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Posts posted by Kalvorax

  1. 7 hours ago, JRMC said:

    Yes, that's the perfect strategy! To bore their ships to death, then attacking them will be a piece of cake!


    7 hours ago, Sloan441 said:

    Soooooooooo tempting to play with homonyms.

    It's just another difference in tech philosophies between corpus and grineer. Grineer pretty much equals crude, straightforward, and highly effective. Corpus generally means bleeding edge gadgets with very focused design and narrow ranges of superiority.

    hardy har har...had just got off work :P we all know invasions are still boring :P

  2. 56 minutes ago, JalakBali said:

    Shouldn't Despair be a Prime already? Since Stalker seems to use his own unique weapons and not a mass produced later versions. You could even say Despair is actually Kunai Prime.

    that was basically what i was pointing out heheh

  3. 1 hour ago, MillbrookWest said:

    They kinda already have a band-aid solution with the pizza's coming in 10x variants. 

    how is that a band-aid? anyone who is doing singles is foolish...even a new player can get to the x10 stuff really fast...heck I didnt even KNOW that singles existed until a about 2 months ago...and that was just because i was browsing through my clan research for stuff i missed.

  4. 10 minutes ago, ChuckMaverick said:

    People actually lose to Zanuka Hunter?

    It's usually dead before I even realise it showed up, that thing seriously needs a buff.

    most of the time its on purpose :P...hell, i TRIED to lose to zankua a couple weeks ago.....and i STILL kicked its robotic parts :P

  5. melee: Gas+electric, if the weapon can crit decently
    secondary: normally radiation/viral (knocks out pesky infested healers auras due to linking) almost always on fast firing weapons..or burst type.
    primary: normally corrosive and blast/heat

    then again, i fight primarily infested so it works for me.

  6. 1 minute ago, Neear said:

    Readd Artax Rivens. There's no justification on their removal the only thing it has achieved is adding another primed chamber type mod and breeding toxicity on trading. 

    this......just because the damage is horrible doesnt mean the utility was bad...

  7. I like the new sentinel...but PLEASE PLEASE since its supposed to be a tenno's FIRST companion....both the weapon AND the sentinel should have SOME normal polarities....new players wont have the mods true....but nor should they need to forma it if they already have high cost mods...us vets can afford it..to an extent...but NO weapon should NOT have any polarites whatsoever...every weapon/sent should have at least a V polarity....

  8. 2 minutes ago, Xydeth said:

    i would think about the name....i dont think i need to explain why but even if ur post isnt the longest the name itself is already....questionable...i mean what will ppl think on 1st reading it...

    a weapon that is like the heliocor...but ranged....(looks closer for 2nd time....hmm, meh)

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