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Posts posted by Sziklamester

  1. On 2017. 01. 13. at 7:56 PM, (PS4)Mofojokers said:

    Same reason we do..... a glimmer of hope for something useful. 😂

    Though DE should be concerned about the feeling of getting shoddy items so many days in a row. It can have an impact on the players and even burn them out on Warframe.



    That sadly not happening because the devs not even playing their games and every dev can cheat with their accounts to spawn items or add infinite platinum. 

  2. Except the founder thing almost all subject can be talked about a lot.

    The genderswap is a nice idea and could be good it just gives plus variety in frames and whom want to play that type of frame in different gender they could that is also a lot more work for the devs but they have already some base model for it or they can use reference the wanted gender frame. 

    Token system could be a nice idea if they work on the thing.

    Auction house also a wary subject and many dislike it some not my opinion it is just a form of the trading. 

    Sortie reward also a daily thing but all of these have solutions. The sad part there are peoples whom cry or yelling if they see threads like this and as fast as possible they call a moderator to close it. It is against the rule of free topic speeching / writing in this case. The option is always there not to attend if you not agree with a subject or if you disagree you can be constructive.

    As much I come to the forums as much I have losing my attention on begin or comment a topic because of hostility what peoples generate. It is just boring and totally worthless to arguing with peoples whom can't the base rules of arguing or nor clever enough to comprehend a topic.


  3. For a weak weapon the only solution the stat buff. Nothing can make viable a stuff with random numbers only just the devs direct buff. This is supposed to be an endgame system which can boost your arsenal but the already good weapons have a real benefit from it. A skana or lato won't be sogood with a riven because its stats tells it is a mediocre weapon. The aklato can be better thanks for the slash focus but there is more problems with handling.

    like the ether sword only with a slight buff can be more viable in raw damage and status the heat sword beats it. There are huge gaps between weapon and weapon. Some other weapon have interesting mechanics which makes them fun to use but the majority of weapons are just bad and uninteresting.

  4. 6 minutes ago, OPdatSHIET said:

    rappelz (didn't mention it at first since most games don't allow mentions of other games on their forums)

    I heard about a little by myself but not played that game.

  5. 57 minutes ago, OPdatSHIET said:

    I've been here for? 54 weeks or so...when I started playing WF, it was my main game for about 8-9 months, now it's back to being my secondary game. Main f2p mmorpg just had its 10 year anniversary, for me about to be 10 years in februari.

    Which one?

  6. I am here from the open beta begins and made some alt accs too. My playtime distributed between them and played other games too so not bored out and will not bore anytime soon. The question if I will stay more couple of years here? I guess so if they doesn't ruining the game with unnecessary microtransactions and add a large variety of new enemies, lore, frames - weapons, maps, option to make more deeper content by players and so on.

    Also Hope they will make a sequel or just remake the game on a better engine when this gets out dated. The content will be there but they can improve the visuals a lot and the physic can be much better then. 

    I am sad a lot of mates left and great names left the game but we need to focus on keep alive this pearl.

  7. I would like to keep the damage mods but with the system what I said. If they removing them maybe I will use fire rate, reload, status duration, special mods with special extras or elemental mods itself. I still saying the removal of damage mods is not solve the problem and who want to play as weak. Those damage numbers any way should be kept if they won't do something with the scaling. 

    I will later make a better explanation but I am now at my workplace so can't do further investigation.

  8. 7 hours ago, Mak_Gohae said:

    You mean your warframe's neck.


    ANd this is a good idea. This should calm down some of the fashionframe maniacs.

    This is almost the same if that have on my neck in reality. Btw I know the feeling because I had not so long ago one in my body so not really wanted to meet another one.

  9. 2 hours ago, Steadfast said:

    Hey, money ain't a bad reason to do anything. I myself am in the business of making money. When I go to work and do my job as long as I am providing something people are willing to buy, I don't think about anything else. I don't work for free and I don't suspect many others do. I'm of the belief that over half of gamers are too young to understand this and therefore will complain if something isn't given to them, or talk about fan service. Well noone in this world is out there for you, except maybe your mom. Sure I have problems with a lot of business decisions in a lot of games and I think a lot of games take advantage of peoples spending habits. I wouldn't say this game is exempt from that either. I will say, 90% of the complaints regarding DE and its business decisions are biased and unfounded. 

    In the end only one thing remains true, as long as this game is making money, it will succeed, the minute it stops making money they will either find out what they can do to keep it profitable or shut it down. But people who never spend money that are complaining about a game like this don't have room to speak. Until you have invested your own money into said product then you are leeching off of those who have. Off of me. Gamers like me who spend money are the reason games like this are thriving.

    This. And I also spent a loads to their game just keep it run. This vaulting system works everywhere the same and only for moneymaking.

  10. 3 hours ago, Hypernaut1 said:

    While there are so many people calling DE greedy.... Prime vault means free plat for me. I hope they keep it. It rewards me for my stockpile.

    I have some sets I'm sitting on just because they're vaulted.

    Before the vault, I remember Ember was considered a trash prime set. Mag is still cheap though, I don't know why.

    I'm glad there is a prime vault. DE makes money, I make plat. It's a win/win for me.


  11. 2 minutes ago, KillerSiri said:

    I may be reading this part wrong, but I did a count and, not including prime variants, there are 16 guy frames and 14 girl frames.  How is that overwhelming?

    He meant that he want to use their powers  for example as male ember. There is frames to choose from and in time will be more but that is not how many peoples wanted this. Old story not likely to happen anytime soon.

  12. This is an old wanted thing in this game but the devs many times said no then long ago said it is possible in some form but not how in any other mmo work. Sadly here they choosed the class locked genders like many other mmo game.

    Some frame in the old time had a male female variant like nyx was mrs excallibur, mag was male and ember was male too but after they come up with open beta they decided they won't make gender options because in that time it wasn't enough rescources to them to make it.

    Nowadays it is possible to do but we will see that how they will solve this. They mentionned they will make similar themed frames for this but of course the best would be a normal gender option.

  13. Interesting thread. Most of the reason is as always in game like warframe to kill all. There are more peaceful games where you can choose let them alive or dead. Warframe is pretty much a game where you have no choice play the game without killing mobs because there are missions where you need kill in order to get through on that mission unless you play with a friend who does the job for you.

    Also Tennos aren't better than those whom we kill. Lotus herself is a bloodthirsty maiden because she let us kill and give us order to kill so she probably not know that says the agression makes more agression. The game is based on killing stuffs and lol them which if you think about it realistic then you realize that this game teach nothing just let us be aggressive. If you don't care and just think it is a game then maybe okay for you.


    Every war begins with the overlords order the foot soldiers just do their orders and tasks. Either hand in the scenes behind have a fear which is itself a motivation to fight with us. They have no chance against us in one to one so they hope is the group.

  14. If I were you I would like to play the game more. You pointed out a lot of problems what new player experience in their first plays but there are helpful peoples whom can help you and there is a wiki site where you can get info's at the beginning.

    My opinion is just give a little bit more time to yourself to like the game. I have some accs and Equally playing them but I tried as a perspective of new player and I can tell some part easier some harder than when I beginned the game.

  15. Up voted all. My idea about these specter are sentient controlled or just a better programmed version of specters whom waiting for us to be challenged. Another idea they are not exactly specters but warframes with no operator and the junction itself corrupted with void energy which takes control their specters or unused warframes.


    I don't mind if they talk but sad about we cannot.

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