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Everything posted by Zakkhar

  1. Maybe you are doing it wrong. All mods are tradable. So, when someone attempts to put a fork into an electric socket, I should not tell them not to do it? In my opinion it is exactly what a repsonsible person should do, tell them to not do it and explain exactly why. Should they happen to be electrocution masochist, they can decide for themselves with the information given. Unless they tell me directly that they want to get electrocuted and why, I am not gonna provide any instructions. This is a person with 1 post, I can assume it is more likely it is a child who doesnt know better than an electrocution masochist. They are probably not aware that by ranking up Red Veil they will destroy their rep with other two Syndicates mentioned.
  2. Wrong. Pretty much everything beside Pizzas and a bit of cosmetics is tradable. And Pizzas in every flavour are available in Dojo in Bulk for Railjack materials. Sure you can attempt to do that if you do not value your time completely.
  3. The main question should be: Why do you want to rank up Red veil? If you have it on -2, it means you must have already built some rep with their sworn enemies: Arbiters of Hexis (and also as a Proxy with their allies Cephalon Suda). Red Veil doesnt really go well with those. In general you pick either: Red veil/New Lokka/Perrin Sequence or Arbiters of Hexis/Cephalon Suda/Steel Meridian. This is the easiest to maintain combo. There is a very hard combo of having 4 allies and 2 enemies, but you cannot have all allies. There is also a noobtrap Red Veil/Steel Meridian, which results in 2 allies & 4 enemies. If you already repped with Hexis and Suda, you should pick Steel Meridian as your 3rd.
  4. Pubs gonna be pubs. If you do not like pub behaviour, play solo or in premade. As a workouround you can also inform them that they can browse the shop in Dormizone. without 60 second timer or delaying 3 players.
  5. You will be sick and tired of Kahl once you replay all 3 missions over and over 50 times each.
  6. Check if you do not have Bleeding Dragon Key equipped in Gear menu. As for damage, may have been the Extingushed key. Allthoughh it kinda depends what you are hitting. Have you done Orokin Vaults in Deimos recently?
  7. No, idea what you have asked for. But if you asked for what do to, your answer is already in the faq i pasted and support will tell you nothing new. In general if something is seems too good to be true (eg. someone is gifting you plat or overpaying you a lot) it is kinda suspicious. Since you can never be sure it is best to refrain yourself from spending the earned platinium for a while. This way the fraudulent platinium will simply disappear from your account, but will not make a negative balance. eg. you started with 50 plat, you traded for 500 plat with one player, you got 550 platinium now, try to keep your balance above 500 for next couple of weeks (you can safely spent the 50 you had before, unless it was from illegitimate source as well). If you buy platinium for real money, only do so from the official site, because you are almost guaranteed to be scammed, if you dont.
  8. Modern gamers do not read tutorials.
  9. We cant help you here. You shouldnt provide this information to public. In cases of negative platinum balance, only way to resolve it is to get platinum to positive balance and support will not be able to help you with that whether they respond or not. Negative Balance Help – WARFRAME Support
  10. It was possible and it was revoked. There is no free lunch. RJ part is very minimal in Lich/Sister showdownn compared to normal RJ missions. If they need boost on that they frankly shouldnt be killing any Liches/Sisters just yet. In my opinion boosting people is taking away their fun of progression completely - they may not realise this yet, but soon will and since they havent had to invest anything, they get bored and quit.
  11. That solves the probelm with survivability only. What about control? How do you do Corpus Interception solo on Limbo? Or Excavation? Or Ropalolyst (which laughs at your rift). Have you actually soloed whole SP on Limbo or just like to talk about it?
  12. Steel path is optional content. Whole SP is solable. You just need to bring what is needed for the mission, not just play 1 frame all the time.
  13. Yes, more complex mechanics. It will totaly help "sell" the same to the new players.
  14. Out of curiousity, what do you do with all this plat you make this way? You could just reinvest into ayatan to get endo to get more. Or would you rather they make an update especialy for you for that milionn kuva you got, you exchange it and then nevevr farm kuva again? One time deal? The amount of special snowflakiness is off the charts.
  15. I stand corrected, let me rephrase:
  16. What do you need Arcanes for if you got Galvanized Aptitude?
  17. It never worked like that even on Mesa Regulators. There is nothing to get back to. Also the %165dmg bonus for 3 seconds is hardly useful for the amount of work you need to do and definately doesnt trump any mod that you can put there that will work always. It is just Serration but with additional steps and short.
  18. If I don't consider it a problem for me, then it's a problem for nobody. That's it, that's what you sound like right there. Who's in need for help really I wonder... 🙄 Not really, no. I consider this to be a non issue because statement is false as shown by evidence of me not doing it and getting max obtaibale MR level. That has nothing to do with problems, opinions or feelings. It is purely logical. There is no such requirement and 1000 Mastery per 5 Forma investment is not worth it and not needed in order to reach max level. It is a feature that awards you with 2 more Capacity per Forma applied up to 40 base Capacity. It is not a requirement, it is an opportunity. It actually makes you require less Forma compared to other weapons. 200 Mastery per Forma could be non-existent. Ignoring that Opportunity completely and instead focusing on obtaining a meaningless bonus is a definition of making your own problems.
  19. Mastery Rank is core progression. If you wish to ignore that, that's fine for you, but the game encourages you to eventually max it out. You can't fall behind "it's optional" for everything just because video games are an entertainment medium. We're not talking about cosmetics, we're talking about loot progression in a looter shooter. Expand I don't find MR rank to be "core progression" at higher MR ranks. At rank ~16 you can get all weapons/frames (afair). At MR 30 you can Bless, can re-forma stuff without negatives (and maybe something else). However that doesn't mean that MR 16 cannot compete with MR 30. Later in game getting good mods, arcanes and frame/weapon combinations are more important than just acquiring every single Exp. I'm MR 30 myself. I can probably go few ranks up but I haven't bothered with Tests. I keep most of my gear maxed but without forma/potato. And I'm doing fine. It is the OP who started the topic with "gotta milk that mastery from Kuva/Tenet weapons", not me or anyone else. Feel free to discuss it with him, not with me or anyone responding to me, responding to him.
  20. Gas doesn't only exist when you use it with melee influence, you need to consider it wholistically. Why though? If it is the best application of it? So doesnt electric, heat or toxin. Yes ther is no better way of constantly applyng status on multiple enemies for all warframes (as certain warframes have their own way of spreading status effects that can work instead of in synergy with MI). Yes, and 10 stacks from something like the Ocucor might as well not exist compared to something like the Paris Prime. So unlike basically every other damage type in the game, Gas just ceases to really work if you don't have the correct stats on your weapon, whether that weapon is meta or not. As long as it has good base status it works fine. 6 is radius is huge area, 6 meter radius around enemes present in 20 meter area is even bigger. I keep repeating that there is no need for grouping if enemy density is sufficient and you keep ignoring it. Elemental damage is not worthless because it increases your proc damage which is propagated every time you get a proc, it has no effect on DoT damage. Pure electric is much worse without grouping because it has only 3 meter radius. Getting 1 stack of viral is worth 100% damage increase, getting another is +25% to that existing +100% (200%) being only factual 12.5% increase. Stacking viral is absolutely suboptimal because subsequent stacks over 1 offer small benefit and it doesnt leave any DoT that double dips with faction damage or affect nearby enemies. Viral can be provided with outside sources. I assume you mean Argonak Metal Auger. Armor strip is not always needed, eg. Murmur have very little strippable armored enemies (Necramechs are not strippable). Have you actually conducted any tests and have factual evidence for those claims or is it just trust me bro? Because I did.
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