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Everything posted by SneakyErvin

  1. Always report bugs when you find them since DE is constantly fixing what is getting reported. Sure, not everything gets fixed, but not reporting helps no one. I reported a couple of things last year aswell as filling in bug feedback in some already exsisting reports on the forums. All of those got fixed rather quickly. The main question is if people report things properly? Since there are plenty of people upset about unfixed bugs while at the same time trying to use support as the bug report function, when in reality the bug sections of the forums are to be used.
  2. I'd go with universal unlock and then each config will have 5 shard slots. So if you have the base 3 configs you can have 15 shards invested in the frame, if you've unlocked another config you can have 20 etc. And all of the shard switching and so on could be done in the arsenal. Right-click = remove shard Left-click a shard or empty slot = open shard menu Pretty much how arcanes work except for shards not being equippable on several frames at the same time.
  3. Yeah that would be cool and agree EDA has brought some hope to the game when it comes to enemy survival and relevance. LOL! Poor Ridrichard, same as Bruce Richardinson from Iron Maiden. Names getting perverted by online censor bot-things. Man! Imagine how dirty the mind of a cencor A.I must be.
  4. Humans are indeed humans and yeah it doesnt really work heh. Just saying that there are rules and regulations regarding what is acceptable regarding everything and if you see someone break those rules and you care about them, well then report them to whatever higher instance is appropriate if you think following those rules is important. There is a reason I always answer the question "what would you do if aliens invade earth?" with "join the aliens".
  5. I really want the Wolf Hood for the Drifter, one of the helmets I want the most.
  6. Kullervo passive you say on all frames I enjoy melee on? Where do I sell my soul? (if it wasnt already sold that is )
  7. The lawlessness only applies aslong as atleast the objective is met. Anything else would be considered disrupting and could potentially even lead to reports if done to block the objective of the mission. Since what you sign up for is meeting the objective requirements. Lawlessness is just for everything else. Join a PuG to crack a riven? Well it is a personal objective so either do it solo or in a pre-made if you wanna be guaranteed to get it done. Wanna play a certain way, do it solo or in pre-made. So if OP did fissures, cells or similar and effectively disrupted the objective or made it impossible to crack the relic it could be considered trolling, and if done for an exteneded amount of time without listening to the people telling him, it could lead to reports and more. Same as if some people go and fish in bounties, which would be leeching, since fishing isnt part of the bount parameters you signed up for.
  8. That doesnt matter, since it would yet again be a shot in the dark. Because it would be reworked with previous knowledge and statistic for the already low usage. The servers would need to already be there in order to give it a chance right out the door incase a rework happens. The only thing they have is the potential for dedicated servers which is not the same as having dedicated servers to offer the mode a fighting chance. So no, the problem isnt solved. Because it isnt viable to spend on such an extremely minor part of the community... again. Conclave has already had more tries and "QoL" additions than most core modes over the years. I thought we were talking PvP here, not arena PvE gameplay that is already available on Sedna... Since it would cater to way too few people. All of this while "minor" are still big coding undertakings, which would take work time and resources away from the core part of the game. It isnt just copy and pasting in paint. I mean it is already S#&$ that we need to wait for consoles these days, imagine having to wait on PvE content aswell based on what could be considered a handful of player getting catered to. Yes that would clearly go over well with the community. Because dedicated servers are the foundation for good PvP, and the idea is to improve it so more people will play it. Without dedicted servers to allow people to queue and play without massive wait times or fluctuating performance the mode will have no chance. As I pointed out to you earlier, the 50 servers on the list will only support 400 players out of hundreds of thousands at any given time of the day, less when you start considering regions. You'd need a massive amount of people willing to host servers in order for there to be any reasonable playerbase at all. That list is practically 50(!) willing people out of millions. And those 50 arent even all viable 24/7, since a guy from OZ, Asia, EU, Africa or even SA will likely not be willing to play on a NA hosted server, and the NA, SA, OZ, Asia or Africa players wont really be willing to play on a EU based server. Since we are playing a shooter here, where ping matters a whole #*!%ing lot. If this was something like WoW the issue between regions would be less impactful, but it isnt something like WoW. It's like when I used to play WoW, DaoC, SWG, BF1942, BF Vietnam, C&C Renedage, Tribes and a few other games with my brother. I lived in Sweden, he lived in New Mexico US. All was fine when we played the tab target MMOs and similar games, it was utter and total S#&$e for the most part when we played the shooters, either for him when we joined EU based servers, or for me when we joined US servers. Because one thing is needed in order for something else, but the first thing also needs the second thing first. Here since PvP has had several itterations already, the justification for another would be adding servers so the mode has a chance to survive and thrive with a rework, since it would allow more people to jump in and play with high standards and little wait time. However, since PvP has been so unsuccessful already across several itterations adding servers isnt justifiable in itself since there is little guarantee another itteration on PvP would make it successful anyways. Which means the thing justifying a rework isnt justified itself since the mode is in need of a rework to maybe become more successful. So catch-22, you need one for the other and you need the other before the one aswell. edit: Though I will say this, since you dont seem to care if the mode becomes popular or not Catch-22 wont be seen by you. So we are practically more at the point of me saying that the mode overall has too few players to justify a rework, since so few people that the mode attracts are not an amount that should be even remotely catered to. Catch-22 come into it if you are at all hoping for PvP to actually succeed.
  9. It would be hilarious if a Heavy Gunner went full on Predator Minigun panic in the jungle on us, or a grineer or corpus either swinging a knife or trying to rifle butt the air. And it ould be cool if they added suppression turrets, drones and enemies overall aswell, things to spice things up. Orphix amalgations and hybrids that do anything from running around pulsing to force us out of the frames or nulify buffs/silence us, to shooting barrage that covers a bunch of locations with fields that force you out of the frame if you enter. I've also had this idea about scanner units, like those in Chronicles of Rid$&*^ you know. Could treat them much like cameras similar to Deacons, but with slightly longer range and no "charge up" in order to spot us. Just simply an angle with a set range and if we end up in it we are forced out and locked from restealthing for X seconds on a stealth frame. They could alternatively be set up like a living sonar that pulses from time to time and if we are caught in it we are forced out of stealth and locked from restealthing.
  10. That is what I suspected, didnt know about the HCET order though. Good to know and thanks!
  11. Gameplay mechanics =/= lore. So capping us at 1 HP is simply so we can finish the mission and not permanently die if we get unlucky. Just as even though there are no actual mechanics for smell or visual gore on a frame, it is just a game-design decision that doesnt equal lore or how things actually work in the WF universe. So practially when it comes to stealth, everything would have a scent to it no matter how "clean" we'd think something would be. The grineer also use what would be offspring of canines, so up to 100k times better sense of smell than a human. And if we go and look at conservation, even other animals do pick up the actual scent of WFs, hence why the NPCs tell us to stay down wind etc. Then the infested that spread growths throughout tiles would very likely sense a shift in the air or change of temperature as we pass by those parts, telling the hive mind something is near. Everything a frame is composed of along with everything it does prior to insertion would result in distinct scent combinations alien to the locations we attack. Even the void itself likely has a specific scent that could be picked up. Heck, even us as humans can smell the steel of a knife blade or the plastic in a toy or how the heat interacts with components in an electrical object. We can even smell the air as the water density and temperature shifts, our nose can tell us if it is about to start raining or snowing etc. And that is us with our S#&$ty sense of smell compared to a canine that can smell things near 20km away. So would pick up on the scent of metal or helminth in general far easier within a locked galleon or bunker.
  12. One thing I'm wondering is the following. Tenet Glaxion will have innate cold (go me captain obvious!), but what will happen if we get toxin as the proginator stat? Will that permanently make the gun deal Viral, or will that still only count as another mod? I cant remember how it works on the other tenet weapons with innate elements and single proginator element ontop of it. My assumption is it will be cold+toxin combing into viral until we start adding mods. So corrosive+viral+heat wont be possible for instance.
  13. The main thing is you just want some source for electric, enough to get the buff up. After that you preferably want one main element so only it procs as often as possible since the damage is based on the modded damage of the element that triggers. This is also why you want a weapon that hits fast and several times over with combos, since you'll produce so many statuses that spread. Slow weapons with slow and few hitting combos but high multipliers wont help you with influence, since the damage isnt based on the damage you deal, but the damage you've got modded. This also applies to your heavy attacks, so you preferably want a weapon that hits several times with a single heavy attack. Because if you have a big single hit with a massive multiplier, you'll simply kill the target you hit and spread no potential status (even if a proc occurs). But on a multiple hit HA you might not kill the target on damage instance 1 or 2, but instead on damage instance 3, so in that case if instance 1 and 2 procs statuses, those will also spread while damage instance 3 wont since it kills the target.
  14. Try playing around with the emmisive aswell, since you currently have those at blackest black, which can also interact differently with some cosmetics.
  15. That really depends what mode you did/do. If you were in netracells and attacked/killed things outside the circle my advise would be to listen to those that tell you to not attack. If it was/is elsewhere you shouldnt really care.
  16. No, and please start using the context of a quote. It isnt cheaper since in the context of the quote is in relation to the amount of players something is created for. So it is still more resource heavy because of how few it would cater to. This would be done with the knowledge that a fraction of a fraction of the active playerbase is active in the content. It would also be done with the knowledge that they'e already failed at several itterations of PvP. Too many given the amount of years the game has been out. In the end, all those changes could have had the resources spent on things more people would utilize. Hence the catch-22 which you dont seem to get. They've also... as I've repeated... given PvP in WF more than a fair chance with the amount of itterations over these 11 years in total. Meaning the next step would be to provide servers first to give it even a remote chance if they plan to rework, add or modify it again. If there are no plans to make it somewhat popular it is wasted resources, unless we talk of a passion project done because someone wants to on their spare time, like Frame Fighter and Shawzin for instance. As I said, 4 different tries to lure people over a period of 11 years (far less than 11 years really). That is alot to waste on something so fringe when core content goes untouched at the same time. Hence the catch-22 again. They cant rework it to be popular since they dont have the foundation incase they succeed, and if the goal isnt success it is wasted time and resources considering how few use the mode and continue using it after a rework. The last paragraph isnt a great recent example. Did you miss the complaints about it on the forums? People simply put up with it to get the goodies either with long queues (which was one of the complaints) or peer-to-peer (another complaint, lag issues), which just isnt sustainable if you are to attract people for the sake of PvP being PvP and not some dangly carrot. Not even the rewards for the tennobaum event were enough to get me into the mess. So if the tennbaum S#&$e is your bar for standard I'm dont even wanna know what you consider below standard.
  17. I think there is a bigger chance I'll find God and accept Jesus Christ as my savior.
  18. Minority is one thing, a niche is another, and the niche should not get things because at that point it is just way to small. If it was cheaper or less time consuming to develop for the niche it wouldnt really be a problem, but that isnt the case since it takes as long to develop something for 1 personal as it does for 1000 really. Please get the point. The game doesnt have enough servers to host a large portions of the playerbase. Which is something it needs in order to justify reworking the content in order for more to play it. The list provided is extremely small. Each of those servers equal 1 single match at a time out of hundreds of thousands of concurrent players and millions of daily players. You have a list of what, 50 servers? That is support for 400 players at once across the whole globe. Which results in even lower server counts per region during "active" hours in that region. If 10000 people played, that would support 4% of the playerbase, but we have between 100-200k concurrent players when all platforms are accounted for, that means those 50 servers support less than half a percent of the active players, far less when you consider that the concurrent players mostly come from one region aswell depending on the time of the day. As mentioned above, it cannot provide enough spots for a larger activity. The number of matches hosted doesnt matter, since in the end it is the die hard people playing or having played the mode over and over, it doesnt mean a wide variety of players have been hosted by those servers. What makes DEs servers better is that they are sure to be maintained, monitored etc. And that they are there for the need of the players that want to play incase the mode would get a successful rework. Same deal why rented servers would be better, like those used in practically all shooters these days by clans (and private people). Yes, and it doesnt matter when it isnt guaranteed to be active when someone wants to play in their region. As a northern european I would never touch conclave if there werent acceptably located servers within europe. Preferably swedish, norwegian, dutch or english/irish when it comes to location, and reluctantly german in a worst case scenario. But it is a problem since there arent enough to go around if the idea is to make the mode populated to a point where it is justifiable to rework it. It isnt popular now, so anyone can get in since no one is pracitcally playing it. So obviously the current minimal amount of servers are enough for the activity the mode has now. How is that so freakin hard to grasp? You also jumped onto a NA server during or prior to EU peak. So you'd either be an american jumping in at the middle of the day in that case, way off peak, or a european joining a server that would result in terrible ping for PvP. And since it was likely a saturday, it shows how little interest PvP has, since even at noon on a saturday no americans are interested in conclave on one of the most visited and highly rated servers available.
  19. Yeah that is a major issue with the system. There are so many frames that I would like to use different builds on that make use of different shards. So the whole investing falls flat because I cant truely invest, because it will be a mish-mash between the configs just to cover all somewhat. Hehehe. I had those same thoughts. Well maybe not the sun exactly, just the end of the world in general. So far though, no giants, nor Satan, or a meteor inbound when looking out the window. Also no zombies or aliens running amok on the street. I guess it means a good idea. 🤘 That only goes so far since we have several configs and potential playstyles on every single frame. You cant for instance make an "optimal" Ivara with a single setup, since you might want everything invested in parkour to go through spy as fast as possible, but then for survival you might instead want full reds or some mix since you no longer have a need to move around. And this goes for practically any frame. Take Frost for instance, where in a defense build you might want to increase one stat with shards, then in a more offensive build you go with other shards so you can free slots for range while maintaining full strip etc. Currently that isnt possible, since you are stuck with one type of build due to the cost of removing shards.
  20. I cant say that worries me. You're probably busy trying to find family members that have gone missing... again. Might be time to implant some subdermal trackers of the wifey and daughter? ❔
  21. I agree with the 3 points from OP and I wanna add. 1. The latest improvements to disruption 2. Incarnon Adapters 3. Helminth (everything tied to the system) 4. Melee Arcanes 5. SP 6. SP Fissures 7. Omnia Fissures Sorry for a top 10. There are more aswell but limiting it to below 10 was just too difficult.
  22. Yeah more things to counter stealth would be good. I'm still amazed we dont have "scanner" units among the enemies that are there to detect and paint stealthed frames. Honestly though I think they should just remove stealth as it is from the game and improve the defenses of the frames that rely on it. At that point they could come up with new mission types aswell that involves actual stealth gameplay, since you'd no longer be able to cheese it with abilities.
  23. The amount of shards doesnt matter whatsoever since we can only invest 5 in a single frame. This is a matter of experimenting and/or wanting to actually use different builds on a single frame rather frequently. Which becomes massively problematic due to unbind costs tied to shards and rooted in bile as the resource. It isnt exactly uncommon to have a single frame that fills atleast 3 roles or uses 3 different playstyles effectively. The shard system does however not support that at all. I could easily see myself having different shard setup soley based on the skills used in the config. While I might run a 5 red strength shard setup for a config with Roar I might want duration or something else when running Nourish or Eclipse. My melee config might want extra crit damage specifically for melee, which is completely wasted in my ranged or caster build on a frame. Or just on my Hildryn, where I have a negative and a positive duration build for instance, meaning I cannot use shards that fit both. DE said from the start this was going to be a system where you think about which frame you wanna invest in. Which isnt the case, since it specifically hinders multiple builds on a single frame, so more properly they should have said it is a system where you should really think about which specific build you want to utilize on a single frame. I think @PublikDomainhas a great idea in this thread. Allow us to stock up more shards on a frame so we can interchange which shards are active as we want, either manually or saved to individual configs. But we dont even have that, which would be a fundamental no-brain system to have from the get go as part of the system overall. And I wanna say this. I'd love to go back and play my ranged and caster Kullervo off and on, but there aint no #*!%ing way in Hel I'll spend 300% bile just to reconfigure my Kullervo for a while and then back again.
  24. You really need to stop taking things literal. Those were examples, whatever could be applied to those percentages. However we know how few are active when it comes to conclave, out of the millions that go through the game each day it is barely a drop in the ocean. And that is after several itterations of PvP tried within the game. No that is clearly not the catch-22 I mentioned. The catch-22 is that the mode needs servers, but the mode is not popular to justify servers. Because this is not some new thing that would be added (PvP I mean) to the game, it has been tried several times over already. If this was a brand new thing and DE had plans for it, adding servers to allow for them to really test it would be justified, but they have data of how little use PvP sees and have seen in the past throughout all the different approaches to it. And what if? Because it has already been tried in order to try and make it more popular several times during these 11 years. There have been 3 (4 if we include Lunaro) different versions of PvP if we dont count every single conclave mode aswell over a time period of 11 years. At the same time with sit with several PvE modes practically untouched, modes that are the core, the bread and butter of the game in comparison to PvP. 4(!) development processes in 11 years. That is more than 1 try each 3 years. Which in reality was much more frequent than that, since they havent done anything to it over the last few years. And no I dont count frame fighter to this since that was a 1 person spare time passion project. I'm talking conclave, lunaro, solar conflicts and solar conflicts 2.0. Some of it not part of the game anymore, so completely wasted resources and time in the end. Should such a thing really be repeated when clearly the interest isnt there? Those are simply not enough. People should be able to jump in at any time and have a reliable stable experience no matter the region or time of the day they decide to play. Why it would be needed? To actually get a playerbase larger than the population of my small appartment complex. The whole point is to make it wide enough so people actually play it, not to rework it for the handful of die hards that currently play it off and on. Justification for spending time and resources on it etc. There is currently a ridiculously low amount of people and servers for the mode. Someone else provided a list in another thread about this to try and show how well PvP did, what he managed to do was show the opposite. You dont get the problem. It isnt about how easy it is. It is about how reliable it is for a larger playerbase. People shouldnt have to sit there and either run peer-to-peer, or wait and wait and wait. They also shouldnt need to play on US servers from the EU or OZ etc. You completely miss the problem by saying DE already hosts servers for hubs. It does not help in a PvP situation where you want people to actually play it, since again, those servers are on one side of the massive ponds called the atlantic and the pacific, it is also on one side of that specific massive continent. No one really cares if their connection isnt spot on in a hub where jack squat happens, people do however care when their connection isnt spot on in a competative setting such as PvP, and even in a non-competative setting like PvE. Then there is also the massive influx of players that simply cannot host, since they play on something that isnt a PC. Which would mean even more players trying to get onto those few dedicated player hosted servers if PvP somehow gets reworked successfully. Which increases the need for official dedicated servers even more. And unlike a proper dedicated setup, each player is only able to set up 1 match per physical PC iirc. While pure servers could handle several matches at once.
  25. No. I only said they should base it on the majority. That means there is still room to implement something a smaller part of the community wants. It depends on how small and the spread of opinions in general regarding the subject. If you have 0.5% interested in PvP and 15% against it and the rest indifferent, well then clearly there is no justification to rework it, because you only have an assured use of 0.5% of the playerbase in a reworked PvP setting. 15% would avoid it and the rest are either indifferent to the need for a rework or regarding if they'd consider playing it or not etc. Not everything is black or white. The catch-22 would still be there, since you would make tweaks for a very small portion of the playerbase after several tweaks and implementations that have already failed over the years. So it would still cost since they still havent added and tried the thing most needed, the servers. Those would be the foundation for a working mode, where people can quickly access stable game. And that you live under this imagination that "dusting off an old server rack" would be enough is hilarious. Are you oblivious to the international playerbase that is WF? Do you have no sense of quality or standard? Yes, lets have everyone outside of (and some within) the north americas play with horrible ping in PvP! Because that is always such a welcome and popular thing to do. The mode needs localized support to gain any traction across the community since the game is global. So there are two options. DE investing in regional hosting options, DE setting up the possibility for clans/players to rent regional servers through those hosting options. But then also comes the question, why does PvP get this luxory when PvE still suffers host migrations and other connectivity based bullS#&$?
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