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Everything posted by SneakyErvin

  1. Plus with the introduction of Overguard there are a couple of frames that can become immune to all forms of external energy drain, with some also providing it to others. So allowing some other frames a way to regain energy with a combo of mods even when drained/draining wouldnt be too far fetched in the current game. Overguard completely trivializes the key modifier in Netracells that could otherwise be quite a crippling effect i.e energy drained per enemy within 10m. Right now we have 7 frames that dont give a crap about that key.
  2. Your main problem is that you put too much value on the rarity of the loot in your reasoning regarding challenge. The lego rewards are and will be utter trash no matter if they come from Netracells at random like currently or as guaranteed max research drops from a successful deep. The reason why most will run Deep is because of an icreased weekly income of shards, nothing else. Items that arent really warranted to be locked behind "hard" content since all they really do now is give us more of them to play around with to reduce the tedium of farming bile and waiting for the wall cooch to get hungry again. The peak of power from shards is already there for most players since the system has been out for a long long while. You saying that more challenge increases the value of the lego loot is false, since the arcanes will not magically become useful because they are more challenging to get. I will be utterly bummed out whenever T1, T2 or T3 rewards me a lego arcane instead of a shard in Deep. And if there is no shard tied to T4 research I will not be doing T4 research, since it will be a waste of time for 1/2 arcanes I have no urge to get. The reason trials made trial arcanes awesome is because trials were the only venue for trial arcanes, but there were also plenty of turd arcanes that saw no added value by being rewarded from trials, since they were still poop and a bust if you got them instead of the powerful ones. With Deep its more like shards = rare/lego trial arcanes and lego arcanes = poop trial arcanes in value. While in reality we actually buy the great arcanes with standing we gain from the most trivial of lab content. edit: I mean it is so easy to obtain the actually great Cavia arcanes that we want them removed as rewards from Netracells. So making something super challenging just because it guarantees a bad lego arcane makes no sense when we already get far better items from doing simple bounties.
  3. It depends how shallow we wanna go with what we consider conditionals. Gara passive, which is getting fixed, also requires light currently. Garuda, kill to increase and sustain the passive damage buff, Chroma, take damage to shields and health to increase and cap Vex stats. Hildryn also comes to mind, since she needs shields or armor for pillage to have something to pillage so she can regain and sustain her shields to keep using abilities. So without an augment she cant replenish her shields with skills versus infested. If she went to proper viking school she'd know that you can pillage anything and everyone! Atleast she knows that you set things on fire after you pillage it. Grendel's Nourish is also another since he needs enemies in his belly to use it, so in certain encounters it ends up unusable.
  4. No but I am, which is the biggest reason why I say no to the idea. Spending time on 50+ frame instead of 2 is not an improvement to change my opinion on that. I also dont see how you think it would be more worth it than 2-3 frames since it is about each frame changed compared to how many play it. How is it a different issue when it is part of the process for what you want to see? Also, it isnt about thinking it is hard, it is about looking at the game and seeing how often new frames and skins end up with clipping and placement issues for a multitude of attachments. A tigh on a frame or skin might be slightly thicker than an earlier one, resulting in an older attachment suddenly clipping through since they didnt really check for that specific interaction. That's a while lot of attachments to go through one more time for each and every frame just to open up different running animations for them. Also, how should they treat Wisp that has no feet? It would look like animation amateur hour to allow her running regularly. I can also see the utter mess in having to rework any frame with a skirt/kilt/coat/tabard to work with Wisp's movement. And if they cant bother to make skill animations for Yareli while on Merulina so she can properly use Helminth I see zero justification to add custom movement animations elsewhere. On a list of 1000 priorities those animations would end up at spot 23467.
  5. I would advice against even that due to the drop table change that comes with the patch, which will remove all S#&$ arcanes and increase the chance for shards from Netracells. So I'd advice saving all netracell runs until the patch hits in order to benefit from the updates drop table.
  6. I still wonder why they havent made a high cost upgrade system for bane mods. Infused Bane where you need 1 of each bane mod at max rank which then costs the same amount of endo and credits (and possibly something else expensive) as those 3 combined in order to fuse into a new Infused Bane that starts at rank 0 with increased endo/credit/other costs to max. Not that there is a real point to them unless you just play long long long and long and a bit longer long endless. I really dont see the point in dealing millions upon millions more damage than a mob can handle in the first place. Like yesterday I hit a poor Corrupted Crewman for 80-ish millions of damage with my Ack & Brunt Incarnon, at the level I was at at the time he could take just shy of 72k damage. The hit that annihilated him and converted him into gooey bits and mist also produced enough damage to deal twice the EHP of a Corrupted Heavy Gunner of the same level. Why on earth would I need a bane mod in addition to that?
  7. Why should they? Like I said I really do not support killing the uniqueness of the current 2 and soon 3 frames by bringing their animations to the whole roster. No need to argue when there are readily available patch notes that state exactly what has changed. And regarding Styanax, you have all the right in the world to not like that a bug was fixed, but that doesnt make it less of a bug in the first place. DE decides if something needs a change, and I honestly cant find anything that has been a waste of time in that regard. There is also a difference between trying to maintain some small form of balance and adding something like requested here. I dont think people really grasp the work needed to make walk animations universal and interchangable. While currently things line up for floaty Wisp it might not be the case for a walking Wisp, or if floaty Wisp walking becomes available to every other frame. They'd need to go through each and every one of them to catch all potential clipping issues, not only for the frame, but for every single attachment and syandana etc. aswell since they suddenly fit a whole new movement pattern on that individual frame. And every frame currently has seperate rigging to fit them specifically to avoid clipping issues for attachments and syandanas etc.
  8. I just hope DE fixes the "no damage dealt" bug that has started to occur since the Whispers update. Sucks when it happens in missions like Disruption where you need to kill a specific target preferably with direct single target damage. Had the no damage bug occur today in my first Netracell run, maaaaan it was slow to complete. Luckily I had acceltra prime with me so I could shoot at feet and walls to deal some splash damage, also had to frog around like a maniac with my melee to slam/heavy slam things to death. So if it will be Necramech demos, even more need for them to fix the bug so we can rely on our weapons to pop weakpoints or whatver else might be needed for a quicker kill.
  9. But why should solo be harder? What is the justification for that? The whole idea behind group content is that it should be hard content for a group, not content that can be done solo but harder. So if something is designed with the intent to also be soloed the content should be just as "easy" solo as in group, where grouping simply scales it so it is somewhat equally engaging with 4 players as with one. This new mode is just the same old missions that have no actual incentive to group besides "moar lewt!" due to not having SP scaling for solo. So no reason why it should be harder for solo since grouping doesnt actually add any extra layer aside from making it more trivial while also having to deal with the horrible nature of WF matchmaking (not the people, but the infrastructure itself). Just as I didnt really get the idea with RJ at start. It wasnt engaging for a group, it was really just easier than playing solo, but I never saw the reason why it was designed that way. Sure, the setup gave everyone in the group something to do more or less, but none of the things in the mode were actually interesting or added any real layer to it. Most were just arbitrary additions to increase the need for players, when those could have been really just left out to allow solo a similar experience at start. Which would have also avoided the addition of the horribly OP and broken crew mates that were later added. Instead solo could have been solved by something simple, such as the risk for fractures, boarders etc. increasing per player in a mission.
  10. That interaction could still stay and count as getting hit, you are afterall losing damage. Yup, poor wording on my part, I ment to say getting damaged. Which makes it so odd that it doesnt work with Mesmer Skin, since something is removed, even if it is a stack charge. And less than that depending on which frame. Some would get nearly nothing out of it to sustain themselves since CD is mitigated by DR effects aswell, so on someone like Gara those 8.5 energy from the two mods would result in 0.85 energy per kill, since CD would only deal 1 damage to her because Splinter Storm removes 90% damage. Which would apply the same to someone like Mesa that would otherwise be a potential candidate for CD+Rage if it worked, meaning it would in the end not be able to off set her drain. It would be great on someone like Broberon, and he could actually use it considering how horrible his drain mechanics are when he starts to heal things.
  11. Bugs as in Styanax interaction with skills during 4. OP mechanic = chain launched contagions. And no lol, you've certainly never had "no issues" using contagion with single jumps. It has always been a double/bullet jump interaction. The only thing that changed on it regarding triggering mechanics is when they added the "aim" interaction. Which was added due to the whole melee rework at the time. Old text didnt include "aim" for a while after the update arrived. Double jump has always been there both before and after aim glide was added. But that was never a thing. Maybe uhm, read patch notes before claiming things. But they do tell us why, since the trend of the popular frames is "power", we know that since those frames are powerful in comparison to those seeing less use. So changing something like the walk-animation to an option for those 2 (soon 3) frames would do little to increase their use, and would justify such a change just as poorly.
  12. Yep, and we can see the problem with pets aswell. Just slotted my Smeeta recently to increase Steel Essence gain together with the recent Baro obtained 2x loot booster, and it is a pita when charm procs the orage crit buff on my Kullervo, completely canceling out his wrathful buff that is several tiers higher in crit. OG does currently count as losing health to trigger arcanes. Wish they could apply comething similar to Revs mesmer skin and Nyx assimilate. However I dont think it will happen. And yeah, adding toggles to disable friendly buffs on an individual case by case set up would be a mess. The easiest thing they could probably do is change most of the things to "when hit" instead of damaged. Exceptions could be Grace, Barrier, Aegis since if you are immune you wont need them until you stop being immune. Adrenaline and Rage could account for the damage you were supposed to recieve before the damage got ignored by immunity buffs. Guardian and Avenger could work for any hit recieved, since they both interact with other parts of a build and not only personal survival, like Guardian increasing Globe strength and Avenger interacting with how you've built for damage dealing. Two things that shouldnt be impacted by the "beneficial" choices of a seperate player.
  13. That assumes players would want to have to engage with other players. And since multiplayer and matchmaking is a hot turd in this game, more so after crossplay I personally want to avoid others as much as possible. "Forced" multiplayer when they dont provide dedicated servers is a big no-no for me.
  14. So is Rev, or atleast most Rev players these days. Atleast with Limbo you can go outside of his zone, with Rev that player dictates which parts of your build works or not. Rev has gone from players crying "buhu others wont allow me to utilize my Rev kit!" to giving Rev the ability to instead lock players out of how they've built. On practically any frame I play that uses Arcane Avenger or Grace I'd much rather have access to those things than spectral jizz on my shoulder since I dont need that extra survival while losing parts of my build. I shouldnt need to carry Combat Discipline 24/7 to enable my build if a wild Rev appears in a mission. Not that Combat Disc would be a sure fire way either, since if anyone else also brings it, the effect and sync between it and arcanes is disabled since you no longer take self damage from the aura. edit: And not to mention if player rely on rage or adrenaline for energy sustain, which will effectively not work if you get a sharing-is-caring Rev in your group. I kinda wish we could get a toggle option to disable allied buffs of our choice. Or rework mesmer skin into a DR ability instead of an invulnerability.
  15. Not sure. Will have to check and see what all the modifiers provide and so on, and how much slack we have with choices. Chances are that disruption and assassination will be tougher with our limited choices. We dont even know yet what the demolishers will be in the labs. I kinda wish they didnt include assassination since the boss is just so #*!%ing boring.
  16. Who are the "we"? I didnt mind the changes to either of what you mention, since one fixed several bugs and the other an OP mechanic. That you also bring up double/bullet jump is odd, since that interaction has always been part of that item. So in that regard they didnt waste any time changing anything in that case that you might not have wanted. Changing the interaction to something you personally want might have been a waste though since others were already used to it no matter what. Heh, it's the official stats. So there is less than 8% of the playerbase playing those 2 current specific frame with unique walk-animations. And those are also 2 frames out of a roster of well above 50, so uhm they make up for less than 4% of the roster. That's not random numbers, that is how wide a change would impact the game. No idea why you ramble about Caliban and his kit. How is that relevant? Did this thread suddenly turn into frame rework needs? Uhm... nope.
  17. It's just human behavior in general. We see it in real life aswell, something turns out popular and some people will "hate" it for that and others will "like" it simply because it is popular and vice versa. The concept of liking or disliking something just because you simply like or dislike it is void to some people. They prefer to claim they arent controlled/defined by X, but like @UnstarPrimepoints out, that which they actively avoid very much defines them.
  18. No idea what that has to do with the subject at hand. Then you are in denial and delussional. The two current unique walk-animation frames had a combined usage of roughly 8%. That is a minority, since it is 8% out of 100%. Then out of those 8% you and a some others want a change to the animation options. And if we look at the frames, it would be a change that would cater to less than 4% of the total roster.
  19. They live in an imaginary world where they think spreading their Mesmer Skin onto the rest of the group is somehow beneficial. While likely also under the assumption that it protects the defense target. When in reality it really only leads to screwing up some builds, while mostly not benefitting anyone because most players dont build with access to Mesmer in mind, so already have the needed things in their build to survive. I mean Rev used to have his uses, and still does for undergeared players. He was and is still a great choice for rad sorties, since it removes all risks, both rad sickness and immunity to damage dealt by rad sick frames. He was and is still useful for lich/sister runs for the same reason, to remove the variable of radiation in a group. He can also help less geared players through things like Archons and Cells. Outside of that he is mostly pointless.
  20. I wouldnt want to see the option to customize running animation for all frames. While it might seem nice to be able to remove the floaty from those unique frames we are still talking about DE having to spend more time on 3 specific frame for a very small part of the community as a while. Time and resources that could be spent better on improving things for a wider audience. They'd have to do something for Ms. Stumpy and most likely for Pixie Dust aswell so her ass-wings doesnt drag in the ground as she moves on foot. All to please a small fraction of the playerbase only.
  21. I just hope it is a passive status chance buff and that it doesnt work like Helios weakpoints, where the thing needs to scan a target before the buff triggers in combat. Because that would be near worthless.
  22. Yeah was thinking of the health pool of the fish. It probably woks like it does with Nezha, Eclipse reduces the health damage that passes through after the 90% absorbtion.
  23. Aaawww... Could you maybe slice a little bit off and see how it tastes? Like... he probably doesnt need his pinky finger or both eye lids.
  24. Probably not if regular Eclipse DR doesnt. I was more thinking if it did it would be unusable on Rhino anyways. But since Eclipse DR doesnt work on OG I guess that leaves it as "no" option on those frames. Which makes me think it wont work on Merulina either. It could be interesting on Nezha to help him avoid potential 1HKs when Halo goes poof, unless the bug also ignores Eclipse mitigation heh.
  25. I think the bolded part is important to consider and is really what it comes down to if Eclipse will be worth it or not for someone. A player should ask themselves "how long/what do I plan to run?". Obviously players that will go to level cap will say "not worth it", but if a player has other plans as standard gameplay such an answer shouldnt be relevant to them. It all really comes back to the old "armor and health mods are pointless" that was the standard statement from people running to level cap. Something that several people listened to even if they were never going that far, or far enough for the mods to loose all meaning. Instead those players gimped themselves in the content they actually did, making it harder than needed and introduced 1HK from enemies earlier than a build with hp and armor mods would. Heck the only reason I'm not already using Eclipse on many squishier frames is because it isnt reliable currently, a flat 75% DR buff that is always there will be nice. I'll likely use Mirage's personal 90% version aswell since it is the same there, currently not reliable to provide enough DR. Never really see a massive use of her damage buff since we already deal alot of damage in the content I do. Increasing TTL also increases the potential to stay for aslong as I like since it isnt damage that is lacking.
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