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What to spend tons of platinum on? I am a fairly old player.


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2 hours ago, Yusif854 said:

I bought 4300 plat on 75% discount and I am waiting for another so I can buy one more. What to do with 8240 platinum? (I spent some so it will not be 8600). Give me all your options.

Tennogen.  You will create truly magnificent combinations.


So...Rivens and Deluxe skins are my amended suggestions.

Edited by (PS4)Silverback73
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As the guy above me said, I use platinum for things I don't wanna farm -- like Saryn and Trinity... You have to have TICKETS so you are allowed to farm? WTF? What's next, the bosses will be active only 3 days a week? Jesus.

On OP's question:

  1. Forma.
  2. Orokin Reactors / Orokin Catalysts.
  3. Warframe slots and weapon slots. Never enough.
  4. Deluxe skins (I am only 316h in and I already have most).

Don't know about arcanes yet so can't comment. As for rivens, so far my experience with them has been "a lot of effort for a very ehhhh mod".

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1 hour ago, Gofretko said:

As the guy above me said, I use platinum for things I don't wanna farm -- like Saryn and Trinity... You have to have TICKETS so you are allowed to farm? WTF? What's next, the bosses will be active only 3 days a week? Jesus.

You'll find yourself with tons of judgment points when Endo farming...

But Trinity on the other hand... RNG for ambulas in dropship + Lengthy boss fight + RNG for the parts you need = Disaster

Nidus is the only frame I bought, Atlas (unless I buy archwing mods) and Khora would be bought too.

For OP. Always buy Forma. ALWAYS

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21 minutes ago, Christopaz said:

You'll find yourself with tons of judgment points when Endo farming...

But Trinity on the other hand... RNG for ambulas in dropship + Lengthy boss fight + RNG for the parts you need = Disaster

Nidus is the only frame I bought, Atlas (unless I buy archwing mods) and Khora would be bought too.

For OP. Always buy Forma. ALWAYS

Nah, I am not mad at Endo farming. I understand it is gating end-game content (Primed mods). I am OK with the fact that we cannot get everything quickly. It has to be this way or else the people would maximize their collection and leave and never play again.

And yeah, Trinity / Saryn / Mesa / Ivara farming is a pain in the ass. Ivara and Nidus were the first two frames I bought straight-up, next was Mesa a month later. I have plenty of Warframes now so Saryn and Trinity aren't a priority but I am definitely buying them with platinum when I figure I wanna play them. I like the Jordas mission so I guess I would be farming it when I am in the mood. But Khora... yeah, pretty likely she gets the platinum treatment as well.

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Depends on your priorities. I've spent thousands and thousands of plat to buy nearly the full market, just missing a couple of things, also bought weapon/frame slots for every single one in the game and just making more plat for future deluxes and other cosmetics (and sometimes new frames that I can't bring myself to farm because of bounties).

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