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Posts posted by Sziklamester

  1. If they just use the already finished concepts and designs for creating a frame by theme. The problem only with this frame it's not the promised one and a lot of fans worked on concepts and wanted to see a dragon warrior much more than an anteater. This design wasn't supposed at all and I am sure nobody thought this can be reality but atleast original, original and ugly as hell. 


    I think that a hobby designer could do much more dragon like frame model than their designers. I don't want critize Mynki or others but I don't know what was the idea with this and what's the reason to make more uglier frames than before. 


    I hardly suggest any concept maker to not give ideas if they doesn't want their design see so different in reality.


    Let's just make community modders a real dragon.

  2. Different opinions and mostly the exceptations. The stream itself wasn't bad and had seen / listen some nice idea and implementations but some stuff like the new frame just not what peoples excepted. 


    I am afraid to make concepts because I can imagine by myself how looks in 3d in game but they always totally redesign those concepts and 50% cool same rate just ugly like - limbo, zephyr, hidroid etc. Overall they aren't bad but they have very weird design imaginations if they wish to create frames like Chroma.


    His abilities and mechanics waiting for exploitation so we can't say any more than just only his design. 


    I have only a tennogen lab suggestation with fan made stuffs which also contain frames and weapons. This can be a separate program which works like a 3d model viewer and everyone can add their ideas there.

  3. They have different taste than the playerbase and often makes peoples upset with these stuffs. Overall not that bad this frame but there is have much more fancy and nice looking design just they should sometimes check the fan section and not use that as a museum where they never enter and look around. Almost all fan suggested design changed drasticaly or used more and merged into one. 


    I hope as steam workshop the next tennogen stuffs would be fan made designs of frames.


    PS: This is not so dissapointing mostly the earth based and typhus frame is because almost everyone wanted them earlier than dragonlike.


    Now we have an anteater and still no have earth/dragon/typhus frame.

  4. The more slot idea always drop because they feel it's too op and power creep. Instead of removing slots and freedom in builds they should rework some mods which already op and merge some into 1-2 mod which bad. Easier buff for an example a magazine cap mod up to 60% that makes more viable and considerable to use or reloading mods and implement the resistance mods into warframe stat which can be increase.


    Pure damage mods and multi shot mods needs for the game because they cannot scaling their mobs and on harder levels again the players will be weak and they ask again nerf or buffs.


    Other hand they should give us many compensation if they remove completely the pure damage mods because many of us have money from trading with and time and energy spent on rank up.


    They can turn down a little those mods and buff to the same level the poor mods and give more option to be used.


    This thing always will be a crucial point because with every new mod " no matter corrupted or nor" always will ruin the actual balance because they haven't long term conception how mods should work and they release mods which ruining everything in general.


    I can imagine the legendary core fiasco again if they remove the pure dam mods.

  5. I tested her and I think that she isn't weak as many of us said. She got armor/hp/shield boost and her stamina also and her skills are almost okay. Ofc every frame can become easily useless if they nerf/buff another frames so this is an ever happening cycle but I feel she is now stronger than the u11-14 update.

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