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Posts posted by Sziklamester

  1. Just now, (Xbox One)Deadly Moves said:

    yeah im not scared of losing my clan/progress. i would only allow close trusted friends into the clan. I just wondered what impact an inactive leader would have.

    Only this. If you give permission to other members to do your job exactly then it is fine. If you not promote any of your members in the clan and not give permission then they can afford those actions.

  2. 1 hour ago, (Xbox One)Deadly Moves said:

    im fairly new to warframe, and i have created a clan which until the other day i was the only member. I have built and researched a lot of the weapons etc by myself. So why do you need to have an active clan leader?  How are the other clan members limited by the leaders absence?

    The leader gives the titles and the rights to do something. If you are one man clan it is not problematic because you are the warlord of your clan and you can do whatever you want. If the clan grows and more peoples come then you need to give them permission to do a certain action otherwise noone can do research, make rail, invite-promote-demote members.

  3. This is the reason for why I make friendships in the game and when I make a clan I choose wisely my members. Also I promote at least 5 warlord to my clans because I know the consequences if I am far from the activity timeline. Also the more leader could coordinate better the clan things and in a larger clans the more leader is necessary. In ghost clans I also promote 2-3 person to warlord for this reasons because the clans needs leaders. There were many issues with warlord inactivities and many thread made to point out the system is bad and there were clans where the leaders were inactive for a year or more so.

    Also I made so many clans from the smallest to the biggest tier so I know some metholds but always keep in mind only give leadership if you trust enough to your mates if you cannot then don't make a clan because if you go far away and long time not check then it could rot. Be more active.

  4. I am not bothering with the sorties since quest related stuffs and I am not eligible to play them but the rewards were always low. DE's reward philosophy is clear they doesn't like if you can farm efficiently but do many many times a mission to play the game and pray that Mr. RNG will notice you.

  5. The free market is good for those who ge their plat for free those whom paid money for plat not so. I am the latter and paid around 2800 dollar for plat but it was discounted so if we remove the discount then I am bought 10k dollar equivalent platinum. I have no intention to squandering those platinum amount on expensive items because I am only just use my plat for situational mods for lower prices and for slots which I have already a lot. The trading only works well if someone pay for the platinum otherwise the economy is very fragile.

  6. Warframe's economy is still better than the Project Entropy online economy. There were peoples whom bought a space station in game for 140 million Huf which is 510-515.000 US dollar so. 

    I played that game a little and also EVE and their economy compared to warframes are still worse but stable.

  7. 1 minute ago, Nakrast said:

    Well, perks of beng the developers?
    Suggestions are suggestions, they aren't obligated to take them.
    Like if someone suggests you to cut your arm just for fun, and it's the only suggestion you have, will you do it? lol.

    The two is not the same. But maybe yea. "just kidding" already cut.

  8. 6 minutes ago, ShiraHagane said:

    I would do that, but the design council already submitted 8 pages worth, gara not being one

    I am also council member but I was late in name suggestion "on vacation that time" and not checked the forums. Also the Gara is only derived from Vlada911's suggestion.

  9. 1 minute ago, Nakrast said:

    Those kind of posts are so useless, it's nearly amusing.
    Also, if you don't like how DE names their frames, why don't you throw a bunch of suggestions for her name? Instead of complaining without making any relevant point.

    The thing behind this many suggested names but they decided to pick one what sounded good for them.

  10. Many peoples suggested the Silica and Glaxia was also popular but the Vitriol / Vitria / Vitrina also was on the top suggested names but they just choosed one. My vote for Glaxia but if they already finished to capture the voices and names for the quest which will coming then pretty much we used to it. Glaxia for life!

  11. My vote for horizontal and vertical attacks. I know it has nothing to do with range but that is simply diffcult to add but that annoys me when trying to mining with a knife and a pile of ferrite tricks me "always move the character while attack".

  12. There are a lot of abandoned or pushed back ideas what they currently not worked on. Remember the Earth remaster and birds? We waited a 2-3 year for those birds which are not even pets?

    Also there is still core problems and there are mods which needs to be fixed already but they always pushing everyhing back when need to work so they begin a new project. I guess they felt in danger because some other game releases and could compete with WF so they pushing the open world to get more players. 

    I am still waiting for wallrun back and fix in the animation department. That meditation is bugs me. Also dojos need more love and we need our custom npc spawner option in dojo. The Kingpin system supposed to be something like tha but they pushed it back for PoE.

  13. Just now, DarkDullahan-Prime said:

    I know how the usage is, and how it's understood. It doesn't change the fact it's a loan-word (foreign word). Just because it can be understood as that, doesn't mean it's entirely correct either, and naming something like this you don't want a bastardized derivative of the language.

    Right. So we have the name fiasco then so maybe we will make a poll to change her name.

    Ps: It should be changed if DE wish to avoid their first time name fiasco. Hydroid was also a borderline in terms of naming "totally uncreative" but maybe the Gara make a precedent to make bad names. So maybe better to change it before the publicity get on their hands on her.

  14. Just now, DarkDullahan-Prime said:

    On top of that, Gara is such an overused name:

    • Gara from Naruto
    • Gara from WoW
    • Gara from Guild Wars 2
    • Gara from Kamen Rider
    • Gara from Dr. Slump
    • Gara from Bastard!! (a manga)

    the list goes on and on. It's super disappointing in how unoriginal this feels.

    Luckily I am not home at this kind of things. Except GW2 and Wow because I played them but not sure if I remember these names. Gara is that orcish lady right?

    Also yeah it seems they have had the most uninspirative name of choice for a glass themed frame. Now her crotch and her name be a nice pair and a good target of beign hated. Sad thing because still we not tested her in live action. Maybe she is fun but the popularity level goes down.

    It won't be at least that chroma like fiasco with the helmet so they were wise at least to change her main helmet to the alt helm as main. But oh man that crotch...

  15. Just now, TotallyLagging said:

    Thank you for, uh, taking the bullet? Coulda at least censored the names mate.


    Now that that's out of the bag the most popular name was "Silica" wasn't it? I personally don't like that name either, but that's a heck lot better than "Gara".

    Glaxia also was mentionned but far later when they already decided the name. Glaxia at least sounds something nice and that was the second / third most popular idea.

  16. 9 hours ago, DarkDullahan-Prime said:

    No, that's not how DE operates these things.

    And if anything I'm just upset that they derived it from "garasu" which was stated as being Japanese for glass, which it is not, it's the English loanword term for glass being stated in katakana. The actual Japanese term for glass is「硝子」(Hari) meaning "Glass; Crystal" so submission is highly misinformed in this case.


    True that "above n a post I wrote this". 

    I am not that upset because I know how DE changing ideas and after zephyr and mesa gender changes I am not sure at all if I wish to make serious concepts because I am afraid what they will do with it. 

  17. Just now, AXCrusnik said:

    I don't see why they would use something like strawpoll when previous polls used the integrated forum poll tool. As seen in a pic in a previous post, a Dev closed the suggestion thread by announcing DE's chosen name.

    True that but many peoples "whom not in the council" are using this way to give more voice to their opinions. I never seen any of strawpolls used in any type of fixes or anything used in but many peoples use it for some opinion voicing.

    The poor man's DC tool basically.

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