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Posts posted by Sziklamester

  1. 42 minutes ago, D20 said:

    You are free to imagine them in the way you want. There is no "official" artwork. Could be male or female. :p

    Yeah but the fourth ability sounds like a femalish that's why I asked it. Also I am not the best artist around there but I do a try. If you feel you need a proper art ask @EternalDrk Mako because he have affinity to make art.

    At least it is a nice job to me to try to do something valueable.



    Also this is a part of my original art of one of my frame called : Xenis. With Mako we remade her and now I am trying to make a model of it.

  2. I have no problem killing enemies at all the only thing annoys me the buggyness of plains but that will be fixed. Also not every time only eximus units spawn. I did this rescure type mission with that balloon but there were no issues to kill the enemies before they could harm that stuff.

    Also imagine what would have been if they add the weakspot system what they talked about some streams ago. Then everybody could get butthurt.

  3. All major update introduced new materials which have no any base lore at all. (oxium, nitain, kuva, coordinates etc) All new update introduce new materials to keep us grinding and collect something new which is not a problematic in this case because these stuffs easier to collect than a nitain or tellurium or kuva. The whole idea behind new materials is expanding the farming cycle for the newer players and veterans aswell. Otherwise it could be the same minerals there but it will be nothing new then peoples simply just cry because we farm these stuffs already. Same with the void where there are control modules, rubedo and ferrite. These totally no need there and instead we could get argon there and some other rare material instead of ferrite. Don't try to find logic or lore behind this, this is just how DE utilize the grind in this game. 

    The game basically a full of collectibles so implementing new is not problem until those are obtainable. If they make them like nitain or kuva then noone wishing to go there to do with pleasure.

  4. Just now, LokiTheCondom said:

    And probably expansion of the plains.

    It will be. If you guys noticed the blue walls which limits the area then you can expect more improvements. The playerbase increasing so it is a good sign to them to improve it but they need to improve their servers because currently its a mess.

    Also they could hire a face modeller or something because the cetus peoples looks clone and the young peoples looks also weirdo. I knew blizzard cannot make normal child faces but this is something what I don't like when they copy paste models and not take the time to make these faces normal and diverse.

  5. Do survival missions and collect every mod what the mobs drop. Then go back and convert those mods into endo. 1 hour survival farming is around 1000-1500 endo. Another option do alerts or just go lower level maps and go search for treasures. Ayatan sculptures and gems are worth also endo. If you combine them it gives much more. The lowest gives 1450-1500 endo the highest ranked sculptures give 3300 around. Also an ayatan star (blue) gives 50 endo while the yellow gives 100.

  6. That would be a nice addition if she can cast her first while moving because then you just step into the group and use it and kill many of them but that would be nice qol change to be able to use while move.

    Also her last ability has flaws. Enemies are from up can seriously bypass you which is okay in my book but when her using her last that can only just block a specific area if there are elevations on the ground then the wall not hide that place too instead just vertically hide an area but miss a lot of place which makes it useless on hill places or places where the terrain has elevations. I suggest to buff that ability "tweak" to cover those blank spots aswell.

  7. 4 minutes ago, DoBoMi said:

    I am at -570 Platinum, so not that big of a deal. But if there wouldn't be any benefits because everything I have accomplished back then is worthless today, I wouldnt spend the money.

    What do you mean with Early Mastery Rank Test?

    You are a founder and you have the excall prime and skana-lato primes. It is still worth to keep it but you can also make one account from scratch if you wish. If I were you I would run 2 account a new one and keep the old one since you have the playtime, investments and the founder packs.


  8. I am not at home right now and yesterday hasn't that patience around 23:00 at night to wait for this update to download at least. I am sure everybody knew this was a mess when released because every update have compatibility issues with the curren state of the game so it will needs some week to fix things and be at least barely playable. Not tested it yet so I cannot say my build is good enough for it but certainly enough just the server side still buggy. So what is your first experiences beyond the lag-mess? There is any requirements for this map to play or just a spot on Earth and that's all?

    Also interested in how the fishing and mining going?

  9. Not tested yet this since yesterday at night I went sleep instead of waiting for the update. What I said yesterday about the game will be barely playable but noone really listens so enjoy your bug laggy gameplay. Fixes will coming in the next few weeks so maybe it will be playable without fps issues.


  10. 8 hours ago, Kaotyke said:

    I hope those words are delicious. Because Steve just declared: the ship is leaving the port!

    Actually Friday so there were no reality to play yesterday. When I got home after the work I will download it then prepare to fight. Come with me my fellow tennos!

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