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Everything posted by SneakyErvin

  1. That just means the act of telling has a wide meaning depending on the context and structure of what is written. Here in the OP telling would be the same as informing and guiding. Just as someone can tell a story etc. I also dont see anyone that misinterpreted what he wrote, just that he shouldnt tell people (about) it since it can lead to bans etc. if someone makes use of it.
  2. Yeah I use it on uhm two frames atm iirc. And that is Nekros and then my Fractured Blast Dagath. Used to use it on Nezha aswell, but with SP it is pointless because you can get Halo to high values by soaking damage, and I've stopped using his augmented chakram aswell, so not a floor filled with orbs anymore. The shards give really great value.
  3. It is really just english language (or well most languages) and sentence structure. For some reason I get the feeling you think "tell" here refers to something else, potentially "incite" or "invite" or something similar. When in reality what "we" mean is that "tell" here would more look towards synonyms such as "reveal" "make aware of" or something similar. Telling people how to do something isnt the same as telling people to do something. But both result in someone telling others.
  4. Health Conversion doesnt work for all frames that may want to go a face tank route. So shards are a requirement if you want to play a certain way, ways you couldnt properly play before. Ways unavailable earlier, that made some frames overlooked due to having very narrow styles of play. I dont think they are required to beat any content, they are however required in order to get people to play certain frames to clear that content. I can only go to myself. I'm not fond of shield gate gameplay, hence why I rely on tanky frames for the most part unless they come with innate high shield replenishment methods, like Protea for instance. The shards have opened up alot of new option for me since I can now health tank with those frames I otherwise would barely touch. That said, there are some squishy frames I instead use Helth Conversion on, since they can utilize it well in my builds for them. So it isnt as clear cut to say one is better than the other, it is the combination of both systems that make up the final value in each on every individual frame or build.
  5. The wording is telling, not observational, since it is straight up instructions. It doesnt matter what his actual intent was, since people cant read minds. There isnt a single word in that whole paragraph that is about him and his observations, just suggestions aimed towards others. I mean, there is only a single instance where the OP refers to himself and that is in "I recommend". As Slightly went over, there are several variations of "tell". The OP is telling "how to" pretty much, along with "you could" but not "you should". Different degrees, still telling.
  6. On practically any low armor frame since mods are percent based increases versus flat armor increases from shards. You will never be able to mod to get up to 1125 additional armor on a low armor frame.
  7. This thread and seeing someone finding divinity in a weapon reminded me of the song Nebelwerfer by Marduk.
  8. Just wanna point out that if you read the second paragraph in the OP, it is very much angled as a suggestion for others. Both with how that paragraph starts "Go into" followed by "Hide under", "and let the clone kill everything", "you need to", "I recommend" and then ended with "Happy Farming!". It is practically framed as a bite sized guide for others. And the behavior could lead to potential bans or suspensions due to being "shady" activities.
  9. He does take the deal, he is just the outcome that doesnt get rescued. Wally provides that information in one of the lore pieces on Duviri. The deal was that all other children would get rescued, he just never specified if he would also save the protagonist or not, hence why the Drifter outcome also happens.
  10. Roar without a doubt since viral is obtainable from anywhere. Roar increases the damage of your direct DV damage, which increases the DoT, Roar also increases the DoT damage after that, then it also increases the detonation damage ontop of that, so it uhm tripple dipping on Dante. Another benefit of Roar is that it doesnt dilute your wordwarden damage, so it is easy to mod your Noctua for extra statuses and good weighting on slash aswell. Either to get more damage from CO or in order to just stack more of a damaging element. I currently run Roar instead of Noctua and then my Notcua is modded with heat for wordwarden to help stack more heat faster when I shoot, it also works with influence to a point, since wordwarden tends to fire off a few shots on targets hit by influence aswell.
  11. No, since Dieselpunk is a subgenre that specifically uses Art Deco for instance along with technology of a certain human era. Just as Steampunk is a subgenre that uses Victorian inpired aestethics and tech based around the era when steam power was a big thing. With some sci-fi thrown in regarding what could be achieved if diesel or steam were the peak advancements. And non lol. Imperial Guard are not specifically Dieselpunk. The Imperial Guard are of a technological level of the Imperium, that is it. Different world are of different human advancement levels, but those worlds are not automatically Imperial Guard, they are simply human worlds that may get intregrated into the Imperium and end up as Imperial Guard regiments. So since IG is not a singular thing, IG is not Dieselpunk, since the Imperium of man is not Dieselpunk and the Imperium of man sets the tech level of the regiments within the IG no matter where they come from. But I dont think you'll comprehend this, since you did afterall use Cadia as a synonym for Imperial Guard, when Cadia is just one out of hundreds of regiments of IG, all provided with gear from the Imperium and not created from some personal technological state.
  12. No, you are missing a large part of the timeline there. Zariman happens, then the Zariman is found and the children saved. After this Margulis starts work to rehabilitate them. Silvana gets added to it, the focus changes after a while at which point the children are put into cryo. The "proto" frames are created and most turn on the Orokin. Margulis eventually gets executed aswell. A scientist stumbles upon the place where the children are locked into cryo and realizes their impact on the frames. Ballas has the Warframe project re-opened aswell as the transference "rehab" project in order to combine them. As to Parvos. You really need to read up on the lore there. Parvos is not attacked by any tenno assassins. Parvos is targetted by the board, that is the assassination attempt on him, which would have succeeded if it wasnt for Protea. They still succeed in their attempt to remove him, since he is lost for a very long time, from that moment and up to the current events of the Deadlock Protocol. First of, dont use "", that means you quote. Which you dont do here since you imply I said something I didnt. "Tenno personnel and facilities" isnt a thing. You are talking about Orokin personnel and facilities, not interchangable with Tenno. It is the Orokin that Kullervo is trying to stop, not the Tenno. What he tries and succeeds to do with the Tenno is influence them and turn them to his cause. Hellspace aswell as hellscape does not refer to hell, it referse to inhospitable places and those that go beyond our comprehension, things that seem too intricate for our knowledge to comprehend. It doesnt mean it is supernatural etc. Just as Ballas calls the Tenno demons even though they arent actual demons. They are just children afflicted by a cosmic power of some sort. Wally is just a cosmic being, an alien from a world/dimension where times works differently from what is known by man. And archdemons of wrath and envy. No lol, those are creations of the Drifters mind and based on childrens book characters. The emotions are tied to Thrax, another creation from the Drifters mind based on a childrens book character. The Angels are people who have "died" inside the Void, where they end up in a state between exsistance and non-exsistance due to the timelessness and nothingness of the void. And those strong enough can manifest themselves again, while others go insane and turn into Angels since they cant control their thoughts and desires, and instead just follow "the song", just as the Holdfast explain. Teshin is also not in some eternal rest. You really need to start paying attention to the story. I need to ask, do you skip alot of the lore parts when you do quests etc? Seems like it, otherwise you'd know that Teshin actually did survive the helmet crushing. He then ends up on Duviri through the portal on the ship and is found and healed back up by yet another character from the childrens book. It is also easy to see in Duviri which people/things are real and not. Since everything real that have accessed Duviri from the outside look like it should, while everything manifested looks like it comes from the book, even if not actually from the book, like Ballas. We can also see it on the Holdfast, that it isnt really them, but a copy, since parts of them show corruption. So none of what you mentioned is any form of evidence for your headcanon. And calling it "afterlife" isnt more accurate, since it isnt after anything, it is pre-, current and post- all at the same time.
  13. Yeah that would certainly not be "All of the above" then, since you are missing several editions of lore at that point. Which would make it not Dieselpunk, since you just threw both the technological level and the architectural theme out the window. Also "Now have this dieselpunk army colonize space" is not how things panned out in 40k. At one point, long long long long long ago, as in several tens of thousands of years long ago, the human race were at a "disel" era level in 40k. That era is long gone at the point where the imperium of man is founded and eventually the imperial guard implemented/created. During the time the Horus Heresy and WH40k takes place mankind is far beyond the diesel era limitations. You seem to have this odd idea that the Imperial Guard = the Imperium. IG are a small part of the imperium, it also doesnt design/make the equipment it uses, which is the doings of the mechanicus. They come up with, design and create everything for the imperium of man pretty much and have their own "agents" within the different parts of the imperium. Be it in the shape of tech priests or tech marines and so on. The Imperial Guard are at a techlevel based on whatever world/regiment they belong to, from bronze age to super high tech. They all then end up using advanced equipment as they get assimilated into the imperium. So saying IG is dieselpunk, means you dont understand how the imperium or IG works at all. IG wouldnt even clock in as raypunk, since it isnt their specific tech level but the imperiums as a whole. And lasguns arent powerful even, they are thrown to the IG because they are easy to manufacture for the imperium and the IG are fodders. The true power in weapons still rest with bullet based weaponry and fusion, along with experimental devices like vortex grenades that practically create ephemeral black holes.
  14. You said Protea and Titania are very much not proto-frames. All frames were created during the Old War. Titania was one of those early frames and show exactly what the so called "proto" frames did against the Orokin. Your read? Actually read it. He never tried to destroy the Tenno or the frames, he tried to stop the research and experimentation in order to stop warframes from being created. Likely because he didnt want more people to suffer through what he did. He plotted with the Tenno when that didnt work which eventually led the Tenno turning on the Orokin at the end of the war during the victory celebrations. Your head-canon isnt canon though. His crimes paint a very simple to understand picture of both the WF timeline regarding the prot-frames and Kullervo himself and exactly what was done to him. The Void is only Hell in your mind, there is no foundation for it in the game. The Void is in a "mindscape", since it allows for emotions and thoughts to come real. And there is a very clear indication in his last crime that Kullervo was indeed intentionally sent there... by Ballas himself when eventually Kullervo tried to kill him. Ballas has knowledge about the Void and utilizes it to dispose of people. And we know things from the outside end up there, both through the fragment lore and our bloody access to weapons and frames, including Stalker. So no lol, Drifter isnt an anomaly at all. That people dont believe Duviri is part of Hell is because it isnt part of Hell, since the Void isnt Hell. You'd get that if you paid attention during the Duviri quest. Or paid attention to practically anything that Teshin says as you do undercroft activities etc. The Void is space beyond space, a dimension where time isnt linear, where past, present and future events all happen at once. Where outcomes within the undercroft reflect on reality, meaning that how certain things pan out there gives reason for why they happened (or will happen) the way they did for the Tenno (or others) in reality.
  15. Which makes no sense when you imply everything is the same even when something is far more advanced. Like, why even use any labels for anything at that point? It's also quite funny that you have dodged a question I asked you early on. What is your WH40k experience rooted in? Codex books and lore from other rule books since Rogue Trader? Gormamorka, Inquisitor or Necromunda? An unhealthy obsession with Citadel Journal and White Dwarf over waaaay too many years? Video games? Gaming and lore clubs/circles? Various WH40k novels from GW? You feel like some of those guys one might run into on occassion that are "massive" Space Wolves "fans" and you ask them why. And they go "cos the Wolves believe in Odin" and you go like "WTF are you smoking? " since they've completely missed what the Allfather is refering to when it comes to the SW.
  16. Where do you get that idea from regarding Titania? Silvana is already on the project before it turns into Warframe research by Ballas, that much is clear from the Silver Grove quest. Then that Titania also follows Silvana back to earth to protect her also indicates it is a Proto, since it would make no sense if a tenno was involved, because the whole deal with the tenno is that they rise up unexpectedly at the end of the old war, during the victory celebrations. Protea could potentially be a second wave frame. But it is doubtful since the whole tenno involvement was very hush-hush as we know from The Sacrifce quest. So would Ballas really grant a "simple" Corpus such a gift and risk knowledge about dualism being revealed? And read the Kullervo lore again. He is clearly still around when the tenno get involved in the Warframe project. The timeline is described quite well in all of his crimes. Eventually Kullervo got caught and sent to Duviri and managed to create his own warden through strong emotions, while the timelessness of the void results in Kullervo occupying all his cells and reliving his crimes all at once. It isnt some afterlife place, it is something created by the Drifter and his strong emotions along with the "help" of the book. For Kullervo to end up there after his death or in any non-physical way the Drifter would need to know about frames and him specifically. But as it is, the Drifter knows nothing of what occured in the Orokin empire beyond the point of the Zariman. So there is no possible way for him to have strong emotions about frames or Kullervo in order to create one through conceptual embodyment. There is also even less of a chance that the Drifter would know anything about the relationship between Kullervo and Ballas in order to place Ballas as the warden in order to oversee Kullervo. And a Prime for Kullervo needs no loophole, since Kullervo is just a regular frame in the end. He is not Revenant or Caliban, so whatever makes up the original Kullervo that commited the crimes will be stored on some form of Orokin blueprint even after his punishment. Even Xaku needs few loopholes, since it can be explained as simply as an experiment using destroyed frames turned out highly successful to the point where it became its own unique frame worthy of priming, or in the case the prime was first, worthy to have the data stored in order to be able to produce more. Rev was an issue since Rev isnt the original, it is the corrupted and altered version of whatever the original was, and Caliban is sentient made. But since Albrecht is a helminth and frame researcher aswell, him priming things now could be a viable explaination.
  17. We dont actually know about the handcrafted thing. Since not all proto frames went away. There are more and more of the old that imply that the version we find and make use of to make our "normal" version is a proto long lost due to one reason or another. Kullervo makes this quite obvious with the timeline of his story and crimes. Kullervo, Sevagoth, Titania and Protea (Prime) are likely all Protos. Kullervo we know is one, Sevagoth is likely one due to the sentience of his shadow in the story, Titania follows her creator and protects her (sounds very similar to the Kullervo story) and Protea (Prime) seems to be the canon first version of her provided to Granum, the version he based the specter on that we fight and then use to make the "normal" version. It also goes inline with what Varzia tells us, that some started out as primed. Those made after the proto uprising were very likely just new versions of the proto using the data from it to try and make a version that would be less hostile. Like we can read in the Rhino lore, where they mention that they've gone through and discarded several. One can wonder how many more of the "normal" versions we make were initially proto or prime now that we have the Kullervo story that shows that it wasnt impossible for the protos to "blend in" and survive. Earlier we just wrote them off as "tenno" frames made in order to sustain the tenno war effort against the Orokin during the fall.
  18. No that is me saying that the tech in WH40k is far into the future. It is one thing to have certain types of energy weapons, it is another to have those that are several centuries and millennias ahead of the tech that defines another setting/genre (and even our own time). Space travel at the level it is available in WH40k is also not on a level expected in a diesel setting. Space travel for instance in a Dieselpunk setting is about as advanced as the space age, you are still mostly bound to Earth since space is still the great unknown and something feared. It also takes time to get anywhere. In WH40k it takes place across several systems with FTL travel widely used by all of the Imperium including what you wanna call dieselpunk IG. They are also at a point where they've explored the whole Milky Way galaxy. Plus no one has said it needs to take place in that era time. The tech however aswell as the aestethics that define the genre are based on and limited by the advancements of the time (end of WW1 up into a bit of the cold war), including some experimental/theoretical science we actually never saw. But going from that to what you have in WH40k is a massive leap. It's as if you have no concept of varying degrees of technological levels for any single thing. Just because Dieselpunk may have space travel it doesnt mean WH40k is Dieselpunk because it also has space travel, since the two are of widely different advancements. Same with energy weapons, where Dieselpunk may have some but 40k has it widespread and far far more advanced. Dieselpunk era might dream of atomic warfare slightly more widespread, in 40k atomic warfare comes in the size of a pistol to that of a cannon that can split a planet in half or turn it into small pebbles floating in space. Same as mentioned with computers, Dieselpunk may have what they dreamt of during the diesel era, while 40k has things similar to a smartphone, or a direct interface into your brain, or someone turned into a computer in order to live on and keep serving in the shape of a walking tomb of death and destruction or as a servant to their master. Not to mention things like the Rosarius which is a personal powerful force field the size of a necklace. Or all the insanely advanced medical technologies within 40k. You need to actually read and understand 40k, not just look at some pictures.
  19. One "true" tenno and then beyond that we dont know exactly. It does get a little shifty and wonky since the introduction of the Drifter, since we can now see several Drifters running around even though only the "true" tenno experiences the story and is the Drifter. Though that oddity really started way back with "unique" frames that really shouldnt be widespread due to where they come from. Unless of course the "true" tenno has some black market Warframe chop-shop cloning service selling fake Gucci Umbras, Kullervos and Revs to other tenno in the dojos or relays. And all liches and sisters he has spared work in the sweatshops creating them, for 3 meals of ramen or rice a day.
  20. It is likely tied to their damage attenuation. Alot of the massive damage from Tragedy is likely eaten by their attenuation since it might consider it several attacks hitting at a very high rate as it consumes all 4 stacks and tick in one go. If you leave the ticks to do their work you kill acolytes very quickly with Dark Verse at just 4 stacks. Mechs I havent really given a thought to since I tend to just go ham on them with melee or guns, though I tend to do that with acolytes aswell. It tends to be DVx2 and then chop-chop as Wordwarden adds some nice skaldic art of blood, fire and death.
  21. None really. For me it is more mixing in Wrathful Advance or Roar on the frames I use for EDA. I practically use either Dante, Kullervo, Inaros or Nezha. Inaros and Nezha either getting Roar or Wrathful instead of their #1. It depends a bit what missions are involved along with modifications. Dante replacing his #1 and Kullervo replacing his #4 with Roar.
  22. I dont know why you assume I have a distaste for energy weapons. I'm simply saying energy weapons are not a Diesel era thing, meaning 40k is well beyond a Diesel era theme. Since the technological peak of the setting isnt tied to what was achievable prior to, during and shortly after the world wars period, or what was fantasized at the time. Fusion and energy cell weaponry, caseless ammunition, energy melee weaponry, cybernetics, men that are practically turned A.I but not being actual A.I, Warp space travel made possible due to something similar, weapons on the scale that can destroy planets, advanced space travel overall and many other things are just far beyond what you try to label even just the IG as.
  23. Dante didnt change much since we already had both Frost and Styanax. He just got a slightly better version since he is the first frame with innate group OG. The first part leaves you with nothing to do, although people that complain about AoE guns are severely exaggerating their impact on what they get to do in a mission. The second part however doesnt alienate anyone. It makes 1 part of a kit less useful in specific group combinations. Which can be avoided in order to get 100% use and sync out of the kit by doing pre-mades. OG is in the end just a layer of defense ontop of another, if it falls off the other pieces are there to protect. It would really just be an issue if it blocked some important effect people would rely on. And in the end it comes down to what would happen in PuGs and the design intent of a whole frame. Change OG like I mentioned so it is personal, then all of a sudden Dante would no longer be a support frame, and it would only be relevant to make other support frame players happy in PuGs. It is not a class based game where we suddenly got another mandatory class for a group invalidating others, since you wont end up with a Dante while playing Citrine or Trin often enough for this to be an issue, since we have 56 different frames that may end up in your PuGs. And in a premade it shouldnt be a problem, since if you for some reason must see guaranteed use of every single skill, then you simply just dont stack different defense options or include frames that cannot benefit from whatever defense you bring. And OG isnt disruptive. It is just a defense option. It would be just as disruptive if it turns into a personal buff for every frame, since that poor Citrine that needs to see her Shell do something at all times would be equally heartbroken and pissy if she ended up with a Rhino, Dante and Styanax after an OG change, since none of those would benefit from her welfare Shell, because they'd all be under the effects of OG 24/7. It is a mind ghost the idea that OG is dusruptive, because your skills are just still in effect incase the OG breaks. Why? Because goes into it. Rev has MS with the augment, that is it. His kit is overall just bad otherwise. It is also a disruptive skill in its current state since it practically ruins whole builds, which can result in the group overall dealing less damage simply because Rev brought augmented Mesmer. All of the other support frames just bring so much more than Rev can ever do. The skill also needs constant upkeep compared to many others due to only having 5 charges for group memebers, it also does jack S#&$ for companions and specters etc. Also, no one is catered to atm, frames just work as they work. What we look at is the "issues" of PuG, where you sign up fully aware of how things might be and that not all of your skills may be useful among the 3 other random people you decide to play with. And if you want OG changed you should also consider every other skill that doesnt work together with another or itself. Since this is an old "issues" in the game not just connected to OG and DR skills. 2x Wisp, 2x Saryn, 2x Dante, 2x Oberon, 2x Rev, 2x Rhino etc. where one is invalidated by the other since the skills do not stack. So getting a Dante and a Citrine in the same group is really no different from getting 2x or more of other frames in the same group. Atleast with a Citrnine and a Dante the Citrine Shell is there incase OG drops. Which applies to every other form of group survival improvement aswell. OG doesnt go from being the best to worse than those worse than it just because the need isnt really there, since the need isnt really there for those worse options either, so they remain worse than OG still. Speed is just speed though and sometimes ends up making things perform worse than their modded intended state. Dante still provides simple pure extra damage and status effects that do not interfear with any of your modded intent. A Noctua modded for heat will simply provide a bunch of extra slash and heat damage along with extra individual heat and slash procs as you attack. And "finish stuff faster" only applies to the one-off missions where you dont really care about anything anyways. Places where I wouldnt even consider which frame might have the best support and I likely take something that is simply fast to clear the mission with overall, with little thought on the others in the group. In missions where you stay, the shear output from Dante along with his buffs and TTL support makes him a better choice than Wisp, since he doesnt have a single skill that interrupts the flow or builds of others. Shock motes are one of those skills in the game that really gets my eye twitching. Even playing solo I mostly use health mote since it is the only way to allow me to build for high health without screwing up my weapons modding or sprint speed aswell. And shock mote I wouldnt wanna really touch even with a ten foot pole. But if you dont need OG you dont need the extra orbs either most likely. And Terrify is probably the second skill in the game that makes my eye twitch due to the massive range and forced fear scattering enemies all over and slowing down the flow and pace of missions. Used to use it on Gyre, but quickly got mostly annoyed by the skill, even if used with augment so enemies scatter less. And on Nekros when I actually play him I go "nooooo!" when I butterfinger my way to a Terrify and see enemies run off like they were in Home Alone. Citrine status is bad in comparison to Dante. They work in two different ways. Citrine is additive. So if your weapon has 20% SC it gives 20% additional SC at baseline (100%). Dante has a multiplicative version in his status weakness along with the increased status damage. Citrine modded to reach 100% status with a 20% status weapon means she'd end up with 120% SC on the weapon with her buff active. Dante modded to reach 100% status with a 20% status weapon means he'd end up with 150% SC on the weapon with the debuff active. Add +100% strength per frame and you'd get 140% SC for Citrine and 200% SC for Dante with the same weapon.
  24. Seems like it will be a new system completely. Of course the interaction might stay due to some slip up, but they are clear with the intent that what type of health you attack wont matter regarding the bonus damage (or resistance).
  25. Just be aware that the new system wont have the same rules for when you get or do not get bonus damage from an element. Currently it is based on the health type you attack, so if a target has felsh and armor and the armor is still partially there you get bonus damage based on the armor resitances and weaknesses. With the new system it will just be based on the faction or subfaction on the node where you do the mission, it wont matter if the enemy has just health, health+armor, health+shields or health+armor+shields, you will always benefit from the bonus damage that is listed for the damage type on the node. So versus Grineer, if it says +corrosive on the node then corrosive will deal + worth of extra damage no matter if the grineer are fully stripped or not. The main question will be if adding corrosive shards or not will be worth it with the new scaling, or if damage will rip through things fast enough even with just 80%(90 with heat) removed. And since it seems the cap will be based on rating i.e 2700, removing the last 10% seems meh, since it will just be 270 armor, or if you go with just corrosive 540 armor. They could potentially go with 90% as the cap and "infinite" armor rating, but that wouldnt really change much, since we'd end up with what we have now or worse, where the first few ticks ould do nothing until you get the armor below 2700 since that is the breakpoint for 90%. They said they wanted to streamline it though from the bottom and up to the cap, so I assume they'll increase the reduction gained from lower armor while capping it at 2700 for 90% reduction.
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