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Elite Onslaught is Pointless Boredom Because of Saryn


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2 minutes ago, (XB1)PredakingXYT said:

While I don't want saryn nerfed, Rhino and Limbo aren't doing what she does, Mag has to work for it, and Mesa has a massive energy drain and (iirc) needs L.o.S to clear, Volt ant Equinox are the only lazy nuke's in the game other than Saryn

You read that wrong. He meant that adding a buff like rhino will ALLOW Mag and other frames to do exactly thr same thing and nuke the map.

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8 minutes ago, (XB1)PredakingXYT said:

While I don't want saryn nerfed, Rhino and Limbo aren't doing what she does, Mag has to work for it, and Mesa has a massive energy drain and (iirc) needs L.o.S to clear, Volt ant Equinox are the only lazy nuke's in the game other than Saryn

You sure about that? Cataclysm decked with PS + Range and his 3rd? I've seen Rhinos buff does wonders.

And Mesa still does it whether LOS is needed or not and the energy drain isn't that big a deal when you know how to manage it, Saryn can't spore and forget anymore without effort. and Mag is really only disadvantaged during the infested rounds with polarize, range on magnetize and pumping it full of fire is relatively on par, just doesn't self replicate is all.

Edited by (PS4)Foxkid_8
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7 minutes ago, (XB1)PredakingXYT said:

While I don't want saryn nerfed, Rhino and Limbo aren't doing what she does, Mag has to work for it, and Mesa has a massive energy drain and (iirc) needs L.o.S to clear, Volt ant Equinox are the only lazy nuke's in the game other than Saryn

FWIW Mesa with the augment is hardly a power drain and being mobile clears rooms with a speed that makes Saryn cry.

In certain scenarios.

Just like every other frame.

Which is my point...Saryn is OP given the situation. Just like nearly every other frame.

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Saryn is really the steroid version of Ember in the old days, even the old Ember cannot compete with the current Saryn.

I do not understand why they keep refining Saryn so that she remains as one of the most powerful AoE frames, while the old Ember was just nerfed.  Both prime frames are easily accessible to noobs. 

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9 minutes ago, (PS4)Foxkid_8 said:

You sure about that? Cataclysm decked with PS + Range and his 3rd? I've seen Rhinos buff does wonders.

And Mesa still does it whether LOS is needed or not and the energy drain isn't that big a deal when you know how to manage it, Saryn can't spore and forget anymore without effort. and Mag is really only disadvantaged during the infested rounds with polarize, range on magnetize and pumping it full of fire is relatively on par, just doesn't self replicate is all.

Rhino's buff does exactly what it is/was intended to do. But with Saryn you don't really have to put in any work to kill off 7 rooms in half a second. Range is needed for Limbo or Mesa to do that but with Saryn the spores spread from enemy to enemy, which means as range doesn't really matter much. But once more, I don't want to see her nerfed, I'd rather somebody tell me why DE went on a nuke warframe nerfing/reworking spree but turned a blind eye to Equinox when people make no move to hide how Broken "Maim" is.

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2 minutes ago, (XB1)PredakingXYT said:

Rhino's buff does exactly what it is/was intended to do. But with Saryn you don't really have to put in any work to kill off 7 rooms in half a second. Range is needed for Limbo or Mesa to do that but with Saryn the spores spread from enemy to enemy, which means as range doesn't really matter much. But once more, I don't want to see her nerfed, I'd rather somebody tell me why DE went on a nuke warframe nerfing/reworking spree but turned a blind eye to Equinox when people make no move to hide how Broken "Maim" is.

...... Range is heavily used on saryn.... The spore transfer range isn't as big as you seem to think it is, and spores only auto spread on death for the first enemy you spore or when under the affects of miasma. You actually do have to put in significant effort to spread the spores.

Equinox's Maim is a kind of weird concept: Kill in order to burst kill. Yes it's powerful, but you still have to kill to get the effect. Granted there should not be combos from situations like another Equinox's maim going off.

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1 minute ago, (XB1)PredakingXYT said:

Rhino's buff does exactly what it is/was intended to do. But with Saryn you don't really have to put in any work to kill off 7 rooms in half a second. Range is needed for Limbo or Mesa to do that but with Saryn the spores spread from enemy to enemy, which means as range doesn't really matter much. But once more, I don't want to see her nerfed, I'd rather somebody tell me why DE went on a nuke warframe nerfing/reworking spree but turned a blind eye to Equinox when people make no move to hide how Broken "Maim" is.

Don't have to put in work to take out 7 rooms in half a second.

This over-exaggeration makes me chuckle. Fortunately the devs are not brainless and know that this is a flat out lie. They did a great job with Saryn. Also what? Saryn doesn't need range? MESA NEEDS RANGE? HAHAAHA i'm dying. wew that laugh was a good one, thanks guy.

Saryn's spores spreading is also reliant upon modded range. " Maximized Ability Range increases cast range to 168 meters and spread radius to 44.8 meters. Reduces base damage to 4 per second, damage increase per enemy to 0.8, status chance to 20% and increases reset decay to 50%." Straight from the wiki. Do you know how much survivability and damage you would be turning your back on by running a max range build like that? 

Even at max range, you sure as heck aren't going to clear 7 rooms in half a second; I don't care what level the enemies are.


Anyways, all jokes aside.. proud of you for not wanting frames outright nerfed 'just because'.

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2 minutes ago, Omega-Shadowblade said:

...... Range is heavily used on saryn.... The spore transfer range isn't as big as you seem to think it is, and spores only auto spread on death for the first enemy you spore or when under the affects of miasma. You actually do have to put in significant effort to spread the spores.

Equinox's Maim is a kind of weird concept: Kill in order to burst kill. Yes it's powerful, but you still have to kill to get the effect. Granted there should not be combos from situations like another Equinox's maim going off.

No, I understand the spore spread range and how to transfer them, but with the range on melee weapons, all a saryn has to do is spin through enemies, the spores will spread and they will be dead. Maybe she isn't set and forget, but she doesn't require Mag levels of effort to clear rooms

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1 minute ago, (XB1)PredakingXYT said:

No, I understand the spore spread range and how to transfer them, but with the range on melee weapons, all a saryn has to do is spin through enemies, the spores will spread and they will be dead. Maybe she isn't set and forget, but she doesn't require Mag levels of effort to clear rooms

mag also supports the team, has good CC, and can disarm enemies. What is your point? You're comparing apples to bananas.

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Just now, (XB1)PredakingXYT said:

I find it funny that I purposefully exaggerated, you acknowledged my exaggeration but then continued to argue against it.

Because exaggerating like that isn't always clear-cut and some people will take your nonsense as fact and run with it. I didn't see anywhere in your post where you claim you're exaggerating or joking so... am I supposed to be able to read your mind? Or is it just a fallback for you because you're posting false information about frames for no reason and can't accept that you are wrong?

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4 minutes ago, (XB1)PredakingXYT said:

No, I understand the spore spread range and how to transfer them, but with the range on melee weapons, all a saryn has to do is spin through enemies, the spores will spread and they will be dead. Maybe she isn't set and forget, but she doesn't require Mag levels of effort to clear rooms

Who needs a melee weapon when you have an Amprex, Ignis, Lenz, an Amp, or literally just anything to pop a spore to spread to the next 13 enemies? Though only *as* effective in OS is against infested due to naturally dense numbers, you have no idea how easy it is to lose spread with the removal of passive contagion against Grineer, Corpus, and Corrupted (oh lord, especially Corrupted and Corpus cause nullies are bs).

But I'm pretty sure a well modded Mag ALSO needs little effort to clear of room of armor and shields, especially as the values increase and even better mixed with her 2 and an augmented 4.

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3 minutes ago, (PS4)Foxkid_8 said:

But I'm pretty sure a well modded Mag ALSO needs little effort to clear of room of armor and shields, especially as the values increase and even better mixed with her 2 and an augmented 4.

Mag can also disarm enemies with a 100% chance if her ability strength is at least 200. Disarming enemies turns them into sitting ducks. They don't know what to do anymore other than just eat bullets. The comparison between Mag and Saryn confuses me (not saying you brought up the comparison) because Mag is also partly a support frame. She replenishes shields, can give overshields, can CC very well, and can completely disarm enemies.

Saryn can cast Molt and hope it provokes whoever is endangering her, or she can use her 4 and try to run.. or both.. but her survivability is nowhere near that of Mag with the right augments and build. 50 health/sec for 10 seconds heal on molt (augment, mind you) is not nearly enough honestly. Enemies start to one shot frames past a certain point anyway. Disarming those enemies is the best survivability I can think of aside from, idk, floating them up in the air for several seconds while damaging and armor stripping them and replenishing squad shields and then finally knocking them down on the ground. Miasma stuns the enemy for what, like 5 or 6 seconds? That stun doesn't scale with duration mods either. That is all Saryn has to work with really since her Molt is extremely unreliable.

In conclusion.. Saryn is nothing like Mag because they don't even fit into the same role and share no commonalities whatsoever. Of course a glass cannon frame like Saryn will out dps a support hybrid like Mag when it comes to pure ability usage... for a time. But Mag has a kit potential that will keep her alive and well long after Saryn starts to struggle which means that at the end of the day, Mag pulls more kills over a longer mission run because she can actually manage the heat of level 150+ enemies solo.


None of this was directed at you specifically, but I did want to add on to what you said some with a bit more detail.

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1 hour ago, Kraythax said:

Before the rework she was weak. Now she makes the old ember look like an MR1. 

Her 1 is a cheap skill that does all the damage. It can be modded up so that immediately when enemies spawn in onslaught they are dead. I have seen them Spawned, and die before they cane even move. Not to mention it can be modded up so it literally covers an entire onslaught match. Its impossible to go into a onslaught without being practically a spectator. The frame is RIDICULOUSLY overpowered. Tone it down to at least something moderately reasonable. No doubt I will get flamed by a ton of Saryn players but anyone in a game with Saryn is little more than a spectator. Until then, its going to be my policy to leave any onslaught squad with Saryn in it. 

The rest of us would like to get a few kills now and then.

EDIT: Left 4 squads in 5 min. All with 2 or 3 saryns in them. 

It's like onslaught is perfect for spores to function in, one room high enemy density. Saryn is great for onslaught yes but isn't so godly in other situations since spores can take a while to build up to large amount of damage and keeping to spread properly is also a hassle on many mission types where enemies spawn in intervals or are spread far apart.

Also leaving the game cause you spot a saryn is very petty.

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I understand some players are not happy, because those who plays Saryn on endless missions rapidly kill, the other players are just stupid as a post, and when the mission becomes complicated and the time comes and others to become more active and how to help Saryn, she tries to leave or leaves the game. personally, I do not like it
But I am against the Nerf, because who else will help to increase the rank of the weapon or frame as they are not without boost, because lazy days and if there in the squad Saryn in upgrading the weapon or frame, it does not require activity to play, just need to be stupid, and the weapon itself will pump up to 30 rank. If I just want a normal game where all run, kill, and play as smoothly on the randomness, you don't want to see Saryn and Mesa, if it appears these frames, I just silently leave the party and You suggest this or play only with friends or chat Recruiting and find the squad since I don't like IMBA Frames

Edited by _Augustus_
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2 minutes ago, _Augustus_ said:

I kind of understand some unhappy games, because those who play Saryn on endless missions quickly kill, then those other players just stupidly stand as a pillar, and when the mission gets complicated and the time comes and other players get activated and somehow help Saryn, she tries to get out or out of the game.

I don't recognize what you're talking about here

Edited by (PS4)LubzinNJ
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1 hour ago, SirWolfen said:

I love when people bring ember as if she's been nerfed to the point of not being useful she still obliterates low-mid level content and got a boost in damage. All they did was nerf her high-end potential and pretty much laid out a big ol frick you to the small amount of people who used her above 50.

So they can do the same kind of thing to Saryn


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3 minutes ago, _Augustus_ said:

I kind of understand some unhappy games, because those who play Saryn on endless missions quickly kill, then those other players just stupidly stand as a pillar, and when the mission gets complicated and the time comes and other players get activated and somehow help Saryn, she tries to get out or out of the game. Personally, I do not like it.
But I'm against Nerf, since anyone else will help without Bust quickly and easily raise the rank of the weapon or frame as Saryn, because lazy days and if there is in the Saryn squad in pumping weapons or frames, it does not require activity for the game, just have to stand stupid, and the weapon itself picks up to 30 rank.
If I just want a normal game where everyone is running around, killing and playing like that in concert with random teams, then I do not want to see Saryn and Mesa, if these frames appear, I just silently walk out of the squad and advise you or play only with friends or via chat Recruiting and there find the squad times if you do not like Imba Frame

I think I see where you are coming from. Saryn's job is to debuff enemies and deal DoT on them for the team. Since endless missions always start off easy and then eventually get tougher, frames rarely have to push themselves to their limits. People leave pretty consistently at wave 5, 10, or 15.. not just Saryns with teammates who want to afk. The way you word this though shows the real problem. Squadmates going afk and not trying at all for kills (and then posting on the forums begging for a saryn nerf). When the content finally reaches teamwork levels of difficulty, either the team stays and actually helps or they all leave and complain about not having had anything to kill the whole time. The "can't reach enemies in time" excuse equates to "I was too lazy to run to enemies because I am used to them running to me".  I've use melee on spored groups of enemies that were pretty far away from Saryn. It's not impossible like some people on the forums heavily suggest.

Most importantly, the issue is that only the first rotation is worthwhile. So people leave and feel unsatisfied with their 'experience'. If there was a greater incentive to stay for more rotation rewards then maybe people wouldn't hate on Saryn so much. Maybe people wouldn't feel bored because they know that the good rewards are just around the corner and Saryn is helping your team get to those goodies faster. But nope. Nopety Nope.

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9 минут назад, (PS4)LubzinNJ сказал:


yup, although ignorance of the English language is not particularly hidden from anyone, and the English language does not attract me, but here is mostly written in this language, so I have to get out of it clumsy translators, like this

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Saryn is fine as is. She dominates certain missions. So do other frames oh missions that fit them. Is she a damage whore? You betcha. Instead of complaining about her though how about try and find combos and builds that can compete? Already got a few myself...but no lets let the lazy folks dictate the meta.

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