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Elite Onslaught is Pointless Boredom Because of Saryn


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7 hours ago, (PS4)CoolD2108 said:

Why do people even use her in eso anymore? According to some dudes video the endless scaling of her spores has been fixed... what makes her a frame with a horrific long wind up that starts from zero every turn.



Because it can still keep up with Volt and Equinox on kills. You just apply spores and kill the target so it spreads and then use miasma, 4th ability. Miasma after spores is the key here.

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So we ruined, YES RUINED DONT GIVE ME S#&$ ABOUT EMBER IS FINE!, ember cause she killed low enemies with ease and now we are moving to complaining about Saryn killing higher tier enemies too fast.......You know I think Im beyond sick and tired of *@##$ing about nerfing S#&$ in a pve focused game. I really am. You guys ruin someone elses fun and make all the time they spent getting a build together wasted cause your pissy about them doing all the work and makes me really despise you it. Saryn is fine so shut up and play the game

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Am 17.8.2018 um 07:10 schrieb (PS4)Captain_Bonecold:

Saryn is balance.


Am 17.8.2018 um 07:10 schrieb (PS4)Captain_Bonecold:

Saryn is balance.


Am 17.8.2018 um 07:10 schrieb (PS4)Captain_Bonecold:

I am balance.


Am 1.9.2018 um 13:05 schrieb (PS4)Captain_Bonecold:

Saryn not OP.


Am 1.9.2018 um 23:55 schrieb (PS4)Captain_Bonecold:

Saryn is balance.


Am 2.9.2018 um 05:35 schrieb (PS4)Captain_Bonecold:

Right now saryn is balance.


vor 16 Stunden schrieb (PS4)Captain_Bonecold:

Saryn balance right now.


vor 10 Stunden schrieb (PS4)Captain_Bonecold:

Saryn is balance.


vor 1 Stunde schrieb (PS4)Captain_Bonecold:

Saryn is balance. Leave Saryn alone. 

Why are low MR being taken serious?

Way is account that less than 3 months being taken serious?

Well-meant advice: Repeating the "Saryn is balance" mantra over and over without providing any usable arguments does not make it easy to take you seriously quite honestly.

vor 56 Minuten schrieb (PS4)darkjohn333:

So we ruined, YES RUINED DONT GIVE ME S#&$ ABOUT EMBER IS FINE!, ember cause she killed low enemies with ease and now we are moving to complaining about Saryn killing higher tier enemies too fast.......You know I think Im beyond sick and tired of *@##$ing about nerfing S#&$ in a pve focused game. I really am. You guys ruin someone elses fun and make all the time they spent getting a build together wasted cause your pissy about them doing all the work and makes me really despise you it. Saryn is fine so shut up and play the game

Easy there, just a game.

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You are all insane if you Think Saryn needs a Nerf, Instead of complaining Either Make your own group, Go Solo, Or just go get a Saryn and have that Same Amount of Fun.

Saryn is a Great frame With the current rework (nerf/buff) that has already been done to her which has already made her worse at some things and better at others; as it happens going up against already high level enemies with increasingly stupid levels of armor scaling like Kuva missions.

Further more The players that enjoy Saryn have already spent an enormous amount of time, effort and resources into those builds to make Saryn shine, your complaints that Saryn is making Kuva missions Easier!? Is invalid not only that its illogical.

We are Space Ninja's ffs a little OP is what We Need at that Level when we have spent ongodly amounts of time getting there Or have you all forgotten that journey?

Edited by Wildcardgsx
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2 минуты назад, Wildcardgsx сказал:

We are Space Ninja's ffs 

If only we were Space Ninjas and not Space Marines from 40k, stealth is non existance, and there no actual spy missions - only rooms with consoles.

A little OP its when you can kill all enemies on map once per minute by pressing one button, but we can press that button every 5 seconds ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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Ash: 2x shuricans for 500 damage *250%AP need to be in line. You can compare with Hydroid, Ember, Oberon, Zephyr... you can make a list, but 25e deal around 300-1000 base damage with various aoe, timer and gimmicks.

Spores: you can break 3x spores 3k damage each per second from single cast with  just 100% AP (AP is unimportant) , the are is not line but 15m*AR If enemies has higher levels the spores just keep growing.Running with 100%AP means more space for overextend, steel fiber, rage, regenerative molt, and you still have your aoe dot nuke.

What balance spores damage is that before reaching full potencial it needs time to wind up.

Perfect balance is not the goal, but frames should be on the same page. And spores are very cost effective. The rest and general kit is ok. But there need to be some max spores damage related to AP, and similar to avarage abillity values. Which is 300 base per spore. But without initial 20% decay, and with 50%/100% on toxic lash (which is just self only volt shield).

Even with AP scaling 3*300*370%AP (+growing power) gives 3330 damage per spore, which is enought for anything below 120lv, especially with Miasma and Toxic Lash weapon damage.But... you need to put some AP, and make sacrifize for it.

But at some point DE will do something with Saryn (they always do), and i would rather take minimal changes, adressing only the problem part, and changing the numbers without touching kit (which is fun and working together) rather than one of these creative reworks.

Edited by felixsylvaris
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vor 15 Stunden schrieb miomima:

i`m goin to complain till all frames gona be nerfed, and warframe stops being ability spam fest, but if with some frames you at least need some timings, movement, aim, management, with other you just need to press 2 buttons, and you done. no matter what weapon you use, can be lato with no mods. A game should remain as a game, you need to put effort to win.

im glad u have no saying in this and dont make the final decision because what u suggest kills any game with RPG elements, literally.

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1 минуту назад, Xydeth сказал:

im glad u have no saying in this and dont make the final decision because what u suggest kills any game with RPG elements, literally.

Its actualy not, it force you to learn your strong and weak sides, when you can play agressive, and when you better back off. Playing on edge - whats make game truly awesome and memorable, and right now there is no edge, you always can do whathewer you want.

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Gerade eben schrieb miomima:

Its actualy not, it force you to learn your strong and weak sides, when you can play agressive, and when you better back off. Playing on edge - whats make game truly awesome and memorable, and right now there is no edge, you always can do whathewer you want.

i see u have spent 0 thoughts on ur suggestion...

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On 2018-09-02 at 7:36 AM, Kotsender_Quasimir said:

Yes, spy missions are another case of asking for pretty much mandatory frames, namely Loki or Ivara. They defeat any kind of actual stealth gameplay which those missions were designed for. Imagine you had the choice to start a "real" stealth game like MGS with the invisibity belt, it'd be considered absurd. That's why i also pleaded for high level Spy missions (like in Sorties) to feature "nullifying" areas in the past. But that's another story.

But you don't need any special equipment to do spy missions.  I never cheat in any of them and I usually come out better than the ones cheating since they make mistakes and then  bounce instead of salvaging it (because they don't know how to do the vault legitimately.)

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vor 1 Stunde schrieb RealPandemonium:

But you don't need any special equipment to do spy missions.  I never cheat in any of them and I usually come out better than the ones cheating since they make mistakes and then  bounce instead of salvaging it (because they don't know how to do the vault legitimately.)

Well kudos to you then! Gotta agree, familiarity is a factor in spy missions that can hardly be cheesed.

Sure, they're not literally needed in spy missions, just like Saryn isn't actually needed in ESO, but the point i was trying to make is these frames trivialize their respective content to a degree that makes a huge part of the playerbase gravitate towards them, thus effectively making them "mandatory" and hurting variety (and difficulty, which to me is a quality aspect in itself). Check out the most recent usage chart: the only reason i can think of Loki is so high is because he's taken every single time to high level spy missions by the majority of players, since his other role as ambulance / last-man-standing is pretty obsolete nowadays (even for leeching there is better option *cough*limbo*cough*).

This will go way off topic but there ya go:

Now i take it we're talking about sortie spy missions primarily as they're the supposed to be the endgame variant (and you can rush normal ones with pretty much anyone really, i give you that). The one thing they did right was disallow cyphers, which makes for at least some failing potential (leading me to half-joking remark of those minigames actually being the hardest part about sorties / raids in the past). Then came Luna and since most difficulty stemmed from lasers they posed a challenge even for Loki. But lo and behold, shortly after DE in their endless care about our frustration tolerance provide us with "Infiltrate" for Ivara.

There'd still be room to spice things up. Another idea floating around which i really liked was giving Grineer Kubrows the ability to "sniff you out" even when invisible. Or if we went the ZodiacShinryu way sections with forced alarms (similar to sortie rescue) would be thinkable, asking more for mobility skills, boosting relevance of such frames (Volt, Zephyr, Valkyr, Titania... (One could argue mobility skills themselves were made somewhat redundant by "mobility creep" movement 2.0... But that's yet another story) ). Speaking of the latter: If DE were to implement actual sorties (asking for specific frames even) smaller vents could be introcuded asking for Titanias... Etc. etc.

Another thing is the AI is still a bit dim about invisibility. They should at least trigger alarms if they see their mates hacked to bits by "nothing" (if that's not alarming i don't know what is). Or at least make them hear our steps when we run by too close... Dunno. They're dozens of stealth titles that do it right to be inspired by really.

Anyway: Still you can't design missions around each and every frame (Well i guess in theory you could but that'd be a herculean task to say the least).


vor 5 Stunden schrieb (PS4)Kairu_Aname:

I see that someone wants to play call of duty while not playing call of duty.

Oh i didn't know COD featured space ninja mobility, moebius like enemy design and special space magic skills nowadays... Maybe i should check it out! Where's the free download?


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Saryn spreads corrosive and viral all over the map/large radius. That alone would make her a worthy participant in any group.

The scaling damage on top of that is just too much.

Plus her EHP are quite good, too, so she's not even a glass cannon.

She is broken and needs two hits with the nerf bat to get inline with other damage frames like Ember.

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On 2018-08-16 at 2:17 PM, ActionPoohole said:

Lets not get into semantics here, you know exactly what I'm saying (I should hope). A Saryn can stand in the middle of an area and make a damn hissing noise and everything dies. That is what I mean. I'm not saying they can walk away from their computer, it's an exaggeration for the point at hand. They don't need to do very much at all in order to wipe the entire surrounding area of enemies.

That is the point.

What fun is left for everyone else when they didn't get to partake in that? What are guns for? I don't see how that is fun. Maybe for some? Maybe so, for those around? Only for the lazy who want to AFK and do nothing while they Saryn does everything while being almost as active as a sloth.

power fantasy is now lazy? but power Fantasy is fun when you get all the mods and such. you worked for it. enjoy it. if your not wanting power fantasy you can just remove mods and go solo. this game is what you make of it. lets not end everyone else fun because of "power fantasy" is not your cup of tea.  

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vor 3 Minuten schrieb Meicoomon_Prime:

power fantasy is now lazy? but power Fantasy is fun when you get all the mods and such. you worked for it. enjoy it. if your not wanting power fantasy you can just remove mods and go solo. this game is what you make of it. lets not end everyone else fun because of "power fantasy" is not your cup of tea.  

power phantasy != iddqd+idkfa

Sorry but this argument is getting so very hackneyed... What action game isn't a power phantasy? There's a vast grey area between "fart once and the universe never existed" and ... well ... dunno ... "real life".

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