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Everything posted by Zakkhar

  1. Get Artemis bow out of the equation, switch between Secondary and melee or Melee and secondary.
  2. Yes, we keep seeing that content and its mechanics always gives at least one out and does not require setting every weapon up. I have been using 30/30 Mastery fodders in EDA just fine (if a weapon is good, even with 30 capacity and modding knowledge it can be valid in this content, if it is bad you can eventually prime with it or just equip it and never use it, but not amount of forma investement will make it as good as a weapon with much better bse stats). Strongly disagree. I use optional as synonym of "not mandatory to be able to experience full content/max the progression/succeed." And I consider this not an opinion or argument, but a fact, based on practical evidence that it is in fact not mandatory, myself included. Not entirely correct. Investing in weapons you like, gonna use and are powerful is a meaninful progression. Mindless investing in everything just to tick all boxes is a waste of time. Yes, I know it is a waste of time because I have invested in multiple weapons with weak base stats but interesting gimmick and they are still underperforming compared to staple items. In other grinding games you also do not "socket" or "bless" or "enhance" weak items, just the top ones and simply discarding the weak items after they served their time in order to focus on the more powerful ones is considered gear progression. I never claimed it is somehow a problem to me. I just said that if we get a statement IF A then B and A is false, there is no reason to even consider B. If you find me a better A than "we must Forma each weapon 5 times for 1000 Mastery" I am willing to reconsider the statement.
  3. And installing all 600 is optional, unworthy and unhealthy, just like formaing every Kuva/Tenet weapon 5 times.
  4. I did not say I am in desperate need of those stars. Only that I have more Statues than Stars to socket in them. Read my statement again, because you may have missed the constructive critism in first paragraph. Everything can be considered as rude and hostile. If we were to pander to everyone, we wouldnt dare to do anything out of fear that it may offend someone.
  5. Well, are you in short supply of amber stars or not? I am. Then do not run them?
  6. Hypocrisy much? Two quick Duviri runs to get 20 pathos clamps take way more time than a Requiem fissure, so I'm not sure how this is relevant. And how long takes building a Forma and then building an Exilus Weapon Adapter from that Forma? Also it must be at least two Requiem Fissures because you cant chose two rewards at the same time. At least because while pathos clams are guaranteed, chances that you get exactly 1 forma (if it were an option) and exactly 1 Exilus weapon adapter from two runs are quite slim.
  7. That is sadly a hopeless case in current day and age. Ugly femboys and fat (or super muscular) androgenic females with square jaws will have to do, at least to the next cycle. I do not have this problem in WF because I picked a male avatar (100% Drifter after the quest), but I often see it as an issue in other games, especially when picking different model is not possible.
  8. BPs are also buyable from Syndicates, should Formas be too? #logic PS: You can buy prebuilt Exilus Weapon Adapter fom Acrithis for 20 Pathos Clamps once a week.
  9. This is entirely optional and completely not worth it. I have done that zero times for weapons, most I got to is 3 for weapons I actually use. I even skipped the LVL 10 Gunnery intrisics. I am LR4 without any problems. You are making your own problems and then seek solutions to them. Stop it, get some help. As for you solution, please do not dilute the loot tables any more.
  10. There are two options. Either it really isnt in general, or it just isnt for you. Why? Well, maybe you are doing it/understanding it wrong. The fact that you claim electric to be better than gas gives a bit of indication, which case we got here. Electric proc 3 meter radius, 6 second duration, damage tick every second calculated as follows: Gas proc 6 meter radius (that is 4 times bigger area than 3 meter radius), 6 second duration, damage tick every second calculated as follows: If anything it is the electric status that REQUIRES grouping, the thing you seem to despise, do not want to waste time on and mod for the situations where it is not possible. Yes electric can stack more than 10 times on a single enemy, but if it is not dead by the time you get to 10 Gas/Electric status effects it means you weapon sucks or it is a miniboss with damage attenuation. Yes, electric can achieve up to x2.5 electric multiplier compared to gas at the price of 2 mod slots, but still it is 4 times smaller area and smaller area without grouping means less enemies are affected together, which means much lower exponential scaling.
  11. Bro, it is 10 proc cap per enemy. The cloud has 6 seconds duration and 6 meter radius and you constantly proc it within 20 yards on every enemy present (beside doing actual damage of that proc). With 2 enemies it is 20 clouds affecting each enemy with 3 enemies it is 30 clouds affecting each enemy with 4 etc etc. and the clouds linger so they kill everything that is grouped or runs into the area imidiately. If that happens it means you got nothing to be killed anyway and you can use whathever and gas will work just as well as anything else would.
  12. Yes, you can. I should have named it Gas+(grouping)+(armor strip). My setups do not waste time for neither, they are either passive effects from doing damage or part of the rotation anyway. The point is, you actually do not need to set it up at all. You just kill everything in 20 yard range constantly with just Gas or Gas+occasional Electric. Grouping is only useful with small enemy density (non-sp missions aka Netra/Eda). And it is satisfying when you group up and everything pops due to how gas stacks exponentially.
  13. External sources like Diriga or any other Sentinel or Panzer or Syndicate proc (Rakta Dark Dagger) or plague zaws or priming. I do not think you understand how multipliers work. Normal infested collapsed from being breathed on before and still do now (maybe beside the overkoxxed Juggernaut with damage attentuation to the roof)
  14. Play Ivara perma stealth, Wukong + clone or anyting else that doesnt care about enemies. I usually fish with Ivara + Oxylus (scan aquatic lifeforms). Ivara can also use the Dashwire arrow to connect nearby rocks, so that you can fish in the middle of water (and there are no enemies there). Only problem with this is that you cannot easly come out of fish caught screen with Space, because that makes you jump on the Dashwire for some reason. You have to manually mouseclick Exit in bottom right corner.
  15. A for effort, but I'll bite: Fish Stuff - Semlar.com
  16. Bro, read the response literally above your post. Warmarketman and application are not longer supported. Use the WWW and instructions given there. There is literally a link that gets you into compose message to the right bot window. All you have to do is paste the Code and press send, it is not a rocket science.
  17. Anything can be a flashbang if you are enough of a scoundrel to make your colours bright and obnoxious. Do you know where that is? In Graphic/Video options, i think. Do not have access to the game right now, so cant confirm.
  18. There is a global option to reduce everything and that includes other players' weapons effects.
  19. Gas+grouping+armor strip totally is. You can even slap a Viral on top to make it even more effective. I run at least 4 different Gas setups (mostly with Melee Influence), but Nautilus is used for grouping on all of them.
  20. Can you elaborate? Gas was perfectly fine, a tad OP even, and still is. Reworked Blast doesnt come anywhere near. I still do not see the reason to mod for Blast at all, just when it is present on weapons base damage it is not entirely useless.
  21. Also if you are having trouble controling your movement you can always mount, Mount is not affected. in UC you can crouch walk or walk.
  22. Depends. Their house = their rules. Age has nothing to do with it. Also bad example, because in this case nobody is forcing you to do anything, they ask you - you got a choice. You chose to be 5 minute late. You could have chosen to be 5 minutes early or 5 hours late. You could have chosen to not come back at all. You had a clear choice and clear consquences of the choice. With company it is similar. Their free game, their rules (you agreed to when making an account). If it was paid game and they initially advertised freedom, we could have argued, but here?
  23. Do you monitor AE prices on the market and the corelation of price median and volume offered during and after such events? Rhetorical question, because you clearly dont. If you did, you would have had a comparison between those events and the uncapped events. Nobody who was there and had time to farm, maybe. But thousands of players either havent even started playing warframe yet, were on a break, had no time to farm etc. Getting max rank for yourself and 1 to trade seems like ok deal and looking at volume and prices it havent changed a lot (volume mostly doubled, trippled on peak), prices went slightly down but correction will come soon, once the volume drops a bit. And volume is going down, which means people buy. Why buy if they just farmed 2? Either because they need one despite possibility of farming two, not long ago or they buy low in a hope of selling with a profit later.
  24. Felarx has same issue, yet i do not see anyone complaining.
  25. Really? Somas identity is spool bullet hose. 30% base crit is above average of ~ 20sih, but still nothing that can be called crit stick considering there are plenty non-exalted Primary weapons in 30-60% base crit range. Because it doesnt have to. Neither does Torrid, Strun, Boar, Boltor or Gorgon etc in plenty of incarnons you can build for Incarnon mode or build for normal mode. Just mod differently depending which mode you plan to use. Imagine it is a different weapon (eg Kuva Kohm).
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