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Posts posted by Kalvorax

  1. personally i think they should get rid of the need for derelict keys to access said missions....i grow tired of not being able to batch make a bunch of keys and being stuck to one at a time...and not being able to make more while im IN mission from my phone :|

    MAYBE if they added in a rare chance to get a rare relic id be fine...

  2. 11 minutes ago, Teshin_Dax said:

    Dont allow energy leeching eximus to be invulnerable... A horde of enemies and such an eximus would blow up my fun!
    Abilities are a key-aspect (for me) of this game..

    THIS...they are already tough as hek to take down depending on the type of parasitic.....(imo they need to be nerfed so that LOS and/or getting attacked by them loses energy...not this aura that goes through everything) :|

  3. Warframe:

    Excal, Ash, Ivara, Loki.P, Zephyr


    Attica, Dread, Boltor.P, Latron.W, Amprex


    Marelok, Akzani, Kunai, Dispair, Lex.P


    D.Nikana, Glaive, Dakra.P, Dark Dagger, Karyst

    on this Topic as a whole...it NEEDS to be looked at based on a filter of XP, Kills, Accuracy......because "usage" means nothing really...

  4. really...i somehow got lucky then (just did mine a couple days ago) using itzal (dont have the hyperion thrusters mod) and was able to use at LEAST 2 teleports....it really isnt that hard as long as you you the teleport after the first ring and by pass the majority of the others...you do still have to work it a little bit (managed the practice with 7 seconds left after only 3-4 rings in a mostly straight line...and got the Test with 3 seconds left....) but this test kind of encourages the need for itzal....kind of

    oh and the tip for toggling sprint is great as you make use of the hyper boost quite nicely.

  5. 14 hours ago, Totorochan said:

    And it isn't going to be "fixed", because lowering the cost would be an insult to everyone who already researched it.

    I am all for increasing the drop rates, however. It would be nice to get my Mutagen Samples back into the six digits.

    and that alone is a complete "we dont want to tick off the minority to please the majority" response (iirc its actually what DE said...i think it was on the mega-thread itself)...."oh no it would tick off those who completed it already" I (and many others) care why? its called balancing resources.....and their blatant ignoring of something that would take a couple hours AT MOST to fix would stop all of us complaining like we have been since its release.

    now, if they actually increased drops rates in the current planets AND (imo) made them drop from...infestations (gasp) then i probably wouldnt be complaining as much....but as it stands...*shakes head*

    my clan of 8-9 players (we are a very close knit group) will never see this research done as I am the ONLY one active (they do get the daily login...which screws up how the clan rankings work) due to the bad decisions DE has been doing as of the past few months....and even I am starting to get tired of DE not doing what NEEDS to be done.

    (if this needs to be moved to the mega thread for hema costs then please do so....)

  6. 27 minutes ago, Soketsu said:


    I think the MR if we play on that should reduce the CD 10 min is way too long for some abilities (carpet bomb) but should become OP with some other (Ordis hack).

    Liset Ordis Hack : 16 sec between each MR

    Explaination & Maths

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    generally when you triggered an alarm, you got 1 minute in order to  fulfill your objective, even at MR  30 the CD will reach 2 min 



    10min = 60 *10 sec = 600 sec

    For a MR 10

    reduction CD : 16 sec * 10 = 160 sec

    For a MR 30

    16 sec * 3 * 10 = 480 sec

    600 - 480 = 120

    120 sec = 2 min


    Med Tower: 10 min => 3 min

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    For lower MR with no trinity (or other heal sources), having a heal ship is great for team diversity at this cases.

    For Higher MR they have have the loadout in order to heal themself, so the problem it's not about to get heal at all, but rather not die from a lvl 150 sniper grakata, so there is almost no difference between having a med tower each 10 min or 3 min for higer MR. Beside not all mission recquire/allow us to camp.

    Why 3 min ?

    This time, I' not objective but it's the time I need in order to clear a defense rotation ( 5 rounds), so you can wish another timing, I can't really defend 3 minutes

    Carpet Bomb : 19 sec between each MR

    Explaination & Maths

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    In addition to Omnipower suggestions, the carpet bomb can outshine hydroid spell so, I think we may need a small cooldown

    With this reduction per MR, you reach a CD of 30 seconds at MR 30


    30*20 sec = 600 sec

    30*19 sec = 570 sec

    Sentry Turret : 17 sec between each MR

    Explaination & Maths

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    With this reduction per MR, you reach a CD of 1 min 30 (wich correspond to one excavation process, letting in solo the abilty to seach for a cell, while the turret handle the foes) at MR 30


    30*20 sec = 600 sec

    30*17 sec = 510 sec


    sounds good..

    though you should probably show the math for the current max rank of 23 (MAYBE 24) as we wont be getting to 30 for at least a couple more years heheh

  7. 11 minutes ago, Alanthier said:

    Really sick of getting Ayatan sculptures in sortie.  Please either reduce the chance of getting them, or remove them.  5 days in a row now.  5 DAYS STRAIGHT.  You "claimed" you fixed it, now how about actually FIXING the reward system for sortie?

    common reward...what they NEED to look at is the so-called "X amt of times and you wont get it for a few days" fix they SAID they did a few patches back....doesnt seem to be working

  8. 12 hours ago, [DE]Mark said:

    In an effort to address feedback regarding Grineer Scorch enemies killing you through walls, we have audited their weapon and removed any effects relating to punch through for their weapon. Please let us know if you come across instances of further issue with attacks through walls with this enemy type. 

    I hate to say it...but about time.

    anywho...THANK YOU THANK YOU for doing this and I hope it will stick...not sure if this will affect napalms or not (they SEEM to do something similar with their aoe blasts....(will need to check that myself to be sure)

    now to go try it out....need some kavat dna anyways.

  9. it takes time to get the aiming down but once you do.....well lets say that it will be FAR easier to land headshots...I'm to the point where I am almost always aiming at the head area with ANY gun...and some players ask how the heck i have so many headshots...especially when i'm not even trying....i also blame the fact that the DT are one of the better (if not best) sidearm to use with Mesa as Her PMs are affected by the buff...meaning a lot of practice, especially since the buff stays active until you exit PM.

  10. 3 minutes ago, chaotea said:


    yeah, true to it all.

    back on topic so as to not derail this more than it has :P

    so basically they want us to run derelict missions over and over and over to get mutagen samples...and if we do not conform to the 'farming' setup, then it will take forever for even SMALL clans that only have one..maybe 2 players active in in to get the resources needed...whereas the large clans will still take forever even with 10-20% of their group farming for the samples.

  11. 19 minutes ago, chaotea said:

    Why does your post have nothing to do with mine?

    just pointing out the mistakes DE is doing....and that they and their CMs are warning their customers for getting angry at their bad design decisions...that is why they 'updated' their profanity clause so as to fight back against self censoring like using symbols

    my following two paragraphs were part of the topic.

    all in all stuff that can be ignored and taken with a grain of salt..

  12. On 1/30/2017 at 1:25 AM, chaotea said:

    "4) PROFANITY – Keep it clean people! Any amount of swearing and/or vulgarity, even if censored, will not be tolerated."



    Best check yourself, before you wreck yourself.

    oh believe me i know...but DE's PR is getting worse and worse with bad decisions.....

    First Primed Regen (they WERE mucking with the code...why not just do what players are asking for hmm) and now to NOT increase mutagen sample drops just because it would tick off those players that got it the "hard" way.....

    they finally upped Oxium drops after years of complaints...so why not do the same for Mutagen? or even better make it an infested only drop...lord knows they only have 2 areas for it to drop anyways....I'm not a fan of doing Eris OR the derelict...I enjoy the build up..not starting from high and getting insane :P

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