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Posts posted by Sziklamester

  1. This thing was suggested in some times mostly because of oberon and his prime version cannot use the regular oberon shoulderparts but this is also up to banshee. It would be an ice if we can remove that shoulder from that arm and / or add it to the other side or both side has that part. This would have been optional so if you want to go without it you can remove you can swap or you can use it on both sides. This would be nice and not so hard to make but it is depend on the devs. I agree with you on this and it would be nice but still there is no fixes for this.

    Maybe someday.

  2. 4 minutes ago, DeMonkey said:

    Can I be part of it?

    I'd love to be part of a council...


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    You already in the council, isn't it? If so then alright you can join to the council because you are a divine creature too. JOIN US.

    also - check this:  


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  3. 2 minutes ago, Syndrella said:

    Mag is still good and not sure what she needs as buff. Always a good when we talk about buffs maybe her survivability needs it but she is great right now. Praise the mag.

    Dear. You were faster than me right now. 

    Mag prime is best prime.

  4. 1 hour ago, Tsukinoki said:

    The problem isn't that DE doesn't have "enough" cosmetics to sell.  Its the simple fact that not enough people would buy cosmetics, regardless of how many there are.  And cosmetics take time and money to make so all the time spent on making more cosmetics increases the costs to DE meaning that they would need to sell more cosmetics...

    Can you guarantee or prove this in any way what-so-ever?
    Can you actually prove that they would make as much money, if not more, if they dropped the slot cost and made them free?

    Because there are tons, and I mean tons, of players who never buy cosmetics.  The only way for DE to make money off of those players is slots.
    Cosmetics are not an equitable money maker to slots.  There are enough people who don't see the purpose behind changing their frames colours or armors or syandanas.  Running through various pug Elite Onslaught I've seen a lot of people in stock frames with stock weapons.

    Increasing the diversity of available cosmetics might increase how many people buy them, but they still wouldn't increase the number of buys anywhere near enough to make up for the loss of revenue in slots.

    The simple fact of the matter is that there is simply a large enough population of people who don't buy any cosmetics that if DE switched to removing the slots they would be losing a ton of money with absolutely no way to replace that loss.  And that simply wouldn't be good for DE, or the game, in any way or fashion.

    So unless you can think of something to replace slots that everyone will need to buy at various points through the game then removing slots is a no-go as DE does need some form of income.

    Even games like Path of Exiles makes money buy selling Stash extensions and character slots, and currently Path of Exiles even has a loot box as the only way to get 2 cosmetic armor sets.

    I have no datas how much profit they can generate with or without the slots but practically this is the first reason why peoples buy platinum. They are devs and if they want generate profit they should work for it so your first reply to me is in this case are a little bit silly because that's why we pay them in the first place to make us a game add cosmetics and so on. What you said is basically make them legit for do nothing and earn money for nothing because the slots are articifal gates in every game which needs a minimal coding but it helps the game earn money because actually force peoples to buy these.


    To the others : I agree with you there are a tons of peoples who won't buy cosmetics and that's why they gate the players with this paywall because they know they have basically nothing beyond items and frames to sell. That is their job to make the cosmetics pleasible and believe it or no I like the cosmetics too and many others would buy it if those are not overpriced. 75 platinum is 5 dollar and with that 5 dollar I can buy food for myself so many peoples won't buy platinum in the first place because the price and value are not equal. That is why everyone waiting for 50-75% discounts because that value basically match with the real value of the item. That's how I bought back in time platinum and spent on slots because I knew there will be nothing beyond slots what impossible to get because I have sometimes enough time to farm if I wish to but if not then nothing happens because those slots stay long enough now.

    For instance I can refer the league of legends which is a popular moba and they basically selling mostly cosmetics (not sure now what others they selling for real money) but the heroes there all are able to get via play the game and the game mechanics and the factors are makes the game enjoyable ' if you have a great team ' and the peoples still like to spend money on that game and still profitable with cosmetics. I only paid for 2-3 skin there what I liked but I didn't play that game so many time just ocassionally and it is still fine. 

    Despite the fact that is a more popular game and moba this game also could do the same model because if you are not forced to pay for something if you tease it free then the peoples would likely spend more money on just to show fashion. They need to create a team which focusing on the cosmetics and they use the concepts and ask peoples what kind of skins they would like and with the talent and creativity they could sell cosmetics.

    The platinum prices are relative fine for some region for others not really but overall with the discount option is fair. My point is they just need something what fancy and likely but not make any items a NEED to sell. See many peoples selling games and sold games in the old eras where the ftp model was not existed back in time and they just did fine. There are developers what can make full products for your money and there are others whom selling cheaper to reach more audience.

    In this game the option for trade platinum makes it easier for many peoples but for this somebody should buy platinum so if you want any platinum from a trade then you should pray that other peoples buy platinum otherwise the platinum lost in the ether because whom want platinum those want to buy items. Unless you buy mods-etc because in this case the platinum stays in the system but with every purchases the platinum decreasing and if nobody buy platinum then no one can trade for platinum so the trading will be a charity thing or exchange instead a source of platinum. The platinum could be much cheaper and only for cosmetics and that itself enough to make it more profit because more peoples will buy platinum and buy cosmetics or spending to get mods. These itself in my opinion enough good options and they can drop that beggar attitude which shown in their whole game. From beginning the clan naming renaming, account renaming mail changing to the items rush toward to the slots. 

    In a non free to play game there is no force on you and you can decide if you interested in that game or not and that mentality is less baity but with the free to play models the peoples forgot to thinking and they think everything should be free. Not at all but that not legalize the free to play models as a good model certainly created to get much more money than a one time pay game. Peoples would still buy this game if they add a price tag around 20-35-40 dollar because that is correct for a game which has no real servers and peer to peer. Again other games did this well without this model this only depends on how much the devs want milk from their playerbase. Calculate the team size, the complex, the other financical issues the rent cost and the profits and you can make a point. DE is a medium sized team but the medium sized teams can sustain themself if they spend the money wisely and less to the marketing which is in the modern era easier without spending huge money.

    The other what I consider is they are Canadian team and in Canada and US the living standards are higher than the europeans and teams from that region (north america) so their salary and their needs are differ from the rest of the world. It is not mean they need to eat bread and butter only "despite" that is a good source of food but calculing their needs their pricing is in this case reasonable but when somebody make a game they need to think about where they want to sell and they set a standard which is good for them and for the rest. Again this not mean they need to make Africa as a standard because there the peoples happy if they have something to eat but the major bases are NA, EU, Asia.


    Overall I think they can do it better without the NEEDS to sell something but it is my old fashioned point and maybe out dated but more correct. Anyway thanks for the reply and sorry for my grammar because I am non english native speake. 

  5. Slots are the only items what "encourage" peoples to buy platinum in the first place. I don't like this limitation because it is a built in cashgrab and it is necessary to the devs because they haven't enough cosmetics to sell. If they want generate money somehow they need to sell cosmetics but they know not everybody will like the items what they make so they secured this and bypassed the problem with the slots which is not obtainable by playing the game so it kicks itself in the balls. Many peoples defending with this habit because they spent a lot of money on it. The fact is while many people say you can trade for it often those forgot the game market cannot sustain itself if noone pay for those items. So the questions is : Why I must pay and how?. They need somehow make it pleasible to do this and that is the first reason why we have trading in game. 

    I am most of my plat bought back in time just because of slots but it is undetstandable why peoples does not like the slots because that limits the fun factor highly and without paying you cannot bypass it because directly or indirectly but you or someone else should pay money for platinum to keep the exonomy alive. So maybe you bought slot from my money what I spent on plat while another day anothers money used in deals.

    If noone pay money to them then basically the game dies because noone can trade for money (plat) and the in game economy die. I don't have problems with the riven slots overall because the rivens are additional stuffs and not necessarily part of the game or builds but the warframes and weapons are phyiscal (pixel) materials which you may or not but will to use.

    If they just purely selling cosmetics they could do the same revenue because more player could stay in the game and not rage after few hours when they realise the game time-paywalled and to progress efficiently need invest money. It is not clearly free to play and it should not be but then don't advertise it as. Most of the player opinions and experiences why many leave except the veteran burn outs is the most commonly said: slots, repetitiveness, boring gameplay, boring transmissions, annyoing playerbase etc. Other reasons the less explanation or the game not telling you what to do and many peoples seems to not really get what they are doing in this game but the common phrases are the above listed.

    They need to make tons of frame-weapon cosmetics if they want to sustain the game and the only reason for slots is the fix revenue so these will stay sadly. 

  6. 2 minutes ago, LazerSkink said:


    I joined at the time it was the default and haven't been able to make a switch. Also, yes, it's definitely easier on the eyes, dark environment or not.

    Yes and I doesn't understand their designers. Why the hell they make a bright white design which burns the eyes of the readers? There is nothing good came from these designs. This is more chill and more pleasible to read. Also it is much nicer than the others.

    • Like 21
  7. 6 minutes ago, Hypernaut1 said:

    I do wish they would dedicate a small team to giving us more active events and tactical alerts though. Those things make the universe feel alive and the old content feel like new in some ways, and it shouldn't take much resources. I also miss small things like the community simaris targets, or seasonal awards. Things that feel like it has a human touch to it and not just spit out at random by a program.

    Playermade missions and set difficulity - Kingpin.

  8. Reworks and tweaks need for these mods and these are currently degraded to fast endo materials but it should be useful in some point. The status mods should give 100% or nearly close to it since the dual stat mods gives you 60% and if you stack them for combined elemental damage it gives more. Trick mag at least has uses, intruder has, maglev has, warm coat needs a full rework, the melee crit mode true steel needs a buff because the 60% +crit chance in melee weapons alone is weak also not effective. There are others which currently garbages because we dont have stats for it liek resistance mods. These mods need seriously a mod 3.0

  9. 5 hours ago, LazerSkink said:


    I'm sorry, but I can't worship Mag because my faith lies elsewhere.

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    Nice waifu.

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  10. 18 minutes ago, -AoN-CanoLathra- said:

    I want a 'Praise the Sun' emote for Harrow. Though in Warframe, I think it would be 'Praise the Void'.

    If this thread not dies out maybe DE will notice us and give us a glyph for praising void or at least make an emoji for it. I would like also more emotes because we need always more and more hopefully they will add a lot more new. Also praise the void.


    Mag of course.


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  11. 2 minutes ago, (XB1)Mythical Warden said:

    I'm mainly a Harrow main.

    That is good I appreciate that. Harrow is a nice frame but a lot of tenno think he is boring. 

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