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Posts posted by ValhaHazred

  1. None of those games are Warframe though. What works in one (or more) games doesn't necessarily transfer well.

    I admit that the functionality is fine, but melee plus ranged weapons is better served with more throwing blades or Dev designed weapons rather than a straight port of the Gunblade.

  2. That's your opinion.



    Fair enough, dork statement retracted.


    In the interest of extending the olive branch, allow me to propose a gunblade style weapon I think would suit the game.


    - Corpus Pulse Cutter

    Appearance - A pulse generator that runs down the back of the arm like a bracer with two magnetic containment generators on the sides of the hand. When active two large pulse bolts are held in parallel in front of the fist.

    Use - like a katar, with punches and sweeping cuts. On a charge attack the magnetic containment overloads and launches the pulse bolts.

  3. Heh heh... jam.


    Like I said in the last gunblade thread, I will never use one and will mercilessly tease anyone I see using one.

  4. Yeah, I hope it stays a mystery. If they reveal them to be bog standard unaugmented humans it will annoy me so much. I'm sick of all the no-Transhumanism allowed B.S. in mainstream sci-fi. People are already in the process of duct taping their phones to their heads, cyberization and biomodification are going to happen the second it's more convenient than the alternative. And it will be, relatively soon.

  5. S#&$ son


    Doom 3 wasn't scary


    DOOM was scary


    the first time you got caught in a room and the lights went out and all you could see was the muzzle flashes from shotguns and the glow from imps fireballs while hearing all the growling/snarling/grunting/screaming OMFG


    and then the pinkies and their nastier invisible cousins


    that S#&$ was real terror


    and now im thinking about the first time you see the cyber-demon and brain.....



    Ug, you know that one really cramped maze to get to the yellow key in episode one? The first place you run into a Demon? Still can't handle it. I think that part made me cry when I was little.

  6. Lol well you also don't see soldiers carrying around giant hammers to smash terrorists with.  That's what's great about sci-fi games.

    We will if power armor becomes reasonably available to both sides. With real life meta-materials like carbon nanotubes, armor and strength enhancement are going to start outperforming infantry scale firearms. A diamondoid spear backed by a guy with 600 times baseline human strength is going to hurt way more than being shot.

  7. That is a gun with a fancy built in bayonett, wheras a Gunblade is the stupidest possible way to build a vibrosword.

    Even the real life kind wheren't really two weapons in one small package, they where effectively two heavy, off balance, overly expensive weapons. They suck, deal with it.

  8. With all the bottomless pits, lava tanks and exposed circuitry in the map tiles; shouldn’t we be able to drop our enemies into them and not have them magically teleport out a second later? With moves like Mag’s pull and Banshee’s Sonic Boom, the game is practically begging for this to be a feature.


    Special effects

    Pit – doesn’t need any

    Lava – a pillar of flame leaps up from where the enemy fell in

    Circuits – electricity surges at the opening of the pit for a second, followed by thick black smoke

    Random screams, particularly the Wilhelm scream would be appreciated.


    Now I don’t think Tenno should die instantly when they drop into a pit, but I also disagree with the current recovery mechanic. I feel there should be some punishment for screwing up and falling in a hole.

    I propose that when a player falls in, an emergency teleporter activates, pulling them to safety but disrupting their shielding.

    I wouldn’t mind if it did a small amount of health damage too, although I’m not sure how much would be fair. 10-25 maybe?

    I dislike the current reset style because it breaks my immersion and makes a successful stunt feel unrewarding. If you have absolutely no risk of failure why bother pushing yourself?


    The Teleport

    The same pixels that appear when capturing a target burst from your arm and surround you. They implode with a fisheye lense effect, whisking you away.

    A ball of teleport pixels appear at the destination and you can move it around. This is for the cases when an Ancient or the Jackal has knocked you into a pit and is waiting around to do it again. After a second the player avatar re-appers with partial shields.


    Edit: Maybe there could be a small cool down timer for health and shield damage, and if you fall again before it resets you take more of each?

  9. Hey, a lot of people really would like total equality in choices, and the best way to let the Devs know it's what we want is to bump the issue occassionally. It's not even like it wastes space. It's the internet not a peice of paper with finite surface area.

  10. I think on a more practical level, the snipetron is basically already a bolt action. One bullet per second is not semi-auto. 


    If we have an even heavier weapon with lower firerate/higher damage, what exactly will its niche be? Lighter weapons will do higher sustained dps against enemies that can't be killed in one shot, like bosses. Heavy enemies are already killed in a shot by the snipetron (when modded according to some people), aren't they?

    Good point. The Lex can kill heavy enemies with one shot, even half modded. It's Halo all over again >:P


    You complain about bolt action not being realistic when we have flintlock looking pistols????

    Looking is different than functioning. You can't argue that the bolt weapons have serious style.

  11. But in terms of reality and balencing for the game, I believe the current range is perfect for the Boar along.

    But for the Strun the range should be upped by atleast 50%, the spread at higher ranges would balence the gun natrually.

    And finally for the Hek, the range should be doubled, with a longer falloff then other shotguns, which would give it power at mid range, but make it over all weaker for anything that passes into rifle range.

    This sounds like a perfect compromise to me. Good thinking!

  12. Having good first shot accuracy allows it to take over the role of the latron too much, which is what the nerf intended to fix. The spread should be reduced as firerate increases, otherwise we're back where we're started. 


    I feel it would have served them better to slightly buff the Latron rather than make the Gorgon terrible. I can't stand the Gorgon now.

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