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Everything posted by SneakyErvin

  1. In content with alot of enemies it's crazy for energy and healing, so any full group endless and all SP endless will easily make it perform better than disp. Just need enough range and/or strength to either increase targets hit or the drop chance on each enemy hit.
  2. The Nova skill too, but you have no way to maintain it since you cant utilize the beneficial augment due to not having access to Molecular Prime. Plus it needs insane amounts of duration to reach the DR cap. You can slot the other augment so you can discharge and recast it, but it drops down from max DR very quickly by simply being in proximity to mobs. So not really viable. Then for armor there is Wukong and Valkyr too. With Wukong being a flat increase so works for low armor frames too, while War Cry requires decent base armor to be worthwhile. You can use Fractured Blast too together with Health Conversion for some nice chunks of easily maintainable armor based DR, I do so on Dagath.
  3. It's in order to be inclusive and not discrimatory towards Tea. If it refered to itself as coffee creamer it might end up getting canceled. Not easy being a coff... I mean creamer these days. Sadly there is a real life incident similar to that. Our old classic ice cream stick here called Nogger, a chocolate covered vanilla stick with a creamy nougat core went through something similar to that. Apparently the name Nogger wasnt/isnt a problem, but when they make a licorice version named Nogger Black it was too much for the "elite", at which point the version called Black was canceled and removed. Nogger however still exsists. You know what the most hilarious and backwards part is? The same ice cream company (GB) also has an ice cream named The 88 (88:an in swedish). Sweden + consistancy = we are not familiar with eachother.
  4. Considering we are facing the murmur and that they are about as threatening as a infested it shouldnt really matter what picks we get. There are easy solutions to get around things no matter the pick you get aslong as you own them. Set up each weapon with a radiation config, this should cover potential defense missions to keep the enemies busy fighting their own. Set up each frame with a Helminth config that will benefit you versus the murmur. It shouldnt really be harder than that unless the other modifications to the run screw that up in some way. Which would be fun since I love PoE maps and Marvel Heroes Danger Chips.
  5. But I dont talk about 30-ish content. I'm talking about how easy Grendel content was when we had to do it versus level 40 mobs without mods or access to any frame released after Grendel (quite obviously heh). Meaning the majority of the Star Chart is below that level, with some planets capping out at that level or goes 5 levels beyond that. So I'm more wondering what point there is to limit your build options when there is a whole mode available that lets you build exactly how you want while brining better engagement options at the same time while playing on the same nodes? And who are you to decide what overbuilding is? Like I said, I want to be able to go longer than a few rotations when I enter an endless, so I come prepared for that. And what is the difference if I build to kill a capture target with 1 shot in a downgraded build or one where he is 1 shot all the same with a high level build? No one else gets to touch him in either case. Funny thing. I did some syndicate missions today solo. It made me think of your argonak build and idea of "modding for the content", which would have likely resulted in you getting disrupted and treated in an inconsiderate manner by syndicate operatives in those missions. I guess uhm DE overbuilt for their own missions. 😲 Curse those damn elitist operatives for not considering their PuG team mate(s) when making their builds! I'm uh an optimist. Also it is called coffee cake because it is supposed to be served with coffee. Prolly some brit mumbo-jumbo invention since they have other cakes served with tea iirc. If you want a coffee cake with coffee in you could make a mocca coffee cake instead of chocolate, vanilla or what type it is you yum-yum on currently. It's like we have "kaffe bröd" here, which practically means coffee bread, which is just whatever bun type you do and serve with coffee. Cinnamon buns are a type of "kaffe bröd" here, so are buns filled with pistachio(sp?) or nut creame or some other spice instead of cinnamon. It doesnt have to be buns either, making braided bread is also popular. Heck, we even call small cookie type things "kaffe bröd". And here I thought americans were happy to use the same word for way too many things!
  6. I already covered this. It does not end up being the same, since you now took more steps than a targeted buff or nerf would require. Which means they are not the same. It would also end up affecting everything else that isnt supposed to be affected. The only situation where a nerf can be a buff are examples like Nourish, where a nerf to the viral value would infact be a buff in several builds since it reduces viral weighting. Yet you only show 3 non-endless gifs? How does it hold up in endless SP? How fast paced is it then? Uhm yes? I think that is quite obvious since that is what the developers saw fit and what ended up as part of the game, and has been part of the game now for several years. I'm not really sure what you are trying to say, or what you point is. MR = Easy and grants X power as seen fit by devs. Liches/Sisters = "Harder" than MR and grants X power as seen fit by devs to reflect that they are "harder" than MR tests. Does it mean either is hard? Uhm no? But it is still part of DEs power progression and one system is more demanding than the other even if not hard. Not really a hard concept to grasp. And that matters how exactly? Oh lol, did you even read the notes you quoted? There were only 11 prime frames tied to a mastery rank to begin with, so it isnt DE removing the MR between normal and primes, they simply removed the MR between primes. And the reason frames dont have an MR is because like I've said they are based on the right tool for the job approach, where frames arent supposed to be more powerful than another. This does not apply to weapons outside of their classes, since there are too many "same" weapons within each class. So instead there is an incentive to use them by making some more powerful than others in a more classical "vertical" setup within each class. Now if all weapons were like frames and we had far fewer of them aswell MR could be removed since it would no longer be about power, but the task at hand. But it isnt realistic to make a weapon stand out like a frame, since they are just weapons. But it is true, since what makes those weapons stand out is not rooted in their stats, but in their actual game changing perks and mechanics. That is horizontal progression. We can use Bramma, Probo Cernos, Tonkor, Tetra, Zarr or Envoy and get roughly the same return in raw power as you say. What makes them and other picks the top is their mechanics i.e access to AoE. And it is for the most part a horizontal game, we simply have too many weapon that does the same, so the slightly more powerful version will get picked. This would stay the same even if it was fully horizontal, since at that point the most to least used would be based on damage spread, status vs crit, fire rate vs damage per shot, burst vs auto vs single and so on. And the usage stats have nothing to do with if it is horizontal or not. It would be the same in a fully horizontal system if some weapons have a more appealing effect etc. Which is still horizontal progression. The game already shows that with frames that are not vertical in progression since they are all based on what their abilities do in the content you face. Yet they end up showing the same heat map pattern as weapons that you claim are mainly vertical. So do you suddenly imply frames are now vertical too? Yeah, Nekros Prime sure is a massive power house compared to Protea, Styanax, Baruuk or Kullervo... and Frost Prime is clearly far far weaker than Revenant or Wukong... But we dont, since you seem to want to change other things in other ways. Because you still havent really revealed exactly what you want at all. I want the ceiling to be targetted specifically, likely best done by nerfing individual weapons. And as I mentioned in another thread, adding LoS to all AoE would also be a good start.
  7. I think Metallica made a song about Inaros, since it really describes what happens if Inaros gets downed "exit light, enter night, take my hand, we're off to never-never land". With the rework I guess it will be more Cannibal Corpse and "Sanded Faceless". ❔
  8. It's not about shutting down criticism. It's simply about revealing and talking about what they actually know and revealing and talking about what they dont know when they say it. I'm 100% getting behind people saying how they felt regarding the Eclipse damage formula change/new value even if I dont agree with the opinion, since it was about something known and relevant. And obviously DE gets alot of appriciation, no one says otherwise, it just happens to be that the loud minority uses everything in a negative way when they get their hands on it, like RJ transparency, which some content creators even fed on through click bait content. Acting as if the info regarding the content way ahead of releases wasnt a thing, acting surprised and straight up deregatory towards DE. So it isnt a shocker that DE have gone more silent after that. Prior to that they talked about everything, too much at times. But when even relevant info gets willingly ignored I'd do the same and cut back on talking about releases or planned changes until they are a reality. I think I'd rather be a grateful peasant than an exaggerating doom and gloomer. Because the riot over this change is uhm rather silly since most people would barely notice a difference, and if they did it would likely be in the positive due to the simple change over to a toggle instead of a random light based buff. And most wouldnt notice it at all since they dont run any content where a change from final to base multiplier would matter. And as @Voltage(I think) pointed out, the change to from final to base would be more healthy for the game.
  9. My suggestion is to report those that make us of the exploit if you can confirm it since going out of bounds is never intended. DE really needs to add LoS to all AoE. Yeah yeah yeah Khora's whip bugs out, but it also happens so rarely that it is barely even an issue.
  10. As @(PSN)GEN-Son_17points out, that has burned them previously. Empyrean still gets flak for that and when people point out "DE told us it would be buggy and released to get help from the community" people go "no they didnt" even though they did. So for me, waiting until they have something concrete to inform us with is better, less chance for people to misinterpret, exaggerate or conveniantly forget as agendas change. Heck, we just had a massive misconception in the thread regarding the upcoming game mode, where apparently the most recent info was not the most relevant or up to date according to one specific person. With a bunch of made up ideas of what can and cannot be changed this close to release etc. Then funnily enough we have this thread, giving criticism towards a thing that requires far wider changes than that other thing, followed by an official thread that informs us that these far wider changes have been made. And here I thought according to that other specific person that we were waaay too close to patch day for such big changes to occur. Yep yep, we're all there at times. But what can we do? We are in the end just stupid humans that love drama, over reactions and exaggeration. We are afterall a race of beings that argue with eachother over imaginary friends, some even taking it further than that. I'm fine with them being transparent when they have something real to reveal. Before that, better for them to stay quiet. Though lol, in some cases them being transparent regarding certain things ahead of time would be smart, like *cough*heirlooms*cough* and *cough*resurgence*cough*. When DE does something doodoo similar to a previous DE doodoo I feel like John Connor in Terminator 2 asking Arny "Are we learning yet?". At which point I imagine DE targetting me with either (or both) of two other Arny incarnations from that movie, A: The fake oblivious smile(s) from the directors cut at the desert burger bar, or B: "Shut up, $&*^wad..." when John teaches him to combine slang words.
  11. Yeah Aeolak is the name. It's probably a warped Gotva Prime since the Thrax are supposedly tainted or manifested Grineer. Which could mean that there is no normal version of the Gotva used by the Grineer. Unless Aeolak isnt actually warped and just the Grineer normal version of the Gotva, and happens to be used by the Thrax since it is based on a Grineer. And yeah I think we wont get many prime versions of grineer and corpus weapons. I think this is partly due to say Grineer weapons just being the Grineer version of a Prime that the tenno have a Tenno version of. So while we wont get a Gorgon Prime, we have Tenora and Tenora Prime, which the Gorgon might have been based on.
  12. What does when have to do with anything? We all go through the same content and experience these things as we do. If we dont enjoy those things we wont force them upon ourself more than needed. There is also not much knowledge to be had in those parts of the game since everything is a pushover the moment you start to add building blocks. Farming all of that gear requires us to go through all of that "alternative" content over and over. Unless you have magic and exclusive access to getting all those items out the door. I ran around with broken mods, half leveled mods, no corrupted mods etc. for quite some time experiencing that "alternate" content. Which was OK at the time due to the carrot of progress. And no one said the game doesnt put our builds to the test. I said it is what I enjoy, being constantly tested by higher and higher content as the game lives on. The Star Chart does not allow me to get tested, since I simply cannot nerf myself to a point where it gets challenging. It also doesnt reward us for that, it just makes everything slower when the intent of the game genre is to hunt loot and farm in a rewarding fashion. But there isnt real balance. Since risk vs reward or even the potential to face risk isnt there. You are still stuck in how much damage we deal while ignoring how little damage the enemy deals to us. You still dont get my point regarding Grendel missions. If you can do those naked as intended, how is the star chart going to become engaging? Killing things slowly as they pose no actual threat to you is not engaging, it is tedious. And the dude being built for the content or not doesnt matter. He still increases the health of the Demos, so him dead or not built for the mission has the has outcome, the rest having to do enough to make up for his scaling increase to the objective of the whole mission, which mainly means making up for his slice to the point where the 3 can kill the heaviest type of Grineer Demo encountered on Mars. Also who said anything about carry? We did a fine job all 3 of us being able to pull our weight and the dead guys. That isnt carrying, that is making up for, covering etc. Like uhm what people should mostly be prepared to do incase S#&$ hits the fan. That said, the dude dying simply ran into poor luck since it happened quite far in. There is simply plenty of dangers on the Mars Archon tiles, some of the specific Narmer Grineer hit very hard with special attack, so if you are caught without a shield/OG its often buh-bye. Some of them can 1HK both my Lavos and Kullervo, while those two frames at the same time treat the Archons as a tickle fest. No I dont need to build for the content. What I need to build for is what I consider fun. DE allows me to do that, those are the rules and the intent, so I do that. If the game didnt allow for that I wouldnt do it and it wouldnt be possible. But it is possible so the game tells me to play the way I find it fun. Not the way you or anyone else find it fun. Since you are not prepared to allow me to have my idea of fun in public, according to you only I am supposed to bend and change, even though we both entered public and abide by the rules and limitations DE has placed on the game. No. They are simply not worthwhile if I cant use them at all. Lower content, if building for it to be "engagning", means no arcanes, no operator, no shards, barely no mod, barely building towards what is enjoyed in a specific frame kit etc. It also removes the option to combine X with Y and Z etc. All while not actually getting engaging in the end, since I'm still stuck with the baseline stats as the minimum. Empty capacity is empty capacity, which ends up not giving any value to the forma and taters spent. Because you can barely cram in the full baseline 30 capacity and innate polarity matches without trivializing low missions. And no, you practically cant make use of arcanes or galv mods if you want engaging content. And through all of this TTL still trivializes low missions. Unless we start going into territories where we go "dont use this frame, dont use that weapon, dont use that skill, dont use that playstyle", which just results in the question "why play if you arent going to play something you atleast find fun?". Since going slow for the sake of going slow while also not even enjoying the items you use is just self torture and borderline self destructive behavior. And why should you not set aside your idea of fun? You are in the end the minority yet want to be the one that makes decisions for the masses? And again you use "carry"... when we talk about trivial low level content and people simply playing the game as it is supposed to. No, people dont carry, people just play the game. Carry is when someone would be there that isnt actually supposed to be there since they cant actually handle it. Does that mean you think you shouldnt be there since you do too little and need a carry in such trivial content with the "builds" you bring? The point you miss is that we have too much TTL even without mods when it comes to the Star Chart, meaning that no matter how you build in order to make things engaging by nerfing your damage, you will still not end up with engaging content since you cannot die. That is what the Grendel missions show, they arent engaging, since you practically cant die, they are just slow because you deal low damage. The only thing modding more does is speed up the gameplay, so you might aswell go for the fastest clear speed since the threat will not increase by you going slower. Dragon keys are not an excuse, that is going out of your way since you are suddenly below the baseline now. Your whole jig to start with was regarding SP being imbalanced and not allowing for builds. Now you sit here and bring up dragon keys aswell in order for the SC to be engaging. While SP is all open for you to mod and build practically as you like while providing the exact same missions as the SC you go out of your way to play. All while having thrown your so prescious "modless baseline" straight out the window. And again, you name random SC places. What would be the reason to run them? Or should I not farm the loot I'm actually looking for? So I need to go even further out of my way to experience "engaging" gameplay on the start chart and remove even more of my fun? Or I can just build however I want and farm whichever region I actually need loot from on the SP, which facing a more hectic and fun density, more special units like nullifiers and eximus while having a chance to get downed, even if thing die faster. Like hmm, hard choice... more fun+more mobs+more threats+more loot+more build freedom+operator available vs no threats, having to narrow builds into the negative, barely able to pick any mods, cant really utilize arcanes, operator would break everything, likely need to pick just the weakest frames, preferably without any skills to use, horrible loot yield, snooze slow gameplay and practically forced to specific regions only in order to get "engaging" content. Can I please have a massive serving of option one!? And you keep rambling about "higher than the content". What content? Are you only ever running one-off missions? Do you not get the idea of the QoL in building for things far higher? So you can stay longer if you or others happen to want to. I cant count the times I've joined pugs and we've just kept going and going and going, things that wouldnt be possible if you "build" just for the bare minimum. Which is why I'd never set foot in Arbitrations in a group unless I have a build that can allow me to go as far as I like, since it is always endless and the more people we are and the longer we go the more vitus and chances and unique things like aura formas we get. More importantly if it is a really good node location for the current hour. Which is why you with a "fun" build doesnt matter, since you cannot push, you arent there considering others will to push, so no one should consider you and your discomfort the slightest. If you decide to "push" you will practically just end up being a leech at that point. There are many times I've gone into arbis and thought "eh I'll give it 20 mins", but then people have wanted to go further and I've stayed since I've been able to, even if I've gotten some drops I wanted already. Simply because it has been a chill group, a good tile and a beneficial mission type. Resulting in removing the RNG of the next hour incase we can stay past that. So there are many reasons to "overbuilding" and not just about wanting utmost efficiency and seeing it as fun. You building to only go the minimum doesnt only mean you do less, you also impact others when you leave if it is endless, since suddenly those guys that could see themselves going an hour in a group now only have 3/4 player density for the rest of the run, or if you stay a potential EMT job getting you up over and over. However, that is all fine, since in the end all of us are afterall in PuG. So if people drop out before the expected time of someone else is reached, or you using something that can only go 5 minutes, it really doesnt matter. Since if I or someone else wants to go an hour or two, or you want to build a certain way and have a specific outcome with that we'd not sit in a PuG. We'd be logical people and seek out a pre-made or go solo depending on what it is we seek. With your own logic and weight on considerate builds you are really in an unachievable situation. Since I'm fairly sure that you arent considerate enough to always bring a build to arbitrations (or SP) that can go for say an hour and you are likely not considerate enough to always go an hour if others want it. So there is no reason those players should caster to your needs either, neither in arbitrations or anywhere else, since in the end, you are as much about the I as I am bout the I in me. The common part in an endless is going to rota C, which is where most people bow out, just as the most common way to play the game is speed running efficiently. So the guys and gals wanting to go further than C end up going into the minority, just as your way of playing is in the minority. However, the people wanting to go further have more of a chance to find people considerate to them due to others mostly being built to speed run by "overbuilding" for the content, so can join those that want to go further on the fly. You however, a person that enjoys "building for the content" will end up being far less considerate to those that want to go further, since you will be limited by your build and not able to make those on the fly decisions. Is that really being considerate of you?
  13. Indeed I also prefer the drunk uncle. So far I've had the pleasant experience of two, Digital Extremes and Gazillion Entertainment, sadly the second mentioned uncle died, he got assassinated by the big mouse. No white silk gloves that time, it utilized the full power of the Death Star. 😧
  14. Many of the things that Grineer use used to be tied to the Orokin, so Gotva for instance is a Grineer weapon that is also a Prime Orokin weapon. Which then got reverse engineered to become that other weapon that I forgot the name of. So Diriga could have a prime version, it's just that the regular version is Grineer made, but it can be reverse engineered from something else, like for instance a prime... or something else, or an original creation of the Grineer. I think the only weapons that are really out of bounds to be primed are infested weapons, since they are already exsisting weapons that have gotten infested. Unless DE comes up with a new plan for obtaining or crafting them. Like obtaining the base prime of the weapon then combining it with the infested version to get say Mutalist Cernos Prime or Probocesis Cernos Prime for isntance.
  15. I'm just saying why ask for feedback or be transparent on something you dont even know will be a thing? Which is why I think the info regarding the planned changes came at the right time, well ahead of the patch and after DE had decided on an approach regarding what they thought was needed. We would have probably had the same situation on the forums eitherway, just slightly differently worded. Since if DE had said "might get nerfed" and people had voted "toggle, helminth nerf, no mirage nerf" and DE had done the same changes as they initially did the forums would blow up all the same. But instead of "not transparent" it would be "DE ignores feedback!". DE are often in a damned if I do damned if I dont situation. In reality, people of this community dont know how good DE are at communicating things compared to most other companies. DE is that drunk uncle that tends to say a bit too much while most other companies are that dead clam in your soup that wont open up.
  16. In cases like these which is gameplay related stuff, nope I dont care about transparency since I hit the OK button on the ToS both in WF and so many other live service games in the past. So the only transparency I need regarding game changes are the patch notes so I know what has been changed. And the transparency was there aswell, maybe not in the thread, but came from Pablo as he described how it would change. So gave people more than enough time to react on the specific changes before they had a chance to go live. Anything they could have provided in the thread would have been pointless, since it would have just been a vague disclaimer of "it might change... in some way, but we dont actually know, but maybe, perhaps, if we see a need, or not". And when it would be that vague, considering how knee-jerk the community can be, I rather have it left out so people simply vote without going chicken little, doom and gloom by overthinking "what if...?" situations that would even put Dr. Strange to shame. That would also require them to know what they'd plan to do if toggle became the winning choice. Which isnt positive they knew at that point in time. Because why plan for something that might not happen when you already have other things to work on as things get decided by the community? The transparency came at the right point through the recent devstream. Also, imagine how many pointless additional ideas they'd need to go through in the thread if they also wanted opinions regarding how it should change in damage if that ever became a reality. We already had plenty of horrible ideas that came in addition to the simple vote of toggle+nerf helminth vs reworking light sources on some maps.
  17. You can already self cap without needing to get hit by enemies. It's just the armor part that needs actual enemy hits, which isnt really an issue since its hits versus shields. With Combat Discipline you have max Vex damage after killing 10 enemies iirc. Not saying he couldnt use some QoL or bigger changes, but there are ways to easily maintain Vex and easily max it out if you happen to snooze on a rebuff.
  18. Hehe I'm hoping for some silly Hildryn interaction. Might also replace Halo on Nezha with it since it would remove the problem of his bugs tied to that skill, like getting 1-shot and never triggering shield gate, one of the biggest reasons I never play him since I hate unreliablity unless it is by design (hi Xaku!).
  19. Not only will Inaros keep his identity, it will strengthen it massively. Actual scarab swarms, sand minions that are Bast-ish cats, a more proper sandstorm transform, a getting back from the dead passive that is more inline with a mummy curse and less "Hi my name is coffin! My special move is doing jack S#&$!".
  20. My point is it would be meaningless if they specified it since it would make no difference in the end. We all know they can change what they like when they like how they like. So people being upset over this not being mentioned specifically is kind of silly in my mind, since the outcome wouldnt change eitherway. They could make it work like Roar (Bane) aswell, that way the two would be the same but different. But then they'd also have to rework the Mirage version since 200% Bane would uhm be way way way way way too much. Roar for buffing everything and others with Bane. Eclipse for buffing weapons but not abilities or others with Bane. The trade off would be that Eclipse also offers utility through a DR buff and can be recast at will. If not, 50 or 60% final multiplicative would be fair since it only applies to weapons. However I'm more interested in the DR buff myself now that it is guaranteed, since Roar already exsists for damage.
  21. We'll eventually get the option to combine shards into rainbow shards and then when you have enough of those you can build Unicorn Prime, the first frame to come baseline as a prime and the first quad. It will puke and fart rainbows, and CC enemies and buff allies with star dust.
  22. I think it is a bit single minded of Pablo to say what he says. There are ways to improve Loki and give him some needed damage without destroying his identity, heck, it could even improve it. Increased damage versus disarmed target. Personal for Loki. Enemies attacking eachother while afflicted with radiation/confusion from Loki ignores armor and shields. Decoy reflects and attacks enemies and inflicts them with confusion/radiation (rad preferably since it increases damage). Enemies still prioritize attacking the decoy if within its "aggro circle" over other "friends". Decoy would count as an enemy attacking allies so would ignore armor and shields. Those are simply little things that could give him an oomph! Took a whole minute to come up with them.
  23. The problem with alot of the reasoning around this and the wording of the feedback thread is the following. Even if they had said and stated that "it might get nerfed" the outcome of the votes would have been the same. Since we wouldnt know how it would be changed, we just know that we'd vote between, a permanent guaranteed buff that is toggled, or the old one with unreliable use based on light sources around the maps together with a light source fix for maps that dont work. People would have voted for the consistant buff without a doubt. This because the sporadic Mirage players outnumber the die hard "I've memorized all light positions on every map" Mirage players by the thousands most likely. For me it was a no brainer to place the vote on the toggle, even if I assumed it would get a nerf in return for always being active at max. Since I simply prefer reliable and consistant things over situational ones.
  24. But I do know, since I can know, because we all go through the "alternative side" as we master things constantly. We get to know what we enjoy and not as we go through that process several times over in the game. We go through that as we go through the game for the first time, since we experience that "alternative side" as we progress and are limited in our choices through lacking capacity etc. Nope, you dont know that in relation to moderation. You percieve and assume it must be in moderation since you have experienced it that way. I'm here as the exact bloody opposite, that moderation is not a requirement since I enjoy this 24/7 and have done so for well over half my life. I've practically enjoyed the idea of "farming" since I as a kid experienced the voice of the neon, tech or if you wanna call it mecha god as it spoke to me in Legend of Zelda. The god said "let there be farm!" and the farm was good. Then he outdid himself with Diablo and some other cool games, the repeated outdoing himself for years to come. Then royaly screwed up in between, he was probably on a bender or stuck in a celestial crack house when he shat out Diablo 3 and a couple of other games (many oddly with the name Diablo in them). And people accept that others might have my idea of fun, which is why they hit up public instead of pre-mades or solo. I'm also not enforcing it on others any more than I also enable it for others that might not yet be at the point but still strive for it. And since it is the majority approach, more people will be impacted positively by it, since they seek quick runs and lots of loot. It's natural, since the main reason people join others for random groups is in order for things to go faster and be more efficient compared to solo. I did a few runs a couple of days ago in public that ended up being far slower for me, since people were slow to get to the EZ. Did you see me throw a fit on the forums over that? Nope, because I was in public groups, so it was my choice to open myself to that potential outcome. I also did the weekly Disruption in a group, where one guy ended up dying because he was running around far off from the conduits. If the rest of us hadnt been built to counter his death the mission would have failed, since we just lost all the dps from one guy while the demos still stayed scaled all the same. They arent mutually exclusive. Since that is a multitude of things that can be implemented to increase difficulty and really put players and their builds to the test. We also have a very high ceiling that can be drastically nerfed so future content gets more engaging without impacting the current activities. Actual heavy priority targets thrown into the mix would be a massive thing to shake things up. It works in other games really well, where people blow through trash like a maniac and then suddenly face something that isnt a pushover, something that requires dedicated attention in order to not ruin your day. And one of the things I'm mostly advocating to be nerfed is really AoE, more notably the range of skills. So we cant lock down a whole map. For me all AoE should be 10-15m at most, either 10m targetted areas or 15m PBAoE/cones. It's just absurd that we have 25, 30, 40, 50, 60 and even 70m+ AoE. I mean, 50m AoE can cover 100m of a map, 70m can cover 140m of a map if they are radial skills. I mean seriously, WTF DE!? I'm also not saying I want to use everything as in everything. I'm saying I want to use everything together i.e arcanes, mods (slots), shards, operator (with arcanes etc) and so on in a single build. So that investment in forma and taters have a reason, the credits and endo spent on mods having a meaning, farming out arcanes seeing a return etc. Things that will see no use if I "build for low content". Also, temporatily set aside things is not something to consider when jumping into multiplayer, since we have no clue what others bring unless we run pre-mades. You can do whatever you want in PuGs aswell, since it is a random group thrown together in order to make things faster or more efficient than normal. Solo is there to do whatever aswell, to goof around or be efficient, same as pugs. Just dont expect pugs to allow you to goof around. If you want to make sure to be able to goof around with others and play in a certain way you have invite/friends only i.e pre-mades. Where people agree to play a certain way, where only likeminded individuals are grouped up. Where things arent randomly decided by the game. Which is what I said and you clearly ignore the other part when you ask why I bring up Grendel missions. They are clearly situated where you can go modless, which shows just how little danger there is on the star chart. The last few levels wont change much of that. It would also require me to want to play the planets that add those extra levels on the SC, which likely is not the case considering what drops there. Also, you seem to not get my point at all considering how you talk about mods here (damage mod on gun = survival mod on frame). The point is we cannot downgrade our health to a point where the SC becomes dangerous. Me adding more survival mods to the frame would just further increase that "issue". However, playing that same content on SP allows us to both mod how we want, all the way from going slower like you want, to being highly efficient. In addition to that the mobs can actually down you even when you build to avoid getting downed. All you can do with the SC is make it go slower, but it will never increase in danger. The one exception to that is potentially T3 void tiles. But like I said, that would also require me to have a reason to go to those void tiles. Plus, those tiles still end up more interesting and lethal on SP, even with modding for TTL. Right now though I'm farming uhm Pluto, Mars and Phobos, since those 3 planets have what I need when it comes to old content. And dropping down to SC for those would just be an utter waste, since they'd turn 100% trivial and they'd have a fraction of a fraction of the spawns on SP, which leads further to their triviality aswell as gimping loot severely, not only from having far lower spawns, but because they dont have an innate increase to rare material drop chance. Which is the same if I'd jump in to play Mot for Argon. Zero reason to gimp lethality, mobs spawns and innate drop chance increase for rare and mod for higher "engagement" aswell. There are so many layers as to why downgrading or doing the star chart is out of the question for me. Same reason why I practically only run Defense arbitrations, since they are fast while trivial, as opposed to survival which is a low density snoozefest where you cant really increase efficiency for loot gain.
  25. No. If you have a weak and a strong weapon and want the weak weapon to become better and more even to the strong weapon you cant just nerf the strong weapon. Since that still leaves the weak weapon weak against the enemies. And you cant nerf the enemies since then the gap is still the same between the weak and the strong weapon. And this is a case with a very isolated issue. When it comes to a whole game like WF with hundreds of weapons and enemies, nerfing something to "buff" something else or vice versa will be even more unlikely to ever succeed, since there are so many variable of things that will get affected when it shouldnt. So no, nerf and buff are not interchangable at all, not even when you talk about number buffs and nerfs. And if you say "but then we can nerf both enemies and the strong weapon". Well that isnt going to end with the same result, since you just now took two steps instead of one. So are there 3 sides on that coin now? Clearly, so not up to date with what has happened in the game. No, SP would be SP. There would be no imaginary extra levels to the test that your simulation solves. Since I dont talk about your vipers or stubbas, I'm talking about how the simulated nerf would end up in SP, which you can simply test in SP to see how a nerf to AoE would end up there. You can in reality also test your buffs to those single target examples, you just need to simulate them instead of the content with proxy weapons to achieve the same. Which would give you better data since you'd be able to test it versus max density aswell in the most "recent" content we have. And Sim could surely work in a vaccuum to see TTK, but it wouldnt compare a live test for endless modes. I'm saying this since you cant just ignore that SP exsists and that things must work there aswell. So not testing it there with its specific conditions will not give you any accurate idea of how the weapons will perform aside from a potential TTK for a single enemy. It will give no good estimation how it holds up in content with adjusted spawn rates, different penalties tied to KPM etc. Which is all part of SP, which is a very relevant part of the game where we are at now. I dont, but DE does. Which is why I'm saying Lich content itself serves as the MR test for those weapons, which justifies their higher potential when we compare things to the intent of MR and their tests. And why MR stops at 16, because they might have wanted to stop mandatory MR leveling? And why frames arent tied to MR? Because they recently removed it since frames arent intended to be more or less powerful than another, they are just ment as the right tools for a job. Then that DE completely misses the mark in design is another thing. Or it could be that they wanted things to be... you know... rogue like. Where you are presented with both good and bad gear to simply shake things up each run. Which was practically the whole selling point of the mode where we are offered random gear. A system that actually is designed to promote re-visiting weak gear is the genesis system, since it actually improves old gear so it is used again frequently. So? It is still more difficult than MR tests, which is my point as to why MR5 on lich weapons doesnt matter, since the power justification lies within the mode you need to clear. They could have been MR0 and had the power they have, since you still need to clear that content which is more difficult than MR tests that unlock access to new gear. Same as Kitguns that are practically lock behind a long MR test i.e farming the standing, doing the bounties etc. in an isolated mode. MR is a mark of progression, same as things locked behind a syndicate or a specific mode. You did this, now you get this, that is slightly better than that which you got there. The point is, DE has progression in mind, where some things are worse than others. I'm also talking about vertical systems in general. And I was pretty clear that WF is for the most part a horizontal system already, where most things are sidegrades. However you conveniantly left that part out of the quote. It is also a game with way too many weapons, where too many are the same. Which is also present at each MR that unlocks new ones, you wont use all, you will use some. Which shows the flaws of your own thinking, that a horizontal system will somehow give players a reason to grab everything, when clearly that isnt the case since WF is already for the most part horizontal. It's as if you dont even read half of what is written. Or maybe you read it an just leave it out in order to just have something to argue about? And you ignore or forget that I've said that while I want nerfs I dont see a need for nerfs to our current content. Nerfs to bring the ceiling down so future content can get more meaningful is what I seek. Since we can reduce the ceiling, all that would do is reduce how far people can push in endless, which is optional and not tied to a risk where rewards are also impacted. Those players will simply hit the wall earlier than now while regular farming stays intact. This gives DE better room for future content that can then start higher to be more challenging for the masses, with enough room to min-max and so on aswell. Some will still find it trivial, and that is OK. And that is the whole point. It would be a waste of time to nerf and be required to test and adjust the old instead of nerfing with just future content in mind.
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