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Posts posted by Sziklamester

  1. Depend on. High level players find him easy others harder and the newbies think he is too strong.


    I met with him once but I cut down his head so I think that he is bellow that level at stalker but can be challanging if you aren't aware. 

  2. Without complain noone of devs can develop a game. They should care much more on their community and listen to them and take the good manner critics. Only just bad devs can behave like childrens if they beign critized with their own fault. We are humans and we can learn from our past to build a brighter future. 


    This community fine on it's way.

  3. . Primed mods dilute the drop table? What? They are purchase only, can't drop or transmute, they offer no dilution.


    These mods in a  random rotation from the void trader but I am mostly against primed mods because those mods gives powercreep and makes the regular ones pointless.


    The devs can solve this to buffing those regular rare mods and other mods to be competitive in level with the corrupted mods which already gives far more extra.


    Edit: This is the same practice what they did with a lot of mods as a results now those utility mods are useless or not preferable. 

  4. I can agree with those whom say this game is repetitive. Maybe in the further future when players can give addons or more player created content will be available in game and they fixed the pvp content and the pve (AI) and realeased atleast 100 frame then the game potentialy could be fun.


    Ps: The potential, fan arts, warframe designs keep me in this game only. 

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