stop Wally. If we look at the history of Duviri it seems that Wally is either part of Albrecht or it follows him in some way. Albrecht visits Duviri and builds labs, shades of Wally and "possessed" Duvirians also start to appear. It could also just be because events unfold in reality that eventually allows Wally to break free and the path to freedom is partly tied to Duviri/Undercroft in order to breach the membrane. Or it is because Albrecht pokes around more and creates an alternate version of his labs within a pocket plane inside the void. I mean, we dont know if 1999 will even be a "real" place or just another Duviri. Ever considered what all those things are that float out in the nothingness as you view into the distance from the "sand" parts of the labs? Maybe 1999 is on of those places, a void construct accessed through the vessel, made by a mind that is a 90's junky or something.
  11. But in one case, your wish to avoid what you find disruptive will impact those that do not find it disruptive aswell. With visuals and noise that isnt the case, since you as a visual lover wont be impacted by me turning of the visual, since you still see the thing you like. Nerfing weapons to cater to your view on disruptive behavior also impacts me. Which ends up not only removing something that is simply "fluff", but also alters how the game effective plays for everyone. For instance, I'm not saying the Bunny Ears should not be released, I'm saying there should be a toggle for visuals. That isnt a possible option for weapons/frames that you find disruptive, you effectively want to remove something that is there which people enjoy to make you happy. Those are two widely different things. Clearly not what we are talking about since that is a cultural headpiece. Here we are talking about fluffy simple bunny ears, like kids run around with attached to a diadem or something. It's like saying I should find it normal that a guy is wearing a plastic horned "viking" helmet in his everyday life just because I find horned ceremonial norse helmets fascinating and interesting. No, since the person isnt a kid I wouldnt see that as normal, I'd likely expect that person to have the elevator stuck in the middle so to speak. However if a person wears it at a sports event, halloween or similar I'd have no problem with it. But it is the "everyday" thing we look at here in WF, a tenno tooting about doing covert operations while donning a pair of bunny ears. It is that level of stupid. It's Fortnite stupid.
  12. Glad you are holding it back if there are some bugs. Would be a massive pita for players to end up losing pulses to a bug or something, and likely a pita for you guys at DE too to have to fix it retroactively. It's in the end the "smallest" part of the patch I'm interested in. Inaros, new fissure places, Dante, new disruption, new augments and so on should keep me and likely others occupied until Deep goes live. Like if we are really lucky we might have Dante built and ready for a deep ride as a throwback to the divine ha-ha.
  13. I think you managed to describe the dislike I have with "asian" animation styles, too pompous. It's like Sephiroth in FF, everyone sees this badguy and I can barely hold my laughter inside when I see him. Too me it looks like some guy that took the wrong turn towards the local Dark Elf or Vampire convention and fell into a bucket of Emo.
  14. No, that was a thread about something completely different. Think that was something about Nourish vs Roar on Saryn or something. I cant recall if the KPM comparison was on the WF forums or Reddit even since I also glanced over it, I wasnt engaged in it at all. The thread you mention here is all over the places since it uses different mod setups, weapons and abilities. It has one thing common iirc and that is using Saryn lol. Yup, would love that. The only slight info we have from DE is what they revealed with the matchmaker post when mobile went live, where it talks about host priority a bit.
  15. No. No care whatsoever. And like I said, to answer your next question, it isnt about me. It is about people that actually do care, people that have the same right to enjoy their visual preferences just as much as the guy donning the bunny ears. For me personally it would be a thing to consider using for the sake of interactions with others in hubs (where we do indeed have it shoved in our face). And as I said, this wouldnt be a toggle soley for the ears, it could be a more wide sweeping thing to solve issues that are more common, like toggling if you want to allow custom energy colors of others or not on weapons/frame powers etc. And while a par of ears might not be a big issue on their own, it is the start of something, or a further step towards something. We dont need WF to turn into Fortnite or an asian MMO when it comes to cosmetics and art style. Currently its a drip-drip-drip and soon the flood gates break for a kawaii flood or worse.
  16. A giant kuaka would explain the ears. That still doesnt mean I'd want to see them 24/7. Shouldnt that be my choice? I mean, you argue as if you are against a toggle for these things, which is my main point (which you seem to miss every single time you post) of the whole thing. When a toggle only does one thing, make both parts happy. You are writing of the whole other side here, since you dont think their opinion is valid compared to yours. I sit here and advocate a thing that allows both parties to do what is best for them. So I kinda wonder if you are one of those people that literally laugh out loud infront of the screen over equipping a pink rhino/grendel with angel wings while at the same time thinking you are original and ground breaking. When in reality the brief ha-ha died in a corner on day 1, and the originality never made it off the ground, it likely collided with the flight control tower and ended up a burning inferno. We disagree on the approach yes. And VFX and sounds being disruptive isnt the same as abilities/weapons being "disruptive" due to killing, since one leads to the completion of missions while the other is just visual noise or simple noise. Allowing us a toggle or options to reduce the "vanity" has no impact on the players that enjoy it. Reduce the damage of something and it impacts everyone, no matter if grouped or solo. It also shifts how things were to how things will be going onward. And saying the people that dont like ears, canes etc. should play solo isnt a valid comparison, since we simply cant decide that, because there are public gatherings. With "disruptive" damage you can either solo or make a likeminded pre-made. If I head to a hub I will be thrown together with others so will see whatever costmetics others carry. Hence why I advocate holding back on future power progression since it doesnt remove something we have, while also adding new things that better handles our current power, since again it doesnt effect how things currently are and what we current expect from something we've done for thousands of hours already. Of course certain outliers should get changed in addition to this, since some things get released in either a too powerful state or a too weak state. There is also more than one state to silly, just saying. It often comes down to a matter of taste. For me the Norg mask isnt silly. That doesnt mean I like it either. I think it is ugly, but it isnt funny either, or out of place considering where it comes from and how the rest of the things look around that place. For me it is on the level of a Tiki-mask, not funny either, nor really my cup of tea aestethic wise. The ears just simply draw my thoughts to other things. There is no level of cultural integrity or thought behind them if you get my point. While a tiki-mask irl can get me to think of a ceremony or a person of a specific stature within a tribe. A pair of bunny ears leads my thoughts to either a child, someone with low mental capacity or a pornstar pretty much. And if it aint option 3 I have no interest in seeing it.
  17. Yeah but are you positive it was a next gen console? All consoles have the swirly thingy icon, so hard to tell what type of generation or console overall it is. The old ones and switch aswell as now iPhones have lower spawn rates and density, that is known and has always been a thing. Now it can obviously be a thing for next gen aswell if they are the host, since the test that was done was based on solo runs, so there might be something in the matchmaker that doesnt differentiate console generations. The tests that were done in survival between a next gen console and PC had a kill difference of around 100-150, with a total kill count of around 2500 after 20 minutes, or 120-125 KPM or roughly 2 KPS. If there was a massive reduction in spawn rates for the next gen console they would never come close to that and the difference would be far greater than 100-150. I think it has to do with how the spawn locations are handled between the modes. A sea of red in mobdef could be because the spawns have fixed locations and flow, while in survival the locations might be far more chaotic. Likely because in defense and mobdef the spawns are based on the location of the objective, in survival and other objectiveless missions it is based on player location(s). I wonder how it works in excav which is a mix of both objective locations for the A.I to attack and players. And ESO, which is objectiveless but with fixed locations on limited sized maps.
  18. All of this has already been covered. It's simply @(PSN)rexis12reading into what I said while missing the point. My point was to his specific comment that the animals in the labs are more reasonable than the ears and that we need a toggle to turn off such visuals if we like. Something you've earlier also have asked for iirc. I dont have a problem with the ears, as I said in the very first post, I have a problem with not having a toggle to turn them off, and with people that see it as a no-issues because it is their subjective fun. They are practically shooting down anyone that wants immersion, even you pointed out in this very thread that both sides are equal. And the comments like "immersion is already broken" are not valid reasons to break it more. It's the same as when people go "but the game is already so imbalanced so might aswell make more OP stuff". Also, if we are to say those are kuaka ears, well then that is one big #*!%ing abomination of a kuaka. What is next? Mickey Mouse sized pobber ears from a Hulk pobber? I'd prefer the bunny with the pitchfork. Far easier to tell what his intent is at a glance. And it is about what everyone wants, not just me and not just others, hence why this is about a toggle so everyone can be happy now that this item will be a 24/7 thing. If you want to look like the nutjob/furry fine, but there is no reason why everyone else needs to see those peculiar additions if they dont want to, since every tenno is in the end the main protagonist and everyone else around them is just some no-name random. And no one has said they should be removed or well not implemented. I'm saying add a toggle. Since the novelty of them being an event item and "fun" for a period is gone after the point in time they'll get introduced as a permanent item. You should have likely read what I said and actually commented on to begin with and you wouldnt have had to spend time posting your post. I'll sum it up. My initial post = Add toggle, that is my opinion. No removal or anything for the ears, just allow people to simply hide them. This simply because a novelty event item will lose the novelty for many when they see it 24/7, so being able to hide it would be a good idea. My post to rexis = Just pointing out that the animals do actually make sense due to how scientists work. This was a comment made since he tried to downplay the opinion of those that actually want to keep as much immersion as possible in their WF experience. Again, no mention of removing or not adding the ears on my part. Then he started rambling about completely unrelated things, like frame personalities (while mixing them up with our tenno), their looks and DE's inspiration.
  19. What proof? You are talking about frame personalities. The frames are not the same as the Tenno, the Tenno have their own personality, just as the frames have echos of their own from the past. Wisp mocks the enemies, Wisp isnt the Tenno, Wisps behavior is part of the frame itself. But I never said it clashes with the "Careful Curated Warframe Artsyle". I said I understand the people that say it and think it. Since everything around us still looks like WF, but the ears do not. You also keep missing that Tenno =/= Warframes, so what personality is left in a WF is based on who was turned into one. Those frames were picked from all over the Orokin empire, from free will candidates to forced subjects from gods know where. The Tenno are the Tenno, all hewn from the same stone, kept together, trained together and so on. Yareli for instance isnt designed as a happy go lucky girl. You saying that means you totally miss the idea of immersion. Yaerli ended up being that, it was her personality as she turned frame, which also reflects in her aestethics. She was designed to be a controller and a fast battlefield unit. If DE says "we were inspired by this for the looks" it doesnt mean that is the immersive lore reason for something. The immersion is in how the things are created out of a lore perspective, why they turn out like they do. So Yareli had the happy go lucky kawai inspiration from outside the 4th wall, but her Orokin purpose was a fast battlefield controller/hunter killer. And you can just also look at Mirage to see that. DE were inspired by Jesters, in the morid fringe way that Excalibur was inspired by Arthurian legend. But the Orokin purpose and design shows nothing of that, her design is a manipulator of light i.e a mirage. There is nothing clown or jester in her kit at all. At most her booby traps, since we can say they are like a fake clown gift bow or a flower squirting water if you really wanna stretch it. Or they are simply fake like... you know... a freakin mirage. We dont collect fluffs. You might, in your vision of the protagonist we play. Me as the protagonist use them as comfort for the pet, a reward for them. Since it gives them an actual purpose. And since we are the protagonist, a toggle for what we want to see and experience in our vision of the game, where we are the important tenno, should be a thing. Everyone else is just a random no name we bring with us if needed, and our rules apply. But those pink Rhinos do clash with the artstyle even if you personally accept it. It is still a problem. But no one is asking for it to be taken away, people ask for it to get an option so it can be hidden if we like. Something that wont impact you in any negative way whatsoever, unless what you actually seek is to ruin the immersion of others. Such a toggle would not only help with that, it would also remove the issues of blinding energy colors etc. How are those mocking the enemy? They mention observations about the enemy, aside from the last two that are directed towards bosses. And since I prefer the silent type, I can also turn of those comments for immersion more fitting my protagonist. Which is what is being asked for regarding the cosmetics.
  20. This was survival with high KPM, if it was with low kill rates it wouldnt really tell us anything, but since it was high rates it clearly shows the next gen consoles can keep up with PC. And with defense it isnt odd if the total spawn rate is the same, since it is all based on x number of enemies to complete a wave. This means that you might have experienced lower density, but as you kill new mobs spawn until the wave requirement is met. There might be a slight difference in wave clear time, but the amount of mobs killed should be the same, since the total number doesnt impact performance, just the simultaneous amount of enemies does.
  21. But is it though? Wouldnt that be more a homage to the culture we just helped? I find turkish hats utterly silly, but I dont think the turks agree on that. I also find ushanka hats/caps silly, but my uncle doesnt, nor do most eastern europeans. If I went to either of those places I'd likely wear those things and likely pick them up to own them as a memento. Hence why we are on the subject of immersion here. Picking up that mask and maybe using it at times wouldnt really be breaking any immersion, since it would be rather regular behavior and something you are tied to. Bunny ears on the otherhand, I might wear them at a halloween party, or if I dress up like the easter bunny to make some kids within the family happy during easter. Or if a potential chick would be into the easter bunny or a bunny mutant or something... I guess. 👀❔🤷‍♂️
  22. But Saryn is a girl in a skirt aswell, Frost is a guy in a coat etc. I dont see what the clothing of the frames have to do with it really. And what makes clown/jester out of place when the aestethics do not look like a clown or a jester? As I said, she doesnt sport a red nose, crusty hair and big shoes. You are completely missing what I'm saying. No one is forced to experience your fluffed up ship, same cant be said about those ears, since they will be out in public. So they will end up breaking immersion for some people since they cannot be hidden, that is the whole problem. I'm not against them, since some people may love to use them. I'm against that there isnt a way to hide them for those that do not want them forced upon them by others. While also abusing the living frame they are controlling. Which is a point why people dont want to have to see it since it does break immersion for them. And yes, Gauss acts like a fool since it is the hosts personality. There is still a long step between acting slightly silly and donning a pair of bunny ears. Honestly... no. Considering they are an honor bound warrior caste. They are also likely self aware enough of their own power that mocking someone that practically has no chance to begin with is beneath them. Or do you often mock a "newbie" when you beat them at something you have experience with and is much better at? I know I dont.
  23. Just gonna weigh in here quickly. There was a thread a good while back, sometime after crossplay was added where KPM was discussed. And the KPM between a PC and a next gen console on the same solo SP survival tile were nearly identical with the same frame. Where the slight shift in numbers could be written off to be caused by KB+M vs Controller, since it was that close. And iirc the slight difference also came down to the console player heading towards EZ prematurely while killing on the way, and the PC player stayed in place until the rotation was over, and then headed to EZ without killing. But yeah, you arent alone in ending up with equal counts.
  24. Neither of the two are aestethically out of whack. Both are more in the morbid sense of things, where Yareli looks like something that could be a bride of death really and Mirage just looks like a... Warframe. Mirage looks perfectly morbid and inline with all other frames, she isnt exactly sporting a red nose going *honk* *honk*, or crusty green hair and big shoes. She is a death jester, not a really uncommon thrope. You have the Mesmers in GW2 and you have the actual Death Jesters in 40k for instance, and I dont think any ork would go "hur hur luk at dat funni klown!" since it would likely result in the ork having its head replaced with a heated ball of plasma. Or you have Harley in DC that really gives meaning to the dark potential of a jester theme (and so does Joker). The thing that breaks Yareli is really her anmation set. But even that is based on the personality of the original host very likely. But here with the ears we are talking the actual children that have never really known anything else besides those brief years of childhood up until the Zariman thing. They are practically baptised in fire and only experienced war.
  25. If Yareli turns out fun and playable with the new augment and I feel the need to pick up this new skin I'll likely end up combining it with either Frost, Gara or Octavia noble animations. Frost is just straight up brutal, Gara just has that "you are nothing to me" feel and the little rythmic movement of Octavia just fits well, listening to the screaming souls devoured by ancient horror Yareli and her trusty fish stick of doom.
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