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Elite Onslaught is Pointless Boredom Because of Saryn


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8 hours ago, Ksaero said:

Can you explain what you've typed here please?

oh really? Mag's polarize got nerfed (ok it was broken but it was for shields only), Ash bladestorm had its changes (that in depth are a nerf) and Ember got its useless for its intended purpose "change".

Who literally cried out loud on the forum for these?
Wanna take Volt without Corrosive Projection? Don't expect to get past zone 8 alone at least. We could've had more choices, but no. We needed onslaught to understand that and make Saryn even better just to spit in the face of all those "changes"

Saryn's changes came with onslaught and they've been made accordingly. How did she came out? A masterpiece.
Onlsaught proposed something that was relatively new to Warframe and people loved it for the time being, but the replay value, as of many things, is low.

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5 minutes ago, davej83 said:

oh common stop ask for nerf things.. saryn it´s not that OP that those kids think.. is just the perfect example how dmg frame should be

I'm asking for a balance pass, for the sake of my teammate's fun. She is extremely (broken) powerful and no "that's how a dmg frame should be" is gonna change that

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vor 19 Minuten schrieb Asdryu:

Saryn's changes came with onslaught and they've been made accordingly. How did she came out? A masterpiece.

No, she was changed only after the implementation of ESO and ppl were going to round 8 quite effortlessly even before then.

A masterpiece? Well, depending on how you look at it that notion holds up. Maybe a bit much of a masterpiece really being able to solo supposed endgame content while being brain-afk.


Also in general i'm tired of reading the argument "but she's only great in ESO", it's simply not true. Horde killing easily makes up 80% of the game overall with only a few exceptions.

Edited by Kotsender_Quasimir
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13 minutes ago, davej83 said:

oh common stop ask for nerf things.. saryn it´s not that OP that those kids think.. is just the perfect example how dmg frame should be

Well, while she is indeed what a damage frame should be, she's also tanky while being even better than Equinox in my eyes.
Equinix can scale as opposed to Saryn, but she's done against armor.

Edited by Asdryu
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Some of the suggestion how to "fix" Saryn are really bad.

For example this drain the energy. will generally meant drain all energy, since we cant shut it, and we cant stop other players from blowing spores. So fun.

Better idea:

Spores max damage is no longer 100k, but it is max Number * Abillity power per spore. Where number could be 300 or 200 or 1000 up to balance team. The problem with Saryn is not her other abillities, or kit in general, not even spores mechanic. But that you can scale Spores damage to infinity with 10% abillity power. Which leaves pleanty of space for overextend, rage, steel fiber, molting regeneration and so on.

With my suggestion Saryn still could a lot of things, but need to choose, range, ap, survival, mana efficiency.

To offset loss in spore damage, Toxic Lash could be buffed, since it is personal only buff.

However Saryns are toxic only in Onslaught, so they do not really affect gameplay. "Nerf her to the ground, I want Blood!" community is much worse.

It is also better to wait with fancy changes after Fortuna/Railjack, since right now there is not much to do outside ESO, but Saryn is worse against Corpus (Corrosive what?) and she has wind up time on spores, so not so good in Bountie type mission.



Edited by felixsylvaris
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3 minutes ago, Kotsender_Quasimir said:

No, she was changed only after the implementation of ESO and ppl were going to round 8 quite effortlessly even before then.

A masterpiece? Well, depending on how you look at it that notion holds up. Maybe a bit much of a masterpiece really being able to solo supposed endgame content while being brain-afk. And honestly i'm tired of the argument "but she's only great in ESO", it's simply not true. Horde killing easily makes up 80% of the game overall with only a few exceptions.

NEVER in this post I said or even implied that she's good only in ESO.
Stop exaggerating there.

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I agree with saryn being broken OP but so is everything that has a giant AOE radius and I do mean everything even non killing abilities like nova's 4 it's the same gimmick but instead of not seeing enemies because they are dead you wont see them because they are literally crawling.

While saryn is OP if so is volt and the community literally asked for uncapped dmg so which is it? when I do focus farm in ESO with volt and there's squad with full CP and the other dps is saryn she never oudps my volt which sits at 244str and 280 range simply because volt is instant 3k dmg that ticks over 5sec at a very fast pace racking over 10s of thousands of dmg withing 5sec while saryn will never have the chance to build her spore dmg to anything significant.

I do hope all AOE will eventually die out in this game so at best you get cone like abilities or the radius is around 10m at most so you can never really break the game for anyone. But at this point reality kicks in and we all know this wont ever happen it's just how the game is and we will only get more stupid abilities. "Devs say we don't want press and forget it abilities and then they literally built revenent's 4th ability as one such ability" The problem has always been how an ability was designed not how people use them but it's simply easier to just band-aid any symptom of a problem then actually fix the problem.

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vor 38 Minuten schrieb Asdryu:

Onlsaught proposed something that was relatively new to Warframe and people loved it for the time being, but the replay value, as of many things, is low.

The way i see it Onslaught was meant as a stress test, supposed to really force us to take our gear to the limit, making for engaging, challenging gameplay (even adding oh so dreaded cooldowns) with some exclusive rewards as cherry on top. And the reason the appeal got lost quickly: It turned out not to be that stressful at all. In fact we're mindlessly breezing through it like pretty much any other content so far (not counting ridiculous self-imposed challenges like going 12 hours into survival which btw isn't exactly hard either, more testing your patience than anything) ... and the reason? WELL...

Let's just Saryn doesn't really help. Or rather: Helps too much?

ESO really made me miss raids :I ... at the very least some actual communication / team effort was helpful for those.

Edited by Kotsender_Quasimir
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oh well another "i cant use my swong swong umbra" post.

ESO is for focus and affinity farm, ESO game mechanic involved into fast map wipe, ESO have a queen in PUG and its saryn, dont like saryn, dont go on PUG and solo ESO.




all are the same, saryn is more popular due the easy build involving and the friendly use. I can be you worst nightmare with my volt and equinox op. Just git gud.

move on guys, next!

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vor 2 Stunden schrieb Soketsu:

Yeah and remember that time it never solve the issue ? How much time have been used, where this time could have been put on forgotten stuff like dark sectors ?

Anyway, I should have the same answer again & again since each time, nerf happen to not change a thing 😛


See you to next OP stuff to nerf XD


Ofc it solved the issue! Nearly every single time. You sound like you miss the old broken abilities. Sorry, I do not.

Saryn may be the next possible candiate. After that perhaps Equinox. After that who knows.

There may always be meta, but everytime it gets smacked by a balance check, the number of viable frames, weapons and builds increases. And in my book this is good.

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1 час назад, (PS4)LoisGordils сказал:

I love Saryn, I really do. I love playing her, I love all her abilities and how destructive she is.

However, I feel empathy towards other players. I can see why, when playing with a good Saryn, they can get bored when everything is being dissolved. This is a horde shooter game. Thus, 80% of the fun comes from killing enemies. Having a Saryn obliterate everything and leaving nothing for other players to kill might leave a stagnant taste in their mouths and, eventually, they'll come to resent the Warframe.

My proposal: Spores now drain energy per second por as long as, at least, one enemy is infected. The energy increases by X every time a Y threshold of damage is reached (1 energy per second everytime damage goes up by 1,000). If energy runs out while Spores is active or you hold down the ability, all spores explode and deal X amount of damage based off the current value (like how it was when Saryn 2.5 dropped)

With this change, you can't simply stack ridiculous amounts of damage and easily maintain it. A nerf? Maybe. Will it alleviate Saryn's eating away at everything? Probably so.

its not even a nerf, saryn still gona be able to do what she do now, just making this more expensive with arcane energize and energy pads, that all.

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6 hours ago, miomima said:



6 hours ago, miomima said:

Lets buff Excalibur radial javelin till it gona oneshot all enemies on map till level 1000. That what yoy want.
Oberon is a melee frame because in trailer he used Silva and Aegis :facepalm:

1 shotting 1000 lvl enemies? Oh you were talking about theoretical aspect so far? I thought you were being practical, my bad.

This aint about simple trailer doe, She, literally, had a melee only ability. Even now player gets %200 benefit from her 3 as melee. She is a melee frame that can perform well with non-melee, I get that this makes likes of you to think she is a caster but her full/true potential, without a trinity to supply you constant energy, can be unlocked by melee adrenaline-p.flow-life strike combination. That range people constanly complain actually has a huge downside of super expensive spell costs due to %45 efficiency, a frame that already has high base energy costs.

Sure you can go Regen Molt and keep yourself up while being range caster but that does not scale well into high lvl content and probably require you to sacrifice a crucial mod.

Warframe is dominated by AOE abilities, I think all Warframes need to have some sort of infinite scaling and weapon interactions with their unique way. I insta grabbed Saryn P. when I started with plat just because I loved the way she look but damn that was the best 250 plat I have ever spent. Regardless of how much dmg she deals or not, She is super-fun. Never used her spam 1 on molt back in those days, went full melee with Quick thinking. 

She is fun, even without all damage, her Ability Interaction is in a sweet spot right now and I cant find another frame that is fun to play.

Bare in mind that back in those days, she had very cheap and almost guaranteed 2 status procs on the enemy, toxic lash spreading and 1's viral. Atm to have 2 status she needs to use her very expensive energy cost 4. 



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2 минуты назад, nathrizarri сказал:


1 shotting 1000 lvl enemies? Oh you were talking about theoretical aspect so far? I thought you were being practical, my bad.

This aint about simple trailer doe, She, literally, had a melee only ability. Even now player gets %200 benefit from her 3 as melee. She is a melee frame that can perform well with non-melee, I get that this makes likes of you to think she is a caster but her full/true potential, without a trinity to supply you constant energy, can be unlocked by melee adrenaline-p.flow-life strike combination. That range people constanly complain actually has a huge downside of super expensive spell costs due to %45 efficiency, a frame that already has high base energy costs.

Sure you can go Regen Molt and keep yourself up while being range caster but that does not scale well into high lvl content and probably require you to sacrifice a crucial mod.

Warframe is dominated by AOE abilities, I think all Warframes need to have some sort of infinite scaling and weapon interactions with their unique way. I insta grabbed Saryn P. when I started with plat just because I loved the way she look but damn that was the best 250 plat I have ever spent. Regardless of how much dmg she deals or not, She is super-fun. Never used her spam 1 on molt back in those days, went full melee with Quick thinking. 

She is fun, even without all damage, her Ability Interaction is in a sweet spot right now and I cant find another frame that is fun to play.

Bare in mind that back in those days, she had very cheap and almost guaranteed 2 status procs on the enemy, toxic lash spreading and 1's viral. Atm to have 2 status she needs to use her very expensive energy cost 4. 



you dont need 300% AP build to kill high level enemies, full umbral build with 200+ range and 160EE is enough to constantly spam your abilities with zenurik buff.

im not against late game scaling (just look at excalibur - he have awesome scaling with his blade) im against way of devilering that scaling (every tick of damage from excalibur is a swing of the sword which requiers aim, positioning, energy to sustain) Saryn right now dont need anything to deliver her damage, she kill enemies she dont even aware of, and that should be deleted from the game, not only from Saryn.

And since im not a fan if destroying other people gameplay - Saryn just collect dust in arsenal.

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55 minutes ago, miomima said:

massage me when you find a way to oneshot full map of lvl100 grineer with volt, mr."my worst nightmare" 😄

Its kinda fun how by "git gut" people actualy mean "pick saryn or equinox" and not "learn movement, aim, positioning etc." 

primaries are my secondary

secondary are non existent 

melee sometimes when i dont want to waste energy. Casting skill whole day!


massage me when you find a way to oneshot full map of lvl100 grineer with volt

I never mentioned one shot anything. Different of fast wipe. 


"git gut" people actualy mean

Means farm relics, sell relics farm good mods, roll riven, max mods, format more, get Strong and them compete with you problem. I will never have issues with any other frame player due OPINESS because normally im always Destroying you system. When you're OP the Other OP don't bother you much at all. I tend to find people who cry moar on forum for nerf its because they lack resources to recreated the same build and frame. 

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14 минут назад, xcenic сказал:

primaries are my secondary

secondary are non existent 

melee sometimes when i dont want to waste energy. Casting skill whole day!

I never mentioned one shot anything. Different of fast wipe. 

Means farm relics, sell relics farm good mods, roll riven, max mods, format more, get Strong and them compete with you problem. I will never have issues with any other frame player due OPINESS because normally im always Destroying you system. When you're OP the Other OP don't bother you much at all. I tend to find people who cry moar on forum for nerf its because they lack resources to recreated the same build and frame. 

Once again, i have Saryn, i have Volt, i have Equinox, i probbly higher MR than you, i probbly have more stuff than you.

Do i want to play Saryn\Volt\Equinox - yes, do i play Saryn\Volt\Equinox - no, and reasons for that: 1) Its boring to play "right" 2) i dont want to cripple myself by not using abilities or destroy someones gameplay. Bacause of that i mostly play Nyx, Vauban, Excalibur, Chroma etc. Because with this frame i actualy have fun gameplay, and not only me but other teamates too.
Please, consider your thoughts once again and leave conversation.

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so, you want to nerf a frame who was designed to strip armor? how do u do that? make her not strip armor? then... she aint saryn. so, u want saryn to be deleted? because that's the only way she wont do what she does. IT IS HOW SHE WORKS MR "CAPS WHEN I EMPHASIZE STUFF COZ I DONT LIKE A FRAME AND WANNA PUNISH EVERYONE BECAUSE I DON'T KNOW HOW TO USE THE RECRUIT CHANNEL"

bruh, get over it, don't mess someone's favorite frame up just because you lack the ability to enter recruit chat, type in "LF ESO, need EV, Rhino, DPS who is not saryn, Volt". 

If you do not want a saryn in your team, the recruitment channel exists, it's easy to use, and free to use. If you don't want to use it, then don't complain about a frame being in a game when you don't want it to be in the game. 

You're logic and way of thinking is completely one sided, and you might as well say "hydron is ruined by all the limbo's coming now and then to level, slowing down our exp gain!!! #plsDeleteLimbo" lawl, each frame does what it does, and each sucks at stuff, each is great at stuff, if u dont like a particular one THEN USE RECRUITMENT CHANNEL, make friends, get them to play eso with you, get a team comp that doesnt involve saryn, but don't be [narrow minded] and tell the devs they can not balance a frame, and dont tell the devs they should nerf a frame, simply because you don't get off your butt to recruit a team you like.


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1 hour ago, miomima said:

you dont need 300% AP build to kill high level enemies, full umbral build with 200+ range and 160EE is enough to constantly spam your abilities with zenurik buff.

im not against late game scaling (just look at excalibur - he have awesome scaling with his blade) im against way of devilering that scaling (every tick of damage from excalibur is a swing of the sword which requiers aim, positioning, energy to sustain) Saryn right now dont need anything to deliver her damage, she kill enemies she dont even aware of, and that should be deleted from the game, not only from Saryn.

And since im not a fan if destroying other people gameplay - Saryn just collect dust in arsenal.

Ofc u dont need %300 ap, once you reach %100 status chance on 1 is the soft cap. Im using an umbral build too but I would never opt for %160 efficiency, its total thrash on her. I don't think the playstyle you mention is her top performence but rather a macro build where you set and forget it. 

By spamming abilities you mean for her 4, a simple general implication of 10 second rule which exists in ESO would be fine and encourage some internal timing which I enjoy in ESO runs to all fields, making ultimates more engaging and meaningful to use.

As for killing the enemies not she is aware of, that is a crucial part of any DoT/Toxin/Plague/Disease type of character. It is sinister and merciless and I am completely ok with it.

I dont play her with %160 eff and spam stuff, if anyone does they would kill their own fun for the sake of literally no gain, let alone the fun of others. Her Viral dmg isn't that high compared to Spore and her 4 exists mostly for the Viral procs. 

If this is so much of a problem, just bring a general game rule where u cannot use your 4th ability 2 times in 10 secs, problem solved!

Edited by nathrizarri
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2 минуты назад, nathrizarri сказал:

If this is so much of a problem, just bring a general game rule where u cannot use your 4th ability 2 times in 10 secs, problem solved!

Tell that to others thousands and thousands Saryn players, i dont want to cripple myself playing frame for not full potential, that why i drop Saryn and play more active frames which is harmless to others gameplay (unless they playing loki, then rip from random bomber rocket)

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