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Posts posted by Sziklamester

  1. 53 minutes ago, Momaw said:

    "A helpful community where no-one makes you feel like you're left behind"

    That's not really my experience.  Even as a long time player who has a good grasp on how most things work, I often get completely left behind by players who have no interest in a cooperative experience. It's not uncommon to see players take every speed increasing feature available, race ahead at every opportunity, not wait for you at elevators or objectives, kill the boss before you ever see it... well, there is very little incentive in Warframe for a strong or skilled player to ever play cooperatively.  Especially with someone who is less skilled, less geared, or not specialized in speedrunning like they are. What I'm saying is that in the vast majority of cases, the game fundamentally does not require or reward teamwork and so a good number of people who can get through alone don't bother.  There is not much that is more demoralizing than seeing blatant proof that your presence was merely coincidental to the mission's outcome.

    That's why you need to find in game friends whom playing the similar playstyle what you like to do. And sadly true the game is not reward the real teamplay and there is no real reason to do it because of differences and the whole game design is made for speedruns. This is not that type of game where you can only play coop with your friends in the same place like in some older game where you have had shared screen with whom you play.

    Also the game is not giving enough loot. The caskets and lockers are nice idea from DE along with secret rooms but there is no mod drop from there and in the whole time you just get some small amount of loot which not makes interesting to try and loot all the map. The affinity system also works differently because that tries to force the peoples to actual do team play with the affinity sharing range but I seen many mission where all members were in different rooms and far from each other so the xp and loot not shared well and everyone just tried to kill more.

    I am that category who is not considered a likely person in speed runs because the majority just rushing the missions while I loot, explore, trying to stay close to help others but totally hate the runs.

    Most of the time playing solo or playing missions where the map size is not problem and can play with others. A coop game without coop. 

  2. For me the platinum discounts were so short and only bought 3 times with 75% but then the highest possible because Then I was too careful and thought there is no other way to obtain platinum. "in that time wasn't trade implemented yet" but suddenly all the discounts ended for me. I didn't get any since 2014 so I tried to take some break in order to get some more platinum discount but after that never got any. After the login reward rework I hoped some discount but still didn't got any dcs.

    Nowadays I am just live on what I saved and via trading I earn some platinum but I don't like to take others stuffs so I pretty much just use my left plats when really need something.

    Luckily I got everything what I wanted I have enough slots both in warframe both in weaponry section only the pet and sentinel is what not so great but I don't really care that part.

    If DE consider to lowering the price or just somehow give me discounts again then I would like to buy some again and help them further and make my in game economy.


    Also - It is just an observation but newly created accounts are more often get platinum discounts but I guess this work similar like in real life where if you are new patient then you can get some bonus and extras over the old "loyal" consumers.


  3. 49 minutes ago, Xylaria said:


    Hello! I was browsing the forums and couldn't help but notice one of my favorite concepts for fan-made warframes being executed, though I have a minor issue with execution.

    That is, the design you have for most of her abilities is exceedingly great, but I can't help but feel her current 4th ability is incredibly out of place for a game like Warframe, and could potentially cause massive issues in Conclave--not just for Flora herself, but also for her allies. Being rooted, even temporarily, spells death in conclave, and her allies would have to stay near the flower to use it--good for defense/survival, sure, but otherwise far too limiting, especially with how the buff's "generation"/"randomization" is handled. 

    Thusly, I propose a rework:


    Flora begins blooming. The next four actions Flora takes each increase her beauty until she blooms fully, with up to four different effects present in her bloomed form's pollen. More charges grant increased effects at the cost of other effects.

    Shooting grants charges of Toxic, rolling grants charges of Protective, melee attacking grants charges of Carnivorous, and bullet jumping grants charges of Roots.

    • Toxic - grants toxin damage
    1. Grant +10% Toxin damage to weapons of allies
    2. Grant +20% Toxin damage to weapons of allies
    3. Grant +30% Toxin damage to weapons of allies
    4. Grant +40% Toxin damage, +15% Fire rate, attack speed, reload speed, and movement speed


    • Protective - grants damage resist
    1. Grant +5% damage mitigation to allies
    2. Grant +10% damage mitigation to allies
    3. Grant +15% damage mitigation to allies
    4. Grant +20% damage mitigation and restores 7.5% of allies' total combined HP every second.*


    • Carnivorous - Grants melee damage
    1. Grant +20% melee damage to allies
    2. Grant +30% melee damage to allies
    3. Grant +40% melee damage to allies
    4. Grant +50% melee damage and +25% lifesteal to allies


    • Roots - Grants power range
    1. Grant +15% power range to allies
    2. Grant +30% power range to allies
    3. Grant +45% power range to allies
    4. grant +60% power range, +25% power strength


    • Protective's 4-charge additional buff is based around the entire squad's health pool, rather than the individuals'. So if you have 3 Inaros and you're playing Flora, the HP Regen will be far higher than if you're playing with 3 Banshees. (Overall, it'd be best to have a mixed amount of high and low health pools, so you can heal squishies faster. A balanced garden includes both delicate bluebells and mighty oaks, after all.)
    • Power Strength does not affect the base effect's percentile, but does affect 4-charges' additional buff percentages.
    • Buff Radius is 12/15/17/20 meters, and scales with power range.
    • Duration is 20/25/30/35 seconds, and scales with power duration.
    • Flora is the Buff's "anchor", and all the flowers on her body and helmet spawn clouds of pollen in her energy color when the buff finishes "growing". The radius is displayed as a hazy circle of pollen in Flora's Energy color, similar to the ring around Valkyr in her hysteria, or Octavia's Melody.
    • Recasting will cancel the buff early and allow you to try again if you messed up. No refunds on energy, though.

    Sounds interesting and worth addition.

  4. Depend on the sellers and buyers. There are patient and normal peoples whom likely to make deals and kind/polite enough to not arguing with others but there are tards whom not accept any social rules and behave like idiots. 

    Most of the time I am not bothering with trading instead helping my ex and future clan mates or friends with stuffs. Rarely need for me anything and I have enough slots for the future items and frames so not really urgent to do deals. I can farm most of the stuffs and what not interests me I am not care about that.

  5. 8 hours ago, TrinityPrime said:

    Ya I've ran into similar players over the years. Three particular ones stuck in my mind. One player kept telling me it was impossible to use a certain cheese approach to one the mastery rank tests (before simaris practice tests were a thing) even though I used that approach a few days prior (no update between then and when I had the conversation) yet he then kept telling me I wasn't of that mastery rank in my profile even tho I was.

    Or another time back before star chart 3.0 update fixed explosives auto-headshotting I'd get into an argument everytime I ran into a particular player in region prime who kept telling me explosives don't autoheadshot despite being able to tell exactly what tests I ran to check and yet they called me a liar and claimed they also did tests and everyone in their clan agreed with them.

    Last of which was a guy in region who accused me of lying by spreading false information when I kept explaining that corrosive vs ferrite and radiation vs alloy don't just add 75% damage but also ignore 75% of there respective armor type's armor rating. 

    All three cases ended with them calling me a troll and putting me on ignore.

    Players are like the stars, there are bright ones, there are those that are dim, and then there are those that are just dense.

    Partly but most of the players are blackholes.

  6. There are peoples like the op whom not like or not easily accept if they refused or handled like a trash for beign nice and helpful. There are different type of players and everyone handle things differently. 

    Op my advice is don't bother yourself with things like this because in the real life happens the same, no matter you were nice or good there will be peoples like this one who thinks differently.

    These things are common in every virtual-real life community and not really helps to you post to the forums because you get more of it from other peoples. If you feel you need to tell someone just simply tell your friends your experiences or ask some person from the community to talk about it. (I am aware of these things) but surely there will be others too.


    Also there is no reason to cry on every person because there are peoples whom much nicer and kind and more tolerant. The majority of players are trying to be nice but those wont be patient and tolerant enough to bother with them. Focus on peoples whom were nice to you and not butthurts.


  7. Limbos kit made to keep away mobs and he have useful abilities. The problem only with his abilities is the fact he needs to control an area directly to be useful and other frames need less space to do the same. Te pick up thing was a problem, solved but he cannot be changed in any way to be more useful than this simply just peoples get butthurt, because he is an area control frame and his abilities designed for this. He can save mates with his first and kill on low level mobs. His stasis can stop enemies in change the bullets not abled to use. This is a built in drawback for reason otherwise he would be too op. His third ability in my opinion is the weakest but yet useful. The last ability is good because he can replenish energy with kills and passively. Also his passive meant to be energy regen and avoid fight and he does it fine.

    Public matches are random so everybody coming with what he feels he wish to use. Directly made groups better for Limbo because he can be useful for the team which ask for him. I personally haven't any problems with Limbos and not often happens that scenario if a wild Limbo follow you and banish you. Simply that can be reported so those players not really want a ban for it so not a common thing. Accidentaly they can banish you but at least you are immune to any damage.


    I see only 2-3 point where he can be tweaked if his first could be toggle ability to change to single or multiple targets and also the ability could scale with enemy levels. His stasis can be enable for friendly targets to use their guns if they are banished. His cataclysm seems fine now but maybe it can be change in a different coloring way to be less problematic in visually. Otherwise I feel it is fine now.

  8. I would not mind the larger maps if there will be much more content. This is currently will be a test phase and if the peoples impressed with PoE update overall then they could improve and expand the map. Also new maps will coming soon, so we can get possibly a new Earth open world, Venus one, Mars one and maybe Mercury but not sure if DE wish to bother with barren worlds because there would be nothing really. Mercury is used only for asteroid mining and the other maps have possibilities.

    Also these maps still buggy and on Mars there are a lot of blank spot with no textures which needs to be fixed. Also I would like to see more non openworld tiles too because that can add a lot to the mix. There is also a lot other types which missing and need to be done.

    Performance wise this cannot be terrible because this game not an iron eater so it shouldn't be eat so much memory. The larger maps can be handle well in other games those works only one thing need to be fixed before larger maps is the locations, loots, enemies and everything filled with fun. Large maps only good if there is something to explore and if the randomity there then you won't find twice things there. If they make fix maps and not random generated then they need to make it interesting to be useful.


  9. DE randomly send invitations to the guide of the lotus. For the eligiby you need to be very helpful with players, need to be experienced in game in any part and you need to pay some tax for applying this job.

    Just kidding with the last part but the first 2 thing is necessary. Also you can write a letter to any community moderator or support to ask your to be guide.

  10. 11 hours ago, BornWithTeeth said:

    Hello @Sziklamester


    I'm tickled to be summoned in here, but cool, here goes:


    Ember is pretty fine right now, and in those areas where she is deficient, I certainly would not go so far as to request a rework for her, because any such rework would most certainly do more harm than good.


    Like a schoolboy writing an essay, I'm gonna slap this right under three headings, and tell you what those headings are right at the start.


    "Ember ruins fun through wide area destruction at low levels!" Pffff.


    Ember: Goddess of Crowd Control, Attended On Left And Right By Her Murder-Angels Of Axe And Shotgun


    DE Will Only Give Ember Scaling Damage As A Consolation Prize After They Ruin Her: AKA Reworks Are A Devil's Bargain



    Everybody on board? Cool.


    "Ember ruins fun through wide area destruction at low levels!" Pffff.

    Right, as people have pointed out, if DE remove Ember's ability to do this, then two weeks later there'll be threads demanding the removal of Equinox's Maim, and chances are that it will be some of the exact same people whining and missing the point. Then it will be the Atterax and other whip weapons. This is a daft position to take, chaps, and a stupid hill on which to die. In fact, it's barely even relevant to this discussion. I could happily live without Ember's ability to nuke entire rooms, as that's not what I use her for. Her wide area destruction is a side effect of her true role, and the damage she causes is basically a carrier/vector for that. What is this true role to which I allude?


    Ember: Goddess of Crowd Control, Attended On Left And Right By Her Murder-Angels Of Axe And Shotgun

    Right. Ember has a couple of the best Augments in the game, and a power kit which is sweet, self contained, and efficient to use. Her Firequake Augment means that at Warframe's true level (which is the second and third Sortie missions. Hard facts, which are the truth. Warframe's real level is around level 70-100, with a Sortie Condition.) the way she works is that Ember exists at the centre of a circle of enemies who can't fight effectively because they have a doctor's note saying that they're on fire. At this level of the game, it is the truth that her powers aren't doing the killing. This is why you play Ember as a short ranged executioner, wielding weapons like massive damage-per-shot shotguns, or the Disco Deathblender. You can alternatively go for a finisher build using her earlier powers, and regardless of what you're doing here, her Accelerant ability is amazing, because it buffs fire damage and improves your casting speed for your other abilities. Ember, when built for duration and efficiency, is one of the very best crowd control 'frames in the entire game, where her abilities weaken and disrupt enemy formations, allowing you to charge in and be amazingly effective as a close ranged combat 'frame using your weapons for damage output. She also reliably procs Fire status on enemies, which combines neatly with newer Status builds.

    "But wait," I hear you call, "Why don't we just scrap that and make her into a DPS 'frame instead? With scaling damage?" 


    DE Will Only Give Ember Scaling Damage As A Consolation Prize After They Ruin Her: AKA Reworks Are A Devil's Bargain

    Right guys, here's the deal: DE's most recent forays into the field of making Warframes scale have been problematic in the area of actual gameplay. Nidus and Octavia scale well, but their gameplay is a complete snoozefest. Nidus has to spam his '1' every five seconds in order to remain useful, and Octavia's kit is a cooldown management simulator where you just hammer buttons and let a drum do all the work.
                          Then there's Hydroid's rework, where they cut the range of his abilities in half and built everything into his puddle. His puddle eats high level enemies in a fashion which is completely spectacular...in the Simulacrum, and much, much harder to actually pull off in a mission. Regardless of that, they've still given him scaling damage, but in a form which incentivises sitting still doing nothing. 

    Basically, DE have this bizarre zero sum game mentality about how they achieve game balance. DE will never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever give Ember scaling damage on her abilities without also taking her out behind the shed and ripping her kneecaps off with a power drill. As Ember stands right now, her kit is fast to deploy, rewards building for duration to affect area crowd control and her own speed of casting, and encourages mobility and fast paced combat. Absolutely none of that would survive a rework, because if DE reworked her, they'd probably give her scaling damage but at the cost of making her unbelievably clunky, energy inefficient, and reliant on deliberately spamming her powers to such a degree that her ability to function in a team would be destroyed.


    So, no thanks. I like Ember. She works great. 



    Hello there! Thanks for your contribution to the thread. Every opinion count for me.

    Also summoning @MagPrime to this.

  11. 13 minutes ago, phoenix1992 said:

    First thing first - read trough this article please. If you think that any issue is resolved by "trowing more numbers at the wall" after that... 

    But let's return to the "game ruiner".
    This is the most selfish and entitled attitude for a game that promotes heavy customization and min maxing. "I am MR 5, I do not know of primes, rivens, corrupted/primed/nigthmare mods or for some reason chose not to pick them, them big bad AoE nukers (a position that is actually needed in a Horde rush like warframe) are killing things too fast in *timed alerts*.

    Let me give a small heads up. If it is not ember it will be rush Volt. If it is not Volt it will be Equinox. If it is not Equinox it will be Rants that Nova makes the game "anti fun" with her big scary "molecular prime" that is capable of wiping the map. Then it will be valkyrie (because we have to speak about valkyrie each 4 weeks) . Because somone does not have fun.

    Considering end game scaling of Ember output... You want an ember main? Does 40% of 1.3k in steam and atleast 1k more outside of it suffices? Or my experience is not validated because exactly "I am ember main".

    Welp. Thank you for reading through my post and quote the least interesting part. +1

    The last part meant to be involved to this topic two ember main person whom I know who can contribute more to the subject. Rémes vagy.

  12. If I may be honest I would prefer to balance all frames on starmap plus high up to lvl 100 enemies the frames without mods. After that there could be useful the right modding but the frames are different and each frame live short without mods and there are huge gaps. There could be some option to change the scaling to fit for an unmodded frame at least up to level 50 after that the enemies could be difficult because those are out of the area of limits.


    In a last thread I argued with peoples how ember ruining low level gameplay for relaxing peoples, casuals and for newbies whom will just see this and learn how to be selfish in the game. I don't want nerfs at all only when there is not better solutions but I prefer instead the buffs and tweaks or rarely total reworks when a frame out to date or cannot fit to the role anymore. Ember can do a job on low level and many peoples use her to just rush a mission and kill fast but she is not a tool and other frames not a tool. In lorewise they are but in reality for a player perspective these created for fun and not for simple tools which do a job. I don't like the one trick ponies and specialists because they are generally suck in everything except one area.

    Ember can be more powerful if her abilities or at least 1-2 of them could scale with the level or she can get more buff or more cc. Her ultimate can decimate low to medium level enemies instant or fast enough to not give a chance to peoples to kill anything. The problem is this and how to make frames to be balanced to each others and how not ruin others gameplay. Hard job and very hard to exceute but there are some idea how can be done.

    On forums you can find a lot, we now talking about solutions too and ideas how she can be better while doesn't ruin others fun. She have a lot of potential in damage scaling cause she have heat damage built in and if her ultimate and her first could scale with levels then more ore less embers can move up some grade and harrass higher level enemies and they probably won't be seen soo often on lower levels. Also there are opinions that say she is fine as it is but certainly not fine if on lower levels they kill everything from others. The problem is the game is all about killing things and the kill is important personal counter to determine you are good or not enjoy the game or not. Also there are frames and playstyle where not matter the kills and not everytime need to kill but when you in row with embers or any nukers on your relaxing runs then you probably will be annoyed. 

    There are peoples "remember an old thread" where a person asked if he/she can play the game without a single kill. This is only possible if he/she carried but after they introduced the new beginner tutorial there is no option to stay clear. Also the game is fun if you can race with others just a little with the kills it is a natural thing and no need to be selfish or say those peoples are proud diks.

    I play often supportive roles and sometimes kill a lot or over kill my concurency. I try to not kill steal others prey and as much as I can I try to use my abilities only when really needed and not spam them. There are a normal level of ability spam but there are peoples whom always turned on and hard to do any useful on the mission. Pretty much noone play the game for a walking simulator and pretty sure nobody likes when cannot kill a little bit. It is not about you are selfish because asking for a little chance to kill is not selfish but there are peoples whom counteract you because you not effective as them.


    Also this thread not full without ember mains so maybe I summon some of them.

    @Andaius @BornWithTeeth

  13. This is a well detailed tutorial and all good points but for this the first of all is the language. Personally not writing feedbacks because In english I cannot explain well my thoughts so I stay away from feedback making. Others what you wrote are clear and fine but I only capable to make it in my native language.

    Most of the feedbacks are bad partly because this community is multicultural and there are a lot of peoples whom not fluent in english like myself but tries to improve the game. I have time issues why I am not good in english because have no time to learn. I have 2 job to do and I have some projects to do but still wish to improve the game but on my own way.

  14. Those players whom spamming the platinum sell and advertise a site are all bots because you cannot reply them and they are not reply at all. Other thing is these "users" are non existent when you try to find them. Reporting is not a solution because that not make hard the bot maker's life. DE need a new algorithm which filter players which reached the mr2 and eligible for trade. Those who not reached the mr2 are not eligible for the trade and they have no benefit for the trade tab anyway. Lock it to them then they cannot spam to the trade chat and at least that makes harder to the bot makers the job because they need to manipulate the bots rank which mean more works to them and in the process DE can catch them.

    I think this is a good solution to keep clear the trade chat.

  15. Just now, WhiteMarker said:

    Before I get exited I want to see the bonuses these arcanes are offering.
    Sure, mining sounds fun. But will it be worth it? Time will tell. And until then no hype from me.

    It could be similar like the system in wow. Or better to say diablo 2 just without the ability of mining.

  16. 4 years ago used once a health restore the old type. Since I never used any of these restores because I can manage my in and output and not rely on my frame skills. Same with the chipers simply because I learned how to hack fast and efficiently. Different problems different solutions.

  17. The first one seems cool too because the negative only affect the slide attack crit chance so he normal attacks still have chance unaffected to hit crit. The second one nice too but the finisher damage is negative so had problems to do finisher kills so you probably will use it thiis to do raw damage or channelled attacks. I would stick with the first but the second can be stll useful.

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