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Posts posted by Sziklamester

  1. 2 hours ago, Sadroth said:

    Well everyone has a way to play games 🙂
    I personally LOVE the swtich, power isnt everything 😉

    True but if you cannot run your beloved game because of power issues then it is a bad thing.

    I personally find the switch bad in the data capacity because that 30-32 g is so small and in my 14-15 years old pc has the 5 times the size of this. If I remember correctly. A stronger switch with more data capacity and free space would be nice beyond this the only issue is the cross play.

  2. 2 hours ago, DeMonkey said:

    Probably went something like this.

    1) Make dual Furis, name it Afuris for ''Akimbo-Furis''.

    2) Then make dual Lex, name it Alex...

    3) Realise why that's weird, name it AkLex instead.

    4) Don't bother changing Afuris because it's not really a problem.

    I'm kidding ofc, AkBolto was right after Afuris, but Abolto still looks kinda... silly.

    Something like this.

  3. 2 minutes ago, (PS4)XeroxDaZe said:

    Its a very strange design choice dont you think?

    It is but DElogic. They rarely check old contents and not always see where is the problem. They added to the dual weapons ak but somehow the furis is not ak furis. Or an old mistake which not solved or they just wanted to be afuris. 

  4. There are no pure good or pure evils in this game because everyone has it's own motivations why does what they do. We tennos killing for Lotus in the name of the balance but we don't know yet what the Lotus is hiding from us and what cards are in her hands. Hunhow see us as a weapon made by the Orokin and that is enough why he want to kill us. Grineer and Corpus seemingly want to control the origin system but they are both seeking for the Tau and copy the orokin technology. The Orokin "were" still have their own motivations and they not all are dead. They created the warframes to control and eliminate the others or keep them in slavery so our role in Orokin era and in "Lotus era" is the same but with a different purpose. The orokins were also trash peoples whom tried to fool the death and manipulate everything for their needs. Sentients were sent to colonize new system then they turned out against their creators and as we see they won but not want to dominate so maybe they are just defending their "home".

    This is a "game of thrones" story but with more variations and shades. I see no morally good persons here because everyone have their own thingies what we can say seemingly the void childrens the only close to the pure good but nor the syndicates nor major factions aren't pure evil or good. This game that's why not a happy end and you always commiting crime to murder thousands and millions in this game with no morals so finally we players also not pure good or evil.

  5. I could say names but not worth because with the increasing rooster there will be more option to play new frames and the playtime will be shortened to the other ones. Also reworks and tweaks on frames make some populairty increasing to frames. Also depending on the content where you play because the playerbase is still not so great. If all the registered players would play the game more often and generates 400-500k concurent players/ day then all frame would have been seen more often. Still there are missions in the starchart where there is noone to play it which is sad because too many ghost town places have in the starchart. Beginner levels consist a lot of mag, volt, excallibur and sometimes other frames depending on what player goes there. Some are rescourse re farming other tutoring new peoples etc so the options are endless. I could not say I never seen in times frames because I have seen all of them quite often where I play but the early places and other parts of the starchart are not so popular or rewarding for high profile players.

    All frame is used.

  6. This name what I am using is 15+ years old and it was one of my original 1500 mail adress what I made because I have a habit to make new accounts in every game and used a tons of adresses to manage these because security reasons and because I like cameos. The name itself is mysterious a bit for others because most of the peoples think I am an alpiner by job or mountainer-wall climber but there is nothing about that just picked because it sounds cool. 

    My name in english means Rockmaster but I preferred to use the hungarian version because this sounded much better also the english speakers can stuck on my name because they don't know how to pronounce the Sz and they always say S or Z because in their alphabet there are no sounds like that. 

    Szikla - Rock , Mester - Master. It is a pretty simplistic name and I thought noone will use this anyway so I could use one of my names. I hate when the name taken and need to add number or xxx_xxx which is silly for me so I creating then new names. I like the unique names and not become an avarege joe 999 times.

  7. Umbras will happen because monetary wise it is worth to them to sell new set of frames. Also they have fan concepts so they could not run out of ideas and they could just make what peoples made in fan concepts so this is a 3 line work to them to make regular new frames, prime versions and then umbra. Hopefully they can manage this and this won't mean they stop making regular frames because new abilities and palystyles could only be introduced with regular frames. There is never enough frames in game.

  8. Heavy metal Grineer rising, Wariokart, War-Sim, Hot Dates with warframe waifus, Warframe : Frozen tiles, Warframe : A tales of orokin, Project Warframe,  Battleframes, Grind a lot, Infestation stories : Warframe, Darvo Maximus, Way out Hek, Battlefront : Warframe. Warframe Total War, Warf40k.

    Just some weird ideas. Btw a sidescroller game with warframes like the abuse or kontra or similar kind of games would be nice with gender options. All you need is a sprite maker program plus some effect and voila.

  9. My opinions o this.

    The moas are deads in coming if they have no innate vacuum or something which adds qol changes. More kubrow breeds would be nice as more kavat but for kavats they broke the trend to copy sentinels and there are 2 kind of kavats now which basically do all the jobs. They need a rework (all companion) before they want to expand this. Pets needs AI, sentinels needs more tankiness, more weapon, option to revive them so they need to rework the regen mods.

    Damage 3.0 still on the table but they won't remove the mandatory mods because those needs for us to do some progression and improve our arsenal. First of all the feeling you progress and become stronger by these mods is a great opportuinty second to this the removal of these mods only gives option to other cheese mods to fill the positions. They need completely overhaul the mod - damage systems if they want to reach balance. My opinion is they can tone down those damage mods but then add more slot and make them separated to the damage, utility, defense which would add more build option but still not op.

    Status and critical mostly works fine the magnetic proc is useful against corpus only. The status giving mods needs buffs or reworks otherwise I see no problem there.

    I don't know about the derelicts because those are not in any focus group by DE. Those are works well as mutagen farm and vault hunting missions.

    Daily rewards would be nice if these are removed completely in order to boost the chances in mission to get better rewards. Some reward are broken (credits) and others just not meaningful like rescources. The weapon blueprints and the boosters are okayish I think but waiting for something in the distant future to get is just silly and kills the peoples. It should not be in any meaningful rewards at the first place because if you not log you not progress and to just log in and spend minutes from your time to "progress" is silly. I would be happy if they instead add different kinds of rewards and other ways to reward peoples if they do progression. The log in and you get something is meaningless.


    In this frame mix the Nyx is what needs the least touch because her abilities are good crowd control abilities and her ultimate is nice too. The bolts are low level clearers but other than that not so useful so that needs a rework.

    Loki is same like the crocodiles in evolution scale and their shape and uses changed a little because the base design was good. Loki maybe needs more survivability but his speed is grants this because he can do some maneuver. He is not in a dire need to rework.

    Titania needs a look at, because she is a caster whom has very low base energy pool to do it and her last ability eats a lot. Her lantern is often useless on semi open maps and on plains just worthless. The tribute and spellbind could got some tweaks but those abilities are not needs a rework.

    Wukong needs his jab and cloudwalk reworks because these abilities are waste of the slot currently. The jab could become a crowd control ability to hit multiple enemies and become like the dota wukong ability which is a nice hit animation with a stun. Cloud walk could be faster and be more controllable. Defy is okay, His ultimate is also okay if scaling well with mods. 

    Vauban needs the most rework because all of his abilities except the mines are outdated. Tesla needs some boost to become a more useful scaling ability which helps at least in stuns on high levels and kill lower-medium level enemies. Mines are okay those are tactical abilities maybe the energy needs need to be lowered a bit. Bastille is nice but the duration and the enemies can hold needs some buff plus 10-15 sec duration and around 40-50 enemies hold on it. Vortex deals a low damage compared to other ultimates and the duration is not so good so it is a high cost short timed cc. In the old times it was better but the devs nerfed it because of issues mostly with performance drop and it cleared rooms well. Now it needs to be buffed again to a level where it could kill and scale if they not touch the duration on it. His passive is a joke and it meant to be a teamplayer but if you solo you did not get that armor bonus. Instead of this they could just add 200 armor to Vauban and add a new passive which boost his teslas or he can lay a turret or something or connect the teslas into a great ball of Energy.


    These are just my opinions on this subject so feel free to add into the table something new.

  10. This is a mod what should not be the djinn privilege more or less it should have been the regen ability which is currently as what it is. Instead of limited revives the regen could be a time based ability and add a cooldown when the sentinel could be revived and the primed version of course a sped up option. 

  11. It should be a bug because this is just so large for a dagger. Other than that this is now looks like a falchion or a heavy saber from mount and blade. This should look like much much smaller other than that the design is resembles to the cronus sword just a bit large.

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