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Fun, but effective builds



Hey folks,

I'm on a search for unconventional fun ways to play.

So share up what strange combinations you found out that are fun to play, not mainstream, but also 'effective'.

Effective here would mean sortie 3 augment/eximus viable. Or more simply, it should be able to kill groups of weaker enemies rather fast and kill up to lv 150 though armored enemies.

Some examples:

-Mag with punchtrough prisma burst laser sentinel and/or gas secura penta. The Pburst laser has high status allowing it to strip armor and build up the damage of the bubble, allowing the bubble to kill anything on explosion. Alternately one could use Secura penta's grenades with gas build without triggering their explosions - allowing the grenades to hit all enemies in a bubble numerous times.

-Saryn stunlock melee. Run with low duration/high range/high efficiency enough to be able to spam miasma roughly every 2 seconds and keep anything in range of 50m in constant stun. Use condition overload melee to kill anything extremely fast.

-Ash fatal vulcan blitz. Vulcan Blitz combined with the stealth multiplier would take care of weak groups of enemies rather easily. Fatal teleport would shorten any distance gaps and would also kill though targets for extra aoe 'boom' from jat kitag.

Anything of this sort. Of course famous builds like Atlas one-punch or inaros with hema/exodia builds can be mentioned as well if you want, but they are quite widely known.

What are your weird, but effective builds?


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18 answers to this question

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Vauban can strip armor with his concussion mine (in his second ability, swap to it). Build with enough power strength to get around 70% armor reduction, coupled with 30% from a corrosive projection aura, and some range and duration. Use vortex in groups of grineer, drop a concussion mine on the group, then mop up easy with a high slash/toxic/gas/viral weapon.


The Gladiator set mods boost the damage output of crits that bloodrush offers with higher combo. I run a 4pc Glad set between my despoil/health conversion/equilibrium build on my nekros and a crit based dokrham zaw (tempo royal)(no elemental damage whatsoever, pure slash). Relies on life strike and a well built kubrow (kavat could work too) using the hunter mod that heals the warframe to keep health up. Goes 1hr+ in kuva survivals regularly using melee only, is very survivable, and, while not one-shotting at that high level, still cleans up whole groups of grineer in seconds. Only setup I really run Naramon with since I use almost no energy except to lifestrike channel, which is easily replenished via equilibrium.


High range/duration Nezha is fun to use for maximum impaling. Good CC built, but has paper thin warding halo.


High range/duration Frost build is fun for crowd control. Use with Icewave Impedance augment mod to freeze huge swaths of land, slowing all who walk on it, including most bosses and the Stalker too! Avalanche freezes huge groups solid to easily bust up at your leisure.


Just to name a few off the top of my head...

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HIGH range Saryn, no extra strength or duration needed. I can barely keep strength at 100% with my 250% Range Saryn, yet she still "nukes" everything with one cast of her Spores (and a little time), even in the late Void missions and most Sorties (plus: Miasma scales REALLY well, which at 250% Range is even mor of a nuke-ability).

But I guess that's pretty mainstream.

Edited by thor_sten
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Saw this while Mithra farming though its pretty popular now there. Using Hydroids undertow to safely defend an interception point. Its not as big of a energy drain with enough energy and efficiency. Mouseclick on the ones that get to the terminal, use his 1 on coming nullifiers without cancelling undertow. His 4 also does decently well against Vor.

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6 hours ago, (XB1)Furious Kaiser said:

Just to name a few off the top of my head...

Thanks mate, will definitely try some of these

5 hours ago, thor_sten said:

But I guess that's pretty mainstream.

Yep, even my stunlock saryn includes this, but thanks for sharing.

3 hours ago, Yatazanami said:

i am working on one this week , stay tuned xD

Keep me posted. 🙂

1 hour ago, kambinks said:

 His 4 also does decently well against Vor.

Interesting, the tentacles hitting boss weak spots, that's worth investigating. The undertow/corrosive barrage build however is one of his two 'meta' builds right now, but thanks for sharing anyway. 🙂

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@scourge213 Ember Berserker build ~

You go CP, (Umbral) Vitality, (Umbral) Intensify, Max rank Fleeting Expertise, (Primed) Continiuty, Stretch, Quick Thinking, (Primed) Flow, Rage/Hunter Adrenaline for energy gain, eather speed, strength or cunning drift for the exilus slot.

Jat Kusar as your weapon of choice - use fire mods and go for a damage/range/combo/crit/speed build. Under no circumstances should you change the element from fire.

Once you get some Arcanes, aim for Guardian and Strike.

That playstyle makes her the closest thing to a berserker in the game. You'll be able to kill most of the games content simply by passing them with WoF and once your damage falls off on armor (sortie levels really), you'll get an ~4x multiplier to your frickin high damage rangy crit melee weapon and WoF act's as automated Cc that still weeds out all the small fries and gets a 55% chance to panic everything else. Every time you need or want to Cc with Accelerant (stunlock in range for the sheer Cc or to heal up), you get the multiplier. You can also spam fireballs into spawnroutes or knock back enemies with Fireblast...the overall Cc is pretty darn high with her. Any damage that comes trough can be directly transfered into damage you do.

In my oppinion one of the more interresting playstyles in the game and viable af due to the nature of her abilities. Plus i hardly fall lower then 50% totall damage dealt whenever i play her so it's rather strong too.


Edited by (PS4)CoolD2108
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30 minutes ago, (PS4)CoolD2108 said:

Ember Berserker build



Very nice, exactly what i'm looking for.

5 minutes ago, novalery said:


This build is not very effective vs big groups of weaker enemies though. But if you add Conecentrated arrow it comes out nicely. Btw the dagger does matter, Blight proc from the dark daggers or a speed riven with high disposition do affect the build.

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47 minutes ago, scourge213 said:

Very nice, exactly what i'm looking for.

This build is not very effective vs big groups of weaker enemies though. But if you add Conecentrated arrow it comes out nicely. Btw the dagger does matter, Blight proc from the dark daggers or a speed riven with high disposition do affect the build.

This build is used to kill a group of enemies one at a time. It may not be a time efficient build but it is an effective build since you have 100 chance to kill enemies one at a time while getting an additional loot.

Its a built that i use to spend some times in mot. And a built that i use to felt like being a real ash, i.e. dash a group of enemies to open them up for finnisher and one strike kill them one at a time nonstop.

It is not a lazy build, i.e. u do one thing and most if not all enemies in a room will die, but a fun one since you’re expected to actively move around and actively melee strike the enemies.

The only problem with this built is that a very small number of enemy types don’t have a finnisher animation. But in most cases those types of enemies can be easily delt with by other means.

I do not see the need of blight proc since my aim is to one strike kill everyone

and there’re plenty of room in that dagger. Mod anyway you like. But the one that must be there is covert lethality.

there’re plenty of things you can use and mod for your other weapons. But the main theme is ivara prowl-covert lethality-executing dash combo

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Am 25.8.2018 um 11:24 schrieb scourge213:

Very nice, exactly what i'm looking for.

It's probably also worth mentioning that the build/strategy works on all kinda melee weapons that allow fire as a single element (including IPS and dual element weapons)

Gonna build me a Plague Kripath next myself, what essencially allows for a 5-6 element? CO build with fire boosted and some allmost broken range once i get my hands on a riven... the important thing is that you get to compensate for the damage you get and that you get into enemys comfort zone playing...anything else can be personal preference really should you not be satisfied with the Jat Kusar.

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Pixie Edgelord (Two Punch) Atlas is a riot to play, and very effective against anything you can get to within an hour


You only use Landslide situationally and for mobility, instead your core components are...

1) Atlas' glorious passive

2) A Staff with Clashing Forest, Enduring Affliction, and Healing Return, and LOW base damage (Primed Pressure Point does not belong with this playstyle)


It's a build for when your preferred solution is hitting something in the face with a stick, and your alternate solution is also hitting them in the face with a stick.  It's also just a bunch of zany, madcap fun. 🙂

Basically you get life pools growing (you've got two), dive into the middle of the action, summon your tiny rock bois, and go to town. (the tininess of the rock bois doesn't add anything in particular to the build...but you're hardcore enough to spare the slot).  Once your shields are torn off you can channel to taste.

The effect is that you're not one-shotting everything (it's the opposite of spin2win!) and instead you can let your combo counter die the moment you stop fighting something worth fighting.  That way you get to hit more things!  All the things!  And more hits on those things!  It builds up to 2.5x near instantly and should hit 3.5x to 4x if you end up against a bunch of eximus units or something. 

Enduring Affliction is your trump card.


You'll get lots of slash procs no matter how you do your elements (Toxin and Gas also stack), and this impacts ALL procs. Not just yours, so you'll also be inflating everyone else's Hunter's Munitions and such...but you'll be slashing under armor just fine.  Throw rad on your sentinel and everything's rad-procced (effectively) forever.

If, as a bonus, you use Life Strike (Points to @XandyPants for that little tidbit!) you also get health from your slash procs...the only way this build generally dies is rezzing other Tenno.  I'm still experimenting with Life Strike options.

Element-wise and Primary/Secondary-wise...build to taste.  I usually just swap to melee with this build and never look back (Clashing Forest with the 'block combo' covers a lot of terrain).  I find Enemy Radar is my favorite Exilus...everything's dying anyway, my problem is positioning myself in the chaos, but there's LOTS of room for build flexibility. 

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On 2018-08-25 at 9:45 AM, novalery said:

1. ivara build for a long prowl.

2. any dagger with covert lethality.

3. naramon tree and make sure executing dash is at highest level and is on.

now dash every enemy to open them for finisher and melee lethal strike them all 

Why not just use her sleep arrow instead of dashing? 

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My fun build of last night was Ivara + Silent Lenz.

I would go to a exterminate mission and prowl myself to a room.

Fire my noise arrow and get all the enemies on the same spot.

Put them a sleep with my sleep arrow.

Fire my silent Lenz and booooom.


Glorious and hilarious.

Edited by (PS4)xtharbadx
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12 minutes ago, (PS4)xtharbadx said:

My fun build of last night was Ivara + Silent Lenz.

I would go to a exterminate mission and prowl myself to a room.

Fire my noise arrow and get all the enemies on the same spot.

Put them a sleep with my sleep arrow.

Fire my silent Lenz and booooom.


Glorious and hilarious.

I renamed my rad-proccing Lecta the 'Chaos Noodle' for exactly this scenario.  Basically the same setup with a different ending.

annihilation movie GIF


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9 hours ago, (PS4)xtharbadx said:

Why not just use her sleep arrow instead of dashing? 

Because dash can cover a bigger area. And if used correctly, dash could be done infinitely without loosing the tenno’s energy. Which means you might even be able to make every enemies in a room to be open for finisher. if you want to you can just dash and let your friends do the melee finishing. Let them join the fun.

You can also displace your frame to another place while doing it. 

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Thanks for the sentinel and secura penta Mag tips, I luv it

I just can’t stop enjoying a ranged but strong greedy pull Mag. In index she can pull orbs off of the stations, in orb generous missions (PoE, Nidus farm, defensive types) it regenerates energy in a fun way.

This is also the best relic fissure setup imo, as greedy pull is the only ability I’ve seen to interact with reactants. 

Greedy pull and high ground is a good tactic so I install the bullet jump mods (Mobilize, Firewalker etc). You’d be surprised of these high ground spots when you do start to look for them. 

For Mot Mag try this sequence 424 or 42 healing Furis augment. This gun is my Mag’s version of Inaros’ lifesteal 

* build needs fleeting exp + streamline to spam abilities 


Edited by (PS4)Chel-El
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Lasting Covenant Harrow.

Duration > Strength > Range

Use your 3 whenever there is downtime to replenish your energy. Cast your 1 to get overshields then pop your 2 and have huge firerate and reload buffs, especially on weapons like the prisma grakata. I used the prisma twin gremlins and the reload is so fast it's like it doesn't stop firing. Cast your 4 for a red crit frenzy for you and your friends, any headshots continues the buff for 3 seconds. Use your 1 again to immediately replenish overshields and keep the cycle going.

Lots of fun.


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Valkyr/Prime + Galantine/Prime (War works too :p ) + Cleaving Whirlwind Stance w/ Fury/Primed, Berserker, & Arcane Strike arcane + Eternal Warcry augment mod. The true spin-to-win build. Add additional Valkyr (Warcry's melee speed boost stacks with multiple Valkyrs casting next to each other last I checked!) or Volt (speed ability) teammates to hit ludicrous speed. One of these days I will achieve liftoff..........>helicopter engine start up noise<


p.s. learn the spin combo to pull it off quickly and effectively. very important for maximum spinny fun.

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