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Elite Onslaught is Pointless Boredom Because of Saryn


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How much more nerfs do we need? How many is enough? Is it ever gonna be enough? Is it ever gonna be enough?

Best APB Reloaded Song ever, unlike the game itself, though.

Is it ever gonna be enough?

2 hours ago, MidoriFuse said:

she is most played high mr warframe and it is not because of fashionframe(she be ugly gurl)
It is because she can clean whole map with one button


Can't trust the system, man? (last line of the song) Nice story, them deeps, I can totally relate, bruh. 😉

Edited by CrystalSpark
Time to make this thread Gangsta!
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tbh she should never had been touched in the first place, all they had to do was stop spores being cast on molt to remove the lazy playstyle, she performed just fine.
but the tin foil hat on my head says they tried to nerf her as seen by her use in eso and well 2 more reworks later they gave up and now shes a tad OP. but thats just my take on it XD

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3 hours ago, Kraythax said:

Before the rework she was weak. Now she makes the old ember look like an MR1. 

Her 1 is a cheap skill that does all the damage. It can be modded up so that immediately when enemies spawn in onslaught they are dead. I have seen them Spawned, and die before they cane even move. Not to mention it can be modded up so it literally covers an entire onslaught match. Its impossible to go into a onslaught without being practically a spectator. The frame is RIDICULOUSLY overpowered. Tone it down to at least something moderately reasonable. No doubt I will get flamed by a ton of Saryn players but anyone in a game with Saryn is little more than a spectator. Until then, its going to be my policy to leave any onslaught squad with Saryn in it. 

The rest of us would like to get a few kills now and then.

EDIT: Left 4 squads in 5 min. All with 2 or 3 saryns in them. 

She might be good in ESO..but normal missions dont have such enemy density. Your spores wont get that far and will die off much faster meaning it will not build so much stacks. For Saryn to be able to kill enemies at spawn so fast a lot of things have to meet, enemy spawning constantly, in range of others, need to be killed by something else than spores itself,...

Your points are invalid. Equinox can wipe whole ESO map with one button instantly. Volt can do similar thing... You cant ask for nerf because of one extream game mod.

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4 minutes ago, Mover-NeRo said:

She might be good in ESO..but normal missions dont have such enemy density. Your spores wont get that far and will die off much faster meaning it will not build so much stacks. For Saryn to be able to kill enemies at spawn so fast a lot of things have to meet, enemy spawning constantly, in range of others, need to be killed by something else than spores itself,...

Your points are invalid. Equinox can wipe whole ESO map with one button instantly. Volt can do similar thing... You cant ask for nerf because of one extream game mod.

No. I think you don’t know how to use her or actually do not even have it. 

You don’t even need stacks to kill everything in low to mid level missions. A lot of bad Saryns forget to spam her 4.

Nothing has ever have to meet. You just spam 1 and 4.

Edited by (PS4)johnsoigne
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1 minute ago, (PS4)johnsoigne said:

No. I think you don’t know how to use her or actually do not even have it. 

You don’t even need stacks to kill everything in low to mid level missions. A lot of bad Saryns forget to spam her 4.

Nothing has ever have to meet. You just spam 1 and 4.

I do own her just for info.

But really now...are you arguing she can wipe low lvl mission? Really?....what frame cant?  Mag can kill low lvl enemies just with Pull, Ember still works, Rhino Stomp, Nezha , Banshee, Oberon, Mesa, Excalibur...All can kill lvls 1-40 with one button press.

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Correct me if I am wrong but... doesn't her 4 apply viral only? it doesn't deal a burst damage on cast right? 

I play her and have looked into Miasma and it's to my understanding that you set sickness/viral on the enemies only. The stun is 6 seconds and does not scale with mods. The stun does not refresh on recast; it needs to run its course for you to reapply and is only listed as a 'brief stun'. The viral proc is what scales with duration and refreshes. Viral doesn't stack so why would a Saryn, as things are now (if I am understanding the information correctly), spam her 4 on an energy pad like you would see a Banshee/Mag do with their 4? Am I not understanding the way Saryn's 4 works?

Immediately recasting on the same enemies isn't going to do anything but renew viral right? Maybe you just mean frequently using her 4. The damage it seems like you are doing on immediate recast is actually just a natural sickness/viral tick from your previous cast on those enemies, I think. If I am wrong about this I would like to know because I've never sat in one spot and spammed 4. Additionally, that particular playstyle is possible on many frames.. even ones you wouldn't really expect (had a rhino spamming his stomp in helene once with very high range). 

Regardless of how her 4 works, modding for extremes is going to leave your frame vulnerable somewhere. It's not easy to see these frames struggle because they tend to leave early on in the mission or after just one rotation. 

As long as the mods stay the way they are, extreme builds are bound to happen. It's all a part of the fun though really. Limitations are the real bore in games

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52 minutes ago, zAph. said:

tbh she should never had been touched in the first place...

Enough said...sexual harassment isn't allowed

But to be serious, the reason why they reworked her was players were getting lazy and were just spaming 1 all day on her 2 and it was basically almost-afk.

Edited by CrystalSpark
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3 hours ago, Sesaline said:

I hope Saryn gets a rework and ends up even better. The more skill she requires, the better. Can't wait to taste the salt.

This would actually lead to Saryn becoming a lot less popular frame because let's be honest, most Warframe players just want to trvialize gameplay as much as possible. Though there still will be salt, like "nerfed to the ground", "not worth using anymore", etc.

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6 minutes ago, CrystalSpark said:

Enough said...sexual harassment isn't allowed

But to be serious, the reason why they reworked her was players were getting lazy and were just spaming 1 all day on her 2 and it was basically almost-afk.

And now they spam 1 and 4 😄

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4 minutes ago, Ksaero said:

And now they spam 1 and 4 😄

Same thing happened with the rework on Banshee's 4th ability's augment, used to we just afk and press 4 once, now we mindlessly play and spam 4...was one of the worst reworks in DE's history, it literally accomplished nothing better

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Just now, Ksaero said:

This would actually lead to Saryn becoming a lot less popular frame because let's be honest, most Warframe players just want to trvialize gameplay as much as possible. Though there still will be salt, like "nerfed to the ground", "not worth using anymore", etc.

I know, and it sucks. But as long as she has the potential to score orange numbers at the end of a mission people are going to want her nerfed. I don't mind investing time in learning a complicated frame with great potential. If others don't want to play her.. well, their loss. lol


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4 hours ago, Pooroldude said:

She isn't overpowered. She can't do tri-eido, she can't survive lvl 300 onehits, She can die.

She's not omnipotent, yet.

Besides, many frame can somewhat replicate what saryn can do, just with less efficiency and more effort, such as mag and volt (for eso).

Omnipotence is not a prerequisite for being overpowered. The last sentence you wrote here says everything you need to know, that is what it means by definition of the concept.

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Just now, CrystalSpark said:

May feel odd to say this here, but...I haven't played Saryn for two straight weeks...so yeah

Lately, every time I am about to play as her I back out because I'm weighing the fun of playing her versus the bs I will get in squad chat for playing her. orz

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41 minutes ago, Sesaline said:

Correct me if I am wrong but... doesn't her 4 apply viral only? it doesn't deal a burst damage on cast right? 

I play her and have looked into Miasma and it's to my understanding that you set sickness/viral on the enemies only. The stun is 6 seconds and does not scale with mods. The stun does not refresh on recast; it needs to run its course for you to reapply and is only listed as a 'brief stun'. The viral proc is what scales with duration and refreshes. Viral doesn't stack so why would a Saryn, as things are now (if I am understanding the information correctly), spam her 4 on an energy pad like you would see a Banshee/Mag do with their 4? Am I not understanding the way Saryn's 4 works?

Immediately recasting on the same enemies isn't going to do anything but renew viral right? Maybe you just mean frequently using her 4. The damage it seems like you are doing on immediate recast is actually just a natural sickness/viral tick from your previous cast on those enemies, I think. If I am wrong about this I would like to know because I've never sat in one spot and spammed 4. Additionally, that particular playstyle is possible on many frames.. even ones you wouldn't really expect (had a rhino spamming his stomp in helene once with very high range). 

Regardless of how her 4 works, modding for extremes is going to leave your frame vulnerable somewhere. It's not easy to see these frames struggle because they tend to leave early on in the mission or after just one rotation. 

As long as the mods stay the way they are, extreme builds are bound to happen. It's all a part of the fun though really. Limitations are the real bore in games

Read the wikis 200% bonus dmg to enemies inflicted by spores, 6 seconds duration. Also if enemies are affected or killed by Miasma more chance to spread spores.. using something every 6 seconds is not spamming to you or what is that? And I forgot to mention her toxic lash which is even more crazy.

I think I’m starting to get why you think Saryn is not that strong.. or whatever.. again read wiki... know how to play then spread your opinion. Sounds pretty basic to me.

Edited by (PS4)johnsoigne
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11 minutes ago, (PS4)johnsoigne said:

Read the wikis 200% bonus dmg to enemies inflicted by spores, 6 seconds duration. Also if enemies are affected or killed by Miasma more chance to spread spores.. using something every 6 seconds is not spamming to you or what is that? And I forgot to mention her toxic lash which is even more crazy.

I think I’m starting to get why you think Saryn is not that strong.. or whatever.. again read wiki... know how to play then spread your opinion. Sounds pretty basic to me.

I've been quoting the wiki. it doesn't say anything about dealing burst damage on cast. 

"Saryn pollutes the environment with a viral mist, briefly stunning enemies within 10 / 12 / 16 / 20 meters and sickening them for 6 seconds, dealing 225 / 250 / 275 / 300 Viral b Viral damage per second, with 100% Viral b Viral status chance on cast and on every tick. Miasma's sickness deals 200% damage to enemies affected by Spores and spreads all spores on sickened enemies killed during Miasma."

I know about the 200% damage, but that doesn't imply that there is a burst initial damage followed by the DoT damage ticks. It says it deals 225-300 Viral per second.  Spores tying into the damage is something I already knew about... but that doesn't imply burst damage either on cast. So what is the point of spamming 4? Frequently using 4 isn't the same as spamming 4. If her 4's sickness lasts 6 seconds at base, then the only reason to cast it again before 6 seconds (+ duration modifiers) is to reapply the stun since i do not believe the stun lasts 6 seconds. The sickness duration is the 200% damage with spores and the spread duration... not the viral duration.

So... casting every time Miasma's effect runs out is considered spamming to you? Literally using the skill how it was intended is considered spamming to you. It's to my understanding that if a Saryn is literally spamming 4 that they are not using the skill correctly because it doesn't deal any lump sum of damage per cast. It just applies sickness and viral, neither of which can stack.

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Saryn right now in almost every mission types is the definition of an OP character. 

blah blah blah other frames can kill fast too ja ja ja she’s not good in spy missions wa wa wa pen pineapple apple pen 

No she is OP af than any other frame as a single frame right now no doubt about that if you know how to use her you have put at least 4 formas so you can fit in Primed flow, Narrow minded, Primed continuity and all other range, strangth, efficiency mods to your liking+ Arcane enrgize r3. 

The only reason why we don’t see her way more often and I don’t really want a significant nerf as to what has happened to this poor gal Nuke trinity(rip) is thanks to great nature of this game people wants to level up their gear. And for the people like me who have used more than 1.5k formas and decked out literally everything in the game including the worst possible weapon in the game. I find much more fun using my min maxed stug and 6 forma heatsword.



Edited by (PS4)johnsoigne
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1 minute ago, (PS4)johnsoigne said:

Saryn right now in almost every mission types is the definition of an OP character. 

blah blah blah other frames can kill fast too ja ja ja she’s not good in spy missions wa wa wa pen pineapple apple pen 

No she is OP af than any other frame as a single frame right now no doubt about that if you know how to use her you have put at least 4 formas so you can fit in Primed flow, Narrow minded, Primed continuity and all other range, strangth, efficiency mods to your liking+ Arcane enrgize r3. 

The only reason why we don’t see her way more often is thanks to great nature of this game people wants to level up their gear. And for the people like me who have used more than 1.5k formas and decked out literally everything in the game including the worst possible weapon in the game. I find much more fun using my min maxed stug and 6 forma heatsword.



4 forma can be extremely beneficial to any frame or weapon. What is your point?

I'm not going to point at other frames and say that they are more OP than Saryn because this blame and shame mentality is unhealthy. Saryn has weaknesses. It's not her fault that the game doesn't reward players for staying in missions long enough to see some semblance of a challenge. Who needs to cooperate when you can just extract at 20 and then queue back in from wave 1?

Yes, she is good at killing. That's it. She's great at thinning out the hordes and weakening them for the whole team. A mobile, active playstyle is rewarded when playing Saryn. If it's wave 10 and you think Saryn is OP wellll idk what to tell you. She has range and just like any other ranged frame she will get first dibs on low level enemies if she is built for it and wants to play that way. Later on her damage falls off. There's plenty of wiggle room for the team to do stuff at that point. How would you go about balancing an aoe frame in a way that is suitable for quick runs and true end game content? I think that DE has her in a good spot right now. She's just as capable as any other aoe nuke frame against trash mobs but then she scales just enough to be relevant against tough enemies if she can stay alive. 

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Saryn is in a perfect place where she is right now. Incredibly powerful, but with required interaction to build and mantain that power.

Ember got nerfed because she was a Fire and Forget frame who could wipe maps by just walking in.

Banshee, Trinity and Saryn were "Stay in one place and spam your ability" type of frames. Banshee only got her Augment nerfed, Trinity got her exploit fixed while Saryn received a full rework. They won't touch her current iteration for a long time.

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10 minutes ago, Sesaline said:

I've been quoting the wiki. it doesn't say anything about dealing burst damage on cast. 

"Saryn pollutes the environment with a viral mist, briefly stunning enemies within 10 / 12 / 16 / 20 meters and sickening them for 6 seconds, dealing 225 / 250 / 275 / 300 Viral b Viral damage per second, with 100% Viral b Viral status chance on cast and on every tick. Miasma's sickness deals 200% damage to enemies affected by Spores and spreads all spores on sickened enemies killed during Miasma."

I know about the 200% damage, but that doesn't imply that there is a burst initial damage followed by the DoT damage ticks. It says it deals 225-300 Viral per second.  Spores tying into the damage is something I already knew about... but that doesn't imply burst damage either on cast. So what is the point of spamming 4? Frequently using 4 isn't the same as spamming 4. If her 4's sickness lasts 6 seconds at base, then the only reason to cast it again before 6 seconds (+ duration modifiers) is to reapply the stun since i do not believe the stun lasts 6 seconds. The sickness duration is the 200% damage with spores and the spread duration... not the viral duration.

So... casting every time Miasma's effect runs out is considered spamming to you? Literally using the skill how it was intended is considered spamming to you. It's to my understanding that if a Saryn is literally spamming 4 that they are not using the skill correctly because it doesn't deal any lump sum of damage per cast. It just applies sickness and viral, neither of which can stack.

Pressing a same button every 6 seconds is spamming. If you think otherwise I don’t  have anything more to say. Consult Simaris why he stops you from doing that in ESO.

Other than 200% damge, more importanly didn’t you read that keeping her 4 up significantly increases the chance to spread more spores.. ? more spores mean more stacks.. more stacks.. more damage exponentially..? Idk man enemies spawn so randomly so I just keep using 4 to make sure enemies are inflicted by Miasma all the time while they are alive for a few seconds? 

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9 minutes ago, (PS4)johnsoigne said:

Pressing a same button every 6 seconds is spamming. If you think otherwise I don’t  have anything more to say. Consult Simaris why he stops you from doing that in ESO.

Other than 200% damge, more importanly didn’t you read that keeping her 4 up significantly increases the chance to spread more spores.. ? more spores mean more stacks.. more stacks.. more damage exponentially..? Idk man enemies spawn so randomly so I just keep using 4 to make sure enemies are inflicted by Miasma all the time while they are alive for a few seconds? 

Yes I know all of that. If the ability has a 6 second sickness duration then uh yes, you want to refresh that bad boy to upkeep the 200% spore damage and insta spread right? So how is that spamming? Simaris will cut you off if you try to use an ability too quickly in succession. That doesn't mean that Saryn's 4th ability wasn't meant to be used often. It's just DE trying to limit caster frames from bulletjumping immediately after a cast to another area so they can cast it again on new enemies. Again, these frames fall off eventually and can't withstand damage without cover or support. In ESO enemies are appearing everywhere at random so it can be hard to catch a breather for squishy, skill-dependent frames.


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