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Posts posted by Kalvorax

  1. 24 minutes ago, anonymous14z said:

    I have a  feeling that when you mean "Well done" or "amazing frame" you implicitly mean "overpowered".

    no i dont...

    Its great to be a shiny golden god again after not being one for so long....He IS great for late-mission endless content (as that is all I play...rarely do i do non-endless) and you DO have to work to get him to the high damage status...and even then there are times when you cant cast 1 or 2 due to not having energy (parasitics or magnetic procs) I just did a DSS solo round on Jupiter and by the 50 minute mark when i just left, the only issue i had was the eximi units (and healers) and lack of life support drops from the enemies.

    My 2 complaints I have is that if you Link to an enemy that has an aura, they will still affect other enemies..which is understandable to an extent....My other issue was that when your linked to an enemy, getting hit while Rage equipped takes away the energy you could have gotten instead.

  2. So i bit the bullet and (since i had some plat and nothing really to spend it on) bought Nidus (didnt want to farm out the stupid Kuva req)

    went to the Ceres DSS with a fresh build (shown below)


    end of mission result....well


    and for laughs

    I only went into "bleed out" once and that was because I had hit my Full mission progress button at the wrong time heheh and that was near the end of the mission)

    The infested were at that point level 118ish (around the 65-70 minute mark) and after around the 45 minute mark I was relying on my Hirudo as my rifle was useless.

    I think this was the MOST fun I've had in...well..forever actually. Such a well put together frame and his powers are awesome. I probably could have gone longer, but it was getting a little boring not being able to shoot the enemies.

    I think one of the reasons I was doing so well was A) due to the Hirudo and doing a native crit build (with corrosive thrown into the mix with +90% mods) and Naramon (when i went into the mission i thought i was on Zenurik heh)

    all in all...one of the best frames I've ever played....DE really did an excellent job with him.

    Had a couple hiccups when I ran out of energy due to the OP parasitic drain (THAT REALLY needs to be toned down a bit....especially since they are tanky as all hek as it is).


  3. 7 minutes ago, DaemonFleur109 said:

    So ive been noticinig that my melee weapons have been downgrading its stats and its only when i use the excalibur warframe, why is that happening? is it the way i mod? is there some sort of techiuqe to it?http://imgur.com/a/rXazU

    if its a sword type weapon (non Heavy blade) then its his +10% damage and attack speed passive

    confused me for a bit also when i first saw it lol

  4. 6 minutes ago, brawler58 said:

    Ok, so I got like the 5th 75% in like 2 months, I usually claim it for the site to buy some plat but I don't have money right now to buy so I simply claimed it in game to buy a skin or something.

    The next thing happened, it claimed it on the site so it's going to be wasted now. I suppose I'm wasting time by writing this ticket but I thought to just mention this.


    thats normal...The 75% off (and any of them) is ONLY for plat purchases...only the consoles get the in-game discounts as they cant get the plat discounts

    unless something was changed that i dont know about?

  5. 2 minutes ago, Xzorn said:


    It's actually Streamline for Blind Rage.

    235% Range is a good build for Nidus. I use a 299% Power 145% Range and a 235%Range 209% Power. They both work very well.

    The Range build can gain stacks more easily, does more AoE damage via Maggot explosions and Virulence + Larva distance also being a little more energy efficient and the Power build can do more focused damage but has less CC potential and less roaming distance via Link. I've taken them both to lvl 300 T4.

    There's little difference in performance. I would actually recommend a 235% Range build for most players since you won't notice a difference at all under lvl 150.

    hmm sounds interesting..how many forma are we talking about?

  6. 11 minutes ago, Nazrethim said:

    "Field repair: Sentinels will deactivate upon taking lethal damage and remain inactive on the ground for 6s until they die or are revived by a player"

    Essentially a mod that adds Bleedout timer to sentinels.

    as a passive sure...maybe then i would actually stick to sentinels.

  7. now all they have to do is ADD THE INVULNERABILITY time to normal regen also....


    Edit: patch notes SAY they did...sure as hell didnt notice with a normal regen as my sent took 4 rocket sto the face back to back to back...dead on both lives in less than 2 seconds

  8. 39 minutes ago, G510Gamer said:

    Arena Survival:

    a solo only mission that doesnt have any Life Support or anything you defend yourself against a huge number of enemies (200 or so for a Level 60 Mission) with mods only dropping in this game mode you get a 5 second break between each round to heal up a bit and get more energy then its back on the grinding stone 

    This would be a fun, replayable game mode that doesnt have any of the fluff with life support its just you and an enemy in a arena with huge amounts of enemies just running at you, to add challenge new enemies example being a Behemoth Bursa or something to that effect will be added that require a special way to take them down 

    sure...as long as its an OPTION to be solo.....like every other mission mode in this game.

  9. a bit late now..just wanted to say the as a quest, storywise, The Glast Gambit was great....I was looking forward to building nidus until I noticed the BP cost...2k KUVA...WHY THE HEK does a CORPUS BASED QUEST use KUVA...i would have preferred nitain over kuva any day.....(on another note i despise the current method of aquire kuva...have yet to truly run a kuva mission because of crap mechanics)...i wouldnt be so annoyed if kuva was dropped as a rare resources in sets of 50-75 from doing the one tile set that has the name in it...you know KUVA fortress....

    Back to the quest itself...I honestly did not have any issues with the whole thing...infact i did get a bit bored having to run so many matches of the Index just to advance the quest....but I actually enjoy the index (which, imo, could have rewarded resources to build Nidus...*cough* KUVA, if your going to stick with that :| *cough*)

    I enjoyed the storyside of it, and kind of would like to be able to go back to the colony, as maybe another type of defense mission for the infested ship....that was fun, if a bit easy....and would probably be better in a way to get the resources for Nidus and his parts

  10. On 1/6/2017 at 1:19 PM, wendiena said:

    I think the spawning for Prosecutors might be bugged. Can't seem to get any to show up no matter which mission I run.

    had three almost back to back during a mobile defense on ceres....and there were times where i ran 6-7 captures and was dry on spawns...its all rng sadly

  11. heh...well then they need to increase the drop rate even more than they did OR (imo) change Helios so he can rescan certain items (health restore plants and feral kavats)...and I know damn well that kubrow eggs are FAR easier to get with much less hassle involved.


    I dont mind it being 5 codes per alert, but they NEED to happen more often.once a week is not good (when they first added them in it was nearly 2 weeks between the initial release and a second alert)

    hell, I'd be all for having a chance of getting another code off a feral kavat kill (with scanning giving the higher chance)

  12. so...

    This is starting soon....I havent seen one of these in a week....and trying to farm the scans out is pathetic...Can this alert PLEASE run 3-4 times a week for 2-3 hours (a la nitiain style) would make farming kavats FAR less daunting (yes i know there are only 2 types of kavats but that is beside the point)

  13. ah so it wasnt just me he had a revenge streak on? I was trying to get Healing return for the past few days now (DE PLEASE ADD IT TO ALL CRAWLER TYPES, not just one) * ended up just buying it* and i think close to every 2nd run (on any of the DSS ranging from venus to jupiter) he would pop up...i was thinking I ticked him off or something ahhaah

  14. 9 minutes ago, Zenviscerator said:

    They say that they bring back "highly desirable Vaulted Prime Accessories" so it's very unlikely people want the noru syandana that came with rhino (it really wasn't anything special) 

    Also, Loki Prime was vaulted months ago man (back in May actually) and Volt Prime is next to be vaulted in about ~2 months, which is going to be before the next prime vault opening.

    It will be Edo Prime, you can quote me back in this topic when it happens

    heheh, ok :) thanks for the info...forgot loki had gotten vaulted.

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