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Posts posted by Kalvorax

  1. 36 minutes ago, [DE]George said:

    The music will always play when you are in the Market.  However, we are unable to reproduce the overlapping music issue.  Can you post a YouTube video for us so we can see what you are doing when you encounter this?


    I'll see what I can do.

    @[DE]George Well, I dont know what it was, but while I was setting up my audio in the audio tab in-game to record, it stopped doing the double audio...I noticed it had stopped when I changed to my Surround Sounds speakers, then when i changed back to my headset it wasnt doing it any more...Seems like it was something on my end from previous updates of the audio i guess not being flushed properly.

    Thanks for clearing it all up :)

    EDit: a few minutes later) aaannd its back again...this time with on both.

    I'll try to find a way to record the audio as well...

  2. 16 minutes ago, xXDeadsinxX said:

    For the clan thing yeah that would be cool if non-warlords can do it when it comes out.

    thats what thing I'm hoping for....mainly because my small-knit clan, I'm really the only one 'active' even though my warlords log-in to get their dailes....they dont care about the game right now.

  3. 11 minutes ago, JalakBali said:

    That's my ideas for how blocking should work against projectiles and melee. There's a concern that blocking can be used all the time to absorb damage and my idea of making sword+shield blocks 100% would make the worst of this. So an additional mechanic is needed: after blocking continuously for 10 seconds (counted by the first blocking hit), you will be unable to block for 5 seconds.

    seems good..except this part...cooldowns (except for focus....and even then i have my doubts, due to the long &#! timers, but that is another topic) have no part in a fast paced horde game like this.....instead of that, why not make it a degrade over time so the longer you block, the more damage gets thru using the same timers you proposed...though maybe double that?

  4. IIRC, Deadly Intent either adds 15/20/25/30 % crit chance to the base crit


    So 10% * 1.15=11.5%

    10% * 1.20=12%

    10% * 1.25=12.5%

    10% * 1.30=13%


    that is WITHOUT true steel or Blood Rush


    with TS (maxed at 60%)

    So 10% * 1.60 * 1.15=18.4%

    10% * 1.60 * 1.20=19.2%

    10% * 1.60 * 1.25=20%

    10% * 1.60 * 1.30=20.8%

    I think my math may be wrong with the TS calcs..

    edit: for use with Blood Rush (at maxed rank of 165% crit)


  5. Just now, [DE]George said:

    This is definitely a bug.  You shouldn't get overlapping music in there, we will fix it.

    Alright. Good to know.

    Would it also happen to stop the music while going through the main pages looking for a selection? I like the previews in the background (as it makes the market seem more alive), just not the music always playing.

  6. 1 minute ago, freeformline said:

    My main problem with blocking is that is virtually impossible to do it reactively. Attacks come too fast to be able to interrupt what you are doing and block them. Perhaps a blocking update would include some stat individualized to the weapon that allows for animation cancelling or increased block speed?

    and where would you fit a mod that would adjust that stat? A) we dont have the capacity even with forma B) we dont have the mod slots.

  7. 1 hour ago, Nazrethim said:

    I think a good change would be to limit Fissures to all non-void nodes. And all Void missions behave like Fissure missions minus the "now, which corrupted drops reactant?".

    We have 4 void tiers (10-15, 20-25, 30-35, 40-45). Make each Void tier correspond to a Relic era. In short, making Fissures happen on the starchart and Void be a "permanent fissure". Who's with me?

    should have been this from the start.

    Also, personally, i think we should have 1 of each mission type of each era active....that way we have choice on what we want to run fissure wise. tahts...what 6-7 * 4...thats ONLY 24-28 missions to choose from....and a scrollable list so its not cluttered anyways.

  8. 26 minutes ago, satellite101 said:

    I can't be more disappointed. A brand new update again. Was celebrated with the absence of convergance orbs. What is the point of taking from one update and celebrating another. Progress is the name of the game. Not 1500 focus across the solar system. And a love of sudden grineer comradery. It's worse than church with those things now when 5000 plus was usual,on Sedna and high level planets. Now Tenno lucky to get an orb that didn't resemble a moon orbiting congregations lead by Drahk masters. It's just an excuse to depress Tenno while expanding warframe.

    I kind of wish convergence pickups were a guaranteed 2.5k focus (before boosters)

    I tend to ignore them now adays because they tend to only give a tiny amount of focus during their duration anyways

  9. Whenever I go into the market the music is always playing...this is due to the codex-like preview of the items that have it....and if you try to look at other stuff, it just get soverlapped and starts playing both tracks.

    Can we please get an option to mute the music while in market?

    Or a toggle to mute the item preview when nothing is selected?

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