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Posts posted by Kalvorax

  1. 2 minutes ago, (PS4)Deception_Pharo said:


    Thanks, so stretch is pointless to use? I will add strength and some efficiency, I guess those 2 are the only ones.

    Max duration?

    basically...i added screenshots of the 2 builds i use.

    speed drift is there just as a filler...adds a slight cast speed increase and sprint speed (meh)

  2. Duration..range is really only needed for the explosion part.

    + strength for slow...- strength for speed....and ofc some efficiency













    I also use Zenurik for energy restore. imo this is a decent build if you dont want to use forma...yet

  3. 15 minutes ago, D20 said:

    I would just like to suggest a single thing : reduce the ducat cost of the relic from 50 to 45. This allows anyone to obtain the Axi A2 relic with a single uncommon drop from any other relic. It would effectively reduce the farm a bit more.

    this...this i can stand behind for sure.

    3 commons or 1 uncommon is FAR better than needing 4 commons or 2 uncommons...rares are..rares heh

  4. Recently got the mod after about 10-11 runs of endurance index (lowest level)

    One thing that would be great is to make EACH grenade tether different enemies...ie a grenade wont tether an enemy that is already tethered.

    Another thing would be to get rid of the timed explosion on UN-triggered grenades so as to set up a Net, so to speak, on something like a choke point

    This would allow it to be a good CC, more so than it already is (not much due to the 5 enemy limit

    One last change would to make the tether IGNORE any emplacements such as cameras and turrets (corpus ships I'm looking at you :P)


  5. 4 hours ago, achromos said:

    ~Upcoming patch~

    -Limbo now can be damaged by lasers in spy missions specifically

    -Rescue targets may not enter the rift.

    -VIP Sortie units may not enter the rift.

    -Kela's Bombardment can pass into the rift if their projectile enters Cataclysm before explosion.

    -While reviving team-mates enemies can target you unless the team-mate is also in the rift.



    quit giving them ideas :|

  6. 3 hours ago, kyori said:

    I noticed it goes the same for focus. Bad luck when the circle is almost full then you got down and you have to wait for the circle to refill all over again lol

    especially if you havent used it for the first time in a mission yet...i thought they had fixed that ...guess not.

  7. 7 minutes ago, Smaugan said:

    Aklex Prime has 15 impact, 120 puncture, 15 slash. 25% Crit Chance, 2x Crit Multiplier and 25% Status Chance, 2.67 Fire Rate, 16 rounds. 3 second reload.

    Aklex has 7 Impact, 56 Puncture, 7 Slash, 20% Crit Chance, 2x Crit Multiplier and 15% Status Chance. Fire Rate 2.0, 12 Rounds, 3 second reload

    if your definition of a scam is the riven disposition change, then you're not looking at it properly. If the riven disposition remained strong AkLex Prime would be broken, which means that Mesa would be broken.

    not really...afaik Rivens dont affect mesa's PM, only regular mods

  8. 21 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:

    The AkLex Prime has been added! Baro Ki’Teer will hold the new Axi A2 Relic during his visit this weekend that contains all you need to claim this newest weapon for your Arsenal. 

    and THIS is why im getting tired of Baro....talk about limiting content :| it had better be credits only....

  9. On 1/18/2017 at 6:35 AM, (Xbox One)KokuRou142 said:

    when does prime access end? cuz if i miss the sale by a day again im gonna be pissed. stupid college loans taking more than they should

    well its been out for 65 days, and normally out for 90-100 days...so about another month or so...Im guessing around the first or second week of March

  10. On 1/18/2017 at 3:26 PM, Newnight said:

    2, Warcry

    Energy cost: 50

    Hopefully the change will halp teammates and valkyr while getting shot at.

    The change is that the slow aura doesn't dissipate but instead would follow you around and is effected as usual. The other change is that instead of gaining an percentages based buff based on your allies frames armor it would be based on a percentage of Valkyr's  armor.

    would this mean that instead of its current of affecting enemies that are already in range it would be an aura? THAT is what it should be...yes you would need eternal war to make it reasonable and using melee...but isnt that the whole point :P effectively it would be like a PP equinox with high str...but needing to actively melee to keep it going (if using eternal war)

    my current valk build gives a 66% slow at a 90 power cost, but due to eternal war I can keep the duration going for a long time (especially against infested)...and the only thing i hate is that it only affects the enemies in the initial cast range...which kind of is a downer TBH.

    and the idea of basing the armor increase off of valk would help squishy frames A LOT.

  11. 17 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

    Fixed The Index Endless mode's starting message being the usual 'elimination round 1 of 3' when it should just say that it's the Endless mode (no multi-rounds here).

    ok thanks...i thought it was a bug that we had to complete 3 rounds...when I was only finishing an endless round and it was ending :D

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