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Posts posted by Kalvorax

  1. your playing a horde game.....the procs are great for wiping the fodder....and useless when there are buffer type enemies around...and like other people have said...dont like it dont use it.

    now that being said, I wouldnt mind if they gave us a toggle for the damage explosion as the effects are sometime normalyl really good....though the radiation from Sequence procs is great for screwing up Ancient auras for a short time.

  2. Doesnt help much for consoles...but for PC we DO have this option...though i guess what your lookiung for is specific groups? we have ALL, NONE, and FRIENDS




    that being said, i do agree that it would be nice to have it expanded upon like what your suggesting

  3. 16 hours ago, CrowMoxie said:

    4) BladeStorm. Oh boy, here we go. So to just get to the point the two biggest things I'm hearing is that 1: even though it has the

    marking stage, when you fire off the power you still are doing the animations like normal so you can still put the controls down

    and not do anything, kinda in part not fixing his problem of just press 4 to win. And 2: that people are split in between "I love the

    Bladestorm animations" and "I want to opt out of the animations and just send my shadows". I think I have a fix for this. So

    another thing I felt was weird with Old man Ash's kit was that Teleport and Bladestorm didn't synergize, they clashed, especially

    with Teleport's augment. It felt like one was trying to encroach on the other's job instead of working together. What I suggest is

    that we give the people their options of opting out of the animation storm, and I wouldn't have thought of this without your new

    synergy of Smokebomb and Bladestorm, so keep Bladestorm as is, ESPECIALLY the marking mode, I love it too much and I think

    it's awesome as all get out. But when you fire it off it's just your shadows that get sent out and you free to resume what you were

    previously doing. But what about the sweet animations?! Have no fear, have Teleport trigger it! What I mean by that is when in

    marking mode when you use Teleport on a marked target, and only a marked target, so ally's or objects don't do it by accident, 

    that instead of using 4 again to fire off Bladestorm that that cast of Teleport will trigger it instead, and now you get to be part of

    the actions using those cool animations and everything resumes as normal as Bladestorm currently works. I would add that when

    in marking mode using Teleport on a marked target will either cost half (so no free discounts on using Fatal Teleport on non-

    marked targets) or the same as marking a single target, take your pick as what you feel is better. With this the augments currently

    in they would have no conflict with this combo and in no way need changed. And yes that means for that single marked target

    that triggered Bladestorm might get the effects of Fatal Teleport. Honestly I don't see that as much of a big deal as long as it just

    stays at the first guy and doesn't get carried through the entire Bladestorm. Or just not count the Tele-Storm trigger as a Teleport

    eligible for Fatal Teleport.

    my god...give this man/lady a cookie....Use Mark mode, then Teleport for control over HOW the enemies are killed (how many times they are hit etc) and BS for the shadows to do the job.

    Teleport would still be as is.

  4. the issue is that SPAWNS are activating essentially on the other end of the map...the enemies are there, they just have to work their way to the player...DE REALLY needs to fix that. Sometimes its great as the enemies just keep coming in solo...but most of the time its near impossible to stay long sets of time (even as short at 10 minutes sometimes) due to the spawn mechanics.....makes me wonder if it has something to due with how exterminate coding is affecting other mission types.

    imo...just another reason why LS needs to be removed...its already bad enough with the enemy scaling....and the fact we have 4 revives per mission...

  5. unfortunately the only way to get the clusters of enemies you want is to play in squads on endless missions...namely survival....I kind of hope DE can let us eventually choose how large a sqaud is to simulate a larget amount of enemies in solo..then again i kind of wish spawns (in say, survival) were only 1 or toom rooms away and not a full tile or more away :|

    on your second note as far as yellow numbers you see, those are stealth damage and not necessarily crits. This is because standard issue for dealing tons of damage with excal is to blind first, then hack and slash away.

  6. just tried the 'nerfed' BS.....and hoenstly...it really sucks in terms of execution....even with my 14 second 175 eff Ash build....my complaint is....again the fact its 'cinamatic style"...why couldnt you guys have gone the way of say Shadows of Mordor and made it so we BS a target, then aim at another..etc..would that really have killed you guys to do that?

    yeah it would be like teleport...but it would be far more interactive than to just mark and execute..at least make the BS speed FAR faster than what it is and not based on melee weapon speed.

  7. 1 hour ago, [DE]Megan said:
    • Each mark costs Energy (15) which is affected by Mods. If a marked enemy is killed by a squad mate, you will get the energy back. 
    • Marks made while invisible by any source will have a cheaper base cost (10). 

    at least increase Ash Primes energy pool to match the others so its like 400+ with a maxed normal flow....

  8. 1 hour ago, Nakrast said:

    2)Mark mode should consume energy per second + energy per target (not 15, but maybe 10 normal and 5 when stealthed), also during mark mode your frame should not be able to use energy siphon or energy pads, and there should be a cap of 18 marks in total (so basically you can mark 6 enemies 3 times)

    jeez..dont nerf it until we can ALL have a say in how it works...


    Edit: oh would you look at that...they did EXACTLY what you said.....








  9. for a slova you dont need anything more than an intesify and power drift as the limit is 75%. if you plan on slowing entire 50M+ areas then you build duration NOT range.

    I can post my builds that use 0 Forma if you wish

    speedva is first picture, slova is second picture


    off topic, i wish we could post albums as blocktext instead of just the link

  10. Auto-parry (the warfarme mod with the auto block chance) should be a melee D mod not a warframe mod...would be far better imo, even if its breaks attacking alot...would be great against those demented hookshot spammers. and would also add another D polarity mod :P


    The status chance mods should all be 100% (x2 weapon base status) and cost 9 points..would be decent to use with IPS weapons if only going for a specific type (like..slash bleeds)

  11. Just now, Gelkor said:

    As long as it would be optional, I don't want to lose the ability to tap fire a vertical shot off at a bombard while still using horizontal fire on crouds, having to tap or hold 4 to change orientation would take way too long for the way I play and would just get me killed.

    maybe it could be her augment? though i would much prefer if it was added into the base ability.

  12. 4 hours ago, Gelkor said:

    Multishot increases your paper damage by 90% meaning each arrow does 1/5.7 of the total paper damage, or 1/3 of the paper damage if you took Split Chamber off. The damage per arrow done does not change when you equip Split Chamber.  Yes the damage gets split. But this is not a new concept in bows at all. It is exactly Artemis bow but at half power, using the same principles, this means you can use max Heavy Caliber with no drawback.

    See my merged post here:


    Why would they ever? The instant vertical fire is a very useful ability for the weapon, most enemies are humanoid, meaning they have a vertical silhouette. If you need to kill something that is at close to medium range instantly, just tap the fire key while aiming at their mid-section and boom, 14 arrows into one target. 

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    I mean more like hold option on 4 to choose the default charging mode...press 4 for vertical > horizontal, Hold 4 for horizontal > vertical. There are MANY times where I need horizantal fire over vertical fire and the charge time even with proper mods is still long enough that you cant just fire fire fire.

  13. 10 hours ago, (XB1)InfernusXcanis said:

    Taking bladed rounds and red crits into account as well as multishot:



    33k per arrow, 6 arrows, 198k if you shotgun an enemy with all 6 red critting.

    i can achieve this with only 6 mods. Vile accel and speed trigger drops its charge back to .25 or a quarter of a second.


    care to try that statement again?

    any forma? sounds good actually

  14. its going to be part of the Focus system revision...which was talked about in devstream 83

    in other words..its not complete yet, which makes sense for warframe


    they couldnt do what they needed to do with the focus system until Operator control was released.

    on a side note, before others say it, you should add a spoiler tag to the thread title (i for one dont care either way, but lots of others get really salty about it)

  15. 6 minutes ago, ShaneKahnnigan17 said:

    Yeah, I mean, no one uses air support anyways.

    so much this.

    Maybe if they got rid of the stupid 10 minute cool down in between uses and drop it to 2-3 minutes and its FAR better..i never use the dang things BECAUSE of the obnoxious cooldown...well, and they nearly all are not worth it any ways..the turret is really only good with low lever infested survivals


    now..I dont mind the operator suit as it WILL be useful once we can use them in relays and extended use in missions (see Devstream 83)

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