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Posts posted by Kalvorax

  1. Just now, Methanoid said:

    Well the focus system at present is pretty pointless and forgettable, it needs a major useability revamp first, i also hope we dont get more pointles stuff like the kuva missions where u pointlessly need the operator, using the operator (at present) is about as fun as archwing, as in its not.... in any way at all.

    WTB: focus system that resembles the ORIGINAL talent trees of world of warfcraft before the talent trees became a pathetic joke, make focus tree's for each warframe that lets us micro manage various changes to each of the individual frames to our personal preference.

    well the reason they havent done anything major with the focus system was they had to wait until they released the Operator Mode...now that its released they can finally flesh it out more.

  2. as long as its not part of the RNG and we can choose the style prior to going into a mission...that would be great :D would make companions much better than just pure damage dealers (smeeta kavat, your performance Charm wise was garbage last mission :|)

  3. 23 hours ago, [DE]Taylor said:

    Hey Tenno!

    Sorry for the delay in a reply on this matter. We're running with a smaller crew this holiday season, and there's a lot to handle today!

    Let's get to it: The requirements for the Hema are intentional.

    This burst-fire Infested rifle offers a unique mechanic, and with the ability to absorb health and ammo from enemies it adds a new level of variety to your Arsenal. The Resource costs, the Mutagen Samples in particular, are set to encourage Clan participation and collaboration in investing for this new weapon. It is clear to us you are eager in doing so in the most efficient manner possible, so let’s break it down: 

    To meet the Mutagen Sample requirement, each Clan member would need to contribute 500 samples. Depending on what kind of squad you run with, the requirements can be met after running a few Orokin Derelict Defense missions (especially if you have a few Nekros’ to help). Many of you may already have the required samples, if not more, already in your inventory.

    Ultimately, Clan research is meant to take cooperation and effort. It won’t necessarily be something that can be done with resources you have lying around already. Although we do not intend to make any changes, we appreciate constructive and respectful feedback. 

    then make changes to how mutagen samples drop (ie from ANY infested missions or even infestations..PLEASE) and in decent quantaties...because as it stands..this Hema weapon is a STRAIGHT UP PLAT GRAB.

  4. 5 THOUSAND mutagen samples Req for a GHOST clan...WTH DE....I'm only at like 3 HUNDRED....and i KNOW the few members of my clan that are "semi" active (only for log ins :|) dont have anywhere near that amount either to help.....talk about a plat grab :|




  5. from the wiki



    Doing daily mission will ignite 1 fire on both sides and all will disappear after 1 day. Completing the weekly conclave challenges causes it to glow at full strength until the weekly challenges change but 1 upper glowing fire will turn off after 1 day.

    profile wise...could be that it just wont show it?

  6. 16 hours ago, [DE]Danielle said:

    Nullifier Changes:

    • Changed Nullifier Bubbles to be deactivated when they aren’t alert. Hurray stealth! 
    • Improved the ability for arrows from Bow weapons to hit and deal damage to Nullifier Bubbles.   
    • Removed the ability for Nullifier Bubbles to be dispelled by Radial Damage. 


  7. This is my most recent video...and its Blatantly Obvious compared to the others.....Starts at );18 seconds or so when i take the initall fire damage to my shields....and GLARINGLY obvious a few seconds later when its NOT EVEN AIMING AT ME and I'm taking much more damage than before.

    The playlist will be updated as I get more.

  8. 6 minutes ago, GOLANX said:

    My Sahasa is my Second Favorite Kubrow behind my Raskha (and i dont even use her terrify). honestly she should not perform a dig while you are being shot at but she needs to be able to A dig on command or B immediately begin digging when you go hide in a room. even in survivals or defense normally you can go hide in a side room and get 10 seconds of privacy, as for defense and interception imo Sahasa should get a guaranteed dig anywhere window between waves

    B would probably be the way it could be done...many people want to command their kavats/kubrows and the option to Dig just wouldnt work to well i think



    7 minutes ago, GOLANX said:

    imo pets should not neccesarliy have vacuum but should be able to pick up anything they run-over with the possible exceptions of mods and endo, retrieve should be universal for Kubrows at least, giving Chesea something new.  Retreive should also act as a new pathfinder, wereas normally the Kubrow at Point A will immediately attack the target at point B, with retrieve she would hit up the loot/drop at point C before continuing on to the target. im not as sure about giving retrieve to kavats though they would pick up loot they walk over, most of our canine companions will chase the stick regardless of breed, they might not all bring it back but they will chase, the average Feline will just give you a dirty look. as such retrieve maybe isn't the perfect kavat skill, additionally Kavats have enough unique skills without retrieve.

    Honestly...The retrieve is a complete JOKE of an ability...in the time i leveled my Chesa (before spacing it) it never once picked up any items....and that was with the retrieve in the highest priority...

  9. Hopefully a quick tweak can be done to it to make it viable


    it would instantly make it viable in missions like survivals...especially sense, based on the lore, it was made to resupply the tenno while in the field.....kind of hard for it to do that when it wont even dig when the Operator is under attack or attacking.

    Supposedly the smeeta kavat is just as good at getting resoruces...but i dont have it so i cant compare. (that is another topic for another time)

    I am actually growing tired of using Sentinels and want to use Kubrows and Kavats...but my Favorite one is the Sahasa atm...and it cant even do what it was made for.


  10. 1 minute ago, (PS4)Deception_Pharo said:

    Could you clarify on this?

    basically, as it is now, the moment the abilities run out of time, the buffs are instantly gone...which can be death if they run out at the wrong time. What should be done is a quick..maybe up to 3-4 second degrade over time of the buffs so we still have SOME of it, long enough for us to reactivate the abilities.

  11. 12 minutes ago, (PS4)Deception_Pharo said:

    Ability 2 - Remains intact

    Ability 3 - Remains intact

    only thing that needs to happen with these two is a degrade over time once the abilities shut off instead of instantly down.

  12. This may be nekroing...but this is complete BS.

    x10 codes to make the incubator...fine, i get that...but 10 for EACH kavat is stupid...the alerts are super rare and do not last long at all (they should last MUCH longer than an hour..at most 6 hours due to how rare they spawn...Ive seen vauben parts spawn more often and in less time than the kavat alerts..and i missed both of the 2 i actually saw come up...after the fact

    When making the Kavats, it should only require AT MOST 5 Kodes....and imo, a kubrow egg...just so we can use the bloody things collecting dust

    Tweak Helios so that it can scan Kavats (and Plants from earth and mars..but that is another topic) after their codex completion...and if using sythesis scanners make the upgrades work with Helios...boom, problem "mostly" solved, imo.....I dont mind manually scanning...but this RNG is garbage....especially since I cant do, say, an endless mission (or a capture after getting the target) and farming these kavats out....


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