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Posts posted by Sziklamester

  1. 4 hours ago, Cephalon-Nightmare said:

    wtb ember male

    wtb frost female

    wtb rhino female 

    wtb saryn male

    well... answer is no but you can go dreaming about sexy excalibur female and male ember with nice big booty :V ( well only if you're interested into that kind of stuff then its okay)

    Once ember was a male and mag also was a male on the first trailer you can see the mag and the female excal. The male ember pictures dated a bit later or in the closed beta.


    I have also no problems with the gender swap but that option lost when they decided to go with one frame one story. Story wise they could write easily to this frame used by both genders and the best tennos used etc etc. Nowaday it is only possible if they go with similar theme frames which based on the original model but with a different skill set and some visual changes and with the option to swap the abilities between the pairs. So a female Ash could use her own skill set while she can spaw abilities from the Ash male. It can be balanced if they choose wisely abilities and restrict the abilities swapping only the strongest. One slot and its own respective slot could be choosen so the first ability can swap with the Ash first the second with second etc. So you can avoid the 2 ultimate in one frame situation or just swapping the best abilities so you can make hybrid builds but you need to choose between which one wish to use on the frame. This is how I imagine this.

  2. 3 minutes ago, Ziltrex said:

    You didn't understand. Why everyone is so damn damn here? If noone pay for platinum you cannot get free platinum. Think about it pls before you post.

    Edit : platinum still not grows on tree.

    This is a nice effort from your part but you cannot change their mind. I tried to explain these things to the community long ago but they are foolish and just laugh at you because they are ignorant. No pay no gain or no pay and you get almost nothing.

  3. I would like a stradavar prime but If I want to be honest then we need the strun prime before. Strun is one of the oldest items in game which still has no prime that is true it has a wraith version but the prime version is still missing. Boar got it's prime version and the strun also needs it. 

    There are mentions like ether-dual ether and dagger prime same goes to the heat sword series or dual zoren which is also an iconic weapon. There is a lot choice but these items are not popular only amongst the new-advanced players.

  4. Destiny one is still played and the 2 also but they did a lot of mistakes at Bungie and the game and the company reputation is dropped.

    The EA like to kill franchises and companies under their flag if the excepted numbers not coming and I have a hard feeling about it will be the last chance to Bioware to make something special but the situation is clearly the same which was on the Andromeda creating team. Short timelines a lot of progress and they sucked with the engine and how to integrate it. Honestly the trailer or the first released datas were promising but it turned to be a mediocre at best game. That studio is dozed into the two another and the original mass effect team also sucks with the Anthem by heard some infos but not so much. As much as I know they are close to a finish or they were but the bug test showed to them the game is not ready and they needed to ask some delay in order to polish the game. They lost meantime key figures which we know what resulted in Andromeda and I waited for that game but then decided to not buy it. It is not a surprise they are doing worse what they were good. Same goes to the Bethesda which still making buggy games but at least they can make a fun of it. The whole AAA game segment is suffocating and they are in the dire need to fresh air but the indies can only risk things.

    The development budget wasted on high salaries and marketing. Marketing eats the half of the budget at least and the rest spent on the game. No need to spend high budget to build a good game but it helps. 

  5. 8 minutes ago, Twilight053 said:

    Something I forgot to mention: the player ship prototype he showed at Sunday stream more or less "died".

    I supposed that so maybe we can expect from them the kingpin system because that one looked interesting.

    The shield gating and the weakspot system sounded nice but the weakspot system probably scrapped the shield gating alike or just they are rethinking.

  6. I appreciated when they tested the vacuum possibilities back in some timex ago. The built in warframe vacuum is the best option to remove the dependancies of the vacuum mod on sentinel and choose between them. The solution is simple but it needs some time. The companions overall needs better AI and the pets need also more useful tactics and option to do complex movesets and maneuvers to stay alive. Their maintance cost should be reduced it is not a beginner friendly and a lot of us doesn't want to take care them as often as often they needed. It is not that pet simulator game and it should not be a second job to monitorize them.

    Also sentinels needs tweaks and option to regen them wihout total destruction in a mission. Also they need buffs and already the sentinels needs more weapons. I wanted this addition long ago from the DEvs but they always choosing different areas and not solve issues or improving areas in the companion question. They felt it is fine and it is nice to choose between 2 bad option.

    Sentinels may be weaker than the other companions but they all have multiple good options and things what they can do. Taxon for example not only over shields you but it can slow down enemies which is a good thing in a fast paced game. A qol change or addition could have be a weapon for taxon which freeze multiple enemies for 5 seconds. Shade can hide you like the huras and the shade invisibility could be duration based or toggle based and you can just push a button then you are invisible until your energy down. Carrier can does an acceptable damage and can help to balance your ammo efficiency. Helios also can scan which is good if you have no patience to do manually and also can deal a normal damage with proper modding. Etc.

    Sentinels could be more better if they given meaningful buffs and some stat buffs too. First of all their low damage is intended by DE but it can be buffed if these feels weak. Also it is up to them to add multiple weapons to our sentinels because honestly they also deserve more weapons and their weapons doesn't need similar visual changes like ours. Simply add a new image and different effects and voile there is a new better weapon to them. They can also add multiple weapon for choice also we will be just happier because the sentinel weapons also means xp so the mastery rank 30 could be reachable if they use this option too. I don't think we need 1000 weapons for sentinels but a fair 10-10 each sentinel would not harm. The only reason why peoples not consider to use these because it is fairly weak, not total bad but not so strong so the sentinels can kill on max medium levels.


    Another reason why would be good an universal vacuum on frames because the game is fast paced and that artifical slow down no need when they added multiple ways to slow down us.  It is a quality of life change and it should not be a sentinel exclusive item because if this is the only reason to use them then the companion system needs a rework because it is bad. In reality it is bad really and long ago needed some rework or changes but as I stated the priority always was different. Also they could make the universal vacuum turnable and an menu option item like the context reload. If you wish use it if not then not use it. If you have multiple items and rescources that not means other have that amount too. I personaly loot all the map and I like to spend time to collect everything possible from the map but I understand others whom rush because the reward system also bad and most of the players want to get everything fast as possible. I don't know why it should be a choice thing and not a qol change when it is a qol change.


    The peoples whom against it they are mostly afraid what consequences could be if they remove the vacuum from sentinels and turn into warframe passive. They compare broken things to broken things because the current companion system is broken partly also the looting broken partly. Their most fear is the peoples turn into lazy and they think everyone should work hard to get something. This is a core problem of the game because the vast majority of playerbase is casual, there are leechers, there are hardcore players and there are multiple halfway peoples whom partly this and that.

    I personally feel the only good option would be to solve this issue if they add a 8 meter long vacuum as a warframe passive and they reworking the sentinels and the whole companion system. Also they add an option to peoples whom not want flying kraps to their face to turn off the vacuum. Everyone would be happy and the whole need or no need thing would be solved and fixed once for all. 


    It is depend on DE what to do with this because it is clearly said and not in first times, there need an universal vacuum for qol. Also they could look at to rebalance the whole starchart because there are a tons of ghosttown missions which not played at all or not that attractive because the loot and xp reward system is too limited. Tons of runs and tries need to obtain items and that is not serves the game in long run if they want a healty community. I know the reason behind it because it is a tool to keep players interested in the game and force them to play the game if they want to get something but it is not that attractive to new and many older players too. They need to develop other ways to keep players interested, because in long term the grind and bad numbers itself kill the motivation to play the game. Not everyone patient or strong willed to do the things daily multiple times what I personaly doing with multiple accounts. It is boring and tiresome and need to do some relax. It is the same if I have had only 1 account because then that one account would be used all the time but the result is the same. 

    So they need to add vacuum but in a way where everything is fine and everyone could be happy, in this case it is possible to do.

  7. 2 hours ago, Teloch said:

    And that ^

    Warframe have genders because when WF started and the lore was absent as an entity, DE wanted to make F and M version of each frame (and later had to scrap that concept because of the resources insufficiency). Later on, their "vision" of the frames shifred towards those of the champions in LoL. The same perception persists to the current day.

    Basically, there is no lore explanation at this point, no warranty that there will be one, and even less warranty that the potential justification would be coherent and not just serve to patch a hole in the general lore.

    This is the closest and one realistic idea behind it. They had no rescources in that time so they scrapped the gender options. Femal excal is Nyx which still uses the characteristics of Excal.

  8. If the headcanons count then I can say how I imagine this. Warfrmes have genders and sexes because these were suits worn by real living peoples. The operators slightly ruined a lot of headcanon but if you played the dark sector, then you know how the infestation affects the living organisms. The warframes itself a layer grown on to the person who wearing it like the chromas armor. Most of them reminds us infested origins while others look different. If you look the style of nidus or vauban then you clearly see two different ideas on a warframe. Same with mag and for example saryn. Both are looks different but both users were female. On some trailer and hints by lore there were signs these were living peoples. Like the limbo quest or titania quest. 

    My headcanon simply says these are suits and originally humans used but then these died or just removed from their armor and after modified to use by the teen operators. If you look at closer the mag "long ago worked" then you can see a face behind the helmet but I guess they patched out. The old warframe models also were made for real peoples after they begin to create more weird models and frames like nekros, inaros, titania (long neck), etc. These are now seems fit to their (devs) wishes and imagination but the old models clearly look like real peoples could use them. Also in dark sector which is non canon but inspiration you can see Hayden to wearing the old excal armor. The two thing different because the timeline Hayden lived was thousands of years before the warframe story begins. The humanity evolved into the orokin the grineers were inthat time a simple corporation of peoples with goals and the corpus not existed then. They experimented with the infestation and some weird thing come out from. Lephantis maybe old enough to be a character in the Dark sector but the majority of characters existed later.

    My headcanon dismissed with the operators but I still using my own idea because I feel that fit more for the story of warframes. Many peoples who tought the same left or accepted the operators nearly almost all. Others with their headcanons also used to accept the story but the operators in dark sector were pilots and we did the job alone. In this game we are both. 

    For me the genders are evidence of they were once real persons otherwise no reason to make robots look like humans if their purpose to kill. The reason is if they wanted to make strong and reliable spies then they could just make androids which looks perfectly how they design them and they can easily infiltrate the enemies and they can trust to them because they looks perfectly humans. If they just want to use killing machines then they doesn't need any design on them because they can just make a "moa". Their looks are clearly a living biosuit with metallic and synthetic combinations so the original users could just wear them. Eyes no need on these models because the helmets can have an interior sensor almost the same like the iron man using with some augmentet vision. That is why they doesn't have real faces just imitations. Some helmet however looks weird or just so small to a normal skull. Limbo is a prime example but I can imagine the neck and the head is a bit lower and the helmet is just the top of the head.

    The weird designs like the long neck titania or inaros underbelly is what makes a bit different. Octavia leggs are weird also but we can see runners nowadays with synthetic legg modifications so it is not a surprise in the future this can be possible.  

  9. If the daggers could stag the enemies itself it would be a great advantage but nope, sadly these are not capable. Speed, status or crit chance extra and finisher also needs some new normal stances. Nobody say these needs to be dealt so much damage because the daggers never meant to be damage they meant to be speed and lot of minor strikes. Their speed after the damage 2.0 nerfed badly and a lot of other things happend with them which made these categories unfavorable.

    Scythes slightly better but there need a long variants of these weapons. Fun fact, the kaszas is the only real scythe in this game but it is an aw weapon. Kaszas - Reaper.

    These needs some more damage or speed but other hand they can stagger the enemies so it is a nice advantage because they can operate as swords. Swords and polearms and staves which can do the same but the fist and sparring weapons cannot really stag their enemies. These weapons need to do this otherwise the enemies at close range can kill you. The devs removed some kind of stagging mechanism because they felt it is unfair from our part to cc and stagg enemies all the time, so they gave them some chance to do so. 

    I personally think the sparring and fist weapons are the same boat as the machetes and dual daggers. These families clearly not on pair with the swords and polearms. Yet on sword and dual sword there are a lot of weapons which still needs buffs but these are in the better place.

    DE needs to play their game sometime otherwise they won't know what the players talking about, they just watch stats for usage and read feedbacks but they have eyes just need to play the game sometimes and they can realize the same things what we do.

    If they feel the regular fang is ok then they need to play the game more often.

  10. It won't work. Imagine a scenario, where you are the only player who plays the game and the others afking. How would you kick those if you need 3 votes atleast? Also the reporting not a solution because you can report accidentaly peoples whom just afk for 1 min max or half a sec and was busy to call someone. There is a lot of ways how this system could be abusable and I don't want to spend my time to watch my back against the 3 other player which who will kick or report me for something, what I didn't do?

    The matchmaking or auto matchmaker would be a better idea to put you into a different instance where there active players. A timer need to built in and if the players still afk then you can push the timer and after that you can jump into a different instance. Still the implementation is difficult at least sounds difficult, but the other options are not really useful. Leaving is a solution but that is most likely a bandaid. The best if you choose a dedicated group or friends/clanies to do certain missions. I know it is hard because the recruit chat cancerous and many peoples have ghost clans and often plays alone and those peoples cannot find normal groups so they go instead to public groups. It is massively matchmaking and detection problem.  

  11. Most of the contents meant to be played but if the devs cannot do somehow to have some uses then they forcing players to certain areas like how derelict and mutagen samples were a thing. I would like to earn everything in my way how I like to play but the game is sadly forcing you to play certain missions what you don't like just because there is the only way to get that said item-mod-material.

    I prefer games where there is no any force to do a certain mission.

  12. I like this what you wrote Blacque. Her first fire ball ability could be a charge ability when you put more energy into it the more damage and aoe you does and you could ragdoll enemies also due the blast procs.

    The accelerant could blind the mobs within a 10-15 meter long-wide ring also boost her first and fourth damage. 

    The third ability could work like how it works now but an addition over time increase in range and decrease in damage with the ability to stun enemies.

    Her last would be better if the cap removed or expanded to 10 units at the time. If they make it more energy consumable and decrease the range then she is in the same boat now like volt and these frames need to jump into the middle of battle so they need some survivability in guarantee to not be oneshoted by any mob while they cast.

    Ember lucky because she at least given 100 armor when she was also low armored but the Volt still use the same 15 what he given from the beginning.

    Volt have speed and shields but that not defend you so much only the speed and parkour but still you can be oneshoted so he needs some armor.

    Ember needs a passive which increase her damage potential overtime when heated up.

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  13. Multiple account not forbidden thing only if these accounts sharing platinum or something. My opinion it it is a silly restriction because in this game the pvp lacks and against the mobs needs some stuff in pve if you can given a kickstart from high level players it should not be a problem also.

    The only thing what I would like if the devs punish is the platinum purchasing from a third party site or using programs which manipulate the platinum amount in your inventory. These are more problematic things than the own accoutns sharing items because 1. Keeping multiple accounts is a lot of time to manage them so you basically pay with your time to do this and 2. You are using basically your own money so you pay only with your time and own money to do something which not necessary but not hurts anyone. Another fact there are many people with only 1 pc and has some accounts and those cannot trade by themself because they haven't a second pc to do so.

    The only point where this is problematic if another persons take your accounts and take your platinum from your account. This is also a serious problem but with an ocassional password change this can be bypassed. Personally I am using the same long code what I added in start years ago.

    So accept this an as advice and play safe. Don't trade between accs and you are fine to go.

  14. I can't say so much about on these changes. Sure there needed some refresh and others also need some revisit which was not mentionned here but I am afraid these changes will be more or like bandaids. You did a very great job with Oberon and he is now in a good spot. Ember mains maybe will hate you now because her squishyness is still there and she won't deal with high level enemies if one shotted or 2-3 shot and boom. The scaling is a long time issue and the warframes compared to the enemies cannot scale with hp-shield-armor only limited with modding. This means if you not add scaling abilities to deal with our enemies then you need to double the frames survivability and actually revisit some stats and make all frames tankier. All frames with under 100 armor actually need some armor boost because these are squishy and cannot survive on high levels without cheating abilities or "synergies". All the newest frame have better armors than the old ones and those are needs that badly to be boosted because that is the most effective way to reduce the damage. 

    Some of the mentionned changes sounds on paper okay but for example the Atlas and making his abilities synergize around the petrify which was the least used ability and it was weak and slow. Instead of keeping it it would be nice if that ability was removed from him and preserved for a medusa frame and readd in a better form and give atlas instead a brawling ability too. The survivability is highly depend on the mobility so on paper the Chroma and Atlas move restrictions removal looks fine and we see that how it will works.

    Ash players now can be happy because they got a qol change which let them join and just passively watch or do something while BS.

    Banshee changes not bothers me because I barely play her and I am not using augments because there is no slot and you adding new mods and doesn't give us more slots which tiered into categories to avoid the powercreep but let us do more modification.

    Mag needs her abilities to scale if you want from her to become an effective addition to the team. She is also squishy frame and she needs also some more armor and other stat boosts to be at least viable partly.

    Same goes to volt because that 15 armor is laughable and he is very squishy despite the shield and speed abilities. He needs more survivability also because the game changed a lot for a while and now the enemies have more variation and deals better damage on us. Also the levels increased drastically after introduction the endless missions and at least the star chart level could not be a problem to him.

    Same on zephyr while her shields and hp is fine her turbulence is the only ability which redirects bullets but? There are infesteds whom doesn't care about turbulence and can shred you into peaces. She needs at least 150 armor and doesn't touch her other stats in exchange because that is not fair. The low gravity move is out to date and that is much more a drawback in parkour 2.0.

    Vauban not mentionned there but his passive needs to be changed and tesla could be scalable with a little more because his vortex nerfed to the ground, his bastile still useful and his second is okay. The passive armor bonus while mates are close is silly and instead of this he can given flat 200 armor and the passive could be something which affect enemies somehow maybe not kill them but like gara's passive he could blind them of confuse them etc.

    Nyx could have more armor also, like Trinity too and need something to be done with her well of life and energy vampyr. She is a good support but she needs something which gives natural survivability and not rely on insta healing.

    Loki also old frame and he could have given back some extra invisibility time. I know it was nerfed long ago becaus he went into shadows for long time and almost infinetly did a lot of bonus damage while he was invis. Extra 5-10 sec on invisibility and a change on switch teleport and on decoy to actually move and lure the enemies or take the mobs attention would be nice. He actually can deal damage with his ultimate but it is low and only kill low level enemies with it and his strength still the utility part. His stats also could have be better because he is squishy one too.

    Titania lanterns need some changes because it is fly away and it loses it's purpose to catch the enemies. It deals a good damage (not sure if it scales) but the only problem with it is the position and how it not locked into a place like above 5-10 meter on the ground. The buffs could be better with tribute and also his first could be better but overall she have a very good fourth.

    While rhino is not endangered he could have some extra stat bonus on his armor up to 300 to close to chromas level.

    Limbo is a great point but personally I haven't problem with him only his way to go into the rift. I miss the roll on him becaue that combination also opens up a lot more variation to move and reach high levels on map but with the rift he also have survivability. A special button or double press his 1 or 3 could be a better for rift walk.


    Personally I see no matter how many changes want you adress and execute because the core flawed with mistakes and a bad enemy scaling, damage changes still coming and an armor system needs to be looked at before you do any major changes. You are mostly curing just the symptoms and not the actual problem.

  15. 1 minute ago, MagPrime said:

    It's not so much that I find them boring and less special, I just want the information as to what's coming next and what's being fixed, etc.  

    Plus, it's annoying with how often they interrupt each other.  There have been a couple times where I've actually said out loud "LET THEM FINISH!!!" 

    Peoples in groups cannot behave and if one talks the anothers want to interupt the other. They are basically showmans too and they make it for the show and they think it is funny. The majority of players find these funny but I personally not like this behave form funny just ruining the interaction.

    Rebecca also cannot handle the situations and often she assists to them interupting each other so they won't spoil us with information which later could be prove correct.

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