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Posts posted by ValhaHazred

  1. I don't think the slide jump-kick slide is so bad.

    Assuming you could pull off any of the individual moves in the first place, it would totally work. It also doesn't look as stupid and glitchy as the animation exploit speed boosts.

  2. I think there should be two spear styles. One group would be Glaive/Halberd/Nagitanas (fast, multitarget, good reach), the other would be Pike/Longspears (powerful, anti armor, single target, exceptional reach)

  3. I'm hoping the ancients end up as Eldritch Abominations when they get remodeled.


    Imagine barely human forms wreathed in tentacles and nanotech, dripping glowing ichor as they charge toward you howling litanies of undying madness.

    Add in huge swarms of rage zombies, wallcrawling assassins and huge tanks that barely fit in the corridor, and you have a faction that will make most players s*** bricks.

  4. It's only our solar system, with no indication anyone managed to get out and explore the rest of the Galaxy. So unless there are alien fish swimming around under Europa's ice fields, Earth is the only available planet with animals to uplift.


    I don't think it would be that silly, Eclipse Phase (as pictured above) managed very well with its uplifts. I do prefer the imperfect clone idea though, something like the creepy things in the Half-life 2 expansion pack.

  5. Because it's supposed to dish out a cloud of projectiles in hopes some of them will hit the target, or directly into the target?

    A little bit of both I guess. It would depend on how skillful the user was with timing the powercore detonation.


    Also, I've given the Apophis stats to clarify its role. It is a jack of all trades, second best at everything kind of a gun. I changed it's ammo to 8, as I had thought the Boar had a 20 round drum.

  6. I don't consider heat daggers as a weapon since they're not awesome. They should change this soon, everyone's pretty dissapointed except some players who are pretty unusual.

    So it's ok if you don't like it? I'm fine with working for something fun. 

  7. Good point, Carbon nanotubes and synthetic diamondoid for everyone!

    No worries, I've spent the last couple days talking guns. I am aware that is atypical behavior for the average modern female :P I was raised on a steady diet of 80s action movies, Doom and Quake.

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