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Posts posted by Sziklamester

  1. The fun with this there is no real solution because the afkers need to touch once after "just 5" minutes the buttons then they aren't afkers and if they implement an autokick system then some idiot and russian kids "not discriminating" will play with this then the game will be ruined like in dota2/lol.


    The community have already some mean and disturbing persons whom cannot say a simple hi in public so what happening if they given the freedom of kicking innocents?


    Fack I'll go play solo.

  2. Mag is absolutely okay now the oberon and ember got his/her buffs so now the ember should be viable on higher levels also. The volt is who need a little bit more armor with banshee but almost all 15 armored frame should be buffed up to 50 as minimum.

  3. Simply just add a vote kick option if someone afk for long time. Yesterday we did a void t3 extermination and a guy who invited by one of my friend went into afk after 4 min playing then he was afk for long and we needed a full team to beat them but hardly succed.


    Same happend with on public on Fossa 1 guy went afk and after 10 min waiting we left the game because he/she was totaly afk. 


    My bet a vote kick option would be simplier and better than auto afk system.

  4. Both possible - to make new frames with unique powers and make gender variations. Not because everyone want female frames personaly I would like to see male variants on female frames and vice verse. Making a frame with same design but different abilities that means almost the same as have now. The problem can be solve an ability swap which able the same designed frames to use their counterpart abilities and also making new skill sets.


    This can improve the longverty and also give more freedom to customize. All just skins and models with the same/similar properties.

  5. I can agree with this because the lore is still just only we are tennos whom fight against the grineer and corpus and now will come the sentients. The armor what we use is just an armor we can imagine living persons or energy entitants into this armor but we have also genderly armors which means we are humans/humanlike. Every day when you play then you can meet peoples online whom use the same armor as you so the uniquity is not means there wouldn't be other peoples whom using the same armor.


    The lore only works if the game single in multiplayer games this wouldn't be very good because many of peoples could use the same character like you. "imagine diablo 2 with 6 barbarian in a single match". A good customization system can be make enough differences for looks but in warframe it's limited. The dual gender idea mostly droped because of the much more work to model twice and make a bit differ the models but overall not really harder than we have actual now "1-2 monthly a new frame" and one prime. Making models not so hard if you have some base mesh and you have already a full rigg and animation set only the new in this thing the new frames special moves and looks.


    Almost everyone can make models if have enough patience and it's possible way to help the devs it's depend only them they will accept it or not but I am on to make models and hope someday they or other ways I can use it.


    PS: Not break any lore only just needs more work.

  6. I am only not sure with his skills if his abilities based on his coloring then how change the abilities. In dota2 the invoker can combine his magic and make new ones then we have now a chroma which based on coloring and his skills also supportive and combined by coloring. In my read this mean they should give him the ability to use multiple abilities or his fire split ability "feel free to call it" can be changed toxic, cold, electricity breathing.


    Other idea it's just cosmetic because what if you want a fully black dragon then what he will split onto his foes face?

    If his elemental just aesthetic then that maybe could make more hate. Personaly I am interested more on abilities than looks.

  7. Long times ago a needed thing but always declared by the majority of peoples not needed feature. The devs also said they doesn't want to give us this nice option which could improve the customization. 


    I would like it to run as a male alternative of nova or ember.


    PS: We tenno's just using armors which could be customizable and bad thing it's locked by gender/lore.

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