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4 minutes ago, (XB1)D3ATHAPPACHAI said:

I was talking to my girl she got pissed  at me after I got banned as well like I'm at fault when she's partly at fault but issue was solved with nidus bundle gift (gifts solve everything).

Firstly, Playing the ignorance over "kys" isn't a legitimate excuse. You typed a message and then posted that message, you have ample time to check your message before sending it. So don't try and pretend "it was an accident" You could have checked your message before sending but you didn't.

Secondly, trying to 'partly blame your girlfriend' For what, something you typed then sent. Did she in some way press send for you? Did she cover up the screen in some way? If she didn't physically interrupt or intervene then I'm just going to come out and say it, it doesn't sound like a healthy relationship blaming your partner for something she didn't actually do.

Lastly, if this is your second chat ban, maybe try learning from this and take responsibility for the actions and messages you send.

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2 minutes ago, (XB1)D3ATHAPPACHAI said:

I'm not blaming her but she was distracting me  and as for ban I don't mind it just annoyed clan and squad are banned as well 

I'd stop while you're ahead mate.

Try and understand this from a logical point. YOU typed that message and YOU sent it. Distraction or not, she didn't press send for you. Stop trying to play victim here.

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3 minutes ago, (XB1)D3ATHAPPACHAI said:

Also I use the in game keybored on Xbox one and it buggy as I type fast so it doesn't all ways come out right 


Just now, (XB1)D3ATHAPPACHAI said:

Gtfo I'm not playing victim just getting my point across that chat bans by De bot shouldn't be able to ban from clan or squad for somthimg written in another chat tab

Yet another excuse.

Man up and take responsibility for what YOU did. You could have read what you wrote before sending it. How hard is it to actually stop double downing and accept that you and you alone messed up here.

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3 minutes ago, (XB1)D3ATHAPPACHAI said:

Gtfo I'm not playing victim just getting my point across that chat bans by De bot shouldn't be able to ban from clan or squad for somthimg written in another chat tab

With comments like these?

Isnt hard to see how the ban is deserved. 

Besides, DE owns the game. Their rules, their shots. 

Edited by sleepychewbacca
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