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About Dunkelheit

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  1. There is a downside: Aura Formas are expensive to make or buy :)
  2. Thanks, I appreciate your input. But then we need to ask this question the other way round: Why are the new prime weapons damned to have low dispositions for a very long time when obviously the Incarnon weapons are so much better?
  3. At this moment, a lot of Incarnon weapons benefit hugely from a high Riven Disposition, which makes a lot of weapons quite overpowered (and the Rivens very expensive). I have not seen any Riven Disposition updates from DE for a long time, but I had a break from the game, so maybe I missed it. Please correct me if I am wrong. Will Rivens no longer be adapted to high/low usage of weapons? Another point I would like to have a look at is Combat Discipline, which makes Avenger very viable on a lot of frames, Atlas being a prime example: His kit is strong, but he was not able to really crit, but with Avenger and Combat Discipline (and an Incarnon weapon like Magistar or Ceramic Dagger), he has a high crit modifier which makes him very strong. My question is, has DE handed out any information about those 2 points I mentioned? Is it worth polarizing some frames for Combat Discipline or get a good Torid Riven (or other rivens for Incarnon weapons) or is DE looking at these outliers?
  4. There are 2 ways to respond to a posting: 1. Your opinion/work/effort/result is dumb/garbage/troll/overpriced 2. This is my opinion and here are my arguments. It IS really possible (I swear) to stay friendly and respectful and still voice an opinion that is contradicting the OPs opinion.
  5. Dude, calling someone elses work "garbage" is the very definition on hating on a person. Just be friendlier next time or keep it to yourself.
  6. Every single frame is very viable for Steel Path, even if you go for an hour in survival. Not every frame is cut out for lvl 9999. But those are only very few. Name the frame and I can give you advice how to overcome Steel Path difficulty.
  7. There is a "shortcut" to the simulacrum. In the console where you check for your syndicate standing, on the far right side of the icons, you will find "miscellaneous". If you click it, one of the 2 buttons goes directly to Cephalon Simaris. You have to load once again for the simulacrum, but it is a lot faster than entering from the relay.
  8. Keep the ideas coming, love all of them: - you might have missed it, but the season stuff is for free. Other games charge you 10-20 bucks for it - but hey, it is not enough, DE! Take some of the stuff where you earn your money with and put it for free in the Nightwave - and how boring it is... it gives you a reason to build a weapon that was molding in your inventory somwhere and makes it interesting, you get some credits and buy stuff that actually costs plat otherwise, you get free cosmetics and interesting items and umbra forma... please, please make it more interesting. How about you put Heirloom skins in it, for free? - but at least it gives us another reason to complain, because the world would be so S#&$ty without complains - here is another idea: make the season pass cost 20 bucks. Let us see how you all complain then. The best thing about this idea: You don't have to buy it and no longer need to play it. Isn't that wonderful Sorry for the sarcasm to the 5-10 forum users who are actually creating quality postings, but the complainers honestly get to me way too often these days.
  9. But but, for lore reasons it should break the game!
  10. People are still convinced that Bramma and other AOE weapons are S#&$ after the nerf that happened such a long time ago. So I am not surprised. But I need to try out the nerfed Dante before I can give my 2 cents.
  11. Where did I write about difficulty? I wrote about endgame. And since Duviri it should be clear that they want Warframe players to use more than one loadout in endgame. Circuit made this crystal clear. The new mode is only emphasizing this further. It costs a lot of Forma, but it is also a lot of fun. Loads of weapons and Warframes to discover that a lot of people never even touched. Might not be for everyone, I admit, but it is a fine way to incentivize a broader spectrum of equipment.
  12. They announced this as a very hard endgame activity, so maybe, just maybe, you are not ready for it? I can tell you that I only died once when I forgot to refresh my overguard. So it is absolutely doable not to be oneshot.
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