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Tridolon Coolmunity


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I soloed tri with trini then decided to do public bounties.

Now after like 7 -8 clears i really don't need anything and the entire experience just hurts my eyes a lot. 

I really don't understand this craze with energise, there are so many ways you can deal with energy problems.

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48 minutes ago, (PS4)supersocc11 said:

Nah.  All i know is Volt, harrow, rhino, chroma, and trinity better be downright worthless against the big spider boss on Venus to make up for the irritating demand that the nerds have for eidolon hunts lol

I am not seeing any way they can make those four not work in any content lol.

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1 hour ago, (PS4)supersocc11 said:

Nah.  All i know is Volt, harrow, rhino, chroma, and trinity better be downright worthless against the big spider boss on Venus to make up for the irritating demand that the nerds have for eidolon hunts lol

I'd doubt Trinity would be rendered moot, a Healer is always handy to have in a party.

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44 minutes ago, JDxBarracka said:

I soloed tri with trini then decided to do public bounties.

Now after like 7 -8 clears i really don't need anything and the entire experience just hurts my eyes a lot. 

I really don't understand this craze with energise, there are so many ways you can deal with energy problems.

But you only 4 Hydrolyst Captures* 0 Kills, I wish people would stop lying about silly things. (Or over inflating the truth)

Edited by Joe_Barbarian
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I started by doing the Teralyst kills with my clan.


Since Chroma was doing higher damage back then I used it to capture about Teralyst a night solo.


After the 2 newer Eidolons came I just used random public groups without recruitment chat to do the runs. I'd say 95% of the time we get 2x3 and on some odd times its 3x3.


I personally just use Volt and join a bounty. I see if there is a Trinity in the group and if there is one I will stay and that usually means 2 full runs which I am fine with. I have not bothered in finding groups in the chat. Maybe I might at some point when I really want to do the last Arcane farm crunch before Fortuna hits.


To me the main problem seems to be that people come to the Tridolon runs without a solid Amp. The shields might take more time to take down which really is the main thing eating up the time taken. Most people seem to have some decent weapon to take the limbs down. My approach with Volt has been to bring as much as I can to the group. Only thing I am really not doing is healing. Even though using Unairu Focus tree lets me protect the Lures to some degree.


I personally don't mind newer players joining the runs as long as there is a Trinity healing the lures and protecting the players as for the most part I can take care of the Eidolon.


What annoys me most in public runs is when people take needlesly long time to move to the altar between the Eidolons. Naturally its also annoying if I cant find Vombs at the start enough to charge one lure which usually results in a situation where there are multiple lures uncharged next to the eidolon and it takes ages to get one of the lures charged. Further more people tend to shoot the limbs when you are basically waiting for that one last Vom to charge the lure.


If there is a lot of "toxicity" in a Tridolon group I would dare to guess that for the most part its because the team is made up of people that are not ready for it gearwise and/or there is someone in the group that is expecting a random public group to be always as efficient as a premade. Though you are bound to run to annoying people at some point.

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On 2018-08-28 at 1:13 PM, entity747 said:

Why is tridolon community so strict?No fun allowed,you gotta have this,u gotta have that and if u mess up even if a little bit,u are treated like a kid who's about to be grounded. Also, people in recruitment chat will downright ignore u.And what bothers me the most is they kinda express themselves the cooler guys.It's all pins and needles when it comes to whisper someone for the invite. It's understandable and all but man, can't people have fun anymore? I remember running raids with low level players too.But how did it come to this.As someone in chat said , how will people grow if u guys who are ahead of the game cant give a lending hand.This is my 1st time posting in forums.I rarely do complaining but this bothers me to the point i had to make a post.I beg your pardon if i offended anyone.Will DE fix it somehow?I'm sad.

I also have that mindset when I was starting with eidolon hunting. 😂 Hitting "LF > Eidolon Hunting". Then I tried this, "H > Casual Eidolon Hunting". There were a lot of response. It turns out that there's a lot of people looking for eidolon hunts, but were afraid to host. If you have no luck on finding people to teach you, you gotta do it your own. That's what I did and here I am looking for a more efficient eidolon hunts.  

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In Cetus, near the big orokin gates, there's an old fella named Konzu. If you press esc you can fast travel to him so you will surely find him through that. If you already have something like 30+ teralysts captured under your belt and you know you can contribute to the fight with your good amp, you can go to Konzu when it's night at plains and Cetus and select "hunt for teralyst, gantulyst and hydrolyst". Other than that, go to Konzu and select "hunt teralyst". Before talking to Konzu though, make sure you have "public" selected on the squad forming thing in upper left.

I wouldn't even join a casual hunt for all three until I had capped them all at the very least once in public through Konzu, or maybe soloed it. Because it's arrogant expecting to be carried. And judging from the attitute of people doing 3x3 and higher, I'd avoid those too. No big loss for me, I don't see any reason to go for the arcanes since I can already handle everything in this game, which is not much. Messing the run of other people isn't good anyhow.

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On 2018-08-28 at 1:19 AM, 4thBro said:

Good luck. The forum community opposes all complaints, including bug reports.

Warframe community advertise about the GOOD and GREAT community its game have and in some case is true untill the moment DE implement a true and real PVP.

But the forum is other story, in the forum you cant go against the Will of the Great and overlord [DE] because you get flame in the 1st reply, 

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On 2018-08-28 at 1:13 AM, entity747 said:

Why is tridolon community so strict?No fun allowed,you gotta have this,u gotta have that and if u mess up even if a little bit,u are treated like a kid who's about to be grounded. Also, people in recruitment chat will downright ignore u.And what bothers me the most is they kinda express themselves the cooler guys.It's all pins and needles when it comes to whisper someone for the invite. It's understandable and all but man, can't people have fun anymore? I remember running raids with low level players too.But how did it come to this.As someone in chat said , how will people grow if u guys who are ahead of the game cant give a lending hand.This is my 1st time posting in forums.I rarely do complaining but this bothers me to the point i had to make a post.I beg your pardon if i offended anyone.Will DE fix it somehow?I'm sad.

DE can fix this by giving loot for the loot collected.  I know Im tired of carrying Tridolon groups with 70% of the damage done and ended up dying right at the end, because no one bothers to resurrect you, losing all loot.  This has happened 3 times this week alone. These arent new players, Im talking MR15-25 players basically potato during all the fights.  I've resorted to group chat to find a group for Tridolons. Hard to have fun when there is no reward for the work. 

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3 minutes ago, fadingtheory said:

You'd think with how many people post threads about just wanting to have fun hunting these things that they'd all be able to get together and form fun parties with each other.

Kinda makes you think, maybe each of the OP of each thread made complaining about Eidolon hunting groups are the problem in their hunts instead of them all passing the blame to others. :thinking:

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16 часов назад, JDxBarracka сказал:

I really don't understand this craze with energise, there are so many ways you can deal with energy problems.


For example, by having energize. :crylaugh: There are many frames that can benefit from it while not relying on rage-like mods and just in general, it's a quality of life arcane. Just like Guardian, it's extemely satisfying thing to have. Just like many other things like formas, fully modded things, leveled focus schools or rivens, not required to have.


I am not seeing any way they can make those four not work in any content lol.

Raids and ESO. Does not work. An many other examples. More importantly, in other places aside from Eidolon, no one needs this "meta" because this meta is all about single target heavy as **** damage and a healer for stupid *** ai. If you won't need millions of damage points to kill something, you're unlikely to see these four.


I'd doubt Trinity would be rendered moot, a Healer is always handy to have in a party.

Not always. For most things having 75% damage reduction is redundant. You either need more or don't need it at all.

Edited by -Temp0-
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Elitists in any game are going to be elitists. Don't worry if you even approach their level. The goal posts will move anyway. I have a stereotypical image of them and I'll keep that description to myself. I feel you though, to get the good gear you have to play the hard content, but recruiting chat users won't let you play the hard content ... and around and around we go. The pasteover solution that you'll hear is recruiting chat or join a clan that does... the things you want. I've just taken to picking at the teraltst solo with the "wrong" loadout. Not efficient, but efficiency is for the MLG-elites in this game.

As for the powers that be [de] solving this, it's not gonna happen. Your best bet is just to do what you can and when the 'pros' move on, you can get those fun toys too.

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21 hours ago, Joe_Barbarian said:

But you only 4 Hydrolyst Captures* 0 Kills, I wish people would stop lying about silly things. (Or over inflating the truth)

Why would i kill the hydrolyst ?? and with the eye strain i would call it worth 30+ clears   i was low balling it at 7-8 🙂

Edited by JDxBarracka
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6 hours ago, -Temp0- said:

Raids and ESO. Does not work. An many other examples. More importantly, in other places aside from Eidolon, no one needs this "meta" because this meta is all about single target heavy as **** damage and a healer for stupid *** ai. If you won't need millions of damage points to kill something, you're unlikely to see these four.

You didn't understand my point. In no way you can make them so horrible that  they have nearly  no effectiveness to the poster i quoted.

As in 

21 hours ago, JDxBarracka said:

not work in any content

and i see all four of them in every content regularly lol

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13 часов назад, JDxBarracka сказал:

You didn't understand my point. In no way you can make them so horrible that  they have nearly  no effectiveness to the poster i quoted.

As in 

and i see all four of them in every content regularly lol

90% of frames work in any content, and only Volt from those four is actually seen in regular missions. You might personally see anything or nothing at all but theres an actual statistics on the subject and not someones delusions. 

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14 hours ago, -Temp0- said:

90% of frames work in any content, and only Volt from those four is actually seen in regular missions. You might personally see anything or nothing at all but theres an actual statistics on the subject and not someones delusions. 

Yeah 100% of the playerbase does not use trinity, chromo or rhino on regular they are forced by some unknown power to use some other frame than these. 

Whose delusional again??

Edited by JDxBarracka
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On 2018-08-28 at 1:13 AM, entity747 said:

Why is tridolon community so strict?

can't people have fun anymore?

Because it's not fun to lose half or more of your rewards for a time-gated activity because someone didn't bother to prepare at all and just came in expecting to be carried and get the grofit from the endeavor without putting in their share of the effort. If you're learning, or want to screw around with unleveled/suboptimal gear, join public hunts instead of lurking in recruit channel. As long as one or two people know what they're doing and bring proper gear you can still get one tri a night--if you're going to complain about "only" getting that much when you want to get carried, everyone is going to laugh at you.

People care about it in tridolon hunts because they require a full cell of knowledgeable people with the right gear to achieve good efficiency, and having dead weight directly corresponds to missing out on loot. Nobody sane cares about dead weight in normal missions because pretty much all content there can be easily soloed and doesn't become meaningfully less efficient with dead weight (the opposite, in fact, for survival and focus/affinity farming as more players = more spawns).

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5 часов назад, JDxBarracka сказал:

Yeah 100% of the playerbase does not use trinity, chromo or rhino on regular they are forced by some unknown power to use some other frame than these. 

Whose delusional again??


Only Rhino and Volt from that list are used on a regular basis and Rhino is not being used that often in Eidolon runs because 99 cases out of 100 it's gonna be Chroma, Chroma outside of Tridolon you will not see and Trinity is not that 'popular' either, this is actually a prime example of a frame people are forced to play if they want something done. No one wants to play it on their own volition - not in raids, not is ESO, not in farming groups, not in Eidolon, it's a frame that you have to wait if you ask it in any content. Most braindead roles are Harrow and Volt that are instantly filled, Chroma a bit more complicated and then comes the Trinity you have to wait up to 10+ minutes to fill that one slot when recruiting. And yet no one in their right mind start a raid or Tridolon until they have a Trinity so that's where the playrate comes from.

Harrow from those 4 are in the pit down below as one of the least played frames.

All the information was shown on one of the recent devstreams, I'm not surprised some people have iq of a spoon so they can't even read.

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