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Posts posted by Sziklamester

  1. Better to post this later when they finish and fix PoE. Also Someone could post a weapon check for buffs. I will later on make some time to make a list what weapons need buffs and what changes needs. Suggestions and constructive ideas all accepted from others. 

  2. The game time is correct and not really can be shorter only if the rng entirely removed or the stats changed. The only reason the game like warframe work with rng otherwise it cannot provide to you a long game time, lore, gameplay and the game would have be so short. This game is based on grinding and there is nothing much other than that. This is not that kind of game neither a sandbox game so the game time cannot be expanded way like this.

    The only solution could be the rng reforming and rebalancing the item drops so you can get in a certain time that item you need it. 


    Ps: I have a job but I am single so I can manage to play daily and keeping alt accs too for play. Also have time to play other games and do my hobby at home too. 

  3. The best if you dont get your hope so high and keep realistic in this matter. There are fan concept frames which entered but at a time and a year DE can make only 3-4 frame if they have enough inspiration and mood to do. Better if you think the worst then you cannot be disappointed. The very first frames were designed by DE but after that they used fan concepts and basically all frame after Saryn or Ash dunno which one they used fan based concepts. Nova was also a fan concept and all other frame after that was fan inspired concept and the mesa was originally planned as a male gunslinger but they decided instead make a female gunslinger. I think that a moderator made that concept or a fan but certainly fan concept. Good minor secret originally ember was male, mag was male, ash were female in concept but in execute it become male. Chroma was fan concept, zephyr also was male and fan concept by inuzuka, but they in the end butchered into a weird looking bird. Pretty much every frame was fan concept but we could say nezha and wukong was different because they were popular in other games like lol, dota, and other kind of games and they just used them to fill that space. 

    The rate of implmenting fan concepts is small because they do more than just making frames. If they wish they could make 10 frame per year but they need to create lore for them and boss or other situation where these can be dropped. There are many concepts what I like and I am also trying to make one or two concepts in the hope they won't butcher it and use it on another form than what I imagined at first. 

  4. They seems learned how not to hype the game anymore. The last one hypes most of them was a little fiasco to them because they said they will release but in the end DE'lays' happend. Also the best surprise if they not sharing much at all because we players wish to explore these new things and systems one by one. Like the guy said above me 'they do not want spoil us'.


  5. I personally don't like the operators nor the archwing because these ar not impressed me at all. The lunaro was an interesting experiment and it could work if they finish it or expand the system.

    The lunaro needs more interesting rewards, more arena (maps) and a bit bigger capacity. Also would be nice to have some dojo lunaro plus player created events and competitions then I guess many clan which are active will be make delegations and make in house torunaments for the real tournaments. This element is missing from the clans / alliances repertoire which can make the clans and alliances more meaningful than the research. There need more fun pvp duelling, more entertaining options and then the Lunaro could be more popular.

    The archwing also could get it's competitive (racer) additions to make it interesting and it would be nice if they make the movement system better than this then I am sure more peoples will use it.

    The operators are introduced long after the game start and many peoples used his/hers headcanons what the tenno like and what warframes are. They basically ruined the headcanons and introduced non cliche' cliche kids with superpowers one of the bad kind what in tv movies and series can happen and not so popular. If they introduce adults maybe it would have had been much better to accept because the majority in any way imagined persons inside the suit. The recent warframe designs looks weird and antihuman in that aspect their looks not really appealing for a normal healthy human inside of these armors. With this introduction they basically ruined a good start for older players whom played the game longer. Many accepted many not and many peoples have nothing bad/good opinions on them some like/loves them. I personally not like their voiceacting and their clunkyness but I haven't finished the quests so my opinion is based on the common fact what other players / toubers and other sources say. Also I know how annoying ordis or lotus so without a proper option to eliminate them fully I could be sick if I need all the day listen them. DE made a lot of good and bad designwise implementations and I count al of them.

    The operators however now the part of the game so any changes which make them interesting, less repetitive in voiceacting and a better character creation could give them a good boost and kick them to the usefulness from the not so useful category. 


    My opinion on the optional and forced stuff is there will be always contents which feels forced because that need them for progression milestones. The junctions introduced to force peoples to develop and reach by themselves the starchart instead of taxi. The kuva farming optional but forced because otherwise you cannot get rivens and kuva however I am not a fan of the rivens and nor I have them. (bandaid). The frames recently added to the game was forced us to play quests and the others also force us to fight with bosses to get them. These things for me less forcing because it makes some sense and add some challange to the table. The problem is only with the forced contents if those are not fun at all and you need to do them for progress. The developers can make a game mode interesting or fun if execute them right if not then you feel it is a force which against your fun. You are here to have fun and enjoy the game if the game turn into a job then it is less fun and it will burn you out.

    I am not against any content and addition if those are fun and the forcing of player is not feels a force. 

  6. There are many systems which still half baked and badly implemented or mentionned but not implemented.

    These: - Solar Rails, Dojo-Relays, Expanded orbiter-Ship extensions, Raids, Operators, Kingpin, Focus (next week will be finished at least), universal vacuum, Sentinel-companion balances (Ai + survivability + sentinel weaponry), Lore fixing, Weapon balance pass (this seems slow process to them), Syndicate expansions, Mod balance - reworks, Movement and animation fixings, general bug fixes (3-4 years old bugs). 

    I like the plains and wish to have more plains too but firstly they need to test if the plains goes well that is now a test subject to them. The above list of systems are waiting for so long to fixes and they (the devs) still not made any progress to them. As their head I can understand they need to left some stuff to work on something later because if they have no work then they feel themselves bad. A lot of these systems are in a bad position and I think the devs know these and they wish to work on these but they need to make new content aswell.

    They could not consider those finished when there are flaws and many of these not functioning well. 

  7. Also there are many competitive clan which rotates the rooster if many peoples not so active in daily they kick them for a more active people. The burn out often happens in these clans because many need teamspeak or discord for chat and only invite peoples whom have headset and any other voice chat options. Another which why is the weird requirements to play 7/24 which is mad because a lot of us have no that time to play so much and otherwise normally everyone plays as much as much they want. I tested some clans where the communication was bad and the player migration was high for various reasons. Normally any clan stay ghost level because the cheapest research costs otherwise not really worth to improve into higher tiers because of the lack clan competitions and there are no tournaments.

    Also a normal clan doesn't kick peoples just for degrade their clan level cause the Hema research for example. These things pointing out the players are unpatient and many have competitive mindset and the devs not really bothered to check the consequences. Also any normal clan give enough time to their players and not kicking out them. Also a normal clan leader promote trusted persons to do the same level where he can coordinate and do things because there need active clan coordination and contact.

  8. 4 hours ago, o0Despair0o said:

    A whole month, buddy. You should be be happy that the "leader" of your clan isn't like the leader of my old clan before I and some friends decided to go our own way and create a new clan, because he kicked everyone who hasn't been online for just 2 weeks.

    Like literally, you went on vacation or something for 2 weeks, and you're kicked.


    That's the good thing about most smaller clans that big ones - you're less likely to get kicked for some nonsense like this.

    That is a sad thing and not really a nice person who kicks just for weeks. In my clan the limit of hiatus was 1 full year after that we kicked peoples whom was inactive during that year but I never made competitive clans and most of them turned out to be something but I always left my clans after I finished my duty there. Now there are 8 ghost clan 3 shadow 2 mountain and 2 moon clan what I made but developed into. 

    All is pretty much depending on the person who leads the clan. I also sadly learned what can happen if you invite the wrong persons and promote them. My third or fourth clan was where I promoted some friend but those turned against me and they decided to kick me from the clan and kicked wildly persons just to shape the clan for their likes. No need to say I ignored them instant and moved away.

  9. I can agree with the fist and other close combat melee weapons need some buffs and revisit (hopefully DE still doing the revisits) because many weapons needs it.

    What is annoys me mostly the fact that we are space ninja-warriors but we cannot use unarmed fighting techniques. I want to kill thousands of enemies with my bare hands and use some shaolin technique aswell to beat my enemies. There should be a way where we can defend ourselves without any of our weapons at least it won't be too fast and effective tool for killing but kicking-swinging-boxing also is a useful thing and the finishers could be just as lethal like we use daggers on these situations. Also it is not problem if we deal a limited damage but if better than zero then it is worth to make a try. 

    Just my opinion and long ago it was discussed but if they "devs" wishing to rework the movement system in the meaning they will try to motion capture the moves for more realistic and fluid movement then they could try to capture some melee technique aswell.

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