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Posts posted by Sziklamester

  1. Next week possibly not because there is 2 day before the christmass period and they need a hotfix after nidus release because It won't be perfect. This week is an ideal release afterweek hotfix and they can go rest. I would wonder if they are no going to holiday in this period so this week and max monday the options.

  2. Simpler frames can be added in the futures but the devs adding more complex frames into the game. Reason if you made something complex then you want to add more complex things. Often the simpler is the better choice how Marvelous said because the complexity add not necessary workload to the players whom want to had fun and success as fast as possible. Other players like the challenges so the complex frames made to them. Saryn is more than 1 button frame but her rework was not so Good. They took from her survivaliability and her skill not scale well with the levels. A Loki always can disarm while the damage dealer frames cannot after a Point. Limbo is a good survivor and in the most situations viable his flaw the rift mechanics which block others to do something. Mag is simple but She is powerful for example and She got some reworks also.

  3. If someday riven come to the melee then I can suggest / mention the plasma Sword. It's existence hurt my Eyes and not only stat wise but design wise. That weapon need a rework badly but overall the older weapons needs their tweaks. Hope DE will realise they can't leave it untouched the old stuff no matter if have rivens there or nor. Time to put more effort there guys.

  4. My only issue with Nidus the "vortex" animation. I would like to see if they add some trilobyte like animation with tentacles which grab the mobs and stick them in one place. The current one seems uninspiring the infested icewave is not problematic since each abilities of other frames are copies and modifications. The maggots can be viable if they can leech the enemies and help their master with sharing life.

    The link seems interesting if it possible to do with more enemies by levelling that ability. 

    The major question for him is the hp value and the armor value since we have an inaros which use only hp and have a decent armor rate.


    The hp regen is a different story that is equal with the energy regen should be passive for all frames so it is not so unique passive instead he could transform into a more stronger version of "infested" with similar mechanics what equinox is.


    Otherwise I like the design but this frame could be good with these three frame in a quartet : Inaros, Nekros, Hydroid. Each with their spawn craps and armies of infested-zombie-scarab-tentacle master races. Other options up to also but this could be viable.

  5. In design wise this shotgun looks like the rubico, boar and latron had a fun together. Looks really cool and hopefully this will be the first shotgun which nearly in the same level in each damage types and not one dominant. 

  6. The Ideas what you wrote are fine just a little addition to this. Warframe community is a big multinational and cultural forge and I am pretty sure the majority of these problems the litte knowledge or the missing knowledge.

    For the use of paragraphs and write clearly you need to write on paper and learn some grammar rules. As foreigner and non english speaker the biggest problem sometimes not get what others want to write / say and a lot of peoples in the same boat.

    Many mistakes happen just because of this and often the grammar rules the hardest part to solve well because many peoples learn just by hear others or learn from pc. To be perfect need some practices and persons from that country which language you wish to learn.

    70 percent of misunderstandings are the not fluent grammatical rules and the missing writing skills which could help to communicate. Many peoples know their native grammatical rules, but others norlt really know the another.

    Just some opinion and sry if looks hushed I wrote this on my mobile phone.

  7. It is a beautiful weapon and back in time both with Heat swords was the coolest and strongest meeles. Each of them had cool mechanics but these are removed and forgotten by the time. These weapons and skana series kept only their stagger ability and the little extra damage against the infestation. These weapons need some tweaks and stat boosts before any priming but I like the idea.

  8. This won't happend any time soon and I said many times so I say here too. If they removal the pure damage mods they should buff to a level the weapons which could be on the current level with mandatory damage mods. If they remove something they should give in return something if they not touch the damage and enemy armor and stat scaling. If they just remove the damage mods and add 2 more slot then they should compensate the damage and now you have more powercreep than before. So the logical step is to them if they remove damage mods they will remove 1-2 slots to try keep balanced the stuffs and not reach too much powercreep. For this they should finaly decide to listen to those whom want a hardcore warframe and skill based game in this case they should kill the modding system because it recreate the powercreep because they doesn't know how to balance well. Another option to keep the game for gamers and for casuals and in this case they should keep those mods which seems their goal because the more casual player and pleasent player the more money for them so they will keep the "everyone" have a chance to fun concept. I would like to see a different warframe but too many component in this game is broken or half baked and they eagerly defending their milestones and if you critize the system then they will ban you or just ignore your advices. They know their game is currently in a stage where the game can be something but they artifically keep the game on this level because the game profitable to them and if they should touch the core mechanics that is either eats time and maybe they touch a part which worked relatively well.

    The recent riven mods and primed mods just shown how they wish to fix the problems with the simple idea " If you have only a hammer then you will see everything as a nail".

    So their solution is almost the same to everything and basically the core gameplay and flaws never change because they doesn't want touch it. If they just trying to buff the lower level weapons to a better levels and just slightly reduce the damage mods and trying to keep the balance on the mid way then thegame would have been much better but their effort to make money could fail.

  9. Those whom have the funds for in game stuffs are mostly working peoples and the least kids with daddy-mommy's credit card. Those who play the game freely are live on whom pay. If noone pay noone buy with money. The riven mods for some a welcommed addition for others are bandaid. I would like to see them working on the old content and buffing old stuffs. Opinions.

  10. Peoples can be rude in Trade because the rng differently judge who can get what and the sellers want the most possible plat from a deal no matter there is a price for a stuffs. Other hand most of the peoples generally mean and rude and cannot share the bare minimum of politeness. When I trade I ask peoples normal what they wish to buy and talk with them if they are emphatic enough. Patience and kindness are worth traits in trading.

  11. Making a model not so hard, texturing, rigging still not so hard, animating is a bit hard here, because they need to use the baseline movesets (copy paste) and add the unique frame movesets and idles. This takes time and that too when they try to fixing the position with each weapon because mostly that is what they need to test each weapon is correctly handed by the frame and clipping issues. They could make more frames with ease too because there is a tons of ideas to make and a theme not mean only one frame can be there so whom saying we have already this or that those peoples a bit narrowminded and cannot imagine the possiblities.

    The pre and after work which is hard to make a frame but when they have time they can add a lot more. Personally I would like this same mentality in balancing and buffing old content instead of bandaid solutions because I never liked if a job half done or partly good done when could be fine.

  12. I am agree with voltage but disagree on the pvp part because there are a decent pvp base in the Community. Old gears need more viability and that mean in long term they need buff the damage and give some utility. I am not sure about the dmg 3.0 because they added primed mods and riven mods to the table. See the long term plan is they not adding anything op stuff into the game while It is not fixed. That could hurt a lot of peoples if they just simply remove the damage mods because then in change they shoulg give back or compensate It the losses which means they add damage to the weapons by level ups but removing 2 slot avoiding the powercreep. If they leave It untouched the slots then they agree with the powercreep and again a lot of peoples will cry abou the powercreep. The enemy scaling is dependant on the mod system and on damage system so they should touch them which seems too huge what they can handle. Other Fact the mod system is a baseline in this game and It has flaws. They could fix only the problem if they entirely remove It but they spent a lot of time to improve this deadhorse but It is not really pleasant for the variety. Also They added a lot of bad mods which unused and unchanged by years now and there are a huge potential in It. Simply they Just drop out everything without planning the Next steps so we are the testers whom work on their job.

  13. 17 hours ago, Thylacin said:

    I've played this game for years now, and I realized that with all the super cool space-ninja moves we pull off, hundreds of enemies coming at us at once, and high-end Grineer or Corpus ripping through our shields like paper, people still take the time to TYPE in the chat. In all of my time playing, I've met about 10 people who actually speak through a microphone. I understand that a majority of people playing this game don't own mic's, i get it, but there's so little time to type an entire sentence in such a fast-paced game. It is so much simpler to press a quick button and speak, or have an open mic and simply talk. I've seen too many players take the time to type something, and die within seconds of opening the chat window. Come on guys! Use your voice, we don't bite.

    The majority doesn't speak english fluently. Many peoples have bad mics and hard to see what they want to say. Peoples like me stick with the type in safe places because better to see what others want to ask or write. There is no problem with your attitude but everyone different here and not everyone likes this or that. Personally I hate the vocal communication because my english is not so great and hard to get what others say. Imagine a bunch of spanish or russian whom talk too fast.

  14. I am agree with those whom saying they should have buff every single old weapon in the game because a stat boost is few number but the testing take the big time. Personally I would like if they take their time and buff those weapons they had years to balancing but they constantly ignored the fact if you do once a weapon then dont make much more op after or you need balance. I know It is time but they had the time to do and they invested energy to make lottery like riven. Pls guys take your time to make the formas worth on old weapons.

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