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Posts posted by Kalvorax

  1. Uses a few forma (about 4-5) but its very solid...i use it with my nikana prime or my dragon nikana (if i need/want different builds)..but the weapon doesnt matter for EB...though a sword/nikana/dual swords would be best to make use of excal's passive

  2. 14 minutes ago, Yzjdriel said:

    The Auction House is the bloodiest of PVP arenas, where the loser is lying helpless on the ground with their belly slit open and gold coins pouring from the wound.  And there's no scaling in this arena.  The experts can prey on the inexperienced with ease.

    I will never look at an AH the same way again lmao :D

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  3. 1 hour ago, Jackviator said:

    I dunno about that. Someone on r/warframe did the math and found out that because of how the loot radius is calculated, 6m around you was actually only able to pick up loot in 25% of the area of 12m. In essence it was a drop of 75%, range-wise, and having only a quarter-extra loot radius doesn't seem very useful to me.

    Personally, I feel it would be better to either:

    A: Give all frames a universal 12m of vacuum (Mag would get a new passive and the Chesa kubrow would get a new purpose, like they did with Carrier);

    or B: Let the vacuum mod be equippable on all companions, but have the loot-radius be centered on you, the player, not the AI-controlled companions. This is because the AI is just too erratic on pets; they just can't be relied upon to pick up loot for you, even if their AI was improved, because they're just not a human being. Hell, DE tried to do this already, give a Vacuum-dog to us, and the Chesa kubrow is still amongst the most underused of all the pets becaue of how broken its AI is.

    And besides, if pets can do things like boost your weapons's damage, restore your shields, and turn you invisible from across the room, why can't they give you a loot-vacuum centered on you?

    ah thats right...i forgot about that part.

    and your B option sounds good..I always seem to have more mod slots on my pets than my sents anyways lol

  4. 3 hours ago, cheshirekatt said:

    SO why hasn't our dogs and cats and sentinels given the same loving treatment?

    mod priority...I sure as hek do NOT want my sentinel firing at every little thing that shoots/hits me when it SHOULD be cloaking me

    same with Companions...I want my kubrow to keep me cloaked if needed, not go charging off at the enemy (which they do most o the time anyways lol)

  5. 37 minutes ago, Hixlysss said:

    DE could at least give us some kind of mission, defense or something, where we get rewarded kuva. Like us going in and raiding their kuva supplies. Doesn't have to be a siphon mission, just a mission on the fortress and we raid their kuva supplies.

    could have been the Assault mission type they added imo

  6. When they did their tweaking with The Vacuum Within, one of the things they did was make the loot pick up at 6 meter passive for warframes....for less than 24 hours...the next day they had reverted back to Vacuume as a sentinel mod.

    What they SHOULD have done is KEPT the 6 meter passive on the warframe, and made the Vacuum mod add up to 6 meters more, again only for the sentinels, as it wouldn't really work well with kubrows and kavats as they are always running around. That would have solved all the issues people still have with looting in this fast paced game AND kept Sentinels as the end all be all loot collectors.

    As for the Sentinels....Change Regen to a 30-10 second respawn delay (set by the current ranks of regen) and that would solve the issue of sentinels getting destroyed and being useless for the rest of a mission....or getting popped BOTH times while still loading into a mission.

    People say that the upkeep for Kavats and Kubrows is too expensive...how is ONE 6 pack of DNA stabilizers a month bad? especially now with the sheer amount of ways to make credits fall of corpses. They could get rid of the useless Loyalty mechnic, add what I proposed, and i would actually use Kubrows and Kavats more than just Mastery fodder.

  7. I'm currently running Derelict Exterminates on the hunt for Kavat dna....and every run I'e gotten hit by fire damage when the scorcher/napalmer/hyeka master are able to hit him through walls with their fire attack...that cant be seen unless i'm in the same room as them. Also, it seems their Range is STUPIDLY long...like they have a Prime Sinister Reach...again, through walls and doors

    I dont think this happens elsewhere, as Ive been in the derelict exclusively for the past couple days (RNG sucks on these kodes :|) But I can look.

    here are some clips I got over the course of a couple missions. Some of them are near the end of the clip where it happens.


  8. 21 hours ago, Ciaus said:

    It'd be wonderful if Kuva fort enemies / missions gave Kuva. 
    And it'd make sense. 
    And it would give a non-operator-based hyper-repetitive bad lighting ruinable bug-prone way of getting the stuff :D

    this alone would actually make me WANT to play that tile set area..I've only done the first mission...an EXTERMINATE that took me 25 minutes to do just because the tile was so stupidly Huge...even if it looked cool.....

  9. 16 hours ago, Actriaz said:

    It's meant to be that way. Taking negative damage increase your energy consumption, which means you need to either take MORE damage to get more energy or lifedrain via melee to get to a safe amount of health (which would be easier to do with a higher damage multiplier).

    Plus, are you taking into account Duration and Efficiency? That 50/sec CAN be reduced.

    I did say going into negative health has advantages and disadvantages...

    true...though a BASE 50/sec is ridiculously high...even something that has a 15 base (looking at banshee or mesa) still drains it like crazy with high duration and efficiency.

  10. your joking right...the sentient kills was the easiest part of it (2 per EXT when solo)....as for the mods...get lucky with power drift...one of the easiest ones to get...and common as hek.

    Also going to say...bring a good melee weapon and a frame that can survive without power usage on the last mission for the quest as you will be locked out once you get to a certain mission (forget the mission number..think its like the 4th or 5th on one in...you will get a warning in game)

  11. 23 minutes ago, Actriaz said:

    Going into Negative Health will have advantages and disadvantages; Damage output will be increased by 1% per 1 health below 0. This means having -2500 health gives you +2500% damage. This also affects Lifedrain, meaning health is easier to regain the more damage you take, theoretically making Valkyr's damage scale infinitely with enemies. However, every 1 health below 0 increased energy drain by %2, therefore at -2500 health you will have an energy drain of 50/sec.

    so your saying you valk has 99999 energy then? with her current energy pool your proposed 'change' would be useless....even with Rage....add a CAP of 10 energy lost per second and that is solved.

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