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Posts posted by Sziklamester

  1. It will sounds weird but the operators should do partially the exact same what warframes does otherwise those peoples whom hate them won't use them. They could be more mobile, use a limited shield-hp, use warframe weapons, let their skills and make them able to use some own specific weapons or use the warframe arsenal. This won't turn peoples into operator user and the majority of things still depends on the warframes but the operators finally could be something considerable because of their skill sets. Remove the operator can do damage on sentinents-eidolons and make it possible to use better ccs and stuns in operator mode. 

    I think this could help a lot more and can cut in half the problems. Just like the companions vs sentinels - simply give the vacuum to the frames as passive and then no need to think about why I choose them or those.

  2. I usualy make a trip and 2-3 cycle spent on everytime when going to fishing. I am that type who use all the spots just rotating them and always searching for new options. I am however not fisherman main I personally like to mining and gem cutting but that requires to find the caves and go to near the grineer bases. I personally find these good addition and I already got enough stuff what I not really need. I am now going for build my specific zaws.

  3. If the tennogen skins just cost around 2 dollar then it could be much popular among the playerbase. The 5-6 euro / dollar "there is a bad valute change in this case' are normally 75 platinum which 5 dollar but real money and many peoples just want to use platinum in trades. The real freebie players whom not spending a cent on the game won't buy it because costs money but those whom spending money anyway maybe buying some if they wish / like.

    I personally not bought some because the prices is not match with my salary and not want to spend all my earned money on skins. Otherwise nice concept and good to have more skins for everything.

  4. 2j2x4lx.jpg24dud.jpg

    This is the current state of the drawing. The problem I have no photoshop and not so good with the coloring so it is still need some color altering and shading to be much better.

    The second is just a fun color manipulating but I guess it looks also good for this frame. The first is more like the original fox colors but as I said it needs some color correction and shadowing.

    Also summoning @Unus here to take a look at this.

  5. 7 hours ago, D20 said:

    Looks like a rather small one. Looks like she's even smaller than Nova. Fits the theme pretty well. Maybe the build is too petite but hey, body diversity is an important thing.

    Mind if I add this to the main post ? @Sziklamester

    I don't mind it, but I still work on this nice one and when Mako ready he / she could also take a look on it and improve this idea. More detail and of course coloring will follow this.

  6. Now you can get the frost prime with scindo and soma prime via twitch prime account, for free. Also warframe wiki is still up to date so you can check a lot of things there. I   http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/WARFRAME_Wiki  I

    There is a lot changed in this game a while so it will be hard to tell every single pieces but you will soon re explore everything.

    Major changes, now we have major quests with lore and with operators. The starchart revamped 2 times and now there are junctions to balance the new players progression but each junction gives you rewards to do them. Also they removed the void keys instead we have now relics for prime item farm. Added some various new material to the game the grind level increased and we got now a  semi open landscape called - plains of eidolons.

    Also some balance changes happend and some items got nerfs-buffs meantime and the devs implemented the riven mods also which supposed to be an end game bonus modding option for those whom finished quests like - Second dream, The War Within.These mods using kuva (new material) to boost them and open them. (random stat mods).

    Not sure if it was when you left the game but we have now maroo's bazaar, relays, raid-sortie missions, nigtmare mission, simulating options, new type of companions, syndicates etc.

    So it is the time to read everything on Wiki and welcome back tenno!


  7. I am keeping every single item what I have bought or worked for nothing will be deleted in my inventory. I keep the current garbage tier items aswell because in the futur who knows maybe these items will be better. (looking at you - plasma sword).

    Also I like everything what the game can offer and simply I have enough slots for the new items aswell. I have some duplicates in frame but I am not deleting it because I can make a different build for them and it is good to have some multiple versions.

    Once someone bought me an Ivara but I have had already one but I don't want to be mean and delete it when the others spent their money on me and wanted to be nice. So I have 2 Ivara and I can at least test different builds. Everyone has their own goals and mentality how handle this I personally keeping everything. Just like them, all of them.

  8. This is not phoenix this is more like a harpy in design but they doesn't kept her clawed foots which would really fit to the design. Also an alternative helmet without the mohawk or expanded with side head feathers coud be much more nicely done. I am also like both designs so for me it could be both in game.

  9. I would like to have a separated application which function as a model viewer and some basic movement and sets so we can test the models in "action". I would like to have flora already because that forgotten's model was very awesome. Also would like to see more fan based fleshed out models there and maybe that can give an inspiration to the devs to use directly these models.

  10. 11 minutes ago, Teloch said:

    The issue is that all this grind is single-purposed. The resources you find in the wild can't be used anywhere except there, so they are separated from the rest 90% of the game.

    I ceased looking for any traces of logic in DE's content

    With age, I learned the significance of relative comparisons. The open map is, subjectively, better than randomly generated mission "dungeons". It is a nice change and diversifies the main gameplay since CQ skirmishes are absolutely different from open-field combat tactically-wise.

    I cringed so hard that I nearly broke my back. Probably the worst "love triangle" story I have ever seen.

    DE can't into face design. I doubt there are any artists on their roster who specializes on faces. 

    This is subjective... but I think it is nice that people find it enjoyable.

    Yep. Sadly. Very, very sadly. But again, I ceased looking for any traces of logic in DE's content

    They have some face designer in their team but they are works on their newest game on the > The amazing Eternals - aka Keystone.

    Btw that is not a ridiclously hard to make a normal face when there is mirror option so if they just make a half good looking face then they can mirror it then done. The characters are copy pastes and sadly there is no variety in it. At least the citizens and the vendors could have normal faces but they just cannot make a normal looking humans. Nor a surprise warframes haven't faces and the relay citizens haven't too.

  11. Not a bad implementation, but itself this won't solve the core problems of the game. Also the grind is not fun if they not fill with fun implementations. The only problem the grind as always the anti fun ideas which created during the development and cause this is a free to play.

    I would like to make my own maps and would like some dojo and social additions. That could help to solve the repetitiveness with filling some fun. So I am more likely waiting for the tournaments, orbiter expansion and the king pin system.

  12. The fish oil thing is have some sense but this is the same what we have with the kavats and kubrows vs sentinels. The pets dna is degrading "realistic - but unneeded design idea" and the archwing already use no fuel. This one is a step into the realism but totally no reasonable after they already implemented the archwing and it not cost fuel. This and some similar minor-major things what DE add with every updates. They can do fine things but they can do what shouldn't be to do.

    I am not to deep into this yet but my major problems the operators seems clunky, the inhabitants of cetus are clones, the same bad face designs everywhere and no emotion on the faces. The youngsters looks horrible like a blizzard children character. If they just copy paste the operator character generator and use to make as citizens, then already would be nicer. 

    The zaws are lacks of part and you cannot make whatever you wish but the item renaming is nice but you cannot name all of your items it seems "Not all my melee was renameable".

    The rewards are not really worth the time but at least the area is nice and the exploration is cool just feels so short.

    What could be nice

    - more variety and personality for the cetus inhabitants.

    - more places to go.

    - better customization for zaws.

    - more meaningful rewards and an option to trade with our current base rescources for the cetus rescources.

    - better operators with the almost the same functions what warframes can do. (using weapons, better mobility, more urvivability)

  13. 2 hours ago, LeaserResael said:

    2k credits for 3 missions
    5k credits for 5 missions...

    Seriously DE, when will you understand that these aren't rewards at all? You want people to respect and offer respectful criticism and feedback yet you keep insulting and disrespecting people's time with those "rewards". Maybe DE needs some bad press to start rethinking this massive grind they've introduced with PoE.

    If you consider you can get 12-13k credits without booster for a max 8-10 min dark sector defense after finishing 5 wave and go it is really a slap on the face and totally a waste of the time. DE tried but failed again in this point.

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