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  1. Strongly reminds me of Quicksilver, which is probably deliberate :D Love it..
  2. Also you need resources from Void Railjack missions to get and build Caliban And Little Duck has some fancy but unnecessary frippery you can buy with Anomaly Shards, which are Railjack only iirc. An Ephemera and some Captura Scenes. Call of the Tempestarii gives you Sevagoth, and a ghost ship skin for your Railjack - if you have him already you can skip it.
  3. It's more the mental disconnect that's annoying I can kill Corpus troopers fine in most missions with normal weapons, and Toxin works fine, but i don't have Venomous Clip for my archguns yet, and that's the weapon we're discussing. For example, doing the Profit taker fight, the regular troopers that show up can sometimes take 30 seconds of Mausolon fire to die, shooting them directly in the face, because they apparently scale with the giant spider. It's not that i can't kill them, its that regular humans with no shields have no business tanking fire that happily destroys shielded fighters in space. I've had less issue cutting down Thrax and Void Angels with the same weapon than Joe Bloggs with a Reinforcement Beacon, so it seems like a scaling issue :D
  4. My main issue is when corpus troopers in high level missions are literally facetanking full auto shuttle cannon fire for minutes before they die. Really annoys me. Not saying they should autokill everything they look at, but a guy in overalls and a facemask shouldn't be harder to kill than a shielded fighter jet ;)
  5. You can have a crewmember pilot while you captain the foom cannon, but they will actively avoid giving you a decent firing solution :D Also the last time i left my ship in their hands, they tried to steal it, and i can't teleport with my Omni yet, so i had to chase it down like a SNL sketch and wrest back control.... So yah, i don't let other folk fly my ship any more :)
  6. I use resonator a lot, but not with mallet, because it keeps wandering it off. If I'm Mallet Amping, i'm holding a fixed position. It's amazing as a deployable decoy in Isolation Vaults or Coildrive ambush missions to keep the enemy distracted while you try to keep the fragile Necraloid or vehicle alive long enough. I drop those things constantly in those :D It would be nice to be able to toggle it to grab the mallet or not, but that would probably be too complicated. Maybe it only grabs the mallet if summoned within x seconds of the mallet being cast?
  7. Pretty new player here, so Happy First Tennobaum to all :) WaywardMechanic (Xbox) Happy to get anything anyone is willing to send :) Syndanas and ephemera are awesome, but i'm too poor for fashionframing :D Also, If anyone has a Garuda Prime Neuroptics that is cluttering up their Orbiter i'd love to give it a loving home with it's siblings. Just can't seem to get that one :)
  8. being able to buy specific parts of certain frames, because they just REFUSE to drop despite being 'uncommon' bounty rewards. Xaku chassis being my prime contender right now. I have every other reward from the quest that grants it in enough multiples that my Tenno could retire and open a shop (there are only 3 commons, 2 uncommons (supposedly including the chassis) and one rare ) but that chassis is made of unobtanium. I've done that bounty dozens of times, and have enough supposedly super rare warfans to make a new landing craft ;) The RNG in this game is borked. Or an option to pick which reward (for say 2 plat) you get at each stage of a bounty, perhaps..
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