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Posts posted by Sziklamester

  1. There is nothing special about founders. If we compare the founder to non founder then we can get the same results. They are humans, non founders are humans, both in the same category and in the same universe, both can open their money bag and both have options to do something.

    I have also some founder and non founder friends and there is nothing special about to b founder. They spent once at least their wallet as I did many times and at least in the same amount as a founder but this makes me nothing special nor better.


  2. 8 hours ago, MagPrime said:

    We should start new accounts and keep them at MR2.  Make a Clan, an Alliance even!

    We would be named The Terrible 2's ( don't want 3 T's, ruins everything) 

    I already did it.

    Also to the op. better to work for to remain neutral and no murder any mobs in game. "best roleplaying"

  3. I am agreeing all of them who says the cyst thing is horrible and should have never existed. They did it because they wanted a surprise but not everybody like surprises and (this kind of surprises) so this can have 2 outcome. The vaccine is a thing which never implemented sadly but technically it is easy. That is awful to wait weeks for all of your frame whom infected with this to remove it. An option would be welcomed if they add the option to vaccine all and immunize my frames against the helmint virus and if I want I can infect a selected frame if wish to breed helmin chargers. This is how this should have be done and not what happend in reality. This is partly a fashion thing secondly it is disgusting and not everyone like these disgusting things. If you had a dinner and watch tv I suppose you don't wish to see an advertising with cyst or ebola or anything else. I guess it is gust question and many peoples are just doesn't car because their needs are on the bottom line. Some of us have taste for things and doesn't like things like this and it shouldn't be a forced thing to all at all. 

  4. The balance is necessary thing which contains nerfs and buffs. The balance is a never reachable thing only partially because every new addition to a game cause a need to balance a current thing in game. Sometimes better to nerf things which op sometimes need to work on the underpowered weapons and other stuffs. DE sometimes not realize what need to do and sometimes they are ignoring the feedbacks and suggestions and that just make the players frustrated because not beign listened. That not really matters if a game is pvp or pve the balance always need because if an enemy or a part of a game is too hard that demotivate the players and they wont play that anymore, if a player can find against other players something (exploit a bug) then the player who know how to exploit have a lot better chances to win against the another.

    Balance is an illusion overall in the sense the perfect balance is non exist but you can try to get closer to a standard. There are changes which necessary but there are also unnecessaty changes which happens sometimes if the devs misinformed or they calcul different. Overall the players who test the game and the devs who patching it.

  5. The pull can work as a push too just as how MagPrime suggested.

    Polarize could strip armor or work something like it was in the past.

    Magnetize could work on no direct target too then you can use it as a deflector too so you can avoid incoming damage. This is pretty much a Volt shield but with 360 degree spheree. (this was suggested by me and by others long ago in that time when the ability was called bullet attractor).

    Crush - faster and with a better animation set. It could strip armor and stun the survived enemies but make them weaker against damage.

  6. The most cases when I saw Loki's trolling is when in a full team we played together with one Loki, Limbo, Ember. The Limbo partly was afk and he usually moved 1 step in every 3-4 min to avoid any major afking but the ember was afk also but she went into a high place to stay there afk for the entire match. Then the Loki saw this action and he decided to make justice then he lured some infested units to the same place and he jumped up to the Ember then he switch teleported the chargers to the ember then you can imagine the result. The ember died noone went to revive it. The limbo then activated himself and constantly tried to banish the loki but the loki was wise enough and he knew how to avoid the banish. The ember in the end of the mission when realized what happend begin to argue with the loki and told not so nice things I just laughed on this situation and we just finished the mission then left the squad. It was an infested capture mission with griiner asteroid tileset. 

    Otherwise I rarely seen Limbo-Loki or Valkytty trolling.

  7. I am currently working on my frames there are 4 at moment and one are specifically a tenno request from here the another 3 is my original idea and from these 2 still early conceptural one is now currently modelling phase. I need to do a lot of work on them but I would only share if these are implemented on the way how I imagined otherwise these will be later uploaded for fans.

    A xenomorph inspired frame called : Xenis - she is pretty much a valkyre like xeno frame which can be tanky and agile enough to avoid the bullets. This one still needs ideas for abilities and some minor things but currently I co work on this frame and on another which called Desdemona (she is still in concept) and later on I will work on two other frame which still no have name but I have some ideas how they will look and work. 

    Currently this but it would be a nice to find a warframe related application which used to share 3d models of fan made frames and a catalogy for them to the better searching.

    The chances are low for these frames but hopefully someday they will take finished ideas and won't change them drastically. There is alos a Flora named frame by - MrPigman and several artists whom coworked on her. I pretty much like that frame all in all and hope they will add her because she is rdy.

  8. 4 minutes ago, (PS4)BLOOD-LINE-01 said:

    All games decay eventually. People will eventually get bored of seeing the same mechanics used on a different warframe with slight tweaks. "Oh hey another tank that can increase his damage through the environment. That's a thing that Chroma does right?" or "Oh hey another CC frame that can stop enemies in their tracks. Don't we have like at least twelve other frames that can do that but in a more reliable way?"

    There is only so many times you can repaint a healing, damage or  CC mechanic before it becomes clear that new concepts simply are not happening and DE are just running the mechanics like Assassins Creed and COD; same thing, different paint brush. 

    Like all other company does because the mechanics are coded into the engine. If an engine cannot handle different mechanics then you can use that set what coded in the engine and if the engine capable to do something with upgrade, then you can calcul the costs of the developement. Many peoples not bored at all because the mechanics are clear here, sometimes they can add new things but the variations limited. Still the abilities and skins are differ but in every video game there are clear mechanics and that's all you cannot push more if the game engine cannot handle more. 

    I have no problem with the same mechanics with a new shape if they all are creative enough and can add new ones. "depend on the limits"

  9. 2 minutes ago, phoenix1992 said:

    It is kinda the same situation as with primes - as long as new frames come out, there will be catching up.

    Now it is a personal point of view that I prefer quality over quantity in both Primes and Deluxe.


    New frames and gear are the life blood of Warframe. The moment they stop is the moment in which we are entering rapid decaying.


  10. 1 minute ago, (PS4)BLOOD-LINE-01 said:

    This is the question for when they eventually stop making more frames, which they will do someday because there is only so many times you can rehash the same mechanics under a different paint brush.

    Pretty much this but it seems there are still ideas for paint brush. There is a lot of ideas, lot of variations and one theme can be used more ways only depend on the devs if they can do it uniquely or not.

  11. 6 like on killing floor or 10 for max. It is possible but the connectivity here is a big thing and unsless DE buy new servers and use other tha peer to peer then we won't see any major changes in this. Personally I would like a larger squad but currently the peer to peer cannot handle more.

  12. There are a lot of nice fan concepts, like : Flora, Hennya, Shard, Tiburon, Vespa, Widow, Furion and a lot old forgotten concepts aswell but the chance these will happening anytime soon is low. Maybe if the DE can hire more people to work on models then they can yearly make 10-15 frame and there is then a good chance to fan concepts happen.

    (fan model makers also could work on these frames) but the chance these will be choosen is low. Personally I would suggest a fan made app where you can upload your 3d models and pictures with some story and some interesting things about the frame concept what you make then it would be more person whom willing to make concepts and full models. If I were DE I would like to see more help in this part.

  13. Nekem kifejezetten tetszik az ötlet, igazából azzal, hogy a támogatói szegmenst növelni kellene már régóta és ez természetes velejárója, hogy ha nő a létszám, akkor növelni kell a támogatói felületet és a kiszolgáló részleget. Mindenki tud minimálisan segíteni, de pl tárgyakat nem adhatnak játékosok vissza, ha valaki pl küldetés közben elveszíti azokat. Viszont, ha olyan jellegű problémája van, amit a játékosok és a wiki képes orvosolni, akkor az is egy megoldás, ha segítesz az illetőnek.


    By the way I like the idea and honestly I feel this is fine in this way and while there are problems with the support "needs growing slowly" the players could help a lot if they have chance to solve the problems. Simple things can be solved by players and by the wiki aswell other complicants maybe not but at least the support no need to handle everything in their hand.

  14. 1 hour ago, Volinus7 said:

    Move all microtransactions in Warframe to cosmetics only ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    Then there shouldn't be slots and items for plat all. Same wih frames only skins for weapons and frames. They basically use a pay to winnish model because they sell power but they managed to avoid the lawsuits because in game all items are farmable except slots. If they turn this game into less microtransaction oriented, then they should remove the slot restrictions, items-frames and other elements sales for platinum and add to the market only skins as cosmetics and some cosmetic armor parts which really in the cosmetic category. An incubator for kubrows or kubrow eggs etc shouldn't cost plat. Others paid for that platinum and the trade and grinding is not justify there is some "gambling".

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